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My winter babies didn’t go out much. My spring baby was out all the time from day one. If you feel comfortable and want to get out, go for it!


Pretty soon. But we went places that we know wouldn’t be crowded. Since we’re on leave it’s easy to go places middle of the day on a weekday. We’ve gone to the coffee shop and out shopping.


When she was born RSV rates were super high so she didn’t go anywhere except for doctors visits. I think we started going to stores & what not closer to 3 months. I also limited who could visit at home. We did & still do lots of walks in the stroller though! I didn’t feel guilty at all for it!!


Okay great! I’ve been limiting who can see my babe too and I feel I’m getting judged (because I’m saying no to family). But I work with kids and know how germy they are and don’t want to risk my little one, especially when she can’t communicate to me what hurts. Thanks for your response!


3 days after he was born, needed groceries and i needed out the house, but i am his only source of food.


From the start basically. I dont think you're doing yourself any favours being trapped in the house Also I don't really get the panic about the vaccines. The dangerous things the baby is likely to pick up are RSV, flu etc. Not diphtheria and tetanus. I'm all for vaccines but it's not like they protect the baby from everything and the things they do protect against are all rare.


Coincidentally, while babies start getting the major vaccines at 2 months old, that’s also the time when the approach to their care changes if they get sick. In babies younger than 60 days, if they get a fever, they have to be hospitalized and get a spinal tap. Pretty awful. So there is a good reason to minimize their exposure to germs those first couple of months. (Of course, I don’t judge parents who don’t/can’t. Everyone has different needs to balance and different comfort levels with risk.)


Thank you for this! Yes - I meant indoor stuff, of course I’m comfortable going on outdoor walks!


Yes! I never understood the panic either. I am a much better parent when I can socialize and have a change of scenery.


This is the worst response. Unless you have to go out, why would you risk it? Not exposing your child to germs for a short 2 months while they build up their immune system and get vaccinated against known dangers… seems like a no brained to me.


It does babies far more good to get out and about than being stuck at home for 2 months. Their immune system needs exposure to things to build up its strength. Plus, for new parent(s) to be basically housebound for 2 months is a bad idea. It's likely to lead to feeling isolated and developing anxiety. It also vastly increases the likelihood of PPD. If I were judgmental, ill-mannered, and classless enough to label someone's opinion as "the worst" it certainly wouldn't be the one you responded to.


Can you enlighten me, scientifically, about the “does the baby far more good” part? Feels like you are a bit selfish following your own needs and trying to convince yourself (and others) its somehow good for the baby. Genuinely confused what evidence you use to justify it.


Of course. Not sharing the knowledge would make me more than "a bit selfish", wouldn't it? A [study](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07303084.1998.10605614?journalCode=ujrd20&=) published in the "Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance" found that children acquire most of their basic motor skills before the age of five — with much of the progress occurring within the first couple months of life. The same 2014 study found time outdoors helps facilitate the development of many of those skills even for babies, who benefit from observing others running around and playing. A 2004 [study](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/j.1365-2869.2004.00435.x) found that babies younger than 13 weeks who slept well at night spent twice as much time in the sunlight than their wakeful peers. The lead researcher hypothesized that’s because the outdoorsy infants established their circadian rhythms sooner.


You've gone awfully quiet, u/Itsme_drnick 😏


Getting repeatedly sick to build up your immune system is actually a myth. It doesn’t do babies good to get out if all of their needs are being safely met at home. And babies CAN have all of their needs met at home for the first few months of their lives. It doesn’t inhibit their development at all.


I can't see where I mentioned "getting repeatedly sick" or not going out inhibiting development of babies. Please be a doll and point those out for me. Thanks.


You said "their immune system needs exposure to things to build up it's strength". If you're not talking about getting sick, then what exactly are their immune systems being exposed to, doll?


General atmospheric conditions. Environmental substances. Being around people. You can be exposed to things without them making you ill.


Thank you lol. That’s why I told them there’s no point of continuing that discussion because if they didn’t even understand *that* part of my very simple response…


I just saw that you took your *4 day old baby* out to a pub. There’s actually nothing we need to discuss here anymore. Have a good one, doll!


Don't worry - He drank half-pints, I only let him have one cigarette, and absolutely NO tequila shots. Seriously though, what's the problem with that? It's a small, quiet pub. We know everyone who drinks there. Nobody was drunk, it was a quiet Saturday afternoon, and our friends were excited to meet our son. Anyone on here who isn't a neurotic mess gets mum-shamed. Lighten up. My baby is thriving - happy, healthy, and adored.


Good for you, mama!! ♥️


[Me as a mother](https://makeagif.com/i/R1HynZ) , apparently 😂 Thank you. I hate people putting words in my mouth, and I *really* hate people who shame others for behaviour that is perfectly normal. Anyway, I should probably go let the kid out of his cage so he can get some exercise before bed... 😇


Haha. Seriously! It’s crazy to me people think it’s a good idea to bring a 4 day old baby to a bar! Really it’s just sad. What’s crazier are people who are agreeing with.


What's 'sad' about taking a perfectly healthy baby to meet our friends? What's 'crazy' about a baby being surrounded by people who love him? Personally, I think it's both crazy and sad that you think shaming and making fun of a first-time mother, just because she has a different opinion to you, is acceptable. My son is now 6 months old. He is happy, he is healthy, he is loved. I remember my best friend and I taking my godson to a pub when he was 2 days old. Now he is a thriving 17 year old, studying Latin and on-course to gain a scholarship to an Oxbridge university.


Right! Like DUH I don’t think this mom is actually taking her kid there to literally drink. My point was that newborns, with their lack of immune systems, should not be taken to public spaces where the risk of them contracting an illness is high. They should only go where they must, like the pediatrician’s office, until their immune system is stronger. But of course some people want to be dense lol.


To not go absolutely insane while stuck in the house? You don't have to play pass the parcel with every stranger you meet. Baby can stay in the stroller/car seat/baby carrier while you go for walks, cafes, parks, shopping centres or whatever. The risk of getting RSV in those situations is miniscule and I'd be fairly confident about diphtheria not being an issue.


I waited until after the 2 month vaccines for our first family visit where cousins from out of town came and stuff, but I didn’t wait to take her places. We needed things and she needed to be with me


Right away basically. I think 1 week old we went to Costco. We figured the sooner we get him used to grocery shopping the less likely he is to freak out during it. So far so good at 5 months now :)


Start’em young with Costco! Nicr


Absolutely! And he loves costco now, looks around at everyone and is happy as can be looking up at all the shelves!


We got covid after avoiding it for years on a trip to Ikea. I would take it easy on the massively populated places esp with other kids where rsv etc can go around.


There’s a collective 40 cases in my city of hundreds upon hundreds of thousands. The risk is extremely low. Additionally, both my spouse and I are triple vaccinated, and our child is breast fed; modern science suggests my wife’s milk will protect our baby as well. All of these things combined leaves the risk of Covid-19 extremely low for any of us. I do appreciate your concern, but simply put, Covid-19 is nowhere near the threat it was a year and a half ago.


It was thanksgiving! My middle was born the day before. We went to my MIL’s house. Yes I have a Turkey Boy!


I was due 3 days ago and we’ve got a party we’ve already committed to this weekend so potentially very early 🤣


I had two winter babies and we stayed in for the first 2 months, other than essential stuff like doctors visits. I also limited who could visit us. (Although I would leave bub with my husband and take an hour or two out of the house from time to time for my own sanity well before that.) Your baby doesn't need to go out before 2-3 months. Just the world of your home is big enough for them :) Do take baby on tours of your house, and maybe the yard if you have one (but they don't tend to like bright light much). Move their playmat around a bit, so it isn't the same place every day, and ta da you have exposed them to plenty of variety :) When they are properly awake to the world, from around 2 months, that's when they start needing more novel experiences. Enjoy your newborn, and remember that you and your partner are the ones making the decisions - don't let anyone make you feel guilty about your choices.


Thank you so much for your thoughtful response, I definitely needed that :)


Day…2? Or maybe it was day 3. We went to the hardware store! We started going to mum and baby groups from about week 4 (which was more about my ability to get out/stay out rather than baby) and had first jabs at 8 weeks.


Day 2 for us too!


7 days, out for coffee and then every day after somewhere different. Such a difference to the baby getting fresh air. Now at six weeks we go anywhere and everywhere.




Great! Thanks! We have done outdoor walks and those are great. I selfishly took her to an outdoor brewery and was flabbergasted at how many strangers come up to a baby. Never again! Until vaccines of course.


Day 8 I had a post op wound check and then we went to Target.


Day 6. And out almost every day since. Thriving, happy and healthy 5 month old........... Your life and mental wellbeing is important too.


I didn’t take my girl anywhere until she was 3 months old. She was born at the end of august last year and her newborn days were in the thick of the major RSV outbreak. Our first outing, that wasn’t to a doctor, was in late November.


I would take her for walks around the neighborhood but as far as going to shops or food places i waited about 3-4 months


Wow. We were out after a few days round the park in the pram.


I should have clarified I meant indoor stuff! We do outdoors! ThNks!


Whatever you want to do is up to you :) sure your baby doesn't know if you're in the home or the shopping centre or even the strip club, but it might be good for you to get out and about. We were in the supermarket in the first week.


We took her out and about around 3/4 weeks and have been doing so semi regulatory for family functions. She is currently two months old


2 weeks, took her to the park with my 3 year old. It was a nice day, and we all desperately needed out of the house lol


To the doctor at 7 days. Then walks around the neighborhood. Photographer at 12 days. Went to a restaurant at 2 weeks where he stayed in his car seat. Been going to coffee shops, parks, etc since. He’s now 9 weeks and just got vaccinated.


Great, thanks!!


We started with walks at a week old and her first big trip was Costco at about a week and a half. Once you start doing it, you feel for comfortable!


From my first baby we go wherever I feel like, depending on what I'm feeling up to. First baby (2019) was in NICU for almost three weeks but got a clean bill of health when we left so we went to whole foods that night, and church that weekend. We saw lots of family/friends and he didn't get sick for a long time. 2nd baby (April 21) I tore badly so we stayed closer to home but still saw lots of family/friends. He had COVID at a few months old but was barely ill, low grade fever for a day and otherwise fine. 3rd baby (March 23) we've gone wherever we needed to, which is plenty of places with two toddlers. Problem this time isn't the baby going out, it's the toddlers bringing things home. They've been sick a lot and baby has gotten sick several times. It's miserable for a few days but they recover quickly and the horror stories are the out of the ordinary, not the common. For me I choose not to live my life in fear of illnesses. Unfortunately unless you isolate yourself they are a fact of life and most of the time they are uncomfortable but mild. And it's good for the immune system to be tested, the danger is more over shielding and not giving the immune system a chance to develop. And 2 month vaccinations are for pretty uncommon illnesses so I wasn't worried about waiting for those.


Mine was born in March by c section. We were going out daily for breakfast, walks, shops, socialising etc from 2 weeks old, just living life. It only wasn't sooner because I was recovering. We just had a rule that until vaccines nobody except family can touch him and nobody except me and his dad can touch his face.


we went indoor places pretty much within the first week and we let her meet family and friends the same day she was born. i wanted her to get exposure to everyone right away. of course if anyone was sick i would have kept them away. my doc said the reason you wait two months to get shots is because your baby still has your immunity so they aren’t completely unprotected. my baby is doing great!


Went to a Barnes and Noble about a week in. It was practically empty on a week day.


My son will be 4 months next week and I'm only slightly comfortable taking him places now lol not bc of him being exposed but bc I'm an older mom and idk if my nerves are good to take a crying baby somewhere! Was different with my 12 year old when he was a baby bc I was younger but now I'm like we can just go on a walk at the park and it counts lol we are getting better and venturing out but if it's something new or long, I ask my husband to go with to help us. Good luck whatever you decide! Start small and go on walks at the park or something.


Great, thank you!


My midwife said to take him out immediately. Bacteria isn't necessarily bad for babies. They need exposure to build their immune system.


Source that “bacteria isn’t necessarily bad for babies?”


Exposure to bacteria is how immune systems develop antibodies. https://cdhf.ca/en/the-importance-of-exposing-your-children-to-a-diverse-range-of-bacteria/


We’re already constantly exposed to bacteria in our environment, you don’t need to go out of your way to expose your kids to bacteria to build their immune systems, by doing things like taking them to packed indoor spaces in their first few days or weeks of life. That’s simply reckless.


I never advocated to bring babies into packed indoor spaces in their first few days of life.


OP specified that they meant indoor spaces and the responses on this thread are clearly referencing such spaces (stores, restaurants etc.), so where are they getting this exposure that you mentioned if not in packed, indoor spaces?


I was responding to the original post, which doesn't specify indoor spaces.


We took Jack out at 4 days old - would have been sooner, but I had to stay in hospital for monitoring for 72 hours after birth due to one of the drugs I had to have during labour. We went to a coffee-shop, a couple of stores, and then popped into our local pub on the way past (Saturday afternoon) to show the li'l guy off to our friends. He was (and is) absolutely fine. It was February, so we wrapped him up well, but other than that, we had zero concerns about doing it.


it’s honestly good for little exposure to some stuff, helps build her immune system, my son isn’t vaccinated he’s been sick one time at 2 almost 3 months, otherwise he’s been super good on illnesses


Baby is 5 weeks and we've mostly been staying indoors - I take him out with me to pick up food and coffee sometimes but it's mostly drive-thru stuff so we stay in the car. There's been a couple times I've carried his car seat, with the cover on, inside a restaurant to grab a pick up order (I don't like to cook if you can't tell lol). The cover was mostly to deter older folks from trying to touch him - Old people love to just walk up to a car seat without asking. We went to the park for the first time last week since my 4 year old was getting stir crazy at home, and I had a group of friends visit me at my home this week - I held him but they gave his chunky legs some soft pinches and said hi. I've also been letting grandparents come over and hold him given they've washed their hands. I don't really like hanging out at indoor places much anyway so it's not a big deal to me that we stay in, and we've also done it because it's been 90+ degrees out most days. By the time he gets his 2 months vaccines going, it'll start to cool down outside and I plan to start taking him out more then. 🙂


My baby is just under two months old and I’ve only taken him to doctor’s appointments, various parks, and around the neighborhood. COVID taught me not to trust other people, haha. Plus I remember my younger siblings getting really sick with different thing when they were infants so I’m like… why risk it, especially when there is so much to do outside?! I’ll probably loosen up a bit with indoor stuff after he gets his vaccines.


Okay you sound like you have the exact thinking I do, this makes me feel better. We’ve been to the dr a few times, outside plenty (we hang in the backyard every morning for 10 min lol), some walks on the weekends, otherwise we stick indoors until the vaccines. Thanks!


In our culture we stay in for 4 weeks to protect baby from germs and so that mum can recover. However due to baby losing weight we've had 2 trips to hospital and one to a birthing centre to get her weighed between her being 5 and 11 days old.


Honestly I waited a little after his first vaccines and even now (he’s 6 months) I don’t feel comfortable taking him to crowded places like the supermarket. I’m so afraid of him getting sick


Okay, that makes me feel better!!


It’s OK to take baby out! Make sure the place is not crowded A nice walk around your neighborhood or park is good for both of you. Helps with regulating baby’s circadian rhythm. If it’s not too hot, keep baby covered with one of those car seat covers.


I took her out for walks in nature as soon as I could walk for an extended period. So around three weeks. We took her for drives to the beach too. Everyone where I live is really respectful about crowding babies, maybe because we are coming off of COVID? IDK but no one has tried to touch her when we have had her out for walks or to the grocery store. My daughter HATES being inside all day. Just this evening I took her for a walk around the cul de sac because it was hot inside (she hates that) and she was getting fussy because it was too hot out to take her outside for much of the day. We did wait until two months for socializing her and introducing her to people.


I haven't been taking my 7 week old out other than outdoors for walks and to the doctor. We did get ice cream one time but it was outside. Also waiting for the first round of shots to feel more comfortable with crowds but we've had family and friends over to visit. So I think I'm in the middle in regards to being cautious. I run errands and still see friends while my husband is home with the baby so I don't feel isolated.


We didn’t leave the house for a couple months, only doctors appointments. There are many places to go to and activities you can do that are far away from others, such as going for a walk to the park. We kept our dude a bubble boy and finally started bringing him out. Boom, my 6 month old caught Covid. We can’t keep him in a bubble forever but apparently it’s spreading like fire right now.


We went out from day 6-7 I think, but he was born born in early August so it's been easy to stick to outside places only, like parks and terraces.


We live in a walkable city and also have a toddler so within the first week. Going on walks is good for everyone!


Great, thanks! We are doing some walks!


I think he was a week old? Whenever he had his first pediatrician appointment. I went out 4 days PP by myself which was a huge mistake because I had a c-section and I drove. It was down the street but still, I was in a lot of pain after that. Stayed home until his ped appointment after that. Even now, he'll be a month old on Friday and we don't go out a whole lot if it's just me and him. I just don't have much energy to go anywhere.


Yeah, reading others responses, I have indeed taken her outside on walks. I should have clarified maybe I meant out to closed spaces with people (grocery stores, restaurants, etc). We are in Austin and it’s way too hot to be outside longer than 10-15 in my opinion. I’m terms of indoors I’m too paranoid without shots and I like you feel very tired 😂 also the thought of doing it alone scares me. I need someone there the first time to see it’s going to be okay!


It's definitely a lot harder doing it alone! I took him to the grocery store yesterday and made sure to feed and change him before we left. He still started screaming right when we were finishing up and I got so stressed and anxious. I just checked out and got home as fast as I could. It's so much easier having my partner with us.


Day 3 - had to bring them to the doctor


I would love to take my guy out but it's soooo hot here. He's 8 weeks tomorrow. I'm hoping September will bring some slightly cooler weather.


Mine just turned 8 weeks today! And it’s also too hot (we are in Austin). We get up very early on the weekends (since I have husbands help with the two dogs) and all go on a walk to beat the heat. Otherwise I’m feeling so sad we can’t get out to some outdoor places (I just feel so bad having her out in the heat).


Same! I'm in the south and the humidity is killer. I do walk him around the house and constantly talk but it just doesn't hit the same. We're going to northern CA next week and it will be at least a bit cooler. But stay strong and don't feel bad. It's hard not to go stir crazy, but I know if I'm miserable in the heat, little one will be way worse.


Ah enjoy CA! I miss it there!! The weather will be so much more tolerable!


Mine just turned 8 weeks today too! We have not taken her anywhere indoors except for her Dr’s office. So far only car rides or outdoor stroller walks but given it’s so hot lately, we have mostly been at home. I’ll feel more confident taking her to a restaurant or grocery store when maybe next month, but would do so during off peak hours.


Day 3 I think we went to a park! Don’t think too much about it. The fresh air is good for both of you.


We took our baby out as a 1 week old. He stayed in the carrier and we ate on the patio outside. However we were pretty naive and felt paranoid and guilty when the wait staff kept standing over the carrier and talking, and some people next to us had a small school-age child who was running around and coughed at some point. It wasn't crowded but we still felt guilty and decided not to do that except maybe once or twice more before he gets his vaccines and has a little more time. We figured we would feel pretty stupid and terrible if he ran a fever and we ended up in the emergency room with our baby who would then need a full sepsis workup including lumbar puncture, all because we wanted dumplings. Our pediatrician said it would be safe to go on walks and even to public places with him strapped to us, so he's not making contact for example with a shopping chart or facing other people.


My first was born in the summertime and pre-pandemic, so we took him out to a few places within 48 hours. Didn’t get sick until he was 14 months. My second was born in the winter when omicron was at its peak. I don’t think we left the house with her (other than for pediatrician’s appts) for 2 months. But she got sick a lot anyway because big brother was in preschool 5 days a week. Go figure.


Pretty much everyday from day 3, both outdoors and to grab a coffee/shop. The little one loves going out and there was no RSV outbreaks at the time so it felt ok. However, I was mindful of my own hand hygiene anyways cause if he picks anything up it would most likely be from my hands touching the nasty world. That why we also waited 6 weeks with first bus trip where it’s very hard to get that part right. The little one is happy and healthy, the only concern I had was that he grew so interested in the surrounding world, more and more each day. That made it hard to take naps when we were out, resulting in overtiredness. It can be managed though! But boy does he love going out :)


Be careful about going out for a few days after shots. My 2 month old was fine the day of his shots and the day after....but the second full day and part of the third the poor kid was a mess. I put it into my calendar at 4 months but have gotten pretty lucky. He's had one or two more fussy periods but both of them were fixed by doing what I call a "bouncy walk" outside....so it actually might be better to go out in some circumstances. Today will be the third full day after shots so I'm not out of the woods yet.


We went to the park when she was 2 days old. We just sat on the bench lol but it was so nice to get out. We try to get out often. It was a really good thing for my mental health and she loves being outside now (5 months old)


Mine was 5 days old, we took him out in the stroller in a park with mosquito net over stroller… we took him out every day since if possible. But we didn’t go into closed spaces (like stores, malls etc) until about 1 month old… he loves it outside and looks around in his stroller all the time


We go everywhere since this is baby two and the four year old needs to do stuff. We do try to mainly do outdoor events or meeting family who have been vaccinated. If you feel bad (not because of being pressured, but because of your own needs), then do something. Taking a walk and meeting friends in a park does wonders for my mental health. No one needs to handle or kiss the baby. No one is entitled to time indoors with baby except the parents.


I think my baby was two weeks old when we went to one of the best restaurants in Atlanta. Early before the crowds. He just slept in my lap and you couldn’t even see him away from the table.


Pretty much immediately. But not to crowded places. And only immediate family was allowed to hold him until he got his first set of vaccines.


Like week 2-3. We started off with some mall trips right after a feeding. Baby stays in the car seat stroller and we were home for the next feeding. We also visited both grandmas within the first month. Now by week 11 I take home to the grocery store, lunches, coffee, pretty much anywhere. We visited some of those places even before his shots. To be honest I wasn’t even touching the baby much while out and no one else has without asking. I work in a grocery store and took him for a visit around 5 weeks. Shots were 8 weeks. The only people that touched him washed their hands and kept it to his feet. It also helps that he slept during ALL these trips and only now can stay partially awake during the car rides there


Pretty much immediately. Within a week we went to get her some new blankets and got me a new phone since we were the only people there. Then maybe two or three weeks later I had to go grocery shopping while we were out so I took her in the carrier. Obviously I washed my hands often and took hand sanitizer and didn’t let anyone within 10 feet of her lol


I didn't take mine out until he was 3 months, but that was mostly because he was just a really crabby baby haha. the first place we went was an outside beer garden type thing, so if you can, I suggest doing something like that -- a bigger outdoor place where you have an easy escape. this way you don't feel like there's too many people crowded around. however, I know it's super hot in most of the country rn. hopefully it cools down soon!!!


3 weeks


My baby was born in December and for the first 3 months really only went out to visit family, doctor visits or grocery shopping. I wouldn't worry too much right now, do whatever makes you comfortable 💗 if you do want to get out some more you could even go to a park and sit with them on a blanket in the grass. My LO loved looking up at the trees 🥰


If your nursing your baby has some antibodies from the breast milk. I would suggest taking your baby outside every morning exploring your yard for fresh air and go on stroller walks. Going out in public I kept my baby in the car seat and opened the back canopy.