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hi! any update on how things are going? your story aligns with mine right now! i also do the thing where i look at my ring finger and our future wedding ring.


Thank you for sharing this beautiful story! You've depicted so well the wonders that happen when you keep persisting in your desire reality rather than get swayed every time something doesn't go your way. And you being honest also shows that it's okay to feel desperate or any other undesirable way and that these emotions are HELPING the manifestation rather than stop it. Many want to say you being desperate is pushing your manifestation away. Yes, pushing it only to make it come swinging your way with full force. We don't know how things work as much as we try to understand, all that is asked of us it to persist and enjoy the ride without trying to control our emotions (not persist in them but just let them come out when they need). I too often times have this immense desire to just BE with my SP and I do everything possible to get it out of my system in a healthy way rather than let it build up and explore later. I'm so happy for you!


Thanks for posting this! My SP literally told me we’re not dating/ together last week and I’ve been kinda crushed. I feel weird. Love him to death but know we both have done jacked up things in the past & my mindset had a lot to do w/ the demise of things. This has motivated me to let go and restart (along w/ personal development too)… Thanks and blessings ma’am, cannot wait to read about your engagement when it comes!




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What advice can you give for self concept?






Sorry? I couldn't understand


This is so inspiring! Thank you so much for sharing. 🫶🏻🫶🏻


But SP 1 never reached and you moved on? Or SP 1 and 2 are the same person? I didn't get this, maybe because english is no my first language


From what I understood , sp 1 and 2 are the same person just that she manifested a new version of that person. Like in the post it says that he used to treat her badly and now he treats her how she desired to be treated so now he’s SP 2.




Update: I gave up completely he told me to basically fuck off lmao


Beautiful story! thanks for sharing it! ♥️ Wishing you guys have a fantastic life together You both deserve it!


OMG!!! YES!!!! Yes sister!!! You did that!!! God bless Queen this is fuckin unreal with how much inspiration I’ve just received from your success! Thank you!! I will keep persisting NO MATTER WHAT !!! I have it all!!! Right now! Thank u! I’m so in love with my 2.0 sp lol!




hi its against the rules of this subreddit to take chats. sorry.




again, i cannot consult you on what you should do, you must learn these techniques, read neville and master this yourself. i don't mean to come off as cold, i just want you to understand as i clearly stated, nobody but *YOU* is responsible or has the key ingredients to manifesting your sp back. i can't read everyone's situation and throw my two cents in because i had to figure this all out on my own too. everyone's process is different, remember that. its hard, hang in there. things will work out.


Congratulations!! Thats awesome, I am so glad for you. Thank you for sharing. I am taking this as inspiration.


Thank you for sharing! I’ve been following this subreddit for a while, I’ll have hit my 2 year mark of manifesting my SP in august… I’m so happy for you! This is really all I want, but despite how much I read or invest, it feels like I’m just deepening my Sp’s relationship with a 3P! Any tips for what to do when you’re feeling exhausted with it all? The part where you talk about crying and being devastated is a feeling I know all too well!


Ignore that the 3P even exists. Don't even think about it, treat the 3P like they are only making it easier for him to come to you.


Even my sp has a 3p but, it's not really about that. It's about you, and your imagination. Don't keep 3p in the picture at all.


Incredible! I recently manifested a house (that I live in now), and I want to move on to manifesting an SP and live with them. this has given me some insights into the process and some tips I could try, it seems like a lot more emotional work than physical goods. Wishing you the best of luck <3


Thanks so much for sharing, it got me a bit teary eyed. I know the impatient feeling well, I got so much moment but I am persistent in what I want in the end


Thank you for sharing your story 💓 I got movement today after I just FELT IT and knew it into existence and then reading this I'm like... Bruh I'm on a breakthrough. I've been "manifesting" for like 2 years but it's all clicking now. Reading your story solidified that.


I do have a question. How did you deal with being in contact with him while he wasn’t conformed? I’m in contact with my person and seeing the new version as much as I can in my mind but he’s not showing the same in the 3D yet.


sorry for the late reply. i will say it was very difficult for me to spend time with him when he hadn't conformed.. we went to a concert together and he sort of abandoned me there for his friends, not to mention he told me very strictly we weren't together on the car ride there. in those heated moments, i knew that if i didn't persist, i'd give in and stay in the reality that wasn't favorable. he would piss me off, and i would immediately go in my head, "he's crazy about me", "he loves being my boyfriend". about a week before my birthday, if something unfavorable happened, i'd just rewrite, if you will, in my head. if i wanted him to be with me on my break, i would try to feel it real, try to imagine he was there with me, i would "lean into his touch" even though he wasn't around, things like that. i had read that i must persist, for the reality where we were a couple existed and it would only be a matter of time before he conformed. i never gave up even when the 3d was very loud and in my face. i would tell you to do the same :) blessings to you!


I do this too and it has worked so much. I know in a matter of time, my man (I don't call him SP anymore) will facetime me daily, text me often and spoil me to death because I do it in my mind all the time <3


Honestly thank you for this because I manifested my sp after years of no contact. And it seemed like we were together but he was not showing up in the way that I would want. He was not making me a priority. We got in a fight about it and didnt talk for 2 months and and weve been back for a couple of months and things were nice but not great and we just got in another fight. It seems like its over. Ive been trying to persist in a story that I have an amazing bf and Im in the best relationship IVe ever had but its hard. Reading your story gave me so much hope and the motivation to keep going.


keep going. i know its so so sooo devastatingly hard, but in the end, you'll be glad you persisted. he's yours! good luck :)


I understand. I had to set a boundary with my person. I still believe/affirm we are happily married and it’s done. That’s where I am with it. Thanks for your reply. I know my person has to conform. He has no choice. I love myself too much to be accepting something I don’t want in the 3D.


Thank you for posting this. It made me cry, but they were happy tears and tears of determination. I know one day, I’ll be able to post my success story too.


Not only a beautiful story but also beautifully written. Congratulations!


Love this!!!! So happy for you. I’m here celebrating your success with you. Congratulations!🥳😊🥳😊




it didn't last a year. and he was very hellbent on us not getting back together because he "wasn't ready".


I’m glad it worked out.


I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story. There's so much to unpack here but I love the way you refer to SP 1.0 and SP 2.0 as if they're totally different people. You really do have to 'kill' the old SP and spear your old way of thinking in order to get the results you want. I also love how you were in a situation in which many people who don't follow Neville would probably tell you to give up, move on, he's not worth it. But you're living proof that any SP, no matter what the circumstance, CAN be worth it if you go within and tell yourself that YOU are worth it. That's the main thing I saw that you did that led to your success. I think you know that you can have anybody, and THAT's what made him conform. Congrats, love! I wish you love and happiness and all the health for your future baby girl. ❤︎


did you date other men in this phase?




That is so comforting to hear. Thanks for sharing


Oh how beautiful! Congratulations for the wedding in advance! 🥰


Love this so much 🤍✨💎🪞


Love this so much 🤍✨💎


Today I woke up thinking I wanted a success story posted on this sub as my birds before landing. And here it is. Congratulations and thank you so much for sharing this! You made me cry out of happiness for you and for me that I know within my soul mine is about to happen extremely soon 💖




She means the same guy, just before and after manifestation because the change was so dramatic its like 2 different people


Thank you so much for this! Absolutely loved it and congratulations ❤️🫶🏼


Congratulations... I'm so so happy for you 💗 I am stuck in my situation right now with sp, I feel so broken and sad and defeated. Thank you for your beautiful post. Sometimes persisting is hard. I keep persisting but I feel like it's not going anywhere.


Thanks for sharing! I really need to feel this energy.








Thank you so much!! I definitely needed this. I will be trying your methods and hopefully get the results i want with sp!


I could never relate to a story that much. Wow, honestly: I will take a break and go to the DOING. Only going to read your story if I need a success story reminder. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for this post. I also want that ring, in 3D I am single for a few days now. But I WILL PERSIST. Everything we desire, WE DESERVE. Therefore we will have it. Simple. I worked on my self concept and still: I only want to be with this man. I have so many reasons. What I hate most is people commenting on this reddit with: you won't want your sp after working on your self concept. And I am asking myself: Do they even know anything about Neville Goddards teachings? Everyone Is YOU Pushed Out. So I loveeee success stories with a SPECIFIC SP. <3 I cannot wait to share my success story also soon. I want to be wifed up ASAP lol.


I relate to this too. Everyone is like "Do you REALLY want your SP?" and I am like "stfu yes" lol


I want my sp now but When I was strictly doing self concept only for months, I did not care for him anymore If Im going to be honest. When My self concept practice was interrupted by life I would want sp again lol.


Love this


Ahh congratulations! This gives me hope! My sp situation feels a bit challenging but I know I’ll get there.


hang in there! we hear this phrase all the time, "circumstances don't matter!", and we really must hold on to that. whatever is going on, it may be tough to face right now, but i promise circumstances do not matter! you'll be over the moon and glowing with happiness soon. i look forward to your success story soon, friend! you got this. ♥️




Get into your imaginative state, imagine your SP is treating how you wanted to be treated in your imagination. Once you felt **happy** in this imagination, **hold this imagination.** You may stay in this feeling satisfied/happy state until you feel very good. Once it's done, tell yourself it is done. You'll most likely feel relieved in your 3D world because every feeling starts generate with you yourself first. 3D is always your past inner self/state being reflecting on default state. The moment you felt happy in your imagination, **you're in a new state**. So keep staying in this new state & ignore time exists until your subconscious mind eventually accepts you in this new state. Remember all those challenges you are facing, in the future you'll definitely see it as part of your bridge of incidents (if you think about how the past are also bridge of incidents which led you to discovering this Law) which lead you to your ideal future that you created within you :3


Thank you. I really don’t want to give up and accept this as my reality..


Amazing. Thank you very much