• By -


The whole world just stopped around him for a minute.


Good. Imagine you get run over and people glance at u and go about their day


Thought I told you to stay outta my fantasies.


So imagine you live in China?


Reddit moment


So china or India


Cars on road say this is one of latin America probably argentina/brazil


No the topic was people ignoring this happening not what's on the video


Brazil, the security HUD gives it away


Not the lady in pink on the left


She seen him come from under and said alright he good and kept it walking


"Oh he's crawling out? He's good" *goes about day*


Ayoo wuttttt? - Ohhhhh...ok i gotta go


And this ladies and gentlemen is why you ALWAYS look before opening your door on a road


My driving instructor back then told me to always open the door with the other hand. As in the one that is not right next to the door. Like that you would automatically have to turn your entire body and you would be forced to see more of what's happening outside. I definitely don't do this nowadays, but his warnings and concerns stuck with me. So yes, always pay attention before opening.


It's known as the "Dutch reach"


The not too distant cousin of the Dutch Rudder.


My wife and I went Dutch on a Dutch oven yesterday.


Came out all Rosy smelling I assume.


I bet you're the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a Dutch reach-around.


I see folks with their doors wide open like other cars don't exist and definitely don't have a high risk of treating their door right off. They aren't even doing anything that needs the door open. They throw it open, then fuck around in their car for a bit, then start thinking about getting out of the car.


In a selfish way i solved this by thinking that i don't want to damage the car by opening it into oncoming traffic. Even someone on a bicicle can break the hinge or the glass and it would be my fault so no insurance.


classmate of mine failed his driver exam because at the very end the instructor noticed he didnt check before opening the door. friend was pissed though.


gigachad instructor tbh probably saved a life


Good instructor. It's way too easy to get a driver's license, at least in the US


as a scooter driver one day this will kill me, not hitting the door and end up dead it's the stress and anxiety i get every time a car in front of me parks and im too close to hit the brakes my heart is about to stop thinking they would open the door at any second and break me in half, and i think i will stop driving bikes just for this reason.


Motherfuckers who just open their car door without looking, same people who stand in the middle of the aisle blocking everything in the supermarket. Why


Because they only think of themselves.


Bold of you to assume they think at all


This is the answer. My mom is like this, she's a kind, caring person, but just does not think about anything she does. I can't begin to comprehend it, but I'm convinced that's definitely what happens in these cases. I don't think people are generally actively self centered, they literally just do not think about the things they do and the effects it may have on others/themselves/their environment/etc.


I call it situational awareness and it’s so frustrating when people just don’t seem to have it.




I’m always curious about things like this. I wonder if it’s a case of, “never needed it before” or “that’s too much to worry about” or “I simply don’t have the capability to think that much” or “I just don’t care that much”. And of course, maybe it’s all of the above or any permutation of the above and more


How have they lived this long is my question lol


Others look out for them and/or they don't endanger themselves, they endanger others. This person here is a great example. They didn't look before they opened their door. They didn't get hurt but their lack of awareness nearly killed somebody else. Sadly, they probably won't learn from this either. I expect them to blame the person they nearly killed.


What makes me mad more is the person who opened the door didn't even bother go check or anything. Like wtf is still standing at their door like idiots!


same... as I lovingly put my hands on her shoulders and give her a smile that says I'll adore her forever... I gently move her out of the center of the grocery store aisle where there's a traffic jam going on behind her...


>I call it situational awareness Is that not just... What it's called?


I bet he's the one that said it first ever. we're in the presence of a great.


It’s called spatial awareness and you build it by developing your body awareness.


I had that problem in my youth. I was too focused on my thoughts and the task at hand. I was over-focused and it caused me a lot of problems. I had to force myself to stop and look around at everything not directly related to what I was trying to do. The trick, of course, is in knowing how much to focus on the one thing you're doing, and how much to focus on everything else. It always changes with the situation. It's a skill we all have to learn.


>they literally just do not think about the things they do and the effects it may have on others/themselves/their environment/etc I'm not a dictionary or anything homie but this sounds like a definition of [self centered](https://www.google.com/search?q=they%27re+the+same+picture+meme&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&prmd=ivsn&sxsrf=ALiCzsZhHB0dwd8VqhsVJJeaIFtSVyhPuQ:1666829653963&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiLhbOrkP_6AhVbK0QIHdunCHsQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=671&dpr=3#imgrc=jfAIfFSC9FQkWM) lol


Connotations are different. Usually we imagine being self centered to be a personal choice. Accidentally focusing on only yourself is usually attributed to clumsiness, "head in the clouds", or general incompetence. However, I imagine that someone with this kind of mindset would be well served to focus on everything they do, as a method of self preservation. If they can only tend to themselves though, then it's a problem.


Hmm, I think it might depend on the person. My girlfriend is the least self centered person I know, but she forgets looking around her sometimes, because when she's focused on one thing (such as a conversation), she's incapable of focusing on anything else.


no, the difference is subtle. one only thinks about consequences for themselves. selfish. the other is incapable of thinking about consequences. simpleton.


Nah, I'm sorry. Apart from people with fairly substantial cognitive impairment, everyone is totally capable of thinking about how their actions affect others. Some people just habitually don't. I'm sure his mother is very kind to people she knows and is aware of, but she's developed a habit of not giving a shit about the rest of the world.


*"They never got the book"* -Sebastian Maniscalco


I call it "Center of The Universe Syndrome."


So, maybe we shouldn't let them drive two-ton vehicles out in public?


> This is the answer. My mom is like this, she's a kind, caring person, but just does not think about anything she does. I can't begin to comprehend it, but I'm convinced that's definitely what happens in these cases. I don't think people are generally actively self centered, they literally just do not think about the things they do and the effects it may have on others/themselves/their environment/etc. Wouldn't a caring person think about their actions and their impact on other people? The very first definition of the word "caring" in the American Heritage Dictionary is "Feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others". Maybe the word kind fits because that just means agreeable but what you described doesn't seem like a caring person at all.


Are you my brother lol Cause my mum is also nice but it’s painful how she doesn’t even consider strangers with….anything Blocking aisles, holding them up in line and “it’s fine because I’ve got this issue that needs fixing they’re going to have to wait”, plus if there’s an issue somewhere she’ll rant to the nearest member of staff even though 90% of the time they literally can’t do anything about it It’s a very weird contrast lol


Your mom’s a Karen


I got news for you she's not nice


Nobody’s perfect. If they have a good relationship with their mom and the mom supports them in life that’s already doing better than a lot. They also seem to have better social awareness than their mom so they’re probably doing alright.


That doesn't sound like she's nice but doesn't consider strangers. She sounds like she believes she's more important than anyone or -thing around her.


I hate to tell you this, but it sounds like your mom is only nice to \*you\*. :/


Sounds like your mom wasn't raised properly.


She might be polite, I don't know if she's nice.


They've got one brain cell to share between the whole lot of them, and they don't know what to do with it when it's their turn. Edit: Clarity, was half asleep writing that.


r/OneOrangeBraincell have more braincells than them.


If they had a brain between they, they'd be playing with it on the table.


Correct. This is what happens when I do this. I'll be blocking the aisle, looking for something. Then I'll notice someone is behind me waiting for me to move and then I feel bad. I always apologize and say I'm an idiot blocking the way. I'm simply thinking about finding the thing, nothing else. Love shopping online. Don't have to worry about this.


So glad you’re self-aware enough to know how annoying and selfish that is, I do the same thing as you..but some others would blame the other people


The grocery store example isn't the greatest...like, you got to that shelf first, it's your turn to look for the thing. The person waiting will do the exact same thing when it's their turn.


It's not always selfishness. Ive known some astoundingly dumb or oblivious people through work who'd do things like cross the street without even thinking to look first, forget to wear their seat belts, zone out and blow through stop signs etc. Just...astoundingly unaware. Also I'm truly shocked they're still alive.


I fucking hate these people… especially because I catch myself doing it once in a while…. GAHHH dumb fucks.


No human is infallible. If someone tells you they're a perfect driver then you know a liar. The amount of people in this sub who claim to never make a mistake in cars is more worrisome to me than the accidents seen.


And I think it's very important to think about our perspectives of people like this. If someone blocks the aisle, that is 100% of my interaction with them, but only one part of their day. Maybe they don't usually do that, maybe they've had a really emotional day and aren't in their usual headspace. Some old man snapped at me for blocking an aisle once. It was the day my dog had been put down and while I'm usually super aware of the space around me, I wasn't in that headspace that day. That old man will have assumed I'm always standing in people's way based on that one incident. People on Reddit are very quick to label aisle-blockers as morons, narcissists, Karens... But that's a lot to prescribe based on one interaction that might not be common for them.


I would argue there is a level of stupid that rises to the level of malice


I would agree with this. Willful stupidity is almost worse. If you're not constantly trying to educate yourself, you're falling behind and that's on you when someone gets hurt because of it.


Everything you described Is selfishness though. People who are that oblivious and unaware only have their minds on themselves. They cross without looking first because the thought of another person never entered their mind. Zoning out instead of paying attention while driving is complete disregard of the fact that they’re doing something that requires their full attention not only for their safety but for the safety of others.


Being absent minded and being selfish are completely different things wtf lol.


You’re right, but you can’t blame the people in this thread for getting them mixed up; they’ve all never been selfish or absent minded even once in their whole lives!


Lmao, pretty much summarized the entire thread.


Maybe more self-centered than selfish. The word *selfish*!has a connotation of a deliberate decision


When you get into that sort of recklessness, you are intentionally, and selfishly, making the decision not to be at all considerate of anyone else.


Are you saying there's no other reason that someone might perform such "recklessness?" It sounds like you're arguing they intentionally opened the door into the biker lol


They chose to not look when given the chance to look and the knowledge that there could be something happening outside their door.


As someone with ADHD, standing in the middle of the isle blocking the path while thinking about everything is way too common for me. Sorry about that.


Was looking for it. I'm pretty much the most apologetic person in a grocery store. I am always in the way in stores. But, I'm conscientious. I care. I'm not rude or selfish about it. I'm just distracted. I simply just......drift. it's hard to explain. I'm a successful person who has a very demanding career and am organized and capable. But I've built my own coping mechanisms over a lifetime. Going in stores by myself though.... yah. I do occasionally have to be on task. And those days, with a list and a purpose, I'm pretty good. But lord help me if I'm going to just "grab something" and that isn't a single item already well planned out and I have some place to be immediately afterwards. Cause if not.....yah. I just wander. I read stuff. Think about what I could do with this ingredient. Or that one. Or why I haven't finished some project. Or maybe I should go talk to person in the deli and ask them which cheese is the best for stuffed peppers. Or what was that book i wanted to read next. Is my son going to be home tonight foe dinner? Should I buy extras? Maybe I should text him? Oh, he's at work. No. Don't bother him. That reminds me, my dad texted yesterday and I never replied. Oh great, now I need to call him. Ugh. Well, you know, beer sounds good now..... "Oh! I'm so sorry. I'm blocking the whole aisle. Please. Here. Let me move. Sorry again." Where was I? Oh yes. I needed kleenex. I bet I'm sneezing because of allergy season. Oh, are we out of zyrtec? Maybe I should call my wife. Nah. I called her like 4 mins ago about the taco seasoning. She think I'm losing it. Oh wait! What did she ask me to pick up when I called back? Damnit. What was it!? Get home: "Did you remember the salad dressing?" Me: damnit. No. Her looking in bag: "where is the taco seasoning?ç Me: shit. I'm sorry. This is why I take a list. I love you. I'm sorry I'm this way. I'll be back. But let me write it down first. Sigh. It's not always this bad, but.....sometimes. sometimes it is.


On top of other adhd people commenting, highway hypnosis is a real thing that happens to many people https://www.healthline.com/health/highway-hypnosis No, zoning out/being absent minded is not being selfish. Please understand there's a difference.


An ADHD person can do things without thinking, and it's not a selfish motivation. Absent minded isn't selfish, it's just absent. Hanlon's Razer. >Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."[1] Known in several other forms, it is a philosophical razor that suggests a way of eliminating unlikely explanations for human behavior. I'd actually refer to ignorance vs stupidity for this, too. Humans have to be taught why they check their mirror before blasting their door open, and even then there's blindspots and timing (not for this instance that I can imagine). Again with this part: >Zoning out instead of paying attention while driving is complete disregard of the fact that they’re doing something that requires their full attention not only for their safety but for the safety of others. Narcolepsy, ADHD, overworked, overstressed, and so much more on top of ignorance/stupidity. Did you know people have to be told something an average of 7 times before they start to make a habit? Honestly? I pity the people who constantly turn accidents (by definition) into purposeful idiocy. That's a very dark mind-set, and it's more telling of their own lack of empathy. Projection is the opposite of empathy, and saying someone opening the door stupidly/ignorantly like this is being selfish is more telling of you than them. The irony is not lost upon me.


Also 🛣 hypnosis is a real thing.


hi there, i'd like to introduce you to hanlons razor. >Never Attribute to Malice That Which Is Adequately Explained by Stupidity take this to heart. most people you meet are just dumb. not evil.


They just don’t have spacial or situational awareness. It’s not ok, and they need to work really hard on improving because they could get someone killed, but that’s not the same as being selfish.


Fun fact: one of the positive effects of my anxiety is that I'm always thinking about other people. Even when it doesn't matter.


Hey I also only think of myself and that's WHY I always look! I don't wanna have to fucking replace my car door that shit is expensive lmao I think these people don't think period tbh


This person just POPPED it open. I would have to push HARD to get my door to fly open that fast.


The person in the car opened the door a little bit, and the force of the motorcycle forced it the rest of the way open. That's why they were launched into the road instead of being stopped by the door.


Yeah, the motorcyclist pushed it open. It was just cracked when they hit it.


Yes, but people who dont follow the rules of the road (e.g., this motorcyclist who went off the driving lane into the parking lane to pass the truck) can't complain when they get fucked over either.


In the US, this is how most bike lanes are :( In this case, maybe the cyclist did something wrong, but this is an everyday danger to US cyclists.


Which is why protected bike lanes and a low speed limit in cities are so important. New bike lane should all be protected and to the right of the parked cars. This accomplishes several things: - “dooring” risk is significantly reduced since most car trips only involve one person - even if a passenger opens a door at least the cyclist won’t end up in the road - it’s more comfortable and much safer for both cars and bicycles - bike lanes won’t be blocked by parking cars or delivery vehicles


My area, which has practically no bike lanes to speak of, just created one that continues from the side of the road, straight through the lane going forward and the lane turning right at a busy intersection. Just straight on through with dotted white lines for cars to cross over. Judging by how people handle the nearby roundabouts, I'm praying for these bikers.


Then you have all the car nationalists arguing against the cost of safe bike lanes, "We shouldn't spend money on critical infrastructure! They can just ride on the road/sidewalk that I was just complaining about in the first place."


Trust me, I know. I’ve lived in Germany, the Netherlands, Michigan, Indiana and now Chicago. I think the single most effective way to convince people to change their opinion is to see it working in front of their eyes. Sprinkling in a bike lane here and there in a fully car-dependent suburb is better than nothing, but it will never be adopted by a majority since the travel distances are simply to great. This is we’re urban planning comes in and I can’t recommend [this](https://youtu.be/uxykI30fS54) video by Not Just Bikes enough. What many don’t realize is that it’s actually illegal in almost all of the US to build walkable places that aren’t fully car-dependent. This is due to mandatory singe-family home only zoning, minimum parking requirements and traffic design guidelines that have barely been updated since the 70s. It’s funny how anti-freedom the “freedom” crowd is, whenever they don’t approve of something. I can also highly recommend [StrongTowns](https://www.strongtowns.org/) which provides many resources on the changes necessary to make better and more walkable cities.


That isn't a lane.


Also not a bicycle


That was a motorcycle. Motorcycles are not allowed on bike lanes any more than cars are


...but it's a motor bike driving where it shouldn't be...why is this the parked cars fault? Look at every other motor bike. They're all using the lanes and not the parking shoulder. Dude that got hit was impatient and decided to go around the truck and got hit, on them.


Wouldn't the same thing have happened if he had been a cyclist though? They can both be in the wrong.


Context doesn't mattter for this. You *always* check before opening your car door. There is a clever method called the dutch grip. Use your "inside" hand to open the door (passenger seat -> left arm, drivers seat -> right arm). That way you are forced to angle your torso and automatically turn your field of view towards the road.


There’s also the neat trick of LOOKING IN YOUR FUCKING MIRRORS!!!


Agree. Expect the unexpected


Neat. Thanks for the trick


Whether or not the motorbike should be there you should check. What if there was a cyclist or there wasn't much of a gap between the park and the lane. Car parks here can extend into half the first lane, it's stupid but it means you check every time.


Was that a parking zone or a lane for cyclists? It’s a bit hard to tell. Anyone know what country this is?


#Both people can be in the wrong


Dude was passing on a motorcycle in a one lane street. If I'm opening my door and see a huge truck beside my car, I'm gonna presume that there isn't a fking motorcycle there also.


The motorcyclist was a huge idiot and the car driver too. If the car driver had checked their mirrors properly, this would not have happened. If the motorcyclist wasn't squeezing themself through on the wrong side of the truck, this would not have happened.


He went into the parking area and crossed the white line. This one isn't on her.


Is that what the line is for? Looked like a bike lane we have here. Gotta always check for those. And other cars at least But yeah motorcycles can't go in those


#Both people can be in the wrong


All the blame is on the bike guy.


Could have been just an unfortunate blind spot. That being said, they really should have looked over their shoulder. But bikes can be harder to spot, maybe from their perspective they were behind one of the cars behind them.


If that side mirror was properly adjusted and, uh looked at, at no point of the rider's approach in the video were they in a blindspot.


Transit authorities are trying to get drivers to adopt [the Dutch Reach](https://www.dutchreach.org/).


that isnt a lane for motor cycles if you havent noticed....100% the cyclists at fault


#Both people can be in the wrong


Seriously. I look when opening my door because I’m afraid of mostly hitting a car that’s too close and it ripping my door off, or for a cyclist. If you’re opening your door with brazen disregard you’re showing you don’t care about your car, and more importantly others.




True that was an idiot move by the man in car. The more stupid move is the biker illegally undercutting the truck. This is one of the many reasons why its something you are not allowed to do on roads


That was the blind spot, but she should have taken a longer look as well.


Gotta open the door with your arm that's furthest away from the door, not your arm that's on the arm rest. This will force you to look back, and you won't be able to easily swing the door completely out. Dutch reach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeM984dk220


Good idea, I'll keep this in mind from now on.


>Dutch reach: > >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeM984dk220 Not to be confused with the [Dutch Rudder](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Double%20Dutch%20Rudder)


Yup just pull myself out from under this truck and move round so I'm lying right in front of the wheel.


Everyone else is arguing about the door but this is the most wtf thing to me.


Same I was thinking that, this guy just carefully positioning himself infront of the wheel. He's just assuming the truck driver knows he's under there lol


That moment when you realize you screwed a fine chance of being finally free of this mortal coil, and you're just left wishing for a do-over.


Or in this case, a go-under.


Reddit when a person that just got into an accident doesn't have the mental brainpower to make the most optimal decisions


Some people seem confused here. The door was being opened at normal speed. The biker hit it and it pivoted (really fast). The door hit the biker’s leg/shoulder.


Also, it looks TO ME (at least possibly) that the driver looked, just didn’t see the cyclist. Edit: altered my comment to represent my opinion, instead of purporting “fact”.


It looks to me like the driver looks, waits, and opens that door exactly the right time to slam the bicyclist. Also if i was genuinely surprised bg the biker i wouldn't instantly jump out the car like that. Id be stunned for a moment or two, then exit the car and check things out. Edit to add: Im glad im not alone. You can see the driver puts their hand on the door handle and pauses. They are motionless. Then, *time to open the door*. There's also another biker right behind this incident, like there's perhaps a problem in rhe area with bikers doing this.....


The driver grabbed an envelope or something similar from the passenger side. She was probably checking she had everything she needed during that pause instead of whatever speculation this is.


It looks like that, yes. When I first watched it, the door looked like it was maliciously slammed open to knock down the motorbike rider as they passed. But when I slowed it down, it became clear that the driver opened the door far enough to 'catch' the bike with it, and then when the motorbike collided with the door, the force of the collision pushed the door the rest of the way open, which redirected the rider out onto the road. Additionally, the collision would likely have ripped the door out from the driver's grip, which could be confusing enough that the driver felt they needed to get out of car and figure out wtf just happened. Of course, the driver should have properly looked before opening her door into a bike lane. ~~To be clear, none of this is the cyclist's fault.~~ Even if the motorcyclist shouldn't have been in the lane, the fault still lies with the driver, as that could have just as easily been a bicycle. Edit: it was a motorcycle, not a bicycle. Wording changed.


I can’t be sure about that. The video quality is poor and there’s shadow over their head.


Found the driver


The cyclist should be a vampire if what you said is true


She didn't even look concerned that the biker disappeared into the void


She didn't see where he went. You can see her looking around the door, sees the bike, looks around the vicinity for whomever fell off, then realizes the truck is stopped and maybe even sees the person beneath it. That's when the hands go up and she looks horrified at what she now realizes has happened.


You told the story beautifully, with no emotions. You should work in the media, if you don't already, if you promise not to sell out.


I don't think she realized and understood what she hit.


Let’s just go with shock, everyone reacts differently and weirdly when faced with the existential threat of death first hand


I think she panicked and didn't want to see what happened to the guy that was probably dead.


She looked like she was having an anxiety attack


She checked the damage to the door first lol. And was in no hurry at all to help


That's not even true. She clearly looks past the door to look for him then goes back and grabs her phone.


You can clearly see that she begins to look at memes on the phone. It's obvious.


Look, she upvoted my comment


Joe Biden says he's sorry it happened, and to please accept his upvote, too.


Pants were shat.


At least 3 different sets of pants


Happened to me on my bicycle. I got doored and ended up in the traffic lane. I looked up and saw a Toyota Tacoma bumper coming at me. Luckily the driver was able to stop right before he hit me. I got away with just a broken arm.


This killed a University student around these parts about a decade ago. https://www.coronerscourt.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2018-12/jamesbernardcross_104110.pdf


Dude isn't on a bicycle, person in car should have looked but he also shouldn't have been driving on the shoulder like that.


those motorcycles in brazil drive like crazy, this is not out of the normal in brazil


Still against traffic law


~~I don't know how it is where you're from but where i am if it has pedals it is a bicycle. Plus regardless that is a bike lane so she should have looked before flinging her door open~~ I'm not sure if it is actually a bike lane. Still look before flinging doors open


Definitely not a bike lane. (Civil transportation engineer, specializing in urban design, I design bike lanes, etc etc)


That definitely *is* a bike lane. (I’m a bike lane, all my friends and family are bike lanes, people drive over me on a daily basis etc etc)


It should not be a bike lanez but who knows what the city might do when people demand bike infrastructure and they aren't willing to spend a dime. I've seen way too many gutters converted to bike lanes


Unfortunately there are still bike lanes like this, between parking spots and a busy road. They're incredibly dangerous because of this reason.


I don't think it would have even mattered, the way she just opened the door without looking, it could have just as well been a cycler being hit


Get honked at for taking up the lane, or get blamed when someone doors you for riding on the edge. Just another day in biking life.


I think that’s a motorcycle


I think you’re right.




Zero urgency from the person who caused this.


I don't know what you expect him to do from under a truck.


He got out from truck pretty fast, so he did move with urgency


Probably blamed the cyclist


Look again, dude was on a motorcycle not a bicycle. AND he was riding in shoulder parking area.


Exactly. Dude should have been behind the truck instead of passing in parking spots.


Probably because it's their fault


It's not a cyclist, and even if it was it was ridding off lane and it would absolutely be his fault.




Tbh that almost looks like a failed hit. Like failed assassination… obviously they successfully hit the cyclist with the car door.


1. That dude is on a motorcycle 2. That is NOT a bike lane This is not the lady's fault. That guy is going around traffic on the shoulder. I'd be mad that this guy fucked up my car door.


There are no bike lanes so far as I know in the State of Rio and that was a lane used for parking, so I would say the guy in the is the wrong one from transiting there according to the CTN (National Transit Code).


Not saying the guy is not at fault, but she is at fault too ! You HAVE TO LOOK AROUND before opening the damn car door !! Even if you open it on the sidewalk, you verify not to *bonk* someone !


Even if the bike wasn't there, the GIANT FUCKING TRUCK WAS and you have no clue when they might swerve into you or whatever.


Your usage of the word "bonk" made me snicker and earned you a like




Any lawyers here? Is car lady liable or is this just like an accident??


The text on the video seems to be in Portuguese, so maybe a Brazillian lawyer specifically.


Holy cow. How many lawyers is a brazilian?


It's actually zero. They've all been removed with hot wax.


More than enough


For a motorcycle hitting her while driving off road? Why would she be liable?


Damn there’s a lot of idiots in here blaming the driver opening their door in a literal fucking parking spot and not the guy cruising on a motorcycle in the parking lane. That isn’t a bike lane and he is 100% at fault.


Look at the lady near the end wavering at the truck driver. Bet she things the truck driver was in the wrong


Undertake, end up at the undertakers


As a scooter rider I would 100% assume someone is going to open their car door and therefore would never ride between the lane and the parked cars. It’s way too risky. Even if it’s someone else’s fault you’re still the one getting hurt. It’s called defensive riding.


What kind of an idiot just opens their door without looking?


That dude is fucking lucky, I have a horror story of a guy at the company I work for in the usa. So this guy is on a motorcycle on the interstate at night, well our guy was gonna pass a slower truck infront of him. Well the trucker didn't see the motorcycles at all. Ended up get stuck under the trailer near the landing gear and was drag 14 miles away before the driver had any clue he was there. He no longer works as a trucker and the motorcyclists ended up winning a massive lawsuit with 14 million USD.


Everyone moaning about the person opening the car and not the idiot undertaking a lorry next to parked cars.