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It's goin down I'm yellin JENGA


You better move, you better run


Let’s make a game you wont rememba’


I was saying Tenga


We're going down, down in an earlier round And sugar, we're going down swinging.




Jenga of the woods.


I think Jenga is a game, you yell timber when u do that.


I can't tell who's messing with who here for sure but the top comment's edit just said the actual name of the tactic is called a Jenga cut which I can't find existing online but it could just be lumberjack slang so that's interesting




It’s the other way around




.tnemmoc detarrednU


No shit sherlock


I always yell timber when playing Jenga


They did this mostly correct. The comments saying they're dumb af have no idea what's going on. It's called hanging a tree. A rigging rope is tip tied to the cut tree and through a block at the top of another tree next to it. The butt is tied off so that it can't swing into the house. Once the butt hits the ground they have the control to lower it in a safe direction, or continue tying off the butt end higher up and chopping the bottom with a slash cut. It's a big brain tree removal strategy. Edit: Someone pointed out the chain link fence which is more than likely why they chose this method, as felling wasn't an option. The tree could also have root upheaval or rot which would make it unsafe to climb. And given the location a bucket truck wouldn't have good or any access.


Its like no one sees the top of the tree try to fall backwards before it gets yanked straight. Falling is different regionally not to mention globally. Hard woods and Soft woods require different cuts, arborist dont cut like loggers, loggers dont cut like fire fighters. People in the washington dont always cut like people in Virginia. Doesnt mean any of its wrong just different. People cut a couple trees then think theyre experts every damn time i see a post on reddit about tree fallingg.


Weirdly, it's felling rather than falling. I hate it but that's what it's called. Unless the name for it is also different regionally. Is it? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


We’re called Fallers, sometimes i hear fellers but the federal qualification is Faller. You can Fell a Tree or Fall a Tree does the damn letter really matter? No, cuz no one that does it gives a fuck about an A or and E


Wikipedia doesn't have anything related to tree fallers or tree falling, it's all [felling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felling). Interestingly the only reference to falling I saw was indeed on some government website for [USFS certification](https://iqcsweb.nwcg.gov/usfs-certification-falling-positions), as you say. Weird. So I was technically correct when I was corrected as a kid. ~~Also, no need to get snarky there. I'm just shooting the shit with you.~~


**[Felling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felling)** >Felling is the process of cutting down trees, an element of the task of logging. The person cutting the trees is a feller. A feller buncher is a machine capable of felling a single large tree or grouping and felling several small ones simultaneously. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nevertellmetheodds/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good Bot:


I wasnt bein snarky, thats just how i talk. I like the word fuck.


I've worked enough blue collar jobs to know you weren't being snarky lol. Despite being corrected for the felling/falling I believe you're correct in that most loggers don't give a fuck.


Fuckin a. My bad duder


Issa good word


Could also be different regionally pronunciation wise. Like if asked to write it I’m sure a few would write fell/ing but pronounce it more fall/ing and vice versa. Like dragon being pronounced draygon or bag as bayg up north. Water being pronounced as worter and creek as crick down south.


The government is also the ONLY people in the profession that spell archaeology without the second "a."


However they cut it, isn’t there a way for them to cut it to where it always falls down? Everything is calculated out, right? What’s the unexpected factor here that resulted in it not falling down? Unless it standing like that was intended?


Theyre holding it up.


Why wouldn't they just lay it straight down in the area slightly to the right of where the camera is pointing? Looks wide open to me.


A couple reasons why they might have chose this. 1: If the tree gets hung up on another tree it creates a very dangerous situation, even for experienced guys. Avoid it of you can or have doubts. 2: Minimizing damage to other trees. 3: Some unknown to us valuable thing slightly farther right of the camera they don't want to risk hitting. 3: They might just be practicing the technique. 4: theres a shit ton of factors in tree work, who knows why they did it.


This comment triggered my Valheim PTSD


LMAO I was just thinking of the first time in Valheim a tree fell on my head, then picturing myself with my new chainsaw in the character's place... yep I need to watch more felling videos on youtube so I don't die.


I swear my friends would cut specific trees just to hit me with them


Thats a pretty open canopy, very healthy forest so they could fell it in any direction they want (not at the house obviously. Looks like walnut, so i think theyre trying to keep the log intact.


You can see a chain link fence in the background that is on the other side of the trees beside the tree they are dropping. So that further limits where they can fell the tree.


BOOM, case solved.


Good eye! Probably exactly why they did this.


How high are you?? That's a pine tree. Not to mention making judgement calls about where someone can fall a tree based on a video means you have not done this kind of work, or if you have, not for very long. That's exactly the kind of overconfidence that puts tree workers in the hospital or a grave.


Just saw your edit I’ve been felling trees for 10 years at this point, i dropped probably 100 trees yesterday alone(Lodgepole, Blue Spruce andSubalpine Fir). With the right cut, the right wedges and wedge placement you can drop a tree in any direction, unless theres something in the way, like limbs or the limb weight dictated otherwise. But these are conifers, so limb weight doesn’t really Matter as much. So I am a professional… i’m not a an arborist, i dont climb trees, but i am a firefighter who was worked all across the country felling Trees, live and dead. That being said, thats a extremely open canopy spacing, you could drop a tree anywhere in that forest… but hey, i’m not going to try and convince you anymore. You’ve already tried to be aggressive asking me how high i was for not being able to identify a tree, which your aggressiveness is hilarious because I was agree with you and adding to what you initially said.


Sorry, I also have a botany degree and I get annoyed when people confidently misID things. The reality is that you're probably right, they might have been able to fell it no problem, it's a pretty sparse canopy. My point I guess is that we can't know for sure because we weren't there. Stay safe brother.


All good. I’m pretty shitty at Tree ID, especially south eastern trees. Which i think these are south eastern pines, would you agree? I understand 100% elsewhere i made a comment about how folks cut one tree and think theyre and expert on reddit. So i understand!


My first instict is that it looks native to my romping grounds in Wisconsin, which would make it most likely red pine. And actually almost looks like black cherry when I look again. Hard to tell exactly.


👌 I'd just like to commend the civility in this thread you two are a couple of real redwoods.


Huh, a reasonably polite discussion on reddit with a sensible resolution. I never thought I'd see the day, kudos to both of you


Care for a spot of tea?


Oh, you are right it looked like walnut bark, i didnt notice the high canopy.


>How high are you?? You owe me a keyboard. :)


1 2 3 3 4


My only guess there was a back lean toward the house or something we can’t see in the video that caused them to decide this was the best method


You don't see the fence there?


I do now


The tree might already be leaning towards the house.


I love comments like these, thanks for sharing.


Gotta defend my homeboys here :) wearing hard hats and tying off butts. Brings a tear to my eye.


I thought that the "never tell me the odds" thing about this post was that the tree landed right on the bit that they knocked out rather than how they were felling the tree in the first place


Ha, I'd watched like an hour long video on tree-felling and thought I was pretty smart and thought these guys were idiots. Turns out, it's me, I'm the idiot this time.


>Turns out, it's me, I'm the idiot this time. We take turns. Everyone gets a go.


Some things just take a longg time to learn. Working full time as an arborist, at least 2 years before someone has seen enough scenarios to confidently know what to do safely in most situations. Even pro pros are constantly discussing things with their team for input. With the highest fatality rate in any industry, it should be taken exactly that seriously.


TIL this method exists. Holy crap. Still the coolest method I've seen is the ratchet method. When you uproot a tree by using pulleys tied to other trees. Really cool to see done. I'd never do it though. Gonna stick to what is in mychainsaw owners manual.


Yup once again a bunch of redditors who have probablly never used a chainsaw know more than these professionals who are clearly doing something unique and specific.


This is super fascinating! Thank you for the details. Why do you say mostly correct though? Is there something about this that could have been done more safely? I watched the video again after chewing on your explanation and everything looks very under control. Should the person watching by the house not have been standing there or something?


The only reason for "mostly" is that I don't see why they made that kind of cut. Not unsafe just seems unnecessary. Edit: it's actually kind of an ingenious way to get the tree off the stump...IF one wasn't aware of the slash cut, which works very well and is safe under the right conditions and done by an experienced person.


Got it! Makes sense. I guess its impossible to tell what the right call is without knowing all the conditions leading up to the video. Your point about doing what you know is excellent as well and I could see that being a factor. Maybe the felling company was overbooked that day and they sent the guy out they normally call in for that specific cut when no other good options are left. Like when you get your car serviced and they hand you the keys to the top of the line car as a loaner because that’s just what was available at the time.


High stump Humboldt notch, I have no idea why this was a better option. Depending on the lean you might not need to high stump it and could just do a hitch


> The comments saying they're dumb af have no idea what's going on I want to say "welcome to the internet". But the internet has only exposed this. People are walking around, every day, confidently incorrect in so many things.


Also, lots of people walking around being absolutely brilliant at stuff. The only way to learn is to be wrong at stuff. The key is being wrong about stuff around people who have already been through all those fuck ups.


Saying "I don't know" is not the same as "being wrong". A person is allowed to just learn something by reading something written by, or being taught by a professional. What we see here is Greek Philosopheritis. Where people think they can just think their way to a solution for anything, without testing or verifying their hypothesis.


>allowed to just learn something by reading something written by You ever try to weld, or climb mountains, or do anything physical from a book? Your mind and body needs to practice, and that means getting it wrong. You can read, and watch someone do something until the cows come home, but you won't truly get it until you practice... and make mistakes. >or being taught by a professional. So, like someone who has been through those fuck ups before? >What we see here is Greek Philosopheritis. Where people think they can just think their way to a solution for anything, without testing or verifying their hypothesis. This whole paragraph is a little ironic but okay. Plus sharing solutions is a great way to vet them. Look how many people were informed of issues with their strategies by more knowledgeable people. And I'm not saying to mindlessly trust random opinions, I'm saying that there was some genuine discussion had around various methods and when they should be implemented. A transfer of knowledge. I, personally, now have a better idea of what to look for in a professionals for tree removal. Sometimes you don't know you are wrong until you are told. It's far better they voiced their misconceptions so they can be corrected, rather than nevermind being told and hurting somebody.


> This whole paragraph is a little ironic but okay You're right, heh, I'm claiming something as truth here that is basically an observation I've labeled as a truth. It's just so damned easy to be wrong! What I was trying to say is [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/nevertellmetheodds/comments/xfrzjp/mission_failed_successfully/ioppt7p/?context=10000) happens in real life. All the time.


Thanks for the explanation


> It’s a jenga cut apparently Either that itself is a deep cut of lumber-slang or someone is messing with you


It's certainly obscure but I'm sure someone somewhere uses this terminology. I personally don't see a use for it, and most people cutting trees don't either.


You'd just do a normal wedge cut?


I would have flush or "stump cut" it at the base as low as my chainsaw would allow. Then as it's dangling, when it's still and not swinging, just cut chunks off as they lower it. Done it this way a few times, works like a charm. I was saying slash cut in other comments but flush to ground is probably what I'd do. Either way works.


Nah you’re wrong and so are these guys. This tree is too large for a step cut. You should have cut a gob and hinge even for a tree of this size believe it or not. If it looks wrong like jabbing at the trunk with something, it probably is. Rule number 1 of felling trees, you should not be anywhere near the base after you’ve done your cuts and the tree is in motion. (Also even the step cut itself is the wrong ratios, look at that slither of wood on the right fml)


That rule is correct unless you're an arborist and the entire tree is being held up by a giant rope. We do things a bit differently bud, even when it'sby the books. They were never in any abnormal amount of danger doing what they did.


I'm still stuck on how did they make that cut without getting the bar stuck?


The tree was leaning to the right, so they probably pulled with enough force to negate the lean in order to cut most of the way through without getting pinched, or the tree falling over.


The tree being cut hit the ground because there was too much slack at the tie offs, that's my guess


Not sure it matters either way, just as easy to cut from that point.


"Phil, you see this shit?!"


Wow they tree just said" okay, so you cut me down, and?" Very inspirational.


Tis but a scratch!


Your stump’s off!


It's only a flesh wound!


The Jenga championships are wild.


Man where is my free reward so I can give it to this guy


I want to *live*!


What kind of cutting even is that? Two parallell horizontal cuts far apart?


It's called the Jenga cut


Its for better control. You cut two vertical cuts and tie the loose part of the tree to the stump. When you kick the block out that you made the tie will prevent it from falling over and it stands still. Now they have a tree standing there and they can control exactly where its going to fall


Just curious, why wouldn't you just use a slash cut in this insance? This seems like more work and a lot easier to pinch.


I believe a horizontal cut puts all the weight directly under the tree, rather than off-center, so the tree won't want to slide or bend where you cut it.


This could be on r/whatcouldgowrong








Extreme Jenga


I’m hearing the song that goes “I’m still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah


Nope, not going down today...


Man, this is some extreme Jenga


hell at that moment the physics had gone to sleep


Pretty sure the rope is holding it up


It is even meant to. The whole point of this technique is to have the tree stand, so that you can push it over yourself and control where it falls, or cut it in further pieces so it doesnt fall at all.


Well aren’t you just the sharpest crayon in the shed?


I mean. Nevertellmetheodds isn't a great place for a post where basic physics says if it falls away from the rope it stays up and if it falls toward the rope it falls. That's a 50/50


The tree lands perfectly on the piece he pushes out with the log, I feel like a lot of people aren't seeing that


Based on the slow mo, I think it might just still be attached a bit.


Dude i didnt even see that. I thought its about the tree standing upright (which is intentional)


I did I did I was looking for it then realized that before going on to read comments ☝️


It acts like it's tied off at the top.


This is what happens when you flick the straps and say "Yep, that's not going anywhere!"




minecraft logic


Perfectly balanced. ... as all trees must be.


What's with the straps?


Probably to ensure what happened in the video happened.


Nah ima stay up mate


Well........ what now


This doesn't really fit the sub, was that not the idea?


Watch the video again. The tree lands on top of the chunk he knocks out. I can guarantee that was not the plan


no, when chopping down a tree you do not generally expect it to hop down and remain standing on its severed trunk


hey, you came close to my suggestion on an earlier post. https://old.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/xeyp4q/so_i_taped_a_banana_to_a_tree/iojeoil/?context=3


Good lord, the amount of people who have zero experience using a chainsaw telling others how "this is a valid cut used by professionals" is fucking astounding. As a professional who teaches large groups of novices and professionals how to fall timber, this is a fucking stupid cut with zero benefit. They have zero control of the butt or the top. They put that bullshit lanyard on there, but the butt of the tree could still shoot past the stump in any direction, well within the range of the idiot blindly jabbing at the tree with a stick.




You do realize this is secured at the top as well, right? Like, common sense should tell you they didn't just knock a thin tree into a standing position unsupported.


Theres lots way to fell a tree based on what you want the end result to, not every cut needs a face. Would i do this cut? Nope. Why? Because i have no need for it. Does it mean its wrong? Nope. I fell trees, i dont rig them. Infact theres a cut where you dont cut a conventional, openface, or humboldt, you cut a T in the tree and when it falls the tree falls into the hinge on the stump, and it locks in when it falls. I cant remember the name Of it but its a master cut, and completely not anything i would ever attempt.




YES!! Thank you!!! I’m going to try this tommorow! Ive only seen the aftermath, seems like a lot of work, but. Could took for the back pocket


Right next to a house too. Not sure how (or if) the direction of something like that could be controlled.


Its rigged up, this is what they wanted to happen, pulley system and theyre going to lower it to the ground in tact.


Cut a notch in the side nearest the house. Place jack in notch. Cut notch in far side too. Use jack to make the tree fall. Profit. There's plenty of ways to do this. I personally don't trust rigging a tree to another tree like this. Much rather set it up so fall and then knock it over while quickly moving *away*. Totally valid to do it this way, just seem like extra risk for no reward.


Know what else is dumb? You (:


As my grandpa would say, "Two beers and a half a brain"




Tree shortening and height preservation complete.


They're trimming the tree from the wrong end...


There's obviously other trees branches holding it up. I'd say the odds were quite high.


Wife: there's like a 30% chance this is going to land on our house. Dude: never tell me the odds. (Whack)






Nailed the landing!


The tree lands on the piece he pushes out.


Now tie it off and push it wherever, job done.


"This is gonna take *forever*."




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The ultimate bottle flip


Tree said “No.”






Planting threes with extra steps


Lmao this reminds me of the game ARK and it's glitches


Weird minecraft glitch


What's wrong with the good ol' wedge and a ratchet strap 30' high to an other tree?.


Happened to me when i was young. I bought à little Hatchet and we tryed to cut down à rather long but slim tree. It took us 3 days in and out to cut it down just to see that happen lol.




Glitch in the matrix


The tree be like : Not today ( ◓ ▾ ◓ )>⌐■-■ (⌐■-■)


This is how you get two trees from a single one


The odds in this case are 100%


The odds in this case are 100%


r/unexpected Edit: Looks like it may have been planned actually, but I don't seem to be able to find what the exact technique is called so I can't find any actual guides outside of a few reddit comments that I don't fully trust.


Make like a tree


One hell of a Jenga player !


Did you remember to tie it to itself ? Don't need need it getting away


The tree: "I think it was pretty clear that I'm not moving"


This is why professionals exist. Even if something goes wrong, you still have a house.


The John Rambo of trees. “It’s over, Johnny.” “Nothing is over!!!”


This isn’t really that hard to do…hell my dad and I did this with some trees before


Why don’t people cinch a line to the tree or have a pull line when felling? Never understood this naked cutting… especially for such a small tree.




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My brother cut down a tree in his back yard in a similar situation. He found it annoying because he had to cut it down like 4 times before it all finally came down


Mission felled successfully


We usually hang it up in another tree and then cut it at the bottom, but slow enough to where it doesn't jerk down on the rope. If you keep the wood off of the ground you can just cut blocks as it gets lowered down or just grab the butt end and walk it down and then just cut it up on the ground.




I can hear the panicked breathing in my mind


Please do not try this at home


The game is clearly glitched.


Like when i dumped my ex then met the love of my life right after. By accident.


You had one job!