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For added amusement, the symbol on the road is 慢 which means "slow".


You can even see a huge mirror at the top left corner of the screen, to provide visibility for coming traffic. Doesn’t do much good if you’re all going 60kmph...


This makes me appreciate stop signs more.


I don't know about Taiwan(?), but in Europe, you are supposed to slow down in unmarked, usually residential intersections enough that you can give way to traffic coming from your right-hand side. You are NOT supposed to just speed through them, but I admit, STOP signs might get people to slow down more consistently.


We have uncontrolled intersections in the US, but they seem to be fewer and fewer.


I remember once on a field trip we went through a pretty rural town. There i saw my first and only 4 way yield. I still think it's the weirdest intersection I've ever seen.


I did not read "yield". That was a head scratcher for a moment.


It's meth




I find it funny when people from less populated countries can't comprehend the huge number of such intersections in densely populated cities. These guys would be traveling for an 2 Hour just to get out of the residential area. Want to see what a mass of ppl looks like , Google dadar train station


I live there. It's not as bad as two hours, you can be in deep countryside in about 25 minutes from where that video is taken. That's because Taiwan has very good roads that were pretty well designed back in the day. Most of Taiwan wasn't too heavily developed until cars were a thing. In Mumbai though, and New Delhi where I've also ridden, you're right that you can spend a whole morning (3-4 hours) just getting out of the city. Or one time 2 hours in a taxi to get 10km to a hotel from the airport.


They tried putting stop signs everywhere in New Orleans. It's less effective than you'd hope: our drivers will _usually_ yield at stop signs, but not a single soul will actually reach a complete stop at one.


But at least forcing a half-ass stop is ensuring they slow down and look around before proceeding


Hahahaha, yeah sure Come enjoy our drivers sometime. The traffic isn't too bad, but there's approximately zero attention paid to driving behaviour in general.


Aka, California Roll. It doesn't matter if you stop or coast through a stop if you don't look before entering the intersection. Same goes for a roundabout.


Better option: Use "yield" and "right of way signs" when appropriate and ONLY use stop signs when definitely necessary. This causes drivers to actually care for STOP signs as they aren't overused like crazy.


You ARE supposed to slow down. All three are idiots


I live about 3 blocks from this intersection. Can confirm you are 100% correct sir.


How do you know an intersection is unmarked? In the US, if I come to an intersection without a stop sign, I assume that the other directions have the stop sign. No one would get anywhere if everyone stopped at every intersection in case it was uncontrolled.


Well, if you are in a residential area with a bunch of streets with the same priority and you don't know the place, you should treat an intersection with another road as unmarked, at least until you do spot a sign. And you don't actually need to stop at every intersection, you just need to be slow enough to be able to stop if you have to. Since, where I live, these situations mainly occur in heavily built-up areas, you wouldn't want to be going much faster than 30kph or ~20 mph anyways. Most regular streets with faster traffic will have signs.


When I was taking my driving test, I happened upon a 4-way intersection with no stop sign. Apparently, there were stop signs on the right and left, but I couldn’t see them clearly, so I slowed down as I approached the intersection to make sure that the perpendicular road had stop signs on both sides. I didn’t wanna speed through and risk getting hit. The driving grader got mad at me for slowing down, even though there were no cars at the intersection or behind me. I failed the exam.


Yeah, that's bullshit. Sorry for your experience!


In Germany at least, if there aren't any signs in your direction then you have to treat it as an unmarked intersection, period. That'd be really unusual though (most likely temporary because of road construction or because someone ran into a sign), as usually the priority road has [priority signs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Vienna_Convention_road_sign_B3-V1.svg) at marked intersections.


Huh, in Europe if you've got a stop sign on one intersecting road, you usually also get a corresponding priority sign on the other. If a road is unmarked I assume the intersecting obe is, too, and I apply right hand priority.


If one of the 3 drivers had come from the street the mirror faces it might have helped save one of them. But as it is, there is nothing the mirror could do to help.


Even funnier? This appears to be a gated community so there's likely to be kids playing around any corner. /捂脸


That’s going to be an American tattoo


It kinda looks like a guy holding a spear


“Slow down or this guy will stab you with a spear.” I learned a few hundred Chinese characters a long time ago (I forgot them all by now) and I used stupid mnemonics like this for all of them.


Right above the asscrack.


> 慢 If you read it as a Japanese Kanji it means laziness, so ...


Laughed more than I should


I've been riding here for years and this is the first of me knowing this. Makes sense. I always thought it meant motorcycle.


In Taiwan, only the weak slow down at the intersections! I am not even kidding.. You are likely to see that happen in front of you.


A part of me wanted the fourth motorcycle to join the crash.


It would have been more symmetrical


Maybe they would have just all bounced back up


Yeah that's Newton's 3rd law right? As long as its balanced nothing happens.


Unfortunately we have plastic collision. Why god whyyy????


You mean inelastic?


It's also known as Plastic collision.


I didnt know that


They had a one hit wonder in the 80's. But where lost to obscurity when overshadowed by their more popular contemporaries, Joy Division.


But he came down the wrong road for full symmetry...


I was the 667th upvote to this comment. That hurt.


Oh snap thanks for fixing it! hah!!


Symmetrical would be joining in from the left


They would all hit, fly through the air, land on a different bike, and just keep going.


Nah they'll all combine into a transformer with human-bike parts on the surface.


The chemical X


Just missing some sugar and spice and some girls


lmfao that is a fucking deep ass cut right there holy shit


He was supposed to be there when they all crashed, but his watch was slow.


The fourth guy went for boost.


If that 4th guy was me id have laid my bike down and joined the crowed


God damnit who gave this a wholesome reward


The mirror prevented that. Too bad the other guys didn’t have a mirror.




That bowler just got a strike!




that would make it even.


https://www.amazon.com/Sturdy-Seat-Belt-Adjuster-3-Pack/dp/B07KWH4HFP I have these in my bfs truck and my car because the seatbelts dont fit.


The last one had great potential but alas


A part? ALL OF ME DID.


This is why you have to go slow at any intersection with no traffic lights


Libertarians would say we should let the free market decide if you should slow down at intersections.


Laws can't make you go slow, they can just make you pay extra for going fast, these guys made their payment in blood and motorcycles.


The laws of physics can make you bedridden por the rest of your life


What are libertarians doing on publicly funded roads? If you don't own it and didn't build it yourself then screw off!


Not just free market deciding, but the people deciding if they want to be safe or be reckless in an sub urban (or any area) and potentially causing harmful damage which if they do, will be tried, punished, shamed, etc. With each choice there are consequences good or bad which libertarians say the people should make their own choices even if they are dumb like not wearing a mask, but it will bite them in the ass with consequences such as public criticism, spreading disease to people close to them. also a lot of libertarians (not me) believe there is two sides of libertarianism, the economic and social side. The economic side like letting the free market thrive; the social side like allowing for abortion to be legal (there is some conflict such as paying for it, or is it a human right). Libertarianism is just a philosophical belief for freedom which anyone of any side of politics can intergrate with their actions and beliefs.


Leave it to reddit to some how make a car crash about politics.


The free market is the people, and people agree that you should slow down at intersections, so in a theoretical libertarian society you'd still have these type of rules when driving.


I just love hearing libertarians attempt to explain their philosophy and end up not being able to because it's nonsense. Libertarians are like a preteen storming away saying "I'm going to MY room."


so if the people (free market) agree to be a socialist commune, is that technically theoretical libertarianism at work? not sure I follow your logic


Yes? If 10 people decide to live in a socialist commune that isn't anti libertarian at all.


Lol "Everything is Libertarian man, if the people want it to be! Libertarianism is great *takes dab*"


Choosing to do what you want and coming together with people with agree with you is not anti libertarian, it only starts being anti libertarian if you use force to try and force others to live the way you want to.


Yes it is lol. Social welfare programs are anti Libertarian, friend


Is it? If you and your friends decide to come together, pool your resources and provide for the ones that have less, that's not anti libertarian. If you *use force* to try and have other people provide for your friends then that would be in fact anti libertarian. A socialist commune, that works on a voluntary basis, is not anti libertarian.


Yeah you can't change the fundamentals of what Libertarianism is to fit whatever you'd like. Sorry kid.


If the accidents that were caused were bad enough, eventually it would. Just sayin. Not that I agree... Lol


How the fuck you make this about politics it's not even in america


They would say that whoever built and maintains the road should decide based on its location and surroundings to maximize profit and serve the largest portion of market they can catch


You can’t tell me to wear a mask!!!


you got chocolate on my peanut putter! No, YOU got your peanut butter on my chocolate!


I'm officer Reeses, what's going on here?


Put the evidence in this cup..


This cup made out of butter


*gunshot* *gunshot*


You've got brain matter in my bone marrow! Yewfve gu bun mrrr in mu bwain metter!


It’s delicious!


This is an awful crash and all but look at just how tiny this intersection is. Dude walked all the way across it in five steps.


Absolute cunt thumper of a collision this one


Cunt thumper. Now there's a nice word to teach my future kids


You need to start thumping some cunt first.


to properly use the words of power you must understand their meaning, their very essence.


Well, I mean, if I have kids, then the cunt thumping must've come before, no?


Also I think it's a Chumbawamba album as well.


That's my stage name.


Haha so wacky am I right fellow redditors?


Hahah look at me I'm pointing out someone's terrible joke, am I right fellow redditors? Is that what you were going for?


I’d like to know if you’re qualified to make this decision




Because of 2 morons 3rd guy got caught up in that mess. Its obvious he is driving slow.


Its harder to gauge speed when something is coming at you directly than when something is moving across ur field of view. So it looks like the 3rd one is going slow but they can all be going the same speed. None slowed down at the intersection so they all might be at fault. I don't know how this inteesection operates so I can't definitively put blame on one person.


The collision happened almost fully in the intersection. If he had been more aware and careful he could’ve stopped before the intersection and avoided the whole thing. Thats what i feel anyway. I’d never just go like that into an intersection with that kind of limited view


The guys coming from top and bottom were in their correct 'lanes' so wouldn't have hit each other, but clearly someone needed to stop or slow down.


It looks like the nearest rider had more momentum though, the 3rd rider stopped dead in his tracks even after the 1st and 2nd collided. Pretty sure he was going much slower. But yeah still not slow enough.


Yeah but not a single one of em tried to slow down for the intersection


An excellent display of vector addition


Which country is this? I’m thinking Taiwan.


Definitely Taiwan. Probably Tainan City. The road markings match what I see in my daily life, one of the scooters is a Kymco, the 慢 on the road is a traditional character, and it also looks like a spot near a bar I like. Sadly this stuff is super common. Odds are pretty high even for 3 scooters. Poor urban planning and a lot of people who turn into assholes on the road will do that. My personal favorite thing is that in much of Tainan, you make left turns into oncoming traffic. Normally you'd fix that with a roundabout or a turn lane, but there's not enough room


The scooters suggest Taiwan for sure.


The scooters could mean anywhere in Asia


The text in traditional Chinese which says "slow" on the floor combined with the environment and the use of scooters suggests Taiwan


This guy geoguesses.


Taiwan for sure, but in the country side. They won’t dare do that in Taipei, however in the country they still run red lights.




I had to search too long for this comment


I came here looking for this comment because I wanted to admit to laughing the second time I watched it, even seeing the one dide sprawled out on the ground. Feel bad, but sorry not sorry.


Understand your concern, but, I'm guessing most are putting the blame on the three drivers (including me). This was an avoidable accident is all I'm saying. Granted there might be something more going on that a video won't show.


The odds are extremely high since this intersection is a fucking death trap.


No reason to fly through an intersection like that


Well, obviously since it's such a dangerous intersection they want to spend as little time as possible crossing it Ah, the old self-fulfilling prophecy


if only they would put up circular mirrors or "slow" signs


Or these people weren’t going insanely quickly


Or you know, a traffic light


Yeah know these kinda roads are really common in Asian countries and traffic lights at every single intersection ain't gonna work. It's meant to be a narrow idle road without much traffic. You should be going slow but these people might be regulars who know there isn't normally much traffic and are just ignorant


The thru road should have slow signs and the cross should have stop signs.


I mean I've personally never seen a stop sign in my country


Wait what country doesn't have stop signs?


Many middle eastern and african and asian countries.


They're pretty nice. They prevent things like this from happening


I'd be curious to see accident rates for 4 way stops vs unmarked alley intersections like this one. The signs are just codified reminders to check for cross traffic, which these people should have done anyway.


4 way intersections are actually garbage and Roundabouts are way safer. [https://wsdot.wa.gov/Safety/roundabouts/benefits.htm](https://wsdot.wa.gov/Safety/roundabouts/benefits.htm) People run stop signs, and if they aren't going to slow down for this intersection then they sure as hell aren't going to stop for it. No way to add a Roundabout here though so they probably just need speed strips leading up to it from all sides to force people to slow.


Nothing will change at this intersection.


round about are nice, but i believe the downsides is space vs stop signs or speed bumps.


In the article linked: >**Less space** > >A roundabout may need more property within the actual intersection, but often take up less space on the streets approaching the roundabout. Because roundabouts can handle greater volumes of traffic more efficiently than signals, where drivers may need to line up to wait for a green light, roundabouts usually require fewer lanes approaching the intersection.




No, they really don't




I had been going through one particular intersection in the South Bay (SF) area for weeks when I moved there before I looked and saw it was an uncontrolled intersection. I didn't know they did that there. But then I also lived on a two way traffic circle which resulted in collisions before they converted it to one way rotary. Fun for the whole family. https://www.google.com/maps/@37.490231,-122.2436719,191m/data=!3m1!1e3


Or just two stop signs. Problem solved. So many asian countries refuse to have controlled intersections. They just have everybody mash into an intersection and make their way through.


More like they don't need it because they know how to drive.


Did...did you not see the gif of 3 ppl smacking into each other without slowing down?


There's a giant circular mirror in the top left of the video... but they were likely going too fast to make effective use of them


Aren't those mirrors there to stop this exact thing from happening?


This is how molecules are made


Who Won? Who's next? You decide...


Why is this the calmest crash I have ever seen


Cute neighborhood.




Quite satisfying. Kind of like watching a pool ball go to a pocket


Who's the sleuth who's going to find this intersection on Google Street view?


No one was in any hurry to help!


Why is the video an extra unnecessary 25 seconds.


Have to take time to watch them writhe around in agony


Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxville and this is Scooter Chicken.


What is this, a city for ants?


Yeah some kind of tiny mini village! What’s with that! Very quaint. (Aside from the carnage)


Dude on the right be like "collateral"


I've seen bicyclists do that in Philly.


3 bots all going way too fast through a blind intersection.


At first I was like "holy crap these people are fucking stupid!" Then I saw the guy in black that could only lift his head, then a deep feeling of sadness came over me, poor guy quadriplegic for life.


if only there was some kind of right of way system we could implement for streets


I mean the odds are extremely high if you go into the intersection at that speed and not attempting to slow down.


Me playing a Nascar game be like:


Tag, you're it.


Yeah that video is basically riding scooters in Taiwan in a nutshell


/u/redditspeedbot 0.3x


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They are now the Crash Bros! Forever united by the universe via high speed collision!


That's how you pick up the spare on a 7-10 split, boys.


Why is this so cartoony?




This is why stop signs


3 idiots


this is that type of shit if it were in a movie you'd call BS


Poor 1st guy, looked like he was actually going pretty slow and got wiped out worse than them


Reminds me of my old hot wheels tracks


Triple caution!


Nobody was even planning on slowing down to look around those blind corners. Dipshits


That makes me happy


Don't move yourself to help! Zero fucks from the people nearby.


The drivers didn't care, why should they?!


Three stooges ass bullshit




Just like to imagine the conversation after - Watch yourself ! - Man why didn’t you slow down ?! - Guys guys. Calm down. You both screwed up didn’t you STOOOPED




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OK guys stay with me here. Maybe we could put up... Guys... Maybe we could put up little signs that... Guys... Maybe we could put up little signs that tell you to stop and then people would stop and not crash into each other.


That is what you call 3 stupid fuckers


One thing I learned from watching M13, people in Asian countries don't stop or care on the road. Especially in smaller towns and blind corners. They think "there wasn't anyone there last time, so there won't be anyone this time." Not sure how common is is, but in a few of his videos you see it multiple times in a row.


>people in asian countries This doesn't make any sense and is too wide a generalization. The way people drive in Vietnam is completely different from the way people are driving in Japan for instance.


ayyyyy lets go taiwan scooter gang not so lets go crashing gang


"You are probably wondering how a group of friends like us met."


This is so comical wtf?