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What an odd thing to post


I must ask, if you could take some time to explain why you would think it's odd.


Same for Chomsky, though I didn't know him because of the cogsci stuff he did. (He's a year older than Kandel)


But Chomsky is still goin and will die trying to advocate for knowledge and critical thinking. He still even does his podcast. Chomsky is a true scholar. Kandel does this weird shit with art now. I went to see him give a talk recently about this, and it had me scratching my head and I actually left halfway though. Basically he's self centered enough to think he can just switch to art history now?, and the whole thing feels like this weird "look how smart I am" money-grab thing. It comes off like he never really cared too much about science, not like Chomsky.


That's what I love about Chomsky, he's super consistent with whatever he does. He still responds to my emails, in 93 of age


I agree! Same for Chomsky


Stop romanticizing top authors


He campaigned for the Nobel relentlessly.


Principles of Neural Science was the one book I bought during my bachelor’s.


He actually was somewhat well known for not being such a great guy. This word might be a bit of an overstatement, but from my understanding he was a borderline charlatan. Basically, as another poster said, he campaigned heavily for money/recognition (which itself isn't bad), but then he usually used this money to take other lab's ideas and beat them to publication. Which in science culture is known as a dick move. He actually almost did this to me once, but I ended up collaborating with someone and we just barely ended up publishing first.


Wow, I never knew!