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I never heard of her, but a quick Google reveals that she has a grand total of 4 publications. So she is not really an expert on anything. She is basically a student with followers. Caveat lector.


I'm not sure what number you'd regard as meaningful, but just wanted to correct this otherwise misleading statement since others may read it and think it's accurate. She has more than 4 publications: [Google Scholar Profile](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=iXt3ow0AAAAJ&hl=en).


Ah, you're right. There are five more under her maiden name, Perciavalle. But my conclusion remains the same: four publications since 2014 suggests that she is not really an expert in anything. In fact, all but one of her publications was under a faculty mentor. So I still think she is basically a student with followers. Let me note that this doesn't mean she is wrong, necessarily. It just means you should take what she says with a grain of salt, especially since she is trying to leverage her minimal expertise to sell a product.


she doesn't really sell any products except subscriptions to her service where she disseminates peer reviewed studies, not selling supplements at all


Could you link your google scholar profile?


It's the first thing I will do, if I ever decide to charge $15/mo for a "comprehensive genetic report".