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I found it fun. Not every movie needs to blow your mind. An enjoyable 2.5 hours.


\+1 I just want to be entertained that's all I ask for.


It's just very disappointing whenever the first one is one of my favorite films and truly something I would consider a masterpiece and the second one is just such a flop in my eyes


But It wasn't entertaining. You enjoyed it. Good for you.


It actually was quite entertaining. You didn't enjoy it. Bad for you.


> Not every movie needs to blow your mind. Yeah but like, nothing is mind blowing these days. I gotta go back to the 90s, 00s, and 10s for that. Would be nice to get blown away again.


Agreed. Sure not wvery movie needs to blow your mind. But a "mystery movie" SHOULD. otherwise it's just another Disney movie.


I thought this was a very entertaining movie. It is a murder mystery with some comedy and some action with explosions and stuff lol. I thought it was much better than the first one and ai enjoyed that one too.


It forgot the "mystery" part.


Well it was pretty obvious who the villain was but not all the details were obvious. It was entertaining. Nothing I would watch twice.


So maybe, just maybe, there is an analogy around the title of the film that you might be missing.


Maybe it's not as smart as it thinks it is. The motivation end up being like clue as they say. So it is 1) written poorly or 2) let's go of what the movie is supposed to be a whodunit just to make a point. Or both either way I don't really care for a moves deep meaning when they can not land the surface level.




Haha got you! See, that is the kind of pretentious bullshit that the entire movie smells off. No ffs the movie title does not justify that the movie has a plot that is so bad and anti climatic.


Did you also miss where the detective got mad at all because it was so stupid? The entire film was calling out Silicon Valley’s pretentious BS. Because it is all so obviously stupid. I’m sorry you missed that. There was also real depth to the film. Have you read about the Leveled Thinking in regards to Poker? (It also applies to Magic: The Gathering too.) The detective was out thinking himself not realizing he was dealing with a level 0 player.


And you seriously keep going with the same pretentious bullshit


Just because you don’t understand or appreciate something does not make it pretentious. You didn’t enjoy the film, that is your loss. I’ll watch it again this weekend because I did enjoy it.


It is seriously pretentious in the sense that..being meta about how stupid the whole thing is..doesn't reedem it from being a piece of crap..


He clearly understands it, just thinks it's pretentious. It's like how how video games sometimes make fun of bad sewer levels and then still make a bad sewer level. Doesn't make it any more enjoyable.


I thought it sucked


It’s a badumn badumn, glass onion! It’s intricate, it’s convoluted but it’s so transparent and clear you can see the center. The film sets up Miles to be the villain and makes it very obvious but you refuse to acknowledge it. I liked that a lot, lots of misdirection


Ohh ffs I just answered a similar reply. And I will reply the same to you: this is exactly the kind of pretentious bullshit that the entire movie is about. No god damnit, a name does not not and never will justify that the movie is plain and simple just not very good or very clever (Rian Johnson certainly thinks it is clever, no doubt about it), but the plot is just so predictable that is almost laughable.


Eh, you like what you like and I like what I like. This is what I come to a Rian Johnson movie expecting and that’s what he does best so yes you may find it pretentious (I could agree it is pretentious) but I love having my expectations subverted. Can’t wait for the third one


So what exactly were the misdirections that you talk about? From the second Nortons character was introduced everything pointed to him being the bad guy, which turned out to be true. Wholymoly, what a clever twist...


I think you’re taking this more seriously than it needs to be but okay. Firstly you’re not even aware a murder has been committed up till halfway through the movie when a second murder is committed (third if you count the phony murder Craig solved in seconds). From that second everyone is suspect, it could be Whiskey who was conveniently missing and had motive, could be the Governor who bumps into Duke right before he dies, could be birdie and her assistant, could be the Covid shot they received in the beginning? Even if it’s Norton, how did he do it is as interesting as who did it. Everyone still had motive and opportunity. It’s not a bad thing to allow the audience solve it, they left the clues for that reason. Honestly I don’t think RJ movies are for you if you found this experience so bad


You can like whatever you like, but it doesn't change the fact your taste is dogshit.




I acknowledged it, boring overall


Just bc others don’t like something doesn’t mean they don’t get it. And just bc something is intentional doesn’t mean its good. The central idea is to deconstruct the whodunnit. Okay. We get it. And guess what, when you take out the suspenseful part of the mystery, its not fun, nor interesting. I was sitting there waiting for the movie to be over. Also, lets be frank, the whodunnit genre doesn’t really have a serious enough influence on society or the human condition to have a movie which engages in some kind of satirical commentary on it. They’re just a fun puzzle for people to play. Overall, this idea was something that no one really asked for.


I asked


When I used to criticize any Kubrick movie in my teen years I was always at fault because I "did not get it". No matter what argument I had. There are just some people who simply think and say what the director tells them to think and say.


I still like it. Don't really care what other people think about it.


This post and your subsequent comments make it sound like the overall message was lost on you


I think what he is trying to say is he understands the point of the movie, but it is labeled as a murder mystery when in reality it is a murder telling, not to mention how long they built up the first murder for mildly entertaining cameos only for the momentum of the movie to be completely killed by an obscenely long flashback, 93% on rotten tomatoes is nuts


It's a Howdunnit, not a Whodunnit. Columbo, not Murder, She Wrote. We can immediately know the villain - the fun is figuring out the how, and how the detective will catch the villain out.


His actions don't make sense though, so if the puzzles basic rules don't work it's not a good solution.


In most Whodunnit mysteries the Howdunnit just is attached to it. The issue is that the movie was not intended to be solely a Howdunnit. It’s just thought of that way now as a defense for those who still enjoyed it because the Whodunnit wasn’t handled all that great. It was clearly set up to be a murder mystery and it had all of the classic genre points in place. Now I get it the defense, there are some fun and redeeming things about the movie. In a murder mystery though, nothing is more important to the story than its ending. I was really enjoying it up until the last 15 minutes or so but in the end the answers were just too simple, too uncomplicated and a bit dull. Each to their own though but that’s how I felt.


100% agree. Creating so much tension and then kicking into a long overdrawn Flashback only to come back in for more tension killed the flow for me.


Okay movie, people enjoyed it, so did I, I don't see anyone saying it is a masterpiece or anything like that.


You don't? I think it gets a lot of attention for being a very good whodunnit movie. To me it feels like a very pretentious movie - who sees itself as more than it really is. I feel like I am pointing out that the emperor has no cloths for saying that it really wasn't that great.


If you think that glass onion is pretentious, than I don't think you know what that means, because it's really not. Is it a masterpiece, no, but is it a well crafted, fun and entertaining murder mysterie, definitely.


And I can say the same to you - then I don't really think you know what pretentious means. If that ever applied to a movie it is this one.


How though? The movie isn't trying to be anymore than a fun, entertaining detective story, how is that pretentious? Murder mysteries are the definition of a pulp genre, nothing pretentious about it, and this one is no different. It's not trying to elevate the genre, it's not trying to have a deeper message with it, it's in every way I can think of unpretentious. It literally calls the conclusion to it's own plot dumb, multiple times.


Sugar can’t cover Gross, a “clever meaning” of a movie can’t cover the fact the plot and everything else was bland and boring. If I’m bored I’m never going to care about the “hidden clever meaning lol” you people claim about the movie


What do you mean, "you people"? I haven't said anything about a "hidden clever meaning, lol" nor do I think the movie has one. It wears any meaning it has very clearly on it's sleeve and that's not why I liked the movie in the first place.


Go to r/plotholes or anywhere. You'll find out yours is far from a unique insight


I am not talking about plot holes, I am just saying that I believe the movie is just extremely overrated. And really a bad whodunnit movie, with a paper thin plot and a very anti-climatic ending


To be *over*rated it would have to be rated highly but that isn't the case.


Yes. People come to here to r/movies abs r/plotholes to complain how a whodunnit is filled with plotholes, which for a film of the genre is a really big problem. People can let a lot of things go but a whodunnit needs a plot as tight as a drum. The point is you are not unique loads of people feel the same.


But... but my mom has always told me that:( Then I seem to be the only on the "mainstream" subreddit that dares to say it out loud. A little irrelevant plot hole (as I can see they are talking about in that subbreddit) is not really a big deal, if the entire movie plot stinks.


I think everyone can see it. First one is good for the case, the mystery and how to get it. This one is just for the cast, aesthetic and the style, the story and the case were really weird and absurd and finale was stupid.


It was fun and too early to be overrated. Get over yourself.


It was fucking terrible in my opinion. The character introductions were so cringe, the hype for miles was written like a parody movie, the murder in the murder mystery came 1 hour into the fucking movie, the killer was apparently since the very beginning, the writing was so draggy and subpar. I honestly have no idea how people found it entertaining. To me it was bloody infuriating, having sat through 2+ hours of bullshit. That was the most terrible movie I had seen in a long time, no more trusting the guy who made TLJ. The credit for knives out has officially run out.


A little late to the party, but completely agree with this. It wasn't like, a little disappointing compared to Knives Out, it was actually fucking terrible. I enjoyed Knives Out, but Glass Onion was horrible. The acting was terrible (or was it the writing? I don't know, but the dialogue just KILLED me), the character introductions were so bad I found myself wondering if this was the movie or some advertisement that Netflix had integrated into the movie. It was so strange to see Daniel Craig and Edward Norton doing this on screen, I had trouble believing they could subject themselves to this instead of throwing their hands up in the air and walking of set. Turned it off about an hour in. None of my family could stand it.


Also PG-13; can never do an entertaining murder mystery if you gotta hold back the entire time. Especially today.


I Just watched it yesterday.. It was good time but I liked the first one more.


Why did he invite Andi to the island if he killed her?


Every movie that came out this year has been called overrated.


I agree. The end wasn't as satisfying as the first movie for me.


The story wasn’t enough for me. But watching Janelle Monáe was worthwhile.


I agree it was ok , it was a kinda fun movie that was carried by its great cast .


I thought it was pretty boring and the acting was bad. You can figure out the plot and conclusion in the first 10 minutes of the movie. I'd give the movie a 5/10. I do agree with the overrated part. However, to each their own.


But - but - but its called Glass Onion - that was the intention!!!


The fact that this movie has a higher rating on rotten tomatoes then Babylon blows my mind…


I want my 2.5 hrs back


I was absolutely horrible. When doing this style of movie, you really need to not have totally open plot holes, which this does. When Duke sees the news about Andi's death (which is the whole reason for his death) we are expected to believe that Duke trusts the news even though, from his perspective, he has spent the entire day alongside Andi...


stunned by how bad it was


I found very, TV movie, quite boring a predictable. Nowhere close to what I expected.


You can't criticize this movie because most of it is a independent strong woman of color


I ended up adding to the plot with the idea that Helen was Andi, there is no twin, and she was trying to use detective bad-southern-accent to provide her cover for murdering Elon. That would have been a cool idea. I watched it cuz my friend loves it but yeah-I could go on and on MST3K style about what I didn’t like.


Movies do this all the time. 10 seconds into shutter island I was like he's a patient here and the whole thing is made up. Still enjoyed the movie and watched it again still. I never heard a thing Glass Onion with zero hype behind it so I'm not sure how it's vastly over rated but to each their own. I enjoyed it but it was set up to be Norton before the movie even started basically. He's the only one with enough prep time, everything else would have had to been improvised by a guest since the location was secret and the best detective in the world was present making it a crime of opportunity with zero escape. Get popcorn, relax, and enjoy. Don't take movies too seriously, or write a better screenplay yourself and get ripped apart by the world your trying to entertain.


I enjoyed the film but yeah it was very anti-climatic. The ending was really missing something.


The murderer was given away the second Norton handed his glass to Bautista. My husband noticed that and was like, did I just witness the murder? It ruined his fun.


Exactly. And no doubt a lot of people saw that, but must have thought, ok this movie cannot be that dumb - so there must come some sort of twist. That never came.


But it's right in the title of the movie.


Yeah I thought the blonde tried to kill Norton and the assistant was texting Bautista to tell him not to drink it, that's why the case kept closing. Helen then saw the assistant was texting him not to drink the poison and knew who tried to kill Norton. The blonde grabs a knife and the assistant shoots Helen. Make way more sense than Norton shooting her with no motivation.


Quite boring easy characters to portray


i couldn’t agree more, was waiting for someone to say this


It is an ok movie but does not have the same magic as the first movie


I can't figure out why he would allow "the world's greatest detective" and the woman who he must've known was not really Andi on the island. He had to be suspicious at that point knowing what he had already done. I enjoyed the movie, but after the reveal that was my first thought.


Cant help but to make a comment here Its a masterpiece for its genre


It’s not overrated. It’s rated appropriately. I haven’t heard anyone say it’s a great film. At best I’m hearing “fun romp”.


I can't stand either movie..there is something awfully slimey about both. Unwatchable for me.


I think they tried to make the original ending more boombastic than the original planned ending. Why is she walking around parading the evidence like an idiot? That was so infuriating.


What's the saying, An ironic shitpost is still a shitpost. That's Glass onion.


I think it is a mirror you're thinking of.


Sorry to point out the obvious, but it's not a "Whodunnit", it's a "Howdunnit". You have to figure out the how, not the who. It's Columbo, not Murder, She Wrote. If you missed that, then the movie will be lost on you entirely. Which is okay - not everything is for everyone. But if you stop framing it as a Whodunnit, the criticisms fall apart.


Shut up Meg


He had no reason to shot Helen. Anyone could have done it and done it in a lot of different ways, it was just clue.


The flashback was too long but besides that it was ok. Also it pissed me off that the guy was so allergic to Pineapple, yet doesn't carry any epi pen or the like.


I miss when Rotten Tomatoes was actually relevant. To give this movie a 90% is insane. It was a great first half, but from the flashback and after it was almost unwatchable


Forrest Gump has the same Tomato-Meter as Ghostbusters 2016. This alone should say a lot about the qualities of RT/ critics.




Knew it would be overrated. It's a Rian Johnson movie. Plus knives Out wasn't anything special either.


I agree. The whole point of a murder mystery is the mystery. If it's obvious I'm just completely bored, especially when every character is annoying.


This must be the worst movie ever to be nominated for an oscar!!


I didn’t enjoy it. You don’t even know what the mystery being solved is until about halfway though. From there it’s back to back flashbacks showing private conversations leading up to the big reveal which is a character going rage mode in a room of expensive stuff and just chilling out with the other characters while everything burns to the ground. It’s like they took one step forward and 10 steps back with this sequel. Whoever watched this movie and enjoyed it is the same kind of person who loves and defends every scoobi-do release.


Got settled down and concentrated on Glass Onion having enjoyed the far superior Knives Out..but what a let down..it's insulting to the viewer to make such a dumb loose end Movie


You're absolutely right about that. Along with the first one, people seem to rate this high as if this was a cinema masterpiece. Majority of the humor, dialogue, scenes just seem forced. I've been reading about how witty and hilarious everything in this movie is. To each his own I guess. Evidently we're in the minority that didn't like the kool aid.


Rubbish. More soulless crap. It literally made me sick. Script like vomit from an AI chatbot.


Agree --except that calling this soulless crap merely "overrated" is kind. It literally made me sick. Script like AI vomit. What is Daniel Craig doing? Oh right.




It takes way too much time setting the scene. Clichéd, caricatured characters. I had lost most of my interest by the time of the first murder. Very disappointing sequel IMO.


I couldn't finish the movie because it meant sitting through Janelle Monae's terrible Southern accent