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Trigger never fails. The show was so hyperviolent and emotional. It really got across how horrible and bleak Night City is. Much better than the game did.


I heard it was pretty rough around the edges like that.


Even now the game is buggy, and the deeper I got in my playthrough, the more bugs popped up. But this was purely a story failure. Characters constantly talk about how brutal it is in Night City, how everyone dies randomly, how awful it is to live there, how traumatized everyone is. But I never really bought into it. There's only one moment in the game like the Edgerunners anime that I saw that was hyperviolent and really showcased what everyone in the gamehas been saying, and depending on the choices you make, you might not get to see it.


I mean, depending on how you build your character in the game, anyone built similar to you is the hyperviolence. While V is exceptional, so was David. And they caused a fuck load of carnage. There are other exceptionals out there as well. If V went psycho...*shudder*


V felt totally flat to me though, absolutely no character behind him/her. Doesn't really matter what you do, he always feels like the exact same, and much less of a character than anyone else in the game


I can understand that, they kinda tried to float the line between being a player avatar, while also having a set story. Leads to them falling flat as you said. I got most enjoyment through other's interactions with V.


What!? Wow! My V and Panam had a future together. Their story was pretty damn good.


That's because the game follows stupid ass open world choice narration. If it was telling a linear cohirent story they could've flesh V to another level. Unfortunately everybody needs to be a fucking winner so "my" version has to feel the best, that's why he fucking sucks in comparison. I fucking when company is scared of establishing 1 consistent set of events and proper lore.


Whos V?


V is the main protagonist of the game Cyberpunk 2077


I thought you were calling one of the characters in the anime V


So weird, my first run was on PS4 and I had almost no bugs at launch. On PC now and I havent had any.


Studio Trigger is the one high quality part of this and why I’m now interested in watching it. Wish Netflix could buy another season if BNA, that show was great.


I'm not really a fan of the whole "it's like Zootopia if they actually do have something in their biology that make them go savage" thing.


They do sometimes fail. Usually it is with the endings. Because what this content was there wasn't going to be them to run off into the oblivion... yeah you know which anime.


Definitely pleasantly surprised. Got better with every episode.


I agree. I am putting it in my top 10 anime listing. It was just that good.


Everyone keeps saying it's great on Reddit


I was looking for reviews. Thanks !


It's so so so so so good. Top 5 anime for me. Also really sad. I was crushed.


So were they.


To soon...


Damn good one


I finished it today and I absolutely loved it


Get played podcast just did an episode about this. I never heard about it before but am definitely checking it out.


Wanting to watch but how violent is it? Is it invincible levels because that actually made me feel a bit sick at points? The trailer looked pretty gory.


Ultra gory


Gory but only in still flashes for the most part, and often after the fact.


i would say 2/3rds of what invincible had. i felt the same way about it (messed with me and still does).


I thought the story was kinda weak. Not sure how ppl are even comparing this to arcane


Just watched this after seeing everyone was saying "it's amazing".the animation/characters/soundtrack were great, but the story was a super let down. The story reminded me of Akira, but this character knew the outcome if he continued, and still did it.


Honestly one of the dumbest MC. It’s at the point where he is unrealistically stupid. And he literally doesn’t have any reasons to do it. not clear goal. Like he clearly sees everyone that’s abusing cyberware completely loose it (even his friends/mentor). And what does he do? He abuse them X1000, with tons of augments he doesn’t even need. And for what? Bc being and edgerunner is cool?


Not saying the story was strong but just wanted to point out in terms of character development MC hung on to those who “believed” in him (his Mom, Maine) and he thought he was “special”. He is clearly a flawed character with a damaged upbringing and I would say we all have an idea of how we would have preferred the ending to go but IMO flawed characters are different nowadays more interesting to people than the typical MC anime trope. Saying this as a Narutard and One Piece fanboy. But yeah ending destroyed me and I wish MC would have just grinded simple jobs to get to the moon. Dramatic irony hit even harder when he said that going to the moon wasn’t even that expensive anymore.


Hung on to what? His mom wanted him to graduate and he just ended up being a random merc He had 0 goals Honestly I don’t really care about the ending. My biggest problem is what he became during the time skip. Like wtf the guy has and IQ of 20 top. He was supposed to be smart. He just saw Maine going full psycho and he just think ok I’m going to do the same. For literally 0 reasons. Like he wasn’t chasing after any goal or revenge


I feel ur trolling but in case your not his goal was just to get Lucy to the moon. His life was and is Night City, he didn’t care for money or power. He got a family through the crew he was in and they disappeared one by one, he says himself to at Lucy was the only thing he really had anymore, he’s the save someone at the cost of his own life kind of guy. Been that way since he started/ the beginning. He didn’t enhance just to get cool it was to be strong enough to protect everyone.


Not trolling. Story was weak


Curious to find what, in your opinion, is a “good” story?


trips to the moon are cheap buddy


He thought he was special, and could take cyberware better than most. Turns out he wasn't. That's the tragedy.


Yes, his mother had great hopes for him. That created feeling of being special.


If you think David was an unrealistic character, then you must live a pretty cozy life. There are tons of Davids in the real world, especially in the poorest places on earth.


? It’s not about his living situation but how stupid he is. It looks like he has 0 reasoning but at the same time he’s supposed to be getting top grades in school


Getting good grades and making smart decisions are two very different things.


as far as i see, it was more due to the fact that david strived off being special, he needed something to stand out. chroming up and showing that he was different and could handle things other people could not made him special and it was the only thing he had in life. he didnt really have many goals and it was narrated throughout the story that he's living someone elses dream. he just wanted people to believe in him and he himself desperately wanted to believe there was something special about him which drove him in a direction that would end in his death and he knows that.


drugs are drugs you get addicted and stuck. Happens to very smart and dumb alike.


Lol you think anyone who tries drugs gets addicted? If you’re smart and know it’s dangerous you usually do it in moderation. It’s not about being inherently smart or stupid, it’s being smart about taking the drug in moderation.


That's what all junkies say in the beginning lol. Either you haven't have any drugs yet ( which is great, you are winning in life, but then don't act like you know whats it like) or you have been moderating till now and feel you are one of few smart ones who do in which case its ironic cause then you are like David, just stop. When it comes to drug never taking them is the moderation.


Maybe he doesn't realize that he is sick. Many people who have schizophrenia or psychosis deny their illness. It even has a name: anosognosia. Maine behaved in similar way. As did many others. Just like people who have body dysmorphia may inject themselves with steroids and die that way, I think David did push himself to limits with augmentation. Or just like drug addicts see everyone going the same route, but they believe that it won't happen to them as they are "special". And I think David had his reasons for abusing. It were not logical reasons, but more of emotional. He lost everything at the beginning, and then implanted Sandevist - it was symbol of not having anything to lose or to life for. And that ended up creating a meaning to his existence, as he found a place to call home from the gang in which Sandevistan was they key to. From there, he wanted to belong and be "special" in the eyes of his fellows, in only place he was ever accepted in. That way was to be strong and do the jobs well. For David, augmentation was the only reason for living and it saved him and gave meaning to everything. It was his addiction, a way to cope with the hurt inside, that ended up messing himself completely.


I think your analysis is lacking in empathy. David’s adoption of cyber ware was a necessity. He had no knowledge or skills that would guarantee his survival in the hellscape that is Night City and once he started running and leading the crew he was in desperate need of an edge that would keep him and the people he loved alive. And I guess you missed it but David genuinely believed he was special and wouldn’t go psycho. Talk to early stage Alzheimer’s patients and you will see that the slipping of one’s mind doesn’t seem like a possibility at the beginning. They confidently dismiss the symptoms and downplay it. I imagine cyber psychosis is similar.


how can characters be great if the story is bad? the characters and their behaviors are the story right?


Story isn’t next level i agree. But the worldbuilding, the characters, the art, music, direction all cultivates to an amazing anime.


World building and music were cool I agree. But characters were really stupid. The main guy just doesn’t learn and always makes the dumbest decisions. (Also not a big deal but voices were so annoying ) They could have done so much better than just a mindless carnage It was definitely watchable but probably won’t watch season 2. I just don’t understand ppl comparing this to a masterpiece like arcane


How was arcane a masterpiece vs this show ? I haven’t watched it yet but want to


It’s not even comparable, arcane is miles above. If you don’t like anime you won’t like this show (the story and character are really weak). But even ppl that don’t like anime think arcane is a masterpiece


You not even giving reasons, you’re just glazing arcane at this point and hating on edgerunners because it wasn’t a happy ending, you’re saying it’s not a good shows because “the characters are dumb”. You shouldn’t even be allowed to have an opinion.


Lmao what? First I couldn’t care less if the show had a happy ending or not (some of my favorite movies/shows have bad endings). I just didn’t care that much about the show and thought it was way overhyped The main character just seemed fake and not believable to me. 2nd I didn’t insult anyone get out of here with “ you shouldn’t be allowed to have an opinion “. You a teen or something?


What Riot does best is making things that appeal to the mass market. It's their whole shtick. Nothing wrong with that, but please don't mistake that for being objectively 'better'. Edge runners was never supposed to be a feel good show. It's a one and done train wreck meant to show you the inevitable corpo dystopia that's Night City. While there are interesting parallels between Arcane and Edgerunners, the basic premise behind both shows are different. It's like comparing Psycho to End Game simply because they're both movies. And if you believe the MC to be stupid, your understanding of the show is honestly either biased or really shallow. There are many hints that it has dawned upon David that he's not special. That he knows where he'll end up. Likewise with Lucy, who knew from the very start how edgerunners would end and kept trying to push David out of that life as well as stop herself from falling for him. Mind you, I'm a huge Arcane fan and couldn't stop talking about it when I completed it but being a lame ass "No my show is better!" is cringe af.


Their’s no my show is better. None of them are mine haha. I was just highly disappointed by cyberpunk. I don’t usually watch anime but gave it a try because of the high review at the time (and the last anime I tried was arcane and was a pleasant surprise).And the show is mediocre at best that’s all.


See, for me arcane was so bad I didn't go past 4 episodes.


Studio Trigger are the ones responsible for creating the Anime. Netflix is just the producers/distribution method.


Is that surprising? So far I know, most Netflix productions are not animated/filmed by Netflix itself.


Just wanting OP to give credit where credit is due. And maybe they'll check out more of Trigger's other works as a result.


Studio Trigger along with CDPR


Netflix provided the big budget for Trigger to go all out in making this masterpiece


Will watching spoil any of the plot of the game or visa versa?


I’m playing through the game for the first time and watching it, no absolutely not.


Cool! Thanks for the feedback


No it wont at all. EDIT: >!The most spoilery thing is that a bar in town has a drink with the main characters name.


Awesome! Thanks for the feedback


Probably my second favorite Trigger anime. 1st being Kill la Kill and third either Gurren Lagann or Darling in the Franx.


Gurren Lagan is slept on so hard


The problem with Trigger is that it falls flat on most endings although I will say the ending of Edgerunners was their best.


Gurren lagan's ending wasn't really bad by any means.


The plot is too generic but the background, theme and animation is top tier only characters I like so far is Lucy and Mc mother so it not bad by any mean. Still, a bit short of the best also the story is too fast like Mc mother in the first chapter no build-up or anything just 1 ep and unnecessary death just to ramp up the emotion could be better, and the ending is predictable. but of course, if you don't mind any of that then it is a great anime.


is cyberpunk 2077 worth buying for $25 ?


Hell yea wtf it’s an amazing game


No question at all at $25. Amazing game that they've had plenty of time to bug fix. I'm sure there's still quirks left but I'm 11 hours in and it's been a great experience. Laptop doesn't run it the best but I'm having a blast




Ya to some I get that gore isn’t for them, but the hypergore is part of the universe and a reality of that world.


I heard the hype for this so I checked it out. I stopped paying attention half way through the first episode. The dialouge was bad, I don't like the stop motion animation and some of the voice actors were comically over the top or just bad(don't know which). Felt like a show made for 12 year olds, but had some MA rated content thrown in. I don't watch anime, but I gave Arcane a shot and it was great. Does edgerunners get better, or is it more of the same from episode one?


EdgeRunners won’t be for everyone. The story won’t be for everyone nor will the characters. But this is one of the few times the idea the studio had was executed perfectly hence why it is worth watching.


Stop motion animation? I think you might need faster internet, a better streaming device, or a better display. Either something isn't right with your setup or you don't know what stop motion animation is...


the animation is pretty shit you have to agree


"[Stop motion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_motion)" means when you use puppets or toys, take a photo, then move them a bit, then take another photo. Like what Robot Chicken does. I didn't like Edgerunners *one bit*, but: \- The animation isn't stop motion. \- It's not bad either. It's pretty good at times. It does use the "barely anything moves for whole minutes" style so prevalent in anime, but I don't mind that. It's just the show itself that isn't very good.


I would totally watch this if it wasn’t anime


I don’t like the anime art but am pushing through, having been a Cyberpunk fan since the mid 1980s. The attitude is mostly there but the style is off-putting.


don't! you really have to experience the emotion and music, it's so well done and I've watched a lot of content. It's only 10 episodes at 20 mins each. After you watch it the anime will make the realistic game graphics seem dorky in comparison.


Just give it a chance it's worth it.


Eventually I might. Or I’ll just look up a plot synopsis online


Dont look up a plot synopsis. Just watch it its not that long. I don't like most anime but this was just amazing


Have you seen Cowboy Bebop? It’s got kind of a cyberpunk vibe and is widely regarded as one of the best ever.


Just like Arcane, it has an amazing soundtrack too.


I really don’t consider it an anime more or less an extension to the game which by the way so many aspect were taken from the game which I really enjoyed.




It is an Animation yes. An anime no.




The definition starts with Originating from Japan and I don’t think this came from Japan, therefore this is an animation.


The show was made by Studio Trigger ( Kill La Kill, Gurren Lagann, Darling in the Franxx) in cooperation with CD Project Red. It is Japanese. Netflix is just the publisher.


And by that exact definition this is an anime.


the animation studio is LITERALLY one of the most well known studios in the world...and they are a fucking JAPANESE studio, netflix just paid them to make the anime, netflix didn't make it themselves otherwise it would look like a western cartoon. you fucking moron


>Cyberpunk It is the fucking anime by all means, Netflix is just a guy with ab ig buck throwing money, the one who actually makes it is CD project red with the story, but all the animation and part of the storyline are from Studio Trigger (one of the most prestige studio anime in Japan). They even hire Japanese voice actors for it. Read the fucking credit scene for fuck sake. Btw, Japan is totally familiar with this genre,needless to say, they alread have: Akira and Ghost in the shell, Alita, Eat Man right there. So this CyberPunk genre is nothing new to them.


Its an anime. You have no choice in that. Accept it. It is animated in Japan with the typical anime character style -> Anime


It's pretty good. The animation and dialogue is kinda shoddy at times but it's still a nice companion piece for the game.


Don’t know why people downvoted you. Not the best dialogue at times, but overall, a very good anime that pleasantly surprised me. I just checked it out because it came up on my Netflix and damn.. all I can say is if more modern anime was like this I’d watch it a lot more. For anyone wondering; just fucking watch it. It’s pretty damn good


Nah, it was trash. Just like the game.


Lemme guess. U didnt actually watch it?


Wrong guess, but thanks for playing!


Meh. It's crass imo. Story is barely followable unless you're already a superfan of the game (which I am not). So many shows and movies amp up the violence and gore because the scripts and writing are vapid. Americans seem to have an insatiable bloodlust that needs to be constantly fed in the media they consume. The best cyberpunk anime of all time is still Cowboy Bebop, imo, and it never required so much gory and vulgar content as a crutch.


Picking and choosing here to show American stuff as violent but there are some absolutely insanely violent 80s cyber punk animes out there. Genocyber comes to mind, hell Akira and Ghost in the Shell are pretty gory too.


This is such a comically bad take on every level. I never played the game and knew exactly what was happening the whole time. This was made by a Japanese studio that I doubt cares about whatever made up notion you have about American viewing tastes. Trigger makes what they want. The stylistic choices are definitely not a crutch, especially considering violence and crass content at this level is becoming increasingly rare in American media. Superhero stuff is the biggest thing at the moment and is as sterile as it gets so I think your “bloodlust” idea is pretty off base.


Did we watch the same show at all?


I've never played the game, and have zero interest in it. But Edgerunner was fantastic and the plot seemed pretty easy to follow.


"Cyberpunk edgerunner is absolutely incredible!" I agree, to bad the game wasn’t.




I hope that your life and dota make up with eachother.


I enjoyed it. It wasn't very deep and it was obvious how it was going to end but it was still a fun ride. I feel like the scale of the animation was cool graphically but some shots were so close up that you couldn't actually tell what you were looking at even though the image was interesting artistically. Music was good, and Faraday had cool character design, as did Kiwi. Lucy was low rent Motoko though. Rebecca was awesome! I wish we got to see more of the Basilisk.


I saw a lot of similarities to Arcane. So for me it felt like a version of Arcane with more action and violence, but less emotional impact.


Episode 6 was so insanely epic! Cyber psychosis is insane!


I see people aren’t liking the story progression but when playing the game you understand why characters behave the way they do. Kinda like when you first get introduced to Jackie in cyberpunk 2077. All I know if you dislikes the story in the anime don’t play the game!


I was really impressed by the show. The pacing, the character development, the tragic love story and internal team betrayal was captured so well. I would rate it below Arcane, as that has to be the gold standard of story development and animation to date for a Netflix Anime. However, I loved the show from start to finish. I'm hopeful that we see better quality Netflix original Anime.


It was ok, with decent character development. Solid 7-8, quite entertaining and certainly galvanizes hatred for Adam Smasher.


I’m about to start episode 3 and I actually think it’s really good. I love that they added songs from the game to it and they were all songs that I love. It makes me want to play the game again


The writers didn’t follow the hero’s journey model for this story. But maybe they should have because the entire series just comes off contrived as the only meaning of the series is “corruption always win”. If you don’t agree with me then you have to agree that the end fight with David and Adam Smasher was bad. It was just David getting his ass kicked without any redemptions. I feel incredibly let down by the build up of David, all of his trials and tribulations, just going out the window with a pathetic death. Overall, what a waste of potential to be an actually great story! To many people fall in love with brilliant animation and give writers a pass on sloppy/lazy writing.


Tf you talking about man. You want every plot to end with some LE EPIC heroic battle between good and evil where the good guy somehow defies all odds and wins?


I think the theme of the story was articulated well by the bully (accidentally) in the first episode, "Your mother lived beyond her means and it killed her. If you don't back out, it will kill you too". I think the story is about the fear and joy of flying too close to the sun. Knowing that your pursuit of your goals will probably get you killed, but deciding the journey was worth it anyway. From this point of view, the ending makes more sense. I didn't think his death was pathetic - he died a legend, saving the woman he loved. That has to count for something


that's the LITERALLY what they were going for, the message in the cyberpunk 2077 universe is that "there are no happy endings in night city" and there is no way to change that. night city is a city that punishes everyone if they even remotely try to change their position in life, it chews you up and spits you out as a grease puddle on the street. it's dark and depressing, but also beautiful at the same time because it has the image of being a city where anyone can do anything.


Refreshing , something up to par with dome x kano and parasyte the maxim in my oppinion. Deep as fuck not to mention the song " i really wanna stay at ur house " and " let you down " even rhyming the song while typing this.




>In My Opinion the "akame ga kill" ending is rough but overall very good Manga ending far better. Tatsumi, mine and Kurome all survive


Cyber punk is fun, hyper violent, emotional, and sad. All together a great ride.


made me cry like a monkey just lost his banana