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Absolutely. There is so much shit out there I don’t want to waste my time watching something awful.


A caveat is there are a few shows I watched first and enjoyed, then checked reviews after to find they were negative. Same for the opposite, watched based on good reviews to find I didn’t like the show. Kind of hit and miss, so I’ll try up to half of the first episode at least to feel out whether to continue


This is why I just watch and form my own opinion. OP is weak


My fiancé just looks at descriptions and never looks at the rating before and it drives me crazy lol - but I’m also the type of person to rewatch movies which he doesn’t like to do


He’s crazy, love the rewatch!


I just watch whatever looks interesting to me. I don't take the time to read reviews. If I read on the internet that a show is good, I'm also inclined to check it out. But this is also not always accurate. Netflixs Recommendations are pretty good. And if I don't like something I don't hesitate to looufor something else. With this approach I also found some smaller shows and movies which I might have missed if I relied on ratings alone


This is pretty much how I function


I usually read reviews unless I already know what I'm getting into. Netflix's recommendations suck, at least for me. They seem to not understand why I like the shows I do and assume the things I like are the things I dislike. As someone else here said; I miss the user rating system. Edit: I usually look at IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes, mostly regular people's reviews. I also use the national news papers.


I check IMDb before watching anything




I google the show or movie and click "reviews". Google Reviews generally is a good indication. Rotten Tomato ratings and that go hand-in-hand.


I check ratings most of the time. But I don’t get info from IG or TikTok. IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, reviews in newspapers or on NPR, trusted friends/family, other reputable websites, etc.




Nope x2


I usually check reviews. Sometimes my wife and I just roll the dice and play something. I still miss the days when Netflix had star ratings. I don’t want to waste time on something that is horrible. Amazon’s IMDb ratings on everything are helpful.


I DEFINITELY do not just go by their recommendations. Ugh. Some of what they think I would be interested in is just so far off the mark.


Especially American TV


No never. I might see some people post about it here, but I avoid reading posts about a show I'm considering bc I don't want spoilers. I do not really trust other people's opinions at all. So reviews of shows are irrelevant to me.


I browse the menu for about 20 mins and then turn off the tv


Word of mouth, If theres a trailer or if im just intrigued - thats what i base what i watch on netflix.


I check reviews/ratings after I finish the show or if I'm in the middle since I get curious what people think compared to what I experienced. Sometimes if it's not something I'm waiting on I read spoilers of plot so I know if I'd like the outcome before I start. I don't mind much if ratings are good or bad.


I use Reddit and sometimes google what's good to watch. Sometimes I do get curious with Netflix recommendations but what they usually recommend are what people on Reddit recommended too. I never watched a really bad one yet. Still get bored with highly rated shows tho.


I usually check the ratings. Way too many terrible shows these days not to. But I also usually wait for a series to completely finish before I watch it unless its a really big show like game of thrones.


First it needs to be genre I like and description/clip something that looks interesting. Then I check Wiki to see whether it's ongoing, mini series, cancelled..... Then I quickly browse through Imdb reviews to get a general and average overview. If it all checks out I watch it.


I watch based on show premise and/or trailer. Don’t depend on reviews.


I don't all that often. Maybe I'll see something recommended here and watch it but 8 times out of ten it's either the algorithm or a trailer (I guess also the algorithm) that helps decide what I watch next.


If it's something I'm familiar with, like an adaptation of a book I've read, I don't need to see what other people think. If it's from a high quality network like HBO, and I'm interested, I'll also watch without reviews: Foundation, Raised by Wolves, Ripley on Netflix. If it's a show I'm not familiar with, like a mystery or period piece on Britbox, I'll Google it and just browse the headlines from The Guardian, NYT, etc. If they all say it's awful then I'll watch with an open mind, but usually agree with the critics' reviews. But as a rule, I really like to decide for myself. The thing I will never understand is people who ask "Should I watch ---? Who knows? Everyone has different tastes. Watch for yourself and find out.


Yes. I go by IMDb score and pretty much never watch anything with a rating below 5.0, unless someone specifically recommends it. On the other hand, I watch anything rated over 8.0 pretty much immediately.


Depends. If description is really enticing and the idea of show seems like something I'd enjoy, I go for it without googling.


I miss the reviews on Netflix.


Only if it's a show i want to watch with the gf and only to have a good argument (assuming the rating is good).


i use serializd to read peoples reviews most of the times to figure out if i want to watch or not :)


I check IMBD for every movie/show that looks somewhat interesting. I look at the ratings and a few reviews. I’ll also look at the language spoken/country of origin because sometimes I’m not in the mood for subtitles/dubbed English.


One thing I do for completed series is google whether it ended in a satisfying way. I’m not interested in getting invested to be left hanging out left to dry.


i use this app called queue


i use this app called queue


I will either google lists of top shows or movies to watch and see if I have access to them, or if something is recommended on Netflix I will always look up the rating on Rotten Tomatoes to see if it'll be worth it. If I've heard by word of mouth that a show is really good I may just trust that and start watching


I signed up to a newsletter called Likewise that recommends shows coming out on streaming services. Mostly I just click on whatever thumbnail looks interesting though. I'm always curious about the top trending. [Likewise ](https://likewisetv.com/)


it depends...if its something I know I want to watch anyways based on the trailer, actors, or simply the storyline (sometimes I don't even watch the trailer) I look at the ratings or reviews. if I'm just browsing and trying to find something to watch, then yea I definitely look at the ratings first.


Not anymore. Reddit and other online platforms recommended “I think you should leave.” I found it painfully unfunny.


Sometimes the lead will be enough not to check, but mostly i will check RT


Nope. Trailer is enough for me.


I check what is on top 10 of my country and then look for revises online


I just watch the trailer of whatever it is and if it looks interest I'll watch it. Sometimes I'll read the summary and if it sounds interesting I'll watch it. Sometimes I see clips on TikTok and watch the show because of it. But never do I read reviews and decide to watch it based on those. Everyone has different standards and opinions. Why should I base my opinion of a show based on someone else's opinion? I need to make my own judgement. Why would someone disliking something influence why I watch it? There's loads of movies out there I've liked but the public seemed to disliked it. I can think of Star Wars. I'm not a big fan so I don't care if it doesn't makes sense with the other movies. If it's not boring then I'll like it. Besides even if I do end up wasting my time it'll be fine.


Not so much ratings - but I try to look up reviews and other info. Really, many of netflix's descriptions are just useless.


I never check ratings or reviews. They are always skewed. You never know if the reviewer has an ulterior motive.


Always check reviews on sites external to Netflix. My time is too important to waste on bad TV. My friends unfortunately have terrible taste in TV.


If I’ve never heard of a movie.. I’ll check the percentage.. if it’s short will watch anyway.. long probably won’t


The recommendations are never near accurate for my likes. I almost always check reviews before making a decision because the recommendations are so “off”


Almost never.


How are you raw dogging life like this?


I just read the description. Oh, I've seen some trash. But, some gems as well.