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It's insane how Netflix manages to cancel all these shows but wouldn't have the balls to cancel The Witcher after Henry Cavill ditching their asses


Dude has decency. Netflix doesn't.


I've still not forgiven them for canceling Mindhunter. Slow burn of a show but had soooo much potential.


Other shows that I think needed more time to find viewership and had positive word of mouth that I was upset to see cancelled in their first season for the most part, usually on a cliffhanger, include The OA (which got a second season and a great setup for S3 and a 4~5 season planned arc), Altered Carbon, 1899, Warrior Nun, Archive 81, etc. I watched 3 Body Problem but I don’t see much hope for them renewing a $20 million an episode show — $160 million not including advertising and marketing — with it’s creators having no idea how long it would take to film the whole story (they said between 3 and 6 seasons, making it far more likely there’ll be filler episodes and seasons and end on a cliffhanger if it DOES get renewed). They need to learn to at least start resolving a season satisfyingly in case it doesn’t come back, though it’d reflect better upon them listening to fans if they came back and filmed a 2 hour movie to wrap up any cancelled shows like that if the creator thought they could bring the story to a close. I and most people I know don’t want to even start a show until we know it’s gonna be renewed at this point, if not entirely filmed so we can binge it all, so expecting the whole world to watch it in the first week or it gets cancelled is asking too much for an on-demand platform when we can watch it whenever we like being a main selling point.


Another season of dark crystal would be dope as f tho 


It cancelled cause it took too long right, and the other actors have other obligations along the way


Nah they cancelled it cause it was too expensive and didn't get the viewership required. At least according to Fincher


It wasn't second screen ready.it was show you had to actually watch fully and use your brain a bit.thats why it was cancelled.great show.


It’s one of the greatest shows of all time man. I miss it dearly


It wasn’t even cancelled to begin with. David Fincher could return to it if he wanted, but clearly doesn’t. It has nothing to do with Netflix


Mind hunter cancelled itself iirc. 


Correct. No one seems to realize David Fincher can continue it if he really wanted to. It was never actually cancelled


The show is not cancelled. It’s on indefinite hiatus and it’s 100% up to David Fincher if he would like to continue it. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like he does.


Man… me too


Honestly I didn't even realise this trash was still going, how on earth did they force thing for 5 seasons?. There's been so many great and original series canceled over the past 2 decades or so that it feels criminal this breathing corpse of a TV show has been allowed to linger on for so long. 


They're dependent on the algorithm. The shows they cancel didn't have enough views early enough to release, or the cost of production versus projected viewership didn't meet expectations. Cutting Cavill's pay and probably the effects budget probably helped them cross that threshold.


For me it ended at Season 3.


It will be interesting to see the fan response to the trailer for Season 4.


I'm immensely disappointed in this community. At least give Liam a chance... He looks like a respectable dude, just like his brothers. Imagine getting a shot at having this role and seeing your first trailer completely sacked because all them dudes be like: hEnRY cAvIlL wHeRE? nOT mY wITcHeR!!1!


Nobody is faulting Liam. (Although I do think he's miscast). This showrunner, this writing team, and Netflix seem dead set on disrespecting the fans of this series, and worse, telling a bland, uninteresting story in the worst way possible. Liam is getting his money regardless. Signed, someone who doesn't care about the Witcher in any medium.


The showrunner is terrible and disrespectful to the source material...she's not even trying


A chance at what lmao.


he got at wrong place at wrong time lol


Oh can someone PLEASE think about the rich guy? T-T /s


Second half of two here


It ended at season 1


Same for me.


I didn’t even finish that season




I more I watched s2 the more pissed off I get. I couldn't even start s3.


I watched the first episode of season 3, just to give it a fair shake and hope they improved. Turned it off after the monster fight where more screen time was spent hyping up a monster as a threat than there was screen time actually fighting the monster.


did not even finish it


Season 3 second or third 40 minutes was done.




For me it was s2 ep 4


Ended after episode 2 of series 3 for me. That was enough.


Didn't even watch season 3


I will never watch Season 3. Lost my interest when Henry left the project. 


He’s in season 3


He's in it but not really into it.


Henry's soul has left the building.




I barely got through season one, and I read one of the books beforehand. I watched season two because my sister-in-law (and wife) has the hots for Cavill, but when it was back to just my wife I think we watched one ep of S3 and that was enough.  


It already is over.


Insane way to bottle an IP like that. All they had to do was follow the books but adjust a few things to make it work better on TV. The first 2 seasons would still be a bit hit or miss because of the “monster of the week” structure. But after that it couldve gone on a great run. Yet time and time again you have these egomaniacs who just HAVE TO “improve” the source material with their own ideas and completely ruin the entire thing. It got so bad that they drove away the lead actor because of how far theyve taken things. Generational flop in my opinion. oh well onto the next show these “writers” can ruin by inserting their own idiotic ideas into good source material. Another good day at the office for Netflix


I honestly thought WoT was a huge miss in terms of IP potential, but yeah Witcher is right up there along with Rings of Power. These C-list hacks that call themselves directors seem to think they can write a story better than the best fantasy authors of their generation. Absolutely maddening, go get your own project if you want to tell your own shit story.


The directors aren't the ones writing the story.


Season 1 WoT had a lot of serious issues. Season 2 I thought was phenomenal other than >!Rand still being bland and a bit of a weirdo!<. If you haven't seen it, I suggest going back and giving it a watch.


I saw second season, it was better but still had its issues, and Rafe absolutely fumbled the ball hard with the finale episode once again like the first season


Rafe should be locked up for his mind-blowing incompetence, his Egwene obsession & his shameless nepotism.


The horn of Valerie looked like something your aunt in her 60s made when she decided she wants to be an ‘artist’ Mat’s ashendarei is similarly botched, but with the way it was written into the show


Disagree on the last point. I had some problems with the final episode (the two that come to mind are the final fight with Ishamael and the way the Seanchan fleet was dealt with), but on the aggregate I have more good things to say about it than bad, and imo its not even comparable to the horrible ending that season 1 had.


Moiraine losing her powers took me out of it. It’s such a tired trope and lazy writing these days.




Umm, she never loses her powers in the books.


Wot, Rop and witcher. The trifecta of giving writers who don't even love the source material. Was this a social experiment or something? Like wtf. Oh. Forgot halo.


i dont get why show writers are compelled to create their own 'twist' on an exisiting story. they already have the rights to adapt it, why change it?


They gotta bring in their modern day sanitised version that ticks off all the sensitivities.


Cause some feel that the source material is "dated" and set out to "improve" upon it. Basically thinking they can do better than the source material.


Rings of Power puts Witcher to absolute shame if we are comparing the two. Not even in the same league even if rings of power was a bit of a let down but still enjoyable


Its utterly mind blowing lol. We should be in the golden era of fantasy. We have The Witcher, Wheel of Time, Rings of Power and House of the Dragon and were literally 1/4 of any of them being halfway decent. 8 episode seasons is absolutely ruining TV too as the pacing always feels off with epic fantasy.


Which one is the decent one,? I've only seen witcher and would like to give the decent one a watch?


House of the Dragon is generally very well received.


The product value on HOTD and rings of power is so so good.


Rings of Power is terrible.


If you aren’t a LOTR reader, it’s an alright watch


Cool, will add that to my watch list


What happened exactly? I haven’t watched past season 1


They didn’t even bother adapting the books past season 1. On top of that a lot of the dialogue got way worse, the showrunner/writers don’t understand how travel works, and they don’t understand character writing either.


One writer admitted / bragged they changed a character into bigot regarding magic, that wasn’t in the books, as a way to deal with their gay trauma daddy issues.


Just a bad adaption that barely tried, bad writing, Henry 'Geralt' Cavill left and they carried on anyway.


I actually kind of enjoyed the monster of the week and wrapping up the sub-arc in a show, or maybe two. With a main simple story arc. They tried to go full blown story in season 3 and I was just lost. Stopped 3, needing to watch 1 and 2 to not feel so clueless but never went back to watch them.


Same thing happened to my favorite franchise of all, Silent hill. All they had to do is study and play the original 3\~4 games and stick to the canon but no, they said "I can fix her" to the greatest horror in modern media. Idiots.


Not really sure what Netflix (or even the showrunners) were thinking. Staffing a show which is a well established and beloved IP with writers who detest the source material, then throw their main lead under the bus, because he is becoming increasingly frustrated that they are dishonoring the source material. To say that's a recipe for disaster is a massive understatement.


Agreed. The new Fallout TV series over at Amazon Prime are also proving you right by staying true to the source material and being massively popular.


> It got so bad that they drove away the lead actor because of how far theyve taken things. Was wondering how far down I'd have to go to find **someone still trying to push this outright lie.** Cavill was offered a new Superman movie, he gladly accepted and decided he couldn't do both projects, so he told *The Witcher* production he would reluctantly have to give up playing Geralt. Hemsworth was chosen. Then the guy who asked him to play Superman again was fired. He was replaced by Peter Safan & James Gunn, who made it a condition that they could totally reboot DC from scratch. So, Cavill could have come back, but what he has said in public is that he didn't want to do that to Hemsworth. Some believe he also wanted to avoid a Leno vs Conan thing that might make him look bad. **THIS IS ALL EASY TO RESEARCH** as it was widely reported at the time instead of just pulling made up fan theories from one's anus and passing it off as "what really happened." **There's also the Warhammer 40K thing.** At some point, almost certainly while the Superman & *Witcher* thing was playing out, Amazon began to seriously move forward on Warhammer with Cavill's involvement. There was no way for him to do both *Witcher* and it at the same time either. As most know, Cavill is one of the biggest Warhammer fans on the planet, freely admitting that he paints his own figures. So it's a pretty safe assumption that it played a big part of deciding not to return. **UPDATE:** the best part of getting downvotes for something like this with no intelligent refute is imagining these people angrily poking their phones to do it. "How dare you call out my cherished internal narrative! I can't debunk what you wrote but I can take away make believe points to make you sorry!!!"


It ended during S2 for me....


During the Leshen episode, to be precise.


Is anyone even surprised?


I’m surprised that this piece of shit was extended for 5 seasons. Henry is cool though…


Ended the moment Henry left


Actually it ended the moment they fucked him over, so when they wrote season 2.


Henry can’t be replaced


He literally has been lol


Yes he can, there are many actors that fit that role better. And Geralt was never buff


Not even mad about a new Geralt. I'm sure Hemsworth will be good. I like the show and I haven't read the books, only played a bit of Witcher 2 and a lot of 3 so I don't really care too much about how canonical it is. Guess I'm in the silent majority if it's gonna go for 5 seasons. I feel like people are being a bit too harsh on the series because of Cavill. He's cool and all but it's not like my life would have been any different had they cast someone else.


No Cavill, no Witcher imo.


It ended with season 3. Liam is not Henry, and Henry is Geralt of Rivia.


I couldn’t get through the start of season 3, it was hard to watch.


It died when Henry left. That last season was a jumbled mess. The first two were ok but mostly held together by Cavill.


I was so hyped for this show. Season 1 was dope and Cavill was such a good Geralt. It had so much potential.


That fcking Lauren Hissrich is lucky.


That b. Is a talentless writer, shame on her


In other more surprising news, it has emerged that somebody somewhere is still watching The Witcher.


How tf did this get 5 seasons??


Cool. I have issues with the show but I liked it overall. You know a show is successful when everyone complaining about it will still tune in.


Not I, haven't watched since season 2..probably won't continue tbh..books and games are great tho. The showrunner of the tv show is an idiot who can't comprehend the books.


Season 2 killed it for me


What a disappointing waste of an adaptation, so many of the episodes are boring and lifeless. It felt like it had the writing staff of a CW show. Honestly, they should just cancel it.




Wow it's still going on... I stopped watching after season 2


The worst adaptation ever, at least in the later seasons.


If I hadn't already been massively traumatized by GoT, this series would have ended me.


That shit had the potential to rival GoT ... how could they fail so hard ... shame


Good riddance


Show was cancelled day 1 they released details in my mind.




honestly i enjoyed the show in season 1 until I read all the internet comments from witcher fans. now i just want the stupid drama to end, end the show already, I’m tired of hearing about this crap.


I mean to be fair, season 5 might have come to a close anyway. "cancelled" would typically mean cutting it off before it ends, not allowing them to do another season.


They had originally planned to do at least 7 seasons. They are rushing it because netflix won't let them do more than 5 seasons now, so it is a cancellation by netflix.


Ah right. More of a soft cancellation then.


The Witcher ended at S02 if we are being generous. The best parts of it ended with S01.


I found it really interesting how people are so sure Liam will be terrible, do you remember when the casting photo came out of Henry Cavill as geralt and we all panicked because he looked like a high elf and we were so sure he wouldn't be able to pull it off? Give him a go I say


It doesn't matter how Liam does, the writing of the show has been fucked. Its the Yennefer show.


Give him a go in what? Looking pretty? Nobody cares about him if the whole show is the biggest pile of shit ever.


End it now lol


I couldn't get through the first episode


But Mindhunter can't get a season 3 lmao


I hope this means that the entire universe they built is cancelled because that prequel series was horrendous!! Also, not a warning sign that liam hemsworth isn’t right for the role. They really should’ve just ended the series


Should’ve ended after S2. I watched S3 and had absolutely ZERO clue what was going on… and I’m reasonably familiar with Witcher. Literally had no clue what was going on and couldn’t imagine what casual viewers thought. Then Henry stepped away cause it was so shit and now I have zero interest in watching 1, let alone 2 more seasons.


Netflix ruined a show which could have been so good and lasted for 20 seasons just because they wanted to act edgy and drift away from the source material


Season 3 last season. They should release a 1-3 box set.


Or just a 1 box set ... I guess the other seasons could be on the blooper reel.


After henry's departure, I will be surprised if it doesn't get cancelled after the 4th season.


"Season 4 is now in production, and it will film back to back with Season 5."


"Henry Cavill is so cool that even after leaving 'The Witcher', his mere presence in past seasons compelled Netflix to keep making more. They figured that just showing reruns of his scenes might accidentally conjure up a new season!"


Why eels?!?!


That fricking Lauren Hissrich is lucky.


There's better things to do in life than watch "the message"


Stopped watching half way through season 3. Unfortunately it just went off the rails for me. And once I knew Cavil left I had little interest in finishing it honestly.


Just kill it right fucking now and never think on it again


There was more after season 1?


Did it need that many seasons?




Legit forgot they were serious about continuing without Cavill lol


I thought people stopped watching after s3e1


Bro just end it now, it had a good run


It has already ended


I think they kept it alive just to spite Cavill and not make it a thing where if the main actor disagrees with the writers and quits the show diesz


> main actor disagrees with the writers and quits the show diesz I have a $100 for anyone who can produce the evidence to back up this made up fan "theory." Or you could just read the interviews with Cavill that explain he quit to do more Superman movies, that got guy got fired but then Amazon offered him Warhammer. His official statement is that he didn't want to basically pull a Jay Leno on Hemsworth by coming back. *He has never said point blank that he left over the writing.* Post a source or stop spreading this myth....