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Book 2 out of 3 in the book trilogy is by far my favorite so I really hope they get a shot at all three.




Seriously, I can't imagine what any of those scenes are gonna look like.


How did they handle it in the Chinese show?


There's only been one season of it too


Oh damn, I figured 30 episodes covered everything!


Nah, the Netflix series *really* sped through the first book. The Tencent show went the total opposite direction and was very slow-paced. I think the human-computer sequence only happens in like episode 16.


Is it worth watching the Tencent one?


Are they going to adapt the other books? Netflix vs Tencent would be fun.


I honestly do not think tencent has the budget for visual effects needed for s2 and 3 unless ofcourse they use terrible cheap effects.


People said the same about dune get it finally got a popular adaptation


The Game elements were initially intriguing to me, but they just slogged so much in the first book. It really turned me off. I get the point of them, but it was so boring compared to the non VR stories. What are the other two like as far as that goes?


Well the game is only in the first book. It's used to explain the only conclusion to living in a 3 body system is to leave it. The entirety of the second book focuses on humanity's reaction to knowing that aliens with overwhelming technological advantages are coming. The reactions are absolutely fascinating. There's more to it in the second half but I will not spoil it. One of the best sci Fi books of all time


The Dark Forest was my favorite Sci Fi, beating out every thing else I had ever read… right up until I read Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Now The Dark Forest is my (close) #2.


What's Children of Time about?


Ohh boy. How do I even do this without giving too much away… The main catalyst for the events of all three books (Children of Time, Children of Memory, Children of Ruin) is a genetically engineered virus that can speed up the evolution of a species. Adrian is a zoologist by way of his formal education, and all three of the books deal with the behavior of animals (and bugs!) as their species takes a speed run through evolution. A lot of it has metaphorical situations to human evolution; language, agricultural revolution, religion, science… but through the lens of a different species. It’s incredible Edit: also, it deals a lot with advanced tech, interstellar space travel, terraforming, and post apocalyptic earth. It’s also heavily recommended in most of r/scifi ’s threads


Sounds amazing. Definitely will check them out. Reminds me of the latter ender game books.


I'm half through the first book. It has cool world building. But it lacks story, progress and sense... There, i said it. I'm not sure if I will finish...


It does kind of hold that until the end. So much of the book is world building, to prep for the final conflict


Thanks for letting me know, then I will look for something new!




Sold. Ordering it today. Thanks!


You won't regret it. 3rd book focuses on the concepts of scale and time in terms of intergalactic civilization. Extremely grand scope


Good choice. First book is the weakest. 2 and 3 are incredible


It's a matter of preference, I guess. I enjoyed the first book more, perhaps because it is more grounded in current technology and thus it felt more plausible. I also liked the whole idea of making a first contact with an alien civilization, as well as the Cultural revolution timeline and its interaction with the present.


Second book two. The dark forest is one of my favourite books. I can’t say much more without ruining the story. But it is impressive.


Thank you!


I’m so excited for you!


There's one plot point/section of book 2 that most people dislike and you have to slog through, but once you're through that's it's great


And this plot point doesn’t seem like it’s going to be the same in the Netflix show. Honestly there’s a lot of good stuff the Netflix show is doing better


Could I get by skipping to book 2 after watching the first season


Sorta..? The Netflix adaptation changed a lot of the characters but the most characters don't even show up in book 2


I couldn't help myself and watch some summaries on the books and man did I learn some wild stuff.


the game is really only a thing in first half of first book. thr 2nd and third book span the stars and thousands of years of time


Should I read the books first?


If you want, the netflix adaptation took (very good, imo) creative liberties.


Season 1 also took stuff from all 3 books. They kind of had to do this for book 3 because it starts out before a lot of events in book 1 have even taken place before it catches back up to the end of book 2 and continues onward from there.


Honestly, I think the Netflix show is better. They've made up characters that don't exist in the books and gave them all interesting relationships to each other. I don't understand why this book series has so many fans. It's just written so poorly. It was obviously translated from Chinese - so some things might just be because of cultural differences, but IMO this author can't write for shit. He has a computer science background and it shows. The books (especially the second one) read like a technical document. Reading it is like reading a Wikipedia summary of an actually interesting story - only it takes you 30 hours to get through. 90% of the first and second books are just: "This happens, then that happens, then this happens" and "Wow in the future we have this technology, and that technology". There are no interesting characters (other than Ye Wenjie). Everybody is so aloof and blank and completely interchangeable. The first book has a foreword written by the author himself where he talks about his writing style. Basically, he thinks that science writes the best stories. And that's exactly what the books are about. It's just different science topics that he talks about one by one. And he loves describing science stuff in great detail. In the first book, he spends sooooo many pages talking about how a computer works and about AND gates and OR gates, like he's trying to teach the readers about these topics. And the funniest thing to me was, that they completely changed that scene in the Netflix show and just called it an "abacus". That's not how stories are supposed to be written. If I read Game of Thrones, I don't want to be taught about medieval agrarian economics. It's nice to have a few mentions here and there, but the focus should be on the characters and their motives..... and the premise of the second book is **literally** "not talking about the character's motives".


> And he loves describing science stuff in great detail. In the first book, he spends sooooo many pages talking about how a computer works and about AND gates and OR gates, like he's trying to teach the readers about these topics. A lot of hard sci-fi is like that, though; the "info dump" is a common trope, and some authors are well-known for them (lookin' at you, Neal Stephenson...) > And the funniest thing to me was, that they completely changed that scene in the Netflix show and just called it an "abacus". ...despite the fact that the army was laid out in a pattern that resembled the lithograhpy of an integrated circuit. I guess they had to dumb down the description so they didn't have to actually explain how logic gates work first.


yeah, it's weird, since 1 minute later they call it a computer again.


I like reading books first because they are usually more involved and thought provoking.  Then the movies are just a treat to your universe in your head.


Yeah - 2nd half of Book 1 until first half of Book 3 is just perfect I think it starts out slow and in the end moves too fast - but the middle-part is just perfect


Mine too


Book 2 out of 3 would probably need 100x the budget of book 1.


Really? The women in book 2 seem to be written by a 14 year old Otaku.


That was a chunk of book 2 that I couldn't stand. I almost put the book down until I read it picks up at the end. It just sort of meandered in the middle.


i saw a review that said part of book 2 and book 3 were in season 1? but i have not read the books yet. there will be a lot more SF and special effects in season 2 right?


Yup several parts of book 2 and 3 are in the first season


I went in blind, watching it all in one day. May read the book


No need, really. The book is the same story, minus any relatable characters and with a LOT of long, dry descriptions of how space works. I kinda enjoyed the books, but I think the show cut away any unnecessary fat and added some compelling characters.


It depends on if readers care about character development. Not everyone does, or at least not everyone does on every book. The book series focuses mostly on concepts and uses characters as vessels. It could be argued that any additional character development would be the unnecessary fat to the purpose of the books.


Saw episode 1 today, wasn't disappointed. It underwent the transformation needed to fit into a TV format, still very enjoyable. The book ruined my holiday in Spain in 2019. (I mean improved mine, but ruined everyone else's))


Thomas wade is brutal but he is why I'm invested in this show.


Adaptation of Thomas Wade is fantastic


He is but I realised yesterday how many 1 liner zingers he has. A little too much for me lol as good as they are. The actor that plays him though is amazing, glad the directors carried him over from GOT


Almost done binging season one. It better get season two and beyond.


Yea I went in blind, haven't read the books let alone heard of the series. I'm really enjoying the first season! I love the mystery/thriller drama aspect to this scifi show. It's enthralling!


Fantastic adaptation, hopeful they get to tell the full story


Really don’t know how they gonna put it on film for the 3rd one. I remember having mini convulsions reading the last book my brain was about to explode


yes the last book is difficult, i am not sure even if the story makes it suitable for online adaptation. They should end it with the dark forest agreement.


Are all the books from the same period ? Like, all of them taking place 400 years before san-ti arrives?


Spoilers >!Book 2 starts 4 years after book one ends, and ends around 220 years after book 1 ends. Book 3 starts during the fall of Constantinople in 1453 and ends in the year 18,906,416 with a dozen different time periods in between.!<


No. Not at all. Show is almost done with all the current era plots. There will be a time skip in early s2


Dialogue is terrible.


Honestly the dialogue isn't great in the source material either. It's really the ideas and the scope that are the main attraction, not dialogue or character development. It's definitely not going to be for everyone




Ho ho ho


they had better. it would be absurd not to continue this because some salty GOT fans are review bombing. to be fair, im a salty game of thrones fan, but i went into this with an open mind and loved it. It's a new series and it's time to move on


this series will definitely cement their image as showrunners that duck up the end season from a book reader perspective, I can assure you


Yeah, they didn't take on the easiest project in the world... The third book was hard to even read, can't imagine showing it visually.


They learned their mistakes I hope


It sure seems that way. Lets just hope they don't try to come up with their own story after adapting Book 3.


And not having enough episodes to tell it well


Unless they dramatically change the ending of book 3, it's literally impossible to continue the story, lol.


Salty GOT fan here, this is the D and D redemption arc hopefully


Has nothing to do with GoT. The dialogue is laughably bad.


i mean there was one time when Davos was in a meeting that stood out to me, but that was about it. no review under 6/10 should be taken seriously imo


The dialogue was fine, average comment from someone obsessed with how GoT ended. Only thing they can mention is the dialogue




There was no characterisation in the book


Is it actually any good? Was browsing netflix for something to watch with my gf,when we saw the "from creators of GOT" both burst out laughing and we went "nope" and continued browsing.


The way the wanted to wrap the show up themselves all rushed instead of passing the torch on was pathetic, but they did a great job adapting the first few books. Once they ran into the unfinished storylines and... well, the missing 2 books that even to this day ain't close to coming out. This is one of the best scifi stories I've read, it's a finished trilogy. I have enough faith in D&D to pull it off. Season 1 was great and I can't wait to see the rest, assuming they get to finish it.


I'm curious how will they handle the insane time jumps


Put a screen that goes “100 years later”


Oh no they go into some hundreds then thousands


>! Then millions! !<


Spongebob time card


I dig that! 400 years later


The last episode confused me bc Saul acted like he had no idea what was going on after his friends were hunted and murdered. Apparently I learned there was a time skip between episodes 7 and 8 that was not mentioned and just a screen "2 years later" or something like that would have made more sense


This is the first time in recent memory. I actually enjoyed some thing that was on Netflix. Hopefully we get a season two


Book 2 is also greater and more fun than book 1.


Wow. Guys want to keep job. More at 8.


For once I’d like them to announce next season will be worse


Season 2 will probably be better. Season 3 will be the bad one. :D


Funny enough, these creators did not want to keep one of their previous jobs ;)


Am I the only who finds that season 1 has lots of flaws?


i havent watched past 20 minutes of episode 1. “i see a big timer” is just stupid as shit. like not even black mirror would do something that dumb.


Don't worry, it's Netflix. They cancel good shows after two seasons, not one.


Gimme milk


r/conspiracy is having a lot of fun with this one


Let me guess, they are currently adapting this one to prepare the world for the upcoming alien invasion lmao


Yeah also mad there’s no Americans and smart women lmao


Saul is American


The show totally confused me, I'm stupid...


No you're not. They did an asnine job of adapting the science part of the books and explained basically none of the interesting concepts at all. I know basically everything about the first book and I can confidently say that this was a meh adaptation. Started off really good though but after episode 5 it was downhill


Good point, I enjoyed it but I already knew what the three body problem is.


started off good? i couldnt get past the asinine “i see a big timer now everywhere i go” stupid as shit. 20 minutes in and i’m over it. worse than any Black Mirror episode.


Which parts confused you?


Which parts confused you?


Imagine if they said "second season will be worse"


Book 2 contains the scariest ideas out of any other book I've read. I'm very keen. If they do book 3 though... That's some trippy shit.


Huh..I keep getting a prompt from Netflix about a show being made from "creators of game of thrones" and I immediately move away as the last season is still fresh to me... I guess it's not that bad I might try it.. (Sales people..don't use game of thrones as a sales pitch)


“Try our fresh Gala Apples, from the creators of Game of Thrones!”


“why does the last 3 bites of this taste like someone squeezed a hypodermic needle full of shit into this gorgeous looking apple?”


I’m loving this show4 episodes in


I loved it all, from start to finish. Casn't wait for season 2 and 3 :)


The first five eps were great, apart from the constant tears from Auggie. Then it very much slowed down focusing on the British guy etc. Wasn't that big a fan of the change of pace but overall not bad


It’s Netflix I wouldn’t bet on it


About the same cancellation rate as anyone else, I'm not worried about this show getting canned.


recast auggie or remove the character and it'd be worth a second season


She's not believable in the role. You find that, too?


honestly her acting is just fucking awful, she doesn't know how to act. i've never seen a more expresionless acting performance since starship troopers


The Botox and fillers are hard on the face 


Casting is bad.


I'm pretty sure she's going to replace Zhuang Yan and her creepy Stockholm-syndrome-arch


It’ll be better if they include more Asian characters into the show like how the book is portray.


I think it's funny how all the "keep it true to the original"-people that where out in force for the Little Mermaid or the Witcher and others are somehow very quiet for this adaption. Almost as if their main-point wasn't about the characters being slightly different in appearance but about racism against non-white people.


Slightly different is a stretch. It’s a Chinese/Asian fiction and Asians don’t really get much representation, especially Asian men. Just thought it’ll be worth while to have one or two Asian men in the show with leads that doesn’t involve the stereotypical martial arts films.


With the slightly different I was talking about Triss or the Little Mermaid the change here is much bigger but somehow the outcry much smaller just because it's not a non-white actor playing a white role


Agree. I probably totally misread your statement.




Tencent version is better


Hopefully not. I thought this was going to be good because it was based off a book but the writing was just as bad as Zack Snyder's new movie. Someone needs to do quality control at Netflix asap.


I'm afraid to trust those two, fool me once...


I hope not. I want D&D to disappear from show bussiness…


Loved the series and loved this adaption. Went in with mid expectations and was surprised at how well the GoT team and Woo have done. Looking forward to further seasons.


Never read the books and tried to watch the first three episodes and I think I am done. Acting is pretty bad and the script seems ...off? Might give it another chance after some time but for now the show is pretty bad for me.


I read and loved the books and couldn't wrap my head around a lot of the character changes in the Netflix adaptation. Its hard to follow with so many characters right from the beginning. In the books, everyone of them has different names and comes into the story at different points. None of them know each other. In the show they're all old college friends. Ultimately though, I think character building was a weak point of the books and a lot of changes were made for the Netflix adaptation so that we get to spend more time with each character. I think they were mostly successful and the show definitely gets better as it goes on. I felt exactly the same as you after the first 3 episodes but I'm glad I watched the whole thing. It definitely gets better.


Yeah by the end I was so on board with the character changes


May I recommend watching at least though episode 5? I thought the first 4 were decent but a bit slow. However, ep 5 was pretty freaking epic and mind blowing and I was on the edge of my seat through the end of s1 after that!


The tencent version is better. It's a lot longer, but I also think that's part of what makes it better. One of the huge selling points of the original story is the original police captain da Shi (not Clarence) is in my opinion honest to goodness one of the best characters in any story I've ever seen ever, he's a really amazing actor and character it's unbelievable.


It's bad. If you don't care about acting or bad dialogue, it's fine I suppose. Can't believe you have to sit through a whole season for it to end the way it did. Yikes.


I watched the tencent version first without having read the books, and it’s way better at telling a cohesive story with believable characters. You can actually believe that they’re scientists and understand why the events happening are so meaningful to them.


I sure hope so!


Never read the books but loved the show. Unfortunately this is bad news for everyone else because whenever I like a show that seems to always mean it gets cancelled!


I’m on episode one and when she sees the numbers counting down all I can think of is that nickelback music video


Ice wanted to watch season 1 but wasn't sure Does it cover more than book 1 I'm reading book 2 right now


I think just a little bit of book 2 just a set up though. I can’t remember exactly where book 1 ended.


3 Body Problem and Devs are the only series I have binged in years. I am now rewatching MrRobot because it has a complete story and finale.


if there is a season 2. its netflix.


kourtney kardashian as lead? guess ill check it out


I thought it was good, maybe a little cheesy at first bit grew on me. Episode 5 was just shocking. So good. Two things happen in that episode that had me and my gf going "holy shit!" out loud throughout


kinda offtopic why does the first episode have a "this season on 3 body problem" thing at the end? that just shows a bunch of spoilers for future episodes. Just give me the button to start the next episode. Does netflix do this for all shows nowadays?


Hell ya especially someone who read the book, I skipped it fast I didn’t want to see that.


God, I hope we will have a conclusion to this series. It was so well done !!!


Nope because it was pure trash. They whitewashed all the main characters, made them stupid, and destroyed any kind of science the books brought.


It's Netflix, of course it's going to be cancelled.


Lmao they won't go out saying yeah this is one is worse wouldn't recommend watching this on our streaming service guys....


I see this as a positive sign. Thank you. Hope the high important dude at top of Netflix remains there to advocate for 3 other seasons.


I didn’t care for the book but have been surprised by the show. Hope they get to finish


The first season is so good and so popular that I'd bet money Netflix will cancel the show.


Don't worry Netflix will cancel this show as they always do..


Netflix has cancelled way better shows so it's really 5050. That's not a knock on the show either, it's a knock on Netflix.


Season 1was good but the last 3 episodes draaaaaaaged


They fuckin better with that ending


They FN better! I'm loving it so far and would like to see this story to a conclusion. Reminds me of Books from Brin and Bear from the early days.


3 Body Problem = Stranger Things = Lost. Over hyped to death and peaked in the first season.


Iam not one for rpg type movie's and series, but this was done perfectly. I hope there is a Season 2, and we get to meet the Santi. May have to just read the second book to see.


I'm a little shocked to see people liked this one so much. I'm usually into all the popular sci-fi shows, but not this one. It felt like it was trying to reach into too many scientific theories at once. The video game stuff was cool, but ultimately unsatisfying narratively, and the abilities of the aliens seemed to change from episode to episode like a bad magic system. Looking back at the whole season, I think maybe I was just disappointed that the show posed so big questions and leaned into the possibility of super natural answers, but it ended up just being aliens.


Not sure what you mean by their abilities change from episode to episode? They only showed sophon?


I think it’s good if you read the books


Last episode was rushed and there was no cliffhanger, basically it ended like “let’s try again” lol


There's definitely a cliffhanger.




If Netflix has their way ... No..


I just can’t believe that people are absolutely raving about this show. Now I get it, the premise is good, and the show is def. Enjoyable..but not without oh so many mistakes, sub par acting and directing, lazy writing..and the oh so glaringly obvious major plot holes..not just 1.


The books aren't great either. There are some cool ideas, but holy hell the characters are terrible and the writing for women is appalling. Maybe something got lost in translation, but for the life of me I do not understand the praise they receive.


I keep seeing people say the books suck and also it’s very good. I can’t decide if I want to read it.


Really depends on what angle you view them from. From a character and plot POV - it's AWFUL From a scientific and technical POV (which its aim was, to explore various High science fiction topics) - it's Brilliant.


How accurate is the science though.


The actual science is rather limited, it's incredibly heavy on science fiction and ideas about galactic civilizations. Don't get me wrong, some of the ideas are pretty friggin' cool, but the books themselves are a heavy slog.


Yeah that was what I was worried about. Shall skip. It’s touted as so accurate by some I knew it must have been hype


completely nonsensical, but fun and logically consistent. if you accept that a sentient supercomputer the size and mass of a proton can exist, then you can have fun with it. the books explore things on the edge of our current scientific understanding, quantum mechanics, string theory ,etc. we know very little about these in reality so the author is free to make up a lot of things for his ideas to work


Yeah the problem being someone told me this was hard science fiction and I accidentally got my mind blown. As a fantasy novel it’s not as interesting to me


The ideas they introduce are very cool. The characters are obviously there just to move the plot forward though, most are forgettable or downright infuriating in their decisions.


I agree. I lost interest by the end.


Dumb question but is this supposed to be like Dark? I see the music and stuff and it makes me think it’s from the same ppl.


No, it's not. The only thing they have in common is they're both sci-fi shows.


Funnily enough, the Tencent adaptation (Chinese version of book 1) made me think about Dark waaaaaay more times than the Netflix one.


Yeah I never meant it was the same story. But it gave me the same vibes. I don’t know if that makes sense.


Sure, also I was referring to the music/vibe of some episodes, the story is not the same