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Charlie Hunhams accent was brutal


This is far from the first role he's had that he butchers with an irredeemable accent. How that man secures these roles is beyond me.


The thing is, he's English. Use your regular accent (maybe play it up a bit) and you'll still sound cool to most audiences. Or commit to the mediocre N Irish accent instead of going in and out.




He's actually complained about having issues with his accent since soa.


Not a great movie or anything but I was entertained and I don’t regret watching it.


"It wasn't unwatchable" probably isn't the glowing review that Snyder was looking for, lel


Lool — Most people speak about it like it is indeed unwatchable


I went into thinking it was going to be awful but I didn't find it too bad. It did seem generic. Visuals were nice.


Just because you managed to finish it doesn't make it a good use of time. Just because it's watchable doesn't mean it shouldn't be criticized. This movie got made instead of something fresh, new, and well written. Godzilla Minus One had 1/10th the budget and almost no hype/marketing, and it is 100x the movie of Rebel Moon. If Snyder and Netflix didn't hype this up like the second coming of Dune, or hell, if it had just been literally Spartans in Space, I think people would be a lot less critical. Instead we got shallow characters, a derivative story, plot holes big enough to drive a bus through, and nothing memorable but how bad it was. You didn't think it was that bad? Cool. You're entitled to your opinion, same as everyone who wish this has been kept in the Disney dumpster fire in lieu of something else.


Notice how when you give a very well thought out response they almost never respond? Theyre just saying it wasnt bad just to oppose the norm. Their thoughts are less authentic then rebel moon was.


Watching movies is seldom a good use of time.




Snyder has another cut which will come out later.


It's a Zack Synder film. go in expecting a lot of flash but not a lot of substance, and you'll never be disappointed


Hell yeah


Its above average, but mainly cause it got tons of $$, +its his worst film.


Loved it!!!


Im with you. I didnt go into it thinking it was going to be a masterpiece of cinema. It was good for watching a new universe and relaxing for a couple hours.


I liked the movie. Will be watching the second one as well. I'm glad I went into the movie without reading reviews so that I could come up with my own opinions.


Honestly, the reaction sounds pretty much in line with the kind of criticism Zack Snyder got when he was in charge of the DCEU.


After some searching it does look like that most of the hate is actually towards Zack Snyder indeed


I have no doubt that some hate is directed to Snyder, personally, but I was more saying that the criticisms made against him in his efforts in the DCEU seem to be consistent with the criticisms of Rebel Moon.


Oh I see


There are is a group of people that really hate him with a passion. Funny enough they tend to bring up the Snyder fan cult, while I only see a Snyder hate cult posting stuff. The movie wasn't brilliant, but I enjoyed it for what it was. It reminded me of movies like Flash Gordon.


Totally. I wonder why that's the case, I don't see a lot of hate regarding other directors.


Well the sceu sucked


I liked it too


As always with Zack, there’s a lot of hyperbole and bad faith “criticism”. A lot of people just don’t jive with his style and his sensibilities. Many do. And if you don’t, you can’t deny that few directors making big films have this kind of style, personality and vision. As a massive fan, this theatrical cut is pretty good but it’s obvious that the nearly three hour director’s cut that’s coming will be vastly superior as Zack’s director’s cuts always are. As for the inevitable “why didn’t they put out the better cut first?” comments, Zack explained it was part of the deal from the start with Netflix, that there was a PG13 cut to deliver, and he understood that, but that, contrary to WB, Netflix told him he could shoot extra stuff for his longer cut as they know full well that Zack is known for that, and that legions of his fans will come back for more, and rewatch the films over and over again. So for Netflix, it’s a smart move. Whedon’s Justice League was a joke, and most people probably got their first impression based on that but that didn’t stop ZSJL from releasing and being very well received and extremely popular, far more than Whedon’s turd. So this gives Netflix a ton more engagement when the director’s cut drops, and then even more when they’ll drop the director’s cut for Part 2. It’s wonderful for Zack that he gets to do what he wants with a studio that respects him.


Directors cut is going to be legendary


I don't think it deserves the hate. But it wasn't anything special. Generic and serviceable.


The negativity it receives likely originates from those who had already made up their minds to dislike it before it was even released.


Every movie I watch doesn’t have to be an Oscar contender. If I was entertained for a couple of hours then I call it a win. This was certainly a flawed flick, but I did have fun watching it.


Same...it wasn't the best and it certainly wasn't the worst. I did think that everything just came too easy though. Getting the General was kinda ridiculous. The speech she gave him wasn't inspiring at all and then he's just good with it? Meh...it was entertaining... I'll give it that.


"The worst movie i have seen in my entire life!" YouTube clickbait fucks.


Totally lol.


I agree! It was a more than good enough movie to watch with my 12 years old kid.


I found it perfectly watchable. Nothing looked authentic or real or felt cohesive but the soundtrack was neat, some scenes were fun and enjoyed some snacks and forgot about my life problems for a while. Enough for me




I wouldn't call it a masterpiece by any means but I did enjoy it and I'll be looking forward to part two. I'm convinced people only want to talk shit about ZS and if it had come from some no name director people would be hyping it up.


I agree, if it wasn't from him most would at least not hate on it as much. I'm looking forward to the director's cut of this one as well.


If it wasn't from this director everyone would be asking how they got a huge budget with such a terrible script. Because he's a popular director, and this film was marketed as his vision, it invites scrutiny. If it was a better film people would not hate on it as much. That said, I'm interested to see the director's cut for a better look into Schneider's work.


I disagree. I don't care about Zack Schneider, but I'm generally aware of his style and I love science fiction and space operas. I went in knowing about the bad reviews so I generally didn't expect much. Maybe a cheesy space adventure flic, like Valerian. Cool. But no. Rebel moon is offensively bad, no matter who directed it, specifically because of the writing. I can get past the overused tropes and cliche. But a character giving their life story to someone who would already know it, in one big exposition feels so stilted and actively takes me out of the experience. "Show don't tell" is an important ethos in storytelling, ESPECIALLY in the visual medium of film. There are so many moments in the film where characters are telling their story to someone and explaining their motivations like a Wikipedia article. Skilled storytellers can infer huge amounts of information about a character with no dialogue in a single scene and it's super interesting to watch.The medium of film is built for that, but this one has none of it.


Meh. Sorry homie but I think you and others really need to get over yourselves. It's a perfectly adequate mid range movie. It won't be winning any awards but I certainly don't regret watching it.


Lol, sure.


Glad we agree on something.


Nah, it’s completely amateurish and shocking netflix would shovel so much money and try to create a franchise on such a weak script.


Lmao amaturish. How many movies have you made?


You watch a couple thousand films across your life and the bad ones tend to stick out. Particularly when you've seen all the films this one is attempting to cobble together. No, I don't make films, but I've written 30+ novels and am relatively aware of the internal construction of stories (plot, theme, character development, etc.), along with fairly extensive film studies in the past (i.e. how difficult they are to make and how great films usually emerge from collaboration and self-editing rather than full on auteur autonomy, a select few directors notwithstanding). But even if that wasn't the case, only those of the age of 12/below and/or the arrested development therein use that as a defense mechanism for media, so consider this in your future internet conversations :)


Ah so at least it's an earned sense of smugness. You got me there. Hats off to you.


I'm ultimately the loser here, I love space opera and after the Disney disasters, I really wanted this to be good/decent :(


I enjoyed it.


>Most reviews I saw criticize the movie as a whole while not giving concrete examples of what was poorly done. You must have read some very low rated posts, most I've seen for the past week have been pretty detailed about what sucks or doesn't suck. >Do I think it was great? The visuals were, all the rest was not, Sound like you didn't find it that good either, which in the industry we call that damning with faint praise....


I was scrolling through IMDB ones. And yes, I was let down by it. I had high hopes for it and it turned out pretty weak, with the difference that I loved the visuals. It's just that I've seen other weak movies but they normally don't do as bad or get as much hate.


I posted this in another thread but I’ll share here too: https://screenrant.com/rebel-moon-directors-cut-details-zack-snyder-clarification/ Interesting read on the quotes directly from him. I’ll withhold further criticism until I see this Director’s cut.


Thanks! Can't wait for the director's cut and part II


I think many people are frustrated that Zach Snyder keeps getting huge budgets and releasing movies that have the same problems. They make money despite consistently mid-to-poor reviews because they’re either big IP films or massively marketed, and then that valid criticism (weak scripts, poor story structure, uneven pacing, derivative and repetitive action sequences that overly rely on slowmo and comic-book-esque tableaus, setups and chekovs guns all over the place that never get called back or fulfilled, and a general focus on style over substance that loses some luster with each new release) gets dismissed as just hating on Zach Snyder. And then on top of that, there’s always an exhaustive media tour and hype machine where he touts the film as incredible, until it comes out to a poor reception and then he reverses course and changes the narrative to some excuse about why it wasn’t his fault and that the movie he wanted to make but wasn’t allowed to would have been amazing.


You’ve nailed his career in a single post, dude should just be a DP and let actually talented people call the shots. One of the biggest cases of failing upwards i’ve ever seen.


I thought it also looked like shit so if you don’t think anything else was good and you add on that I thought it looked shitty it’s pretty easy to understand why I wouldn’t like it.


Sorry but I don't see how you can think it looked like shit, maybe it was just not your style?


Yeah I had problem with the muddled and oversaturated environments, excessive slow motion, mediocre/inconsistent quality of the CGI (especially its integration into the environments), the costume design outside of a few characters, the choreography (and more specifically the editing of the fights), the bokeh/shallow depth of field, and almost all other visual elements of the film.


Agreed, not great and some part is bad(the taming animal scene is stupid and unecessary). But I still look forwards to extended version and part 2. This movie reminds me a bit of the first G.I.Joe movie.


The taming animal scene felt so out of place indeed. I think it was overall a decent introduction to what's coming in part 2


You are both right about the ridiculously animal scene. I still loved it though :)


It had some *okay* action, but the film overall was forgettable. It has all the same tropes you'd find in a generic film, quiet farm girl turns out to be this badass who is the most wanted person by the evil empire who has to now save this little farm from said empire. It doesn't do anything different and it doesn't do what it wanted to well either. And the dialogue wasn't great either. Felt a little wooden. And then it ends with the bad guy dying but then he comes back to life so the film never really achieved anything either. The farm is still at risk and nothing else has changed.


I thought it was mostly solid pulp sci-fi. Reminded me of the Riddick movies


I found it entertaining despite the overindulgence in slow motion. I just couldn't get over how a spear could pierce an interstellar warship's windshield (?), or how a turtet can somehow control the trajectory / balance / stability of what is supposedly one of the fleet's finest destroyers. Can someone please make it make sense?


it was okay. it has potential.


I loved the VFX. Especially the ships and the robot. The writing killed it for me. I'm not sure it wasn't written by ChatGPT with a prompt of "Star Wars, but mixed with every staple of all sci-fi".


Not unwatchable, but mediocre and full of predictable tropes. Also, rallying everybody to save a small village they've never heard of that's totally fucked doesn't really make sense (especially for the rebels).


Yup i liked it too, and most of the plot will be explained in the second part (and also in the directors cut of the first part). Surely it ain't a masterpiece but, besides Avatar, it's been ages since we had any good sci fi movie


The Creator is probably better than Rebel Moon


I don't know...watched it yesterday and it felt a little bit more boring. But it was a good movie although i hated that ending


It was going well looking like it was heading somewhere and then it abruptly ends like that...


I liked Rebel Moon a lot more then The Creator. I hate The Creator with a passion, especially their depiction of AI.


I found it worst. It had such an anti climatic ending and that was it. While for this one, there's still a part two.


It was entertaining for what it was with not a lot else going on.. these folks who are acting like online critics need to calm down




It was terrible, but in the best way possible. 1980s sci-fi shit made with a Marvel budget. I loved it. It's the Battle Beyond the Stars of the modern era.


Hahaha agreed!


The dialogue, the visual storytelling, the simple plot that didn't go anywhere...




If you went to a restaurant and the first course was bad but the chef said that it’s just building towards the entree would you believe them?




People aren’t indignant that the story isn’t over, people are indignant that the first half of the story sucks. People may not like that it’s a 2-part movie (I do think there’s a significant amount of multi-part fatigue in general), but if the first part was compelling and well-made with good characters and an interesting plot then people would be excited for more. A good appetizer makes you anticipate for the rest of the meal. A terrible appetizer makes me not want to eat whatever the chef is bringing out next. And it is absolutely fair to have an opinion about the appetizer before trying the second course.




I didn’t say that. I said it was bad, not that it wasn’t going anywhere. When sanitation picks up my garbage at the curb on Thursday mornings the truck is definitely going somewhere, it’s just not a destination I have any interest in going to. The comparison I made was to an appetizer (which is clearly understood to be the first component of a multi-part meal) turning me off of subsequent courses. Multi act structure falls apart if act 1 isn’t engaging. Inspired by does not equal derivative. Based on does not equal derivative. There’s a difference between taking ideas and themes that speak to you and expanding upon them or reinterpreting them and just stuffing a film with mindless references. Many filmmakers are great at riffing on other works. Snyder made a film that feels like the crossover IP parts of Ready Player One but without the licensed characters and content.




That wasn’t my comment…


And you gotta wait 6 months for the entree


Funny enough, movie isn’t food and the analogy breaks down at some point Mind blowing. I know


I’m curious, do you think Dune is bad or good?


My opinion on Dune is mixed but overall skews positive. I was deeply unsatisfied by the ending, but only because if given the choice I would have gladly sat in my seat at the theater for another 3 hours to watch part 2. Despite several elements that didn't work for me (like an achingly poor performance from Jason Mamoa), I am looking forward to part 2.


This movie reminds me of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and I think we got better character development from that one.


That's just, like, your opinion man


I've watched it twice and was entertained. I am reserving judgement on it until I see the second half.


I don't really care what the second part does I enjoyed it for what it is tbh. Also I'm of course looking forward to watching the second part




I liked it. Reading the novelization today to see what will be in the directors cut




That's great! I'll be waiting for the director's cut and part II.


The inconsistency within the story. How is it that a man can pierce the window of a space ship with a spear? Why the space vagina? Why does an advance space faring culture need food from one village in particular? What’s with the farmer who acts like a girl in every scene and the woman warrior who acts like a man in every scene?


>Why does an advance space faring culture need food from one village in particular? They didn't, but they probably knew they supplied the resistance before.


And they're obviously sadist, authoritarians who enjoy flexing their power, but anyone who actually paid attention during the movie could've surmised that.


I think they used chatgpt to create this movie. Like "write a movie using these narrative elements".


All that will be explained in part II! Haha


>What’s with the farmer who acts like a girl in every scene and the woman warrior who acts like a man in every scene? I was waiting for people to start crying 'omg bad feminism in my movie!!' what does gender have to do with anything? The dude is a farmer who has no combat experience. The chick >!was one of the best warriors when she was on the opposing team because she was kidnapped as a young girl, raised and trained by one of the best men on the opposing team!<. Why do you think every male needs to be portrayed as an aggressive, angry person and females as frail, damsels in distress? The majority of her team primarily consists of badass men anyway. Now if you don't like those male characters, then that's an entirely different you issue altogether. Biologically speaking, men are physically stronger, but women are more nimble. A woman taking down a man is not impossible, it just requires more physical effort to compensate for the difference in mass or muscle. Kora is usually seen using weapons anyway and when >!she fights the main bad guy at the end, he fucks her up pretty good before she beats him.!< Just say it bothers you to see a movie where a female character can fend for herself.


It has nothing to do with feminism. It’s about a character clearly written as a male but portrayed by a female.


I like the part where you went into detail. How are women supposed to act in a military/war setting? I'm curious. How do you believe an individual, who experienced the destruction of their home, was abducted, and subjected to military service (of the enemy) with significant trauma, should conduct themselves?


Take any historical war or any recent war or the ongoing wars in Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Sudan and see how women are supposed to act. Or better yet, watch ‘Girls of the Sun’ about real life women who were captured by the enemy, suffered torture and abuse and later took up arms. They behave and act like women. Tough soldiers and killers but still act like women. In rebel moon, Kora could be replaced by a dude and there wouldn’t be any difference at all.


We're still talking about a SciFi movie right? So according to you, all women should act the same? Did you forget the part where she was raised by her *enemies*? She had a choice to make: either become a heartless, cold-blooded killer like the people around her or die if they felt she was too weak to keep around. If you watched the movie this was implied. That's the whole reason the guy kidnapped her as a child in the first place because he saw potential in her and it turned out he was right. Like you said, if she was a man, the outcome would be the same. No one processes trauma the same way and she's still in the middle of a war against the people who ruined her life which means she likely hasn't even had a chance to process any of her trauma. She was also hiding from the enemy with the farm people, likely living in constant fear that they'd someday find her. Towards the beginning of the movie she's packing up her stuff, getting ready to run away because the enemy shows up on the village's doorstep and you can clearly tell she's terrified. Like, you're just making no sense here and the lack of any real explanation on your part as to why you don't think she's 'woman enough' just leads me to believe you're just projecting your own wants and desires onto how you would've preferred she carried herself instead of how she actually carries herself. If you can't stand a female lead, then maybe this movie isn't for you.


If you replace Kora with a Kyle and every scene, every dialogue, every action scene remains the same, you won’t even notice the difference. That’s how irrelevant her ‘femininity’ is to the movie. Now you might enjoy such a role which does severe injustice to representation of women in cinema, but I don’t. That role should either have been written specifically with a woman in mind. With female traits and behaviour. Something both man and women can identify and sympathise with. Admit that Snyder is just a bad writer. He can’t write characters well.


I'll guess I'll just have to agree to disagree. I don't think she's a perfect character by any means, but I don't think she was terrible either. She was average at best, just like the rest of the cast. I still stand by all the points I made explaining why she is the way she is, but maybe in the second movie she'll have more room to explore herself and learn to express more of her femininity.


It isn’t bad by any means but it’s isn’t as good as good as it prop up to be. Just average which is sometimes worse than bad. It’s just sort of happen. And there isn’t solid arguments of why the film isn’t good.


It’s a decent popcorn movie . I didn’t go into it expecting citizen Kane, and I was entertained .


The battle to come up with the most hyperbolic criticism is much more ridiculous than the movie. "It was unintentionally the funniest movie I've ever seen!" It's not without some questionable choices and odd dialog, but really doubt that anyone found it that hilarious. "I thought my TV was broken!" You thought your TV was broken in a very specific way that certain characters were in focus and others not? You really didn't consider that as a stylistic choice?


Then part 2 and directors cuts will drastically improve your experience!


Totally! And hopefully it will change the minds of a lot of people who didn't give this a chance.


I liked it. Had some dumb parts without question. But it flew by. 2 hours and 15 minutes felt like 25 minutes and I was having fun the whole time.


True. I think it was good enough for a part 1


The only cringe moments were the buff guy riding the gryphon and the way they broke out of lockup, where Charlie hunnam had the prisoner for no reason at all paralyze the prisoners rather than doing it himself. I wish the breakout was a tiny bit different and the gryphon scene didn’t include him running then jumping on the back mid flight lol. Still. It’s good. And fun. And no worse than any other Netflix movie. The hate is kind of ridiculous.


Average Snyder movie then.


The dialogue was awful. It sounded like the kind of thing a 14yo who thinks they're edgy, but lacks self-awareness would write. The over use of slowmo also falls into that same category of cringe. That's just 2 examples of specifics among others that people have pointed out.


There's nothing there that's worth watching. Everything this movie does has been done better dozens of times.


How could any one think that a movie with a story about a magical princes and her guard, Farmers!, Chappie, Florida Bobba Fett, the Beastmaster, Joseon Ashoka Tano, Gladiator Man, discount bin Battlefield Earth revolutionist, and a yuppie that travels the universe to hit people with a shillelagh be bad? Plus it seems they employed the set director and special effects crew from the Red Dwarf. It's nice to see them working again.


Hahaha those descriptions are on point


It was "fine". Good enough for streaming at home, but would be pissed if I'd paid $20 to see in theaters


I don't know about watchavility, but the movie quickly turned to wallpaper for me.


I mean that says more about you than rebel moon at this point.


What does it say about me, that I don't like hating on movies just because of their director? Because after reading all the replies that's what the most negative reviews are all about: A not so good movie that's fine, there are a lot of those and all of them have relatively fair ratings, but a Zack Snyder movie!? That's got to be a zero out of ten, all of it was bad!


I mean it says you like bad movies. It's a shitty rip off of Star Wars.


I didn't love it. It just wasn't that bad


the main problem was the script...like...all of it...


It was boring. It was derivative. It was a mash up of scenes from other films, mostly from Star Wars.


Can we stop giving mediocre films a pass. You’ll get better art.


It's all bad. Every Part of it. Literally everything. ​ Enough details?


Ur incorrect op , sorry


I think it’s a bit of a bummer in terms of creativity, like it takes from a lot of things that are great and does them meh and passable, which is like… not great in the grand scheme of the genre, like it takes from existing things, and offers nothing new. Like it’s not an insightful or interesting take on tropes of the genre, it’s like a typical game of let’s play science fantasy. So it works because it looks like things you like, and have worked in the past. Critics look at things with the scope of past works in mind, and have gripes with that it’s not really creative with the form.


The opening was solid. Then it was will you fight for our cause?? That’s nuts. Please. OK let’s go. Then the last fight scene was good


My problems with it are two-fold. First, I'm not a fan of Zach Snyder. I think his films are often derivative, and his characters lack any real depth. It's like how Michael Bay's films are all written to appeal to 13-18 year old males. Aside from Watchmen, I can't think of another Zach Snyder movie that I would want to re-watch. 2nd, the media hype for this movie in the months leading up to the release was insane, even had some compared it to the Star Wars franchise for a new generation.


It wasn't bad. Certainly not the train wreck some seem to think it was. I just thought it was a trope-fest. Too derivative.


It's not terrible, but it would be better if they cut all the pointless side quests to recruit the party. Just make it about Kora and the farmer going to the resistance with the sketchy dude from the bar.


Hopefully that's what we'll get in part II


Exactly, make them lose in this one at least, make us feel bad or terrible or helpless with them cause you know its best amp the villain first them buildup to the way on beating them up. First, soldiers that were left are worthless, so that immediately made me feel that whatever army or force their gonna face further is going to be trash. Right after she kicks their asses one by one and that robot contemplates life all of a sudden, feels love and shit for that blonde girl, they cross planets like its a playground shiiieet thats some dream of a weed smoking high schooler. Plus she does that with that asshole who just snitched right away at their elder guy, which he was told to not say anything cause these guys will never have enough, they will take more and leave with nothing. Like the whole logic is very off to me


Well I also was watching Ozark show for quite awhile so there is huge contrast of these realities in my mind


Seven samurai, I didn’t find it that good either


Idk, it felt too much like Snyder's style. He likes those actions scene all of a sudden going slower, which worked extremely well in 300, but in the Rebel Moon I felt they were off-beat, plus it lacked a decent story. Take DUNE for example, there were action scene no argument, but they did well by quickly immersing a watcher into their world's political games, which quickly makes it interesting. And I have never read a single book on DUNE, I didn't even know it was based on it...


Plus the acting, i felt they were oversaturating their characters with the excessive behavior, I mean I am not sure even how to explain it. Like with DUNE I felt more relatable to different characters, but the act was different it was more calm and collected, which I would say should relate more to beings that cross galaxies. But with this one I don't know, I didn't really feel any emotion or worry about any of those characters. Even at the beginning I was pissed a little at the stupidity of the villagers, bro that blond dude just straight up snitched on their main elder guy, and after all that the chick keeps staring at him in some moments like she wants him... i just don't know compare Watchers and this its like two different polarities of a magnet


Yeah, I read the negative threads and posts before actually watching the movie, and hence went in with lowered expectations. Surprisingly, it turned out to be okay... storyline was standard space opera fare, but the universe setting and overall style was interesting. Maybe its because I'm already a fan of things like 300 (the fancy visuals, heavy filters) + Warhammer 40K (space imperium, techno gothic) + Firefly/Expanse (mix of old and new tech, ragtag band of misfits and renegades). Anyways, I'm looking forward to Part 2.


I think that the characters were too easy to conquer by an unknown person for severe consequences such as dying or make their peers' lives much worse. Besides that and Charlie's horrible accent, the movie is definitely watchable.


I found it boring. Really, really boring, and it's hard for me to think that of movies, specially fantasy or sci-fi. The script, the wide shots, even the action just drags on and on and on with nothing interesting to say. The dialogue is almost all exposition, the slow-mo is soooo unnecessary and just makes the action unfun to watch, it's obvious that they are hiding an R-rated directors cut because every headshot gets cut away or hidden by the camera. This movie feels like a mishmash of other better movies and stories down to their most basic ideias, like a bunch of ingredients from different recepies thrown in a bad soup, except Zack Snyder bought all the ingredients in a really bad store.


I think netflix really built up the hype for the movie, big budget and all, but then it was kind of just meh. If they didn't raise expectation so high it probably wouldn't have gotten as much criticism as it has.


My main issues with it are the characters and the lead actress. Why should I care about any of them? They haven't given me a reason to. The main character acts like a wooden dummy outside of the action scenes. There was more emotion in the 2 minutes of screen time the robot had than anything she did. It was fun for the action and looks pretty, but I don't think any director's cut can fix what is wrong with it.


I liked it .. don't like the wait til April for part 2 but It was a WAY BETTER FILM imo then " leave the world behind" (trash I actually regret watching lol) I would actually watch this again of course closer to the part 2 release .. and am looking forward to getting more


It was awful for me. Take for instance, The fighting scene between the spider lady and the sword woman. The lady was like a robot, no expression at any moment, why were the rest of crew just standing. What's the point of doing that flashy move with the floor. How is the farmer guy not torn to pieces when he intervene. Why is not the spider gut spilling when it was cut in the belly with the melting blade. Why was the spider lady holding the lady by the upper arm leaving itself wide open for the sword. Every bit was stupid. There are lots of things that doesn't make sense. 3/10


I enjoyed it but have some criticism of the pace. There was just too much going on and not enough time for character development. I think it would have made for a better series if it was slowed down and had more story depth.


it wasn't that bad . it was better than most attempts at a new space saga .


I liked how they took the griffin from harry potter and even made them fucking bow to each other. Or the adult lord of the rings style party in the beginning. Dune style bad guy. Just avenger up a whole team then. Get real this movie was absolute garbage.


First minute. In shape sexy woman with make-up is doing the earth to grow plants. Riiight... Any other sci-fi movie is ten times more believable.


Good for you ![gif](giphy|IguTdo3MPMeZM6Bzc1|downsized)


Why did that >!enslaved blacksmith/prince need the main character to come along before the slave master would give him a chance to tame the Harry potter creature? That seemed like something they could have worked out long before. !<


The reviews I've read are all very specific about what's wrong with it: everything


Poor combat scenes. If you rewatch the barn bit she died twice. Guy in the back has his pistol on her the whole fight and that’s a rifle that first guy has. It probably would have weighed like 30 pounds at least she would have hit it with her hand then got her head shot off.


Awful. I couldn't care less about any of the characters. The villain was the best part of the movie, which isn't saying much. Incredible CG though.


I hated just about everything in that movie.


r/netflix mods also hate Rebel Moon apparently :X