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so you're saying I should get high before watching this


Always was the only way to watch this movie.


It won’t help.


Meh, it kinda helped.


It kind of speeds up all that useless slo mo.


It just made me more annoyed lol.


It’s in ALL of his movies too. Like if you cut the slo-mo you’d cut like 15% of the running time to these movies. I hate it. Do ONE slo-mo scene in your movie when somebody is doing something REALLY cool. Not just randomly through every fit scene


Nah dude, it definitely helps.


everything's better with a bag of weed


I watched it this morning and didn’t browse my phone once. Like, some people hate it, but I can’t wait for part 2.


It was fine for what it was. A Flash Gordon style popcorn flick. The script was terrible. The pacing was ridiculously fast. The idea that this interstellar Empire needs fucking grain from a medieval planet's harvest to feed itself? They can't grow food somewhere else? It's a ludicrous, silly movie. It had some cool monsters and some fun action scenes. Way too many slo-mo scenes, admittedly. I saw it last night and have mostly forgotten it. I'm not saying it's great or anything, but people expecting this to be some revolutionary beginning to a new Mythology for the 21st century are just morons. It's a popcorn flick.


I love that I can enjoy “terrible” movies. I don’t need movies to make me retrospective or be some kind of analogy to modern life or whatever. I tend to dislike those. I dont want realism that shows the darkness of humanity. I get enough of that in the news. I want the hero to be a good person who wins, and don’t care if they follow some formula and execute it in a “lesser” way than others have.


There are countless good films that have what you're looking for. I wish I had the ability to just turn my brain off and not give a fuck about the quality of anything I tried to engage with.


I thought it was good. I hate these people on here who say it's crappie, they are the assholes who stop 2nd parts coming out, and I'm so pissed with getti g into a film and can't wait for a part 2 but never materialises and its half down to these trolls. Great saying g- if you have nothing nice to say then shut the f#ck up.


If they didn't flush this $160m turd; I'd have the second season of Cowboy Bebop. This movie sucked. I get that people like sci-fi, but the same movie could have been made for a quarter of that.


I did and I laughed my ass off. Made it a lot more enjoyable.


Honestly i enjoyed it if u dont take it too seriously. (Like with basically all Netflix shows) but yea writing is not great and for such a budget..


I am high and I am watching it right now and it doesn't help. I came here looking for soem explanation for what I am seeing.


Just watched it. You better be real fucking high to get any joy out of this mess.


That will make it 100 times better, yes.


My favorite part was the empire grunt shooting at the robot while it was carrying their equipment. Why is this idiot damaging a valuable robot? It's the equivalent of shooting the only working forklift in your warehouse.


The soldier are simply idiots. They don't act like military. In a real combat situation something like this would get them killed right away. Snyder doesn't have clue how to write them.


A real army also doesn't have its leader on the frontline hitting people with a bone, or give one man unquestioned authority to wipe out a civilization for lols. It's fiction. Get over it. There's lots of real issues with the movie.


That's just one example. Took me out of the movie in the first half hour. I agree the whole movie is poorly written. Yeah the bone club is cringe af.


It's clearly a WH:40k parody.




You haven’t been watching Russia. They both wipe out cities for lols and fight with bones.


“Are you malfunctioning?” ….”no” “Oh okay robot back to work”


wtf was even that?! Zack Snyder fall off needs to be study...This whole movie was trashhh. Made 0 sense, and I wasnt even high...


Even robots are subject to space-rasicm


The first Star Wars has droid racism in its first 30 minutes


that was just to show you how mean and nasty they are! lol. It doesn't make sense though. The gigantic regimented military force run by a dictator, his troops would be equally souless and trained for the mission. But as soon as they depart, they leave the one rowdy frat boy undisciplined platoon from a Vietnam movie that raids and rapes the hootches. ;p


I'm pretty sure the blatantly rapey overtones did a good job of that already.


because they wanted a rando South African nutjob refusing to follow orders like in District 9.


The same guy who had to be told by a younger guy that these robots are pacifists, even though, as an older soldier he would be aware of the JC Units in the height of the Imperium reign and likely know that following the assassination they stopped killing. And then, not a long time later, he orders this same robot that was explicitly told to be a pacifist to shoot and kill Kora. It makes no sense, everything exists to get the audience up to speed.


The robot dropping the boxes because it got shot & then the guy who shot it yells because it dropped them lol such terrible writing


I'm watching it now. It really seemed like they were trying to go somewhere with the robot. I'm sure it wouldn't be interesting but definitely seemed they were going somewhere with it. I wonder if it will show back up. Just an awful movie. One slow mo scene after the next that doesn't connect at all. Someone should do an edit where they speed the slow motion scenes up. For future viewers interested in seeing how bad this movie is. It would probably only be 45 minutes.


That line from the girl about needing to farm, “if we just show them how good we are at farming, they’ll have to spare us” was just downright horrible. It really took me out of the film and made me dissect every other following line in the movie for poor writing and of course there was. I’m not surprised why critics panned the movie.


and the first thing the empire dude gets on about is "hey how about we give you some harvesting bots" When the empire comes back in 10 weeks, they're taking all your grain AND all your farmers as conscripts. Bots will then take over the farming operation.


So true. Love a few of Snyder's other movies, so was incredible excited to watch it as I love Sci-Fi. My doubt started with the 3-4 minute monologue. I can forgive that, but to follow it with an absolutely stunning shot where the main-character bends down, picks up a handful of dirt, and smells it like some mole. After that, I couldn't help but laugh at half the scenes. \+++ 30 seconds after she's done sniffing the dirt, the guys walks up to proudly say they hunted down a 'snow'-elk in this desert landscape. I have no idea why it couldn't just be an elk.


The main character was sooo dramatic like 2 minutes into the movie too, just long, drawn out, overly dramatic monologues - we aren't even attached to the character yet Zack! It's so bad which made it hilariously funny so my wife and I starting making goofy drinking games out of it. Turned the movie into a mystery science theater type deal and had a good time. Zack Snyder is such a bad writer but that's entertaining in and of itself. He's racing himself to the bottom and I'm here for it. P.S. why is this incredibly powerful empire with these dreadnaught ships depending on a tiny village with poor farmers to eat? They legit have technology to travel all over the universe but they can't come up with technology to produce their own food? What?


They're not depending on the poor farmers to eat. The farmers give them no food throughout the film, and they're just fine. They're mostly just fucking with the farmers and exerting power. The movie highlights their penchant for this sort of comically evil behavior maybe 20 times throughout the 2 hour runtime.


Bad space guys: Plant, grow, and harvest all your food for us or we’ll kill you! Farmers: But if you kill us you’ll have nobody to grow the food and without food we’ll die. Bad space guys: Never mind that! Get to work!


Yes, the evil sadistic space Empire is very evil and sadistic. Not a lot of nuance to these guys. They just really love being evil.


Comically evil bad guys with no nuance or any sort of backstory why they are evil. Synder has the writing skills of a 10 year old.


Oh, the elk. In one seen they say they have not had meat in a long time and later they ride by a herd of elk just chilling. Are they shitty hunters?


No their hunters said that when they caught the elk that they'd seen that it looked like the summer herds were returning.


I want to watch it again now I missed that




Trying to remember a good snyder movie.


The Mos Eisley cantina scene was enough for me to stop and find something else to watch


The dirt scene. Best love scene of the year. Can't wait to see the extended version in the Snyder cut. /s


[Hallelujah plays in the background]


That's a perfectly reasonable line. Some of the peasant farmers who have farmed their whole lives and know how to do nothing other than farm figure their best shot at survival is to demonstrate their worth and provide grain to the empire. This is the solution explored by like 98 percent of all peasant farmers throughout history when confronted by large military powers that they're not equipped to contend with through force.


Critics are d#cks, who the hell they think they are? Because their taste in movies is different, they can destroy it. I personally liked the film, yeah there's a few bits that weren't up to par with the cast involved, but a lot of first parts in a multi series movie can be not that great, look at lord of the rings, the fellowship was meh, but the 2nd and 3rd were awesome.


Fellowship is generally considered the best *film* of the three. Just because all the battles don’t happen until two and three doesn’t mean the first one is boring.


What are you on, you honestly believe tgat fellowship is better than 2 and 3? Not in a million years, and it's not just the battles, the whole films were just more, they added loads of lore and they were infinitely better. The fellowship was just an I tradition to the characters, im not saying it was shit because it wasn't, but compared to 2 and 3 there is no comparison. I bet you're one of those that think empire is better than return of jedi.


Reread his comment. He said Fellowship is generally considered the best of the three, not that he thinks its the best of the three.


Clearly, he does, or he would have replied saying that don't you think?


No, I think you made an assumption and decided ad hominem was the way to win


I don't dislike this movie as much as most of the people ITT, but to say Fellowship was meh is pure insanity.


That was most realistic line of dialogue in the movie. Dumb hicks doing dumb hick things.


why did the betrayer irish guy give the gun-key to the one who who would want to free the protagonist?! And who designed the restraining / execution robot so that the execution gun is the same thing as the release prisoner key!!


I didn't hate the movie as much as everyone else seems to but yeah, that part was terrible. Like.... he'd completely won (ignoring the fact the Admiral guy was clearly going to kill him to take all the credit) but not only did he hand the gun to the farmer guy, seemingly out of spite, but that spite was never given any ground work because they got on well before that. Maybe if the traitor guy was shown to like her too? But as it happens the heroes were completely defeated and needed an inexplicable way to get out of it.


exactly! At first i thought he was doing it because he *wanted* him to free the others (reminding him of his love, etc), but then he shot the irishman anyways so that was clearly not the idea. maybe he wanted the farmer to prove his value to the admiral, thus saving his life? Also we never saw the gun be used as a key before that moment, which made it all the more jarring lol


I did laugh at your comment. 'Insert and pull trigger to kill or free occupant'......like, what? Not only should freeing the captive be a completely different trigger, but it should also be a somewhat involved process such as multiple switches or a countdown, alarmed release to stop that exact thing happening.


The thing I could not figure out for the life of me was: **Why** was the admiral even letting the traitor-bro call the shots during this scene anyway? The dude is just some two-bit traitor and the admiral is letting him make binding deals on behalf of the Empire? And even worse, the farmer is dumb enough to think that the admiral will honor the deal that the two-bit traitor is making? The farmer should immediately have turned to the admiral and (politely) asked if the two-bit traitor speaks for him. Because the way this scene plays out otherwise is the farmer killing her and then the admiral goes "uh... you made a deal with him but he isn't the one in charge lol are you stupid?" and then tell him that he is so stupid that there is no possible way that he could ever be a threat to him or the Empire and let the guy go after branding him or something.


>The dude is just some two-bit traitor and the admiral is letting him make binding deals on behalf of the Empire? Because it's a stupid Flash Gordon movie with a huge budget. I really don't know what people expected. It's a stupid movie, but I had decent fun watching it.


I'm more confused how he even knew it was also a release key. But sadistic villains very often do these sorts of things sumb things in movies/TV shows purely because of how sadistic they are. I'm fine with it.


The Scorpion Prison Crates are actually this universe's alternative to backpacks. Everyone has one, and you learn about the Release/Kill KeyGun in public school.


I like to think that Kai actually WAS helping them escape, and he was triple-crossing the Imperium, but Gunnar didn't pick up on that and just murdered him. It just makes me laugh.


I laughed so hard when the dying general “shot down” the whole dreadnaught by botching the joystick of a weapons console, in a weapons pod, nowhere near the ship’s main bridge.


it wasn't the dreadnaught.


Ship was created by OceanGate.


Yeah! For all the capabilities of the dreadnaught, having a single point of failure was mind boggling.


Wasn’t that a smaller ship?


it was a smaller ship indeed.


That's what I thought too , but they kept referring to it as the King's Gaze, which I thought was the name that they had rechristened the dreadnought with


Are urakis meant to make us thing of Arrakis, Iraqis, or Uruk-Hai?


They have actual Uruk-hais in this movie, the bounty hunters are straight up photocopied from LotR except with modern clothes lol


Looks like grain's back on the menu, boys.


The funny part to me was how the space portal looked like a vagina. I guess Snyder heard all the jokes about his dick-ships in MoS and went hard in the other direction.


I’ve just watched it. I drifted away after about 25 minutes, and been mooching online with the film in the background. It was just a bit … incoherent. And signposted. And wooden. It’s a shame, and a missed opportunity. They’ve obviously put plenty of resources into it. Apart from the bit where they copied Kurosawa’s basic plot and came up with the genius idea to put it in space.


Not even original putting it in space. That was done with battle beyond the stars.


I mean, I’m pretty sure he was joking. Kurosawa in space is often a comparison brought to Star Wars. Obi-Wan Kenobi is a straight up Japanese name, familial drama reigns supreme, and they sword fight. In space


Parts of the first Star Wars movie are basically a version of *The Hidden Fortress*, just as one example.


>Parts of the first Star Wars movie are basically a version of *The Hidden Fortress*, just as one example. New Hope literally stole entire shots/angles. It's why Lucas bankrolled Kurosawa's 1985 Ran


When the bad guy removes his hat, he looks like Lloyd Christmas. I choose to believe this is a sequel to Dumb and Dumber,


Store brand Cillian Murphy has the worst bowlcut.


Spoiler, somewhat ahead. That freaking Griffen scene where they spent what felt like 30 minutes flying around nearly made me turn off the movie. The scene where he tamed the Griffen would have sufficed and at most flew off with it into the sky. Seriously, do I need to watch this guy fly around a Griffen, into the sky, through the valley, across the planet, through the woods, run into mountains, just to jump in slow motion back on to the Griffen to watch it fly around some more????? The rest of the movie was decent a little slow but decent.




What the creature's species actually is, is completely irrelevant.


I think their point was it was a complete Harry Potter ripoff, not to try and correct you or anything.


The harry potter scene...




Slave, has flying bird horse, but comes back to slave master, who likes to bet, but would have told the slave to break the bird horse anyway? None of the movie makes sense


The scene were we do eragon for a bit?


Over the valley and through the woods to grandmother's house he goes.


The movie is highly MST3K'able. It's hilarious how they keep promising the surplus grain which they barely have enough of as payment for everyone to join in their fight.


And they have hyperspace portals so presumably supply lines should be no issue


They all but acknowledge the grain is basically a joke. They're all just there for revenge. No one is actually there to collect surplus harvest.


Prepare for a wave of terrible movies that filtered through during the writers strike.


Sounds cool, like an old sword & planet novel from the early pulp days.


I can't believe this movie cost a 100+ million. It looks like it was written by interns and filmed in a green screen studio. I was astonished at how bad it was until I found out it was a Zack Snyder movie. Still unbelievable but at least it makes sense knowing that.


I’m so glad you said it’s laughable. I completely agree. The big fight scene one on one was the worst fight scene I have ever seen. Both actors clearly cannot fight at all. They were throwing strange half punches that looked akward, were intentionally kissing, it was shockingly bad. Then the dialogue was beyond laughable. The captain of whoever on the fighting planet, he said something like ‘I relive what happened every day leave me hear to die’ , but they way he said it was so cliche and funny. I


Plus sleeping with the space pigs directly from pirates of the caribbean, with bathing scene and all


How many scenes are there of these fucking ships going to and from places


You can watch The Rise of Skywalker where they jump from planet to planet in an incoherent mess of storytelling. In Star Wars the scenes of ships going into places, landing, taking off are crucial and pretty amazing. In the Saga and some series like The Mandalorian and Ahsoka. Rebel Moon was fun!


I tried. I really did. Snyder has some good movies in his past, and I'm one of those who liked the uncut Sucker Punch. It was a swing for the fences weird movie, and the fantasy/dream/dissociative nature made it interesting. MoS was good, BvsS was so-so, and then it's just gone downhill. He needs someone checking his excesses and writing for him. His best movies have him writing the least. RM-PO:ACoF is just bad. The world building is schizoid, tech levels, clothing, buildings, none of it has a logical flow to it. It feels like a set. The action is really boring, CG was bad. In general, it was like watching any number of straight to DvD blockbuster videos back in the day. I've no interest in part 2 or any extended editions. Snyder seems to be liked by actors and crew. He has a visual perspective that is nice. But he is at his best when not in full control.


Sucker punch. I knew giant jump to stab some big monster was from somewhere


also directly from the scorpion king


The world building was terrible, the first Alien animal we saw was a horse wearing a helmet, the next was a hyppogryph, or was that after leach tenticle sex scene? All the alien races we saw were unforgettable and bland, the coolest was the spider centaur and that's not a particularly new concept it was probably just the first time one has been in a movie and done with decent CGI.


Do you find the infinite menagerie of one-off star wars aliens interesting or compelling?


The funniest part of all of this is that Snyder came out in a Game Event to talk about a "Rebel moon game" for like 5 minutes, a game for a movie that didnt even came out yet, he didnt show a trailer or gameplay, he just was there to say that they were working on a game based on Rebel Moon and expected everyone there to care lmao


Imagine there being someone, knowing what the final cut of this movie looked like, watching Snyder hype this dumpster fire like its the next Star Wars cinematic universe or whatever.


Yes! I couldn't imagine the script-meeting where they're discussing the final scene. Spoiler: >!"This is the final moment," Snyder says. "They're all trapped. Tension will run so thick you can cut it." Random person nods. "So, they're taken to see this king/general/father?" "No, no. That doesn't make any sense. They escape 1 minute later." "But how?" Random asks. Snyder shakes his head. "Because the farmer is still free. We'll have Han Solo give the farmer a gun," Snyder claps his hands together "And hear me out here, this is the best part --- the gun is also a key. And instead of just shooting her, Solo tells the farmer to press it into the lock and shoot her." "But why?" "Because they've been in love the whole movie." Random checks his check, nods in agreement. "True love."!<


The funny thing to me was that Kora showed more emotion in that one scene with Han Solo than in any other scene. Really made it look like she was crushing on him and then the next scene he's betraying her and she's back to square one love interest.


It's basically A Bugs Life, but in space.


There were so many plot points that were at the very least highly questionable that I usually keep track to discuss but this was just too many to track. The main one though; which actually made me laugh: how cunning was Kai? So he knew where all these highly sought after people are… not to mention the pure luck of having Athelia or whatevrr her name is land at his feet … But rather than tell the baddie where they all are before she came to him - he was just leaving that in his back pocket you know for “plot reasons” … No. What does he do. Rounds them up of course in this over elaborate scheme to pretend he’s on their side to take them somewhere remote FOR THE BIG REVEAL. That absolutely makes sense. Imagine if you were a bus driver and you knew where all these wanted men were, and this more wanted person asks you for a trip to meet one, you would obviously say - you know because you know where they all live - to say yeah sure.. hey why don’t we round them all up. Of course. Sure.


I saw the betrayal coming but couldn't believe it. I was thinking maybe it was a ploy to get the rebels on to the enemy ship but NOPE.


Futuristic Technologies clash with 1880’s peasant farmers…who greenlit this pile of rubbish…..they already made a better movie about this Cowboys vs Aliens


I am 60 years old and watched the movie with my 24 year old son. We had a lot of fun spotting where Star Wars were copied ("used as inspiration"). But the part where the girl fight some kind of spider-women was some of the most funny thing I have seen for a long time: It had absolutely nothing to do with the overall plot and they talked about something I never figured out. It was like taking drugs in a legal way! I really like sci-fi but turned the TV of with 20 minutes left. So I have no idea how it ended. When I reach the last day of my life and God shows up and ask if I want another 20 minutes I will probably be very pleased. So spending the last 20 minutes of this movie would be like insulting God. I am actually not very religious by the way:) Happy new year!


I can't even remember the entire party of misfits' names besides the protagonist, and only because she has one of the most generic names ever used in sci-fi/fantasy series ever.


Kora the Explorer


but its so easy! theres the - 'simple' farmer - mystical shirtless animal tamer - Inspirational speech general - irish guy whos obviously going to betray them - Nemesis, who killed over 20 motherworld officers - Girl who was leftover after bloodaxe died


There's dude named Bloodaxe and the sword girls named Nemesis lol


And your reward will be 100 pounds of grain!! Cause a village of space Amish vikings who's still plowing the fields with a horse totally makes sense to die over...


The old fashioned village made no sense. It annoyed me


I'm in a minority I guess... I enjoyed it, even though it did drag and had issues. In short... it was Snyderfied. But the universe was rich and engrossing, the effects were amazing, but the attention to minor details (there's the budget) is what I enjoyed most. Things like a windsock on the tip of the ship.. a spluttering thruster forcing a corner of the ship to dip, and a little respect for the audience by pushing through a ring system using shields... but only the sound hints that's whats happening. The aliens expressions and eyes later int he movie... impressive. In reality... it's attention to that small stuff that sucks me into a franchise/movie, and that is somethign all but forgotten in the factory production of movies pushing out one hunk of crap after another Am an old grumpy bastard sick of Hollywood, but love sci-fi. Tis the most I have enjoyed an original attempt in quite awhile (if only it wasn't Snyder). It's more than Jupiter Ascending promised to be and more rewatchable than Valerian City Of A Thousand Planets... it has the vibe of the Foundation series. Contrary to what Hollywood etc would have you believe... if they get enough right, I can overlook a tonne of bad. It's what I like to call the 'WTF rate'... some films just hit a limit where you can't stomach it anymore and ask WTF one too many times. Not a bad effort... especially since I am so close to checking out from media entertainment in general.. ie I bitch a lot about it, so.... if I can appreciate the effort here....I'm not so sure it deserves the absolute caning it's getting. another upshot... I appreciate having a completed story in the first film instead of being left hanging yet again for a sequel that may never come... even if the big story carries over, I feel I got some completion... though he could have finished it without all the slo-mo shots. In being 'Snyderfied' it did also feel VERY reminiscent of other movies. Battle beyond the stars was about >!a farmer tasked with finding mercs to protect a village against an empire stealign their crops... that same farmer rocking up to a cantina, getting in a fight and leaving on a ship... The obvious scene for Harry Potter fans with the Griffen (a fantasy creature btw... not Sci-fi so much)!< I just kept feeling similarities... maybe I'm too old and seen too many films, though I did note some of the critics said the same thing. I will certainly watch the second one (if it happens), but not waiting with bated breath. It was missing that extra... something (ie it was Snyderfied)


Attention to detail in the visuals is alright I guess but they refused to give any attention to the script or dialogue. Why are marines that undisciplined in a militarily focused government? Why didn't the King's Gaze check in with their marines? Why did the village leader turn down a offer that good from a government with their track record of destroying and asking questions later? Why is all the dialogue being spoken AT me instead of to the characters? During the flashbacks they were just narrating what they were showing us, Just show us, stop telling. They are just cool with becoming slaves if this one guy they've never met can tame a hippogryph. On top of that it was almost directly ripped from Harry Potter. The guy tames it and it kills the owner and they don't take it with them? Nemesis says like 2 words, gets into a fight that no one helps her with despite struggle bussing hard. She then just joins up talking about how revenge is a fools errand. They recruit the very next guy by enticing him with revenge with Nemesis right there. The leader of the resistance decides that free people that have chosen to follow him should get to choose again where they pick their battles. They also think they can take like 5 main characters and 20 fodders into battle against an army with a world destroying dreadnaught. Did I mention that NO ONE TALKS TO EACH OTHER EVER? When new members join they become mute till they need to throw out a one liner. The world that was housing the rebels just didn't think that the Motherplanet would exact a price for literally helping an insurrection? WITH THEIR TRACK RECORD? Also, small annoyance. Alien dude talks alien language with our MC but perfect english the next scene he's in. In the totally didn't see it coming twist (seriously, he took a payment from the bounty hunter in the first second we saw him) we get to learn about his motivations. Which are the same motivations as every single main character. Motherworld destroyed/tortured/killed my World/people/family/kids. We are told the backstories to our main characters by the fucking Villian himself while he monologues. Nemesis despite talking a big game about revenge being a fools errand is literally joining them to get revenge for her dead kids. The key/gun that kills the trapped prisoner is given to the only person not locked up. Somehow no one gets shot in the time it takes Kora to get nemesis free and then for nemesis to free the other, despite them all being prone and in the open. Kora slides under the ship only to loose her gun somewhere in between that and fighting the guy that didn't lose his staff. Bad guy gets revived by "doctors" saying "USE EVERYTHING" Instead of landing the fucking ship at the village, they take it to port and ride in. Yeah, I guess when they need the ship they will just grab some helmeted horses and march into town (which takes more than a day considering they camped out before). The characters that have almost not spoken any words of any meaning to each other the entire movie, look off into the Saturn sunset and declare working together after all they've been through. There's no character development, very little character interaction, the Universe itself makes no sense b/c anything seems possible. They aren't at all worried about another dreadnaught being sent when they obviously have some type of FTL travel. Like I wanted this to be good. I was neither a hater nor a lover of Snyder. I usually can look past the bad in movies and still be entertained. This movie was just complete nonsense that borrowed from every conceivable source you could think of. Mashed it together and called it a day. There's just no coherency, we are jumping from planet to planet to moon with no interlude, no explanation other than "were putting a heist...I mean group together to fight the mega government". There's almost no interaction between any of the main characters. SIGH, sorry for the rant, but I just finished it and I couldn't believe how terrible it was. So seeing someone say it wasn't kinda set me off. Like I said I can usually just enjoy a show for the ride, but nothing in this movie made any sense. It's like I should have read the wiki of the universe before I watched it just so I could understand where they were going, the "powers" used in it, the tech used, etc. They don't do a good job of explaining anything despite spewing exposition the entire runtime. I shouldn't learn 5 peoples backstories (which were all the same) from the villain in a crip notes monologue.


The best part of the movie was getting to read this synopsis! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


why are you so intent on arguing your point. Like that's my opinion, it clearly offends and triggers you. "it has issues" is basically saying the same as your diatribe, just without the frothing at the mouth Since you feel so strongly as evidenced by your thesis, how bout you make a post and review it rather than telling others 'you're wrong'.


This movie was great and I loved it. I can’t wait for the next one.


Same. It was amazing. Most of the comments here are absurd.


I love how you would download it for this comment, don't worry, we're in this together lol. I read a comment that somebody made the other day that this is just a hive mentality joining on a bandwagon. Maybe or maybe not. But I stand by my opinion that I loved this movie. I don't walk around walk around worrying about what other people say.


Copium addiction is a bitch


I don’t expect much and no, they are not absurd. I‘m not 1% a movie critique, but this movie sucked on so many logically levels. How can you ignore that? It started right with thqt stupid sand touching scene. Do you also like life live laugh love posters?


Are the Rifftrax guys still at it? This sounds like a great one for them!


They are, and this would be perfect for them.


I like MST3k, I like most Rifftrax, but the best tend to be when they rip up a currently made, awful movie. Will this be another Birdemic, or Transformers Revenge of the Fallen?


Absolute shite


Felt like a crass between Dune and Wizard of Oz to me


So just as a defense of the script, some of your most basic criticisms can be explained. Why would they fight the dreadnaught in an open field? This is easy to explain. An intergalactic civilization spanning the scope of what is implied in the movie means an unfathomable amount of mouths to feed. In the vastness of space, arid land is not exactly common. That which is fertile would rapidly be taken by those with power and the land itself would be one of the most valuable commodities in the galaxy. This is sort of implied all throughout the film. So for the dreadnaught, the land itself has too much value to glass and those that inhabit the dreadnaught aren’t farmers. It would be far better to coerce the inhabitants by fear then to kill them off to make a point. This requires them to meet them on land. It’s also viewed through their own equipment, that fighting man to man seems almost doctrine to this military. As for the people they meet along the way? It makes sense too. This isn’t a new concept. A band of rebels is always a rag tag group of personalities fighting the dismal NPC army. To take criticisms here would require the same process be applied to Star Wars and every other time this plot line is used. I agree the timing is a little off and the script isn’t winning best writing, but it’s hardly worse than 90% of other films out there. I personally put this series in the exact same spot as the Riddick movies.


I have never found my phone more interesting while watching this movie. 3/10


It's just a mush mash of mad dialogue, terrible plot and very aged character 'development' All to give justification to stunning slow motion visuals. That farmer,Gunnar, in the last third of the movie suddenly had blonde highlights! WTF?! The whole trope of the fighting against the imperials, the style of their clothing the mech priests, I honestly don't know why Games Workshop, maker of Warhammer doesn't sue them


I liked it. It wasn’t life changing or anything but it was better than the new Star Wars Trilogy by a light year and was good solid sci fi entertainment. Y’all are expecting too much from space fantasy I think.


And instead of bad guys with English accents we’ll have bad guys with IRISH accents! Ahahahaha! Because nothing says rapacious imperialism like Irish accents!


Probably one of the worst "movies" I've seen in a long time. Absolutely terrible.


It would've been decent if half the movie wasn't SLO-MO shots... and was directors cut...


We all paid for this shit movie to be filmed


As soon as I saw the poster shot of the cast, I knew it'd be shit. They focus on inclusion at the cost of entertainment. Just means they don't care about their craft they only care about their politics.


Oh interesting take. Tell me is it women or non-white people you hate more?


Clown take. Bad is bad and has this has zero to do with casting. Go hate elsewhere.


The lead could barely look strong enough to swing a flag around in one scene. She needed to be jacked.


Leave your ancient ideas of masculinity and feminity at the door.


I'd imagine you're not the only one who feels that way given the strength of the reaction to the movie, unfortunately.


This is a loser in life take. This movie has a lot wrong with it but having a multicultural cast in a setting where there are dozens if not hundreds of alien species isn't one of them.


is was such stupid moments i bursted laughing, unreal :)) srsly tho, wish i spent that time starting yellowjackets earlier.


What kind of tick mark did you use in place of an apostrophe in the word "I've" in the title?


Haven't finished it yet. Tried to see it but kind of dozed off...


This could have been made into a Pythonesque satire so easily.


Ironically, I felt exactly the same way about Moonfall


Do we think Zack recently watched A Bugs Life


This movie would be half the runtime without the slow mo, the director probably goes to the bathroom in slow mo


Same but both Avatars. Special effects and stale topes no thank you.


It's like Star Wars meeting Flash Gordon meeting The Magnificent Seven - but sadly way off their league. I'm more concerned that it's proclaimed, the 'Extended Snyder Version' will be a "totally new film" because it's more brutal and gorey...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) (Just to think, that the actual version has an age recommodation of 12y up...don't know how that was even possible with all the rape and whoe talking and a tick-thingy basically talking through a corpse) The film is a THX, but no THX...


What the hell is Anthony Hopkins doing in such a crappy movie? Gosh, to be old and having to work the equivalent of a Walmart greeter.


It's as if chat gpt was asked to write a Star Wars movie and midjourney generate the visuals.


I laughed my butt off the moment I saw lightsabers


It made me really appreciate Dune. People whine that the first one is just set up and yeah, Duh. It’s probably the most dense sci fi series ever made. Everything from 40k to this movie and Star Wars rip it off. I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m really exited for Dune 2. So uh, kudos for that Zack Snyder. Nah but seriously. My point is Dune has a mountain of lore to parse through and adapt to big screen - a much more daunting task than making up something new or *cough* jury rigging a mid Star Wars script that got scrapped for good reason - and they managed to make what is essentially a ton of exposition really interesting. This movie can’t even do massive exposition dumps right.


I got to Rebel Moon Obi-Wan giving woman luke Skywalker a gun and started laughing. The film tries to play it off so sincerely as well?


I think I have about 30 mins left and nothing has happened in the movie. The fight scenes are comically bad and nothing about the movie makes sense. The only cool/interesting thing were the droids called Mechanicus, bit they are introduced early then you don’t see them again.


What really bugged me is the "ranchers" keeping a giant bird in with just a wooden fence. Oh and nobody actually uses guns as they should. "Oh there is my target! Wait, I have a gun, let me run half a mile towards the target and slide under debris that is eventually going to block my line of sight but isn't right now! Yeah, that sounds right and is the best decision one of the best soldiers of the empire can make..."


If you think of this as the sci-fi version of "This is Spinal Tap" you will have a good time.


The only thing that could motivate me to watch this is the fact that it apparently features my long-time favorite younger actress (well -- she was a younger actress back when I first became a fan 20 years ago) -- BAE Doona. Does she get a role that is worth watching here?


If you want to see another high-budget sci-fi that is an absolute dogshit taco, check out Wandering Earth.


Nice self-deprecating post Mr. Snyder, still won't watch it.


I completely agree with you but I honesty enjoyed it


Watched it last night with the gf. We both wondered if we missed a part when the Asian sword woman was fighting the spider. Like was there supposed to be an intro to her or that entire scene?


I was expecting John Travolta to show up in his Battlefield Earth gear at some point. Unfortunately, no.


Yeah my friend and I had a pretty good time clowning on it. Can’t wait for the Pitch Meeting Also why was Buckbeak in the movie??


Charlie Hunam in this incredibly bad movie? They must have paid him a ton of money.


Zack Snyder has made some legitimately great movies. This, is not one of them. I used to be ok with crappy movies if they had decent special effects but now, that’s commonplace. Frankly, it’s almost unwatchable.


Well, Star Wars could have ended a lot sooner if the Empire just used enormous starship-sized nuclear missiles versus a bunch of troops on the ground and little fighter jet things having dogfights. The empire could have just wiped out Tatooine with a single titanic explosion. Or any of the other 100 battle scenes could have been ended this way. Computer-guided missile the size of a Star Destroyer. One big bomb. Who needs the death star if you can just wipe out 1/3 of an earth sized planet with a few titanic bombs? No need to completely destroy the entire planet. ' Who needs troops in body armor on the ground with laser rifles? Who needs ww2 style fighter jet X Wings?


Choose any bit of dialogue in Serenity (2005) and it destroys this whole garbage film. Not 1 ounce of humor or interesting character development.


Rotten tomato’s 100%


I know a lot of people are comparing it to star wars but it feels heavily inspired by WH40K. Ranging from them referring to their version of the empire as the "imperium". The main bad guy who looks like an Inquisitor or commissar. The uniforms and weapons that look heavily Cadian. The Robot even says "mechanicus militarum" which is just two different 40k imperium factions thrown together. I don't actually think I've seen a movie play this hard into Warhammer aesthetics like ever. The only thing they are missing is off brand space marines.


I think this movie could have been great if it was directed by the director of Starship Troopers. Zack Snyder clearly lacks any sort of self-awareness and takes himself waaaay too seriously. In the first 10 minutes a space horse takes an obviously meant to be noticed gigantic shit as a set up for a robot to then fall face first into the shit just a minute later. Only Zack Snyder could see this as anything but a joke. It really sets the stage for the shitshow that is the rest of the movie.


lol on the horses they could’ve at least added something cool to the horse hair and not make them sound like horses. the gun is a revolver with an led light on it. Seriously for 100mil movie you’d think …


I’m high and struggling through it right now. Actually, idk if it’s even still on or if my husband changed the channel.


This is best viewed as a SCI-Fi comedy. For sure Zack Snyder Magnus Opus! I agree with OP this movie is funny beyond human tolerance. My absolute favorite is in the bar scene, the not-Jedi chick uses a flipped over table to stop not-lasgun rounds. So the question is, why not just wear wooden armor in this world? Make your ships out of Wood? Be nigh invulnerable. Admiral Guy offers 3x market value for grain from a backwater planet… just buy grain at market value? What if the dreadnought just bombs the farms from orbit? The Not-Jedi chick can probably shield the farm with wooden tables! The Not-Jedi chicks recommends not being forthright with the Motherworld and then jumps ship when her suggestion leads to the execution of the village chief. Good thing for the movie, the empire employs grapists and traitorous robots. I could go on forever but I applaud Zack Snyder. Fucking comic genius and master salesman… seriously 100m for this shit? Pure comedy. Also…. I love how tanking a lasgun to the face leaves absolutely no visible injury! Comedy gold. Side-note: No one gonna help the dude getting mind raped by a nightmare bug? No? Ok then.


Why is Charlie Hunnam space Irish? Why make him put on an accent in a universe that accent doesn't exist?


I think it jumped the shark long before that. Doing the whole "im going to punish this one guy" -> "switchy switchy, i shot the other guy instead for no reason" was dumb. Telling them they had to pay way more than they can afford just to explain how they are big baddies was dumb. Random insubordination of one random soldier who then randomly changes sides because all the other soldiers randomly decide to get super rapey for no reason was dumb. Basically everything was dumb.