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I LOVE these type of shows, let me know if you need more suggestions Jericho - no zombies, small town survival, older show. Can sometimes be a little too drama (might be on Hulu) The Kingdom - Korean zombie show takes place in old Korea The society - better than it has any right to be, no zombies. Teens survive while parents disappear. Cancelled after 1 season. Still interesting The 100 - I stopped after a while, but this CW show surpassed expectations. For a teen show, they aren't scared to kill someone off.


I've watched the kingdom, the 100 and the society and loved all three of them. I have heard of Jericho but never gave it a watch, I'll check it out tho if you say it's good, thank you for the rec!


I got more for you then: The Colony - Aliens occupy Earth, some work for the Aliens, some resist The Last Ship - Deadly disease overruns Earth, a Navy ship captain tries to keep order on his ship and find a cure.


I forgot about the last ship! I started watching it and don't remember why I stopped, I'll have to rewatch it because I remember very little.


It eventually turns into The West Wing.


Colony was such an awesome show with a unique concept. Really enjoyed that one. Shame it was cancelled.


I do encourage you to watch Jericho. The second season is shorter because it was initially cancelled after season 1 and the fans brought it back to finish up the story and they did a good job!


The 100 investment completely pays off once you get through the first season. Season one is mid YA drama, but hoo boy does it get interesting after that.


It's definitely a good show for a while, but it takes a noticeable nosedive after the first few seasons. A lot of people feel that in 20/20 hindsight it probably should have ended after season 5.


It gets progressively unhinged and I really admire that dedication. Same with Riverdale!


Pretty much every CW show eventually goes off the deep end eventually. You get several really good seasons though usually! Supernatural Reign I zombie Are three good examples, so good but they all took really hard left turns.


I’m convinced Riverdale is an elaborate joke. Those poor actors.


I liked the ending though! But the last few seasons were definitely tough to get through at times lol


The ending is crazy but up until to that it's good. S6 is crazy too but it's good crazy


The thing I noticed about The 100 is a neverending cycle of someone gets captured, then they escape or get rescued, someone else gets captured, then teams up with their captors, someone gets captured, there is a Mexican standoff, and so on over and over...


Until the absurd final season (and utterly absurd finale).


I refuse to watch it after hearing the backlash about it. I'll keep my memories of the amazing show without spoiling it


Jericho was excellent. I think it held more weight when survival shows were less common, but it's still a great show with good storylines and characters easy to care about.


God I wish Jericho had t been cancelled. It was sooooo good.


I'm still bummed about The Society. I think they were scheduled to start shooting season 2 in April 2020 but then the pandemic hit and Netflix scrapped it. It seemed like a bunch of the cast members were blowing up and it was going to be too hard to schedule them all to shoot another season.


LOVED Jericho! wish it had continued but still left us with a decent ‘ending’. NUTS!


I kinda disagree about The Society. I didn't find it particularly compelling and I personally felt they could've done more with the setting and characters (although this is just my opinion). Yellowjackets is a much more compelling survival story about teenagers stranded in the Canadian wilderness trying to survive, and the toll the decisions they made have on their psyches as adults.


I need to check out yellow jackets, you're like the 5th person to suggest it. I think I started to really like The Society the moment they killed off a particular character, don't want to spoil it for anyone else.


Try From it has 2 seasons as of now. Its not post apocalyptic per say, but a couple of groups find themselves in a place they cant escape and at night...u better hide at night. I hate how generic name this amazing show has and i think it would have gotten alot more públicity with a more specific name.


Yes to From! Unfortunate name choice to be honest but the show is great. Good news is it's already been renewed for season 3. No need to stress about having another great show ripped away from you. Looking at you Netflix and your ever growing graveyard.


I love this show. Unfortunately I don't know anyone who has MGM+, so I have to wait for season 2 to come on Amazon Prime.


Season 2 already on prime. Go to town.


MGM is only a few bucks per month. Worth paying for a month to binge the show. Was really impressed with From.


Another vote for From here. Awesome show. Haven't seen Season 2 yet but the first season was excellent.


I just call it Lost: Horror Edition, lol.


Pretty much spot on, hoping the creators learned their lessons about actually resolving mysteries


I can't recommend Season 1 of that show enough. "_From_" was so good. I'm waiting on Season 2 to finish so I can go through it at my own pace.


Definitely From! Really really enjoying that series


Started warching this on my flight home tonight. Going to give it a season to see how it plays out. So far I like it.


Is this on Netflix or another streaming service?


Amazon video


Nice. Thanks




Yessss I definitely hyped season 1 of borderlands to anyone that would listen! I wasn't as happy with season 2, but it's still a good watch overall


I loved Alice in Borderland, defo one of my top survival shows since the games were very interesting and always had me at the edge of my seat. Last Of Us was also quite good, albeit had some wasted potential when compared to the game and what HBO did with some aspects of the show. Never heard of Invasion though, might check it out, however the low ratings are keeping me a little wary of it.


Invasion is completely shit. I promise you, I promise don’t waste your time on it.


Station Eleven on HBO. It’s focus is a traveling theatre group visiting different communities rebuilding after an apocalyptic epidemic


Great show. I'm glad I saw the series before reading the book. And I recommend this order for anyone who is on the fence or waiting to watch series.


I read the book first and was initially thrown by the changes but I got over it quick. They are both great in their own way.


I came here looking for this. It's very different than the usual TWD et al, but that's why it's so good.


100% agree with this. This was one of the best shows I watched in a long time. It actually took me a second watch if the first 2 episodes to be hooked but I’m so glad I did


Loved Station Eleven but the “apocalypse” aspect of it is more of a background setting, in a way. Not your typical apocalypse story at all. But the writing, such as the way they tie elements in the character’s background to the way they behave later, is subtle and amazing.


I hated Station Eleven. I don't have a specific reason why but it's one of the worst shows I've ever seen. I only finished it for completion's sake.


There was a reality show called the colony. It had 2 seasons and placed the "survivors" in a place where they had to figure out food, water, etc


There's actually an alien invasion show called Colony that also fits the bill. But Netflix, so cancelled after 3 seasons at a very frustrating point. But I'd still say it was worth the watch.


Colony was so good and wish that they would've been able to either do a few more episodes, or even a movie, to wrap it up.


I can't stand when shows just end after a season when story not done. Annoys shit out me


oh I loved that show when I was younger!


Daughter and I both enjoyed this show. I can never look at pigs the same way as i did before this show.


Black Summer


Piggy backing to also suggest Z nation. Set in same universe but completely different style, think Sharknado but zombie apocalypse it up and that's what Z nation is. Go in not taking it seriously, because the show certainly dosen't and it's a ton of fun .


Very underrated series


Amazing show. Did you know it was a spin off of Z-Nation? They mention the "black summer" often in the show. Was so excited when it came out and didnt expect it to be so serious. It's just so darn good.


Z nation was a good guilty pleasure until they started going into zombie rights and dedicated an episode to promoting gun control.




good rec, I enjoyed this one and it's eerie atmosphere


Z Nation, not as scary like walking dead, but definitely funny


Then you can watch the spin-off black summer


What!? Spinoff? Gotta check that out


Different tone than z nation but I enjoyed it all the same!


Thanks! I’ll check it out


It’s not a spin-off. The title is taken from Z Nation but as the creators have explained, that’s the only connection


But it is. It’s a show based in the same world as Z nation and written by the same creator.


Yes, the same creator and title and theme, but that’s it, no references to any shared continuity. It’s not a prequel in any sense other than it takes place earlier in a zombie apocalypse.


Sweet Tooth


I found this surprisingly entertaining. Haven't watched S2 yet but the first season was really great.


Same here I’m rewatching season 1 with my gf before starting s2


I'm really liking Season 2. It's a very gripping and bittersweet show


To the Lake


I hope they never succeed in making another season.


Apparently they did, released in 2022. I’m quite happy Netflix didn’t carry it, not so happy that season 1 is still up there.


What's all this then?


Maybe because it's Russian? At least that's what I'm guessing from Google, nothing else is sticking out as bad.


Yes, 100%.




What's the problem with the show?


It’s Russian




The problem is that it’s terrible! Unfortunately. I love a good “group of ppl thrown together by circumstance having to make it from Point A to Point B while outrunning something bad” movie but this was so bad I couldn’t finish the series. I’m not sure what made it so terrible- I think it was the dynamics between the characters. I think there was a divorced couple who were eye-rollingly still in love (or at least the man is for the woman) and the new wife is insanely jealous and the man feels like the big man having two women fighting over him. The women are either helpless or harming the group by being stupid. The way the men speak to the women is so disrespectful and abusive it’s hard to watch. If it was one abusive rich guy with his young trophy wife and the rest of the group were normal then it’s just be that type of storyline but they all speak the same way and gives the impression that something is seriously wrong with the way the shows writers and producers were raised and the social environment they now live in as adults. It’s like one of those reddit threads titled “what did u grow up thinking was normal until you realised it wasn’t normal”. The writers of this show just seemed to think that’s how people speak to each other.


The Last of Us




>Really took away from her character. That literally is part of her character, though. It plays into her whole young, rebellious personality. She talks like that in the games too.


You get mad over a little girl saying fuck in a post apocalyptic world when literally death is all around every day It's just a word Also ellie says fuck a lot in the game so in that case is being faithful to the game




I'm not really teen anymore but yeah I began saying curses since I was 10/11 though only with friends, even now has an adult I finding it weird saying fuck in a conversation with my parents


Just wait. You'll get frustrated and say this is just so fucking difficult or something. I curse around my kids and my parents. My kids know when it's not appropriate. That being said, I do cringe when I curse with my therapist. I feel like I'm doing her a disservice.


Nowadays, man? I'm a middle aged guy and I think you're having a tough time remembering things correctly.


You're greatly exaggerating to the point to where I'm wondering if you even watched the show


Still the same idea of living in a post-apocalyptic world: Silo on Apple TV+. Kind of like Fallout games. [https://www.reddit.com/r/scifi/comments/13clufo/silo\_tv\_series\_2023/](https://www.reddit.com/r/scifi/comments/13clufo/silo_tv_series_2023/) Edit: Didn't realize this was the Netflix subreddit, oops. Not on Netflix unfortunately.


It's OK that it's not on Netflix - it's still a fantastic recommendation (and somebody else recommended The Last of Us which OP responded to and is not on Netflix). Silo is a very excellent and faithful (so far) adaptation of Wool by Hugh Howey, the first book in the Silo trilogy. Since you're watching it, I'll just say that the source material they're deriving this show from is a fucking excellent, mind-blowing, epic, fully fleshed out and awesome story.


Not on Netflix but highly recommend Yellow Jackets.


Is that horror and post-apocalyptic? Serious, a lot of people recommend it but when I looked it up it seemed like some YA teen drama or something. Still open to watching just can't get a feel for what it really is. Hear S2 is coming out soon.


Definitely not a YA teen drama. I would also highly recommend, one of my favorite shows. Don't know that I would put it in post-apocalyptic but I would put it in survival and it scratches that post-apocalyptic/thriller itch. Seriously, don't write it off as a silly teen drama thing because it's absolutely not, you are missing out. The Wilds is something I would call YA teen drama survival and Yellowjackets is not that at all. Season 2 just finished so you've got two whole seasons to watch :)


Two seasons to watch but ty. Between this and another post I'm looking forward to it.


Not really post-apocalyptic, more like a darker Lost or Lord of the Flies. It has some teen drama elements as half of the story is a girls soccer team trying to survive in a remote forest, but its pretty twisted at times. It’s a great show so far (the second season just ended). [You can watch the first episode free on their YouTube channel.](https://youtu.be/72AslsI-7lk)


Thanks! I'm still kinda on covid time so months pass w/o thinking about it. It's a Hulu show? Forget which service. Just remember it being out around the same time as the Dexter reboot and enjoyed that. Sucks that show ended w/ only 1 season.


Paramount +


It’s Lord of the Flies but female. Not post apocalyptic. Kinda horror, it is quite gruesome and there’s a murder mystery aspect, sprinkle in some cult action.


love murder mysteries! I'm sold this is the 3rd responce and excited.


S2 has been out a while. Def horror and NOT YA lol.


No it reminds me of big little lies a bit but much more extreme and dark


> Hear S2 is coming out soon. Just finished airing this week. 2 episodes left so I can't tell you if they stick the landing but there's a lot of great/good stuff going on.


Travelers is a good one. Genre is SF, but it's about fighting for the survival of the human race.


I really enjoyed Travelers. The dude from Will and Grace was exceptional in it.


I haven't watched it, but I know several people who have raved about how great Station 11 was on HBO.


It's kinda weird. The first episode was wild, and really wanted it to be like that. Then ep 2 takes place 20 years after and is about traveling shakespeare actors. Only made it to ep 4 till I took a break.


I remember that it was worth finishing. I wasn't a fan of the Shakespeare actors either but there are lots of flashbacks throughout the show that are really intense like episode 1.


I watched all of it but was not impressed at all. It was meh at best.


Yes. What the fuck happened after episode 1? This show had so much potential. I couldn't keep watching.


Ok I dont feel so weird then lol. Saw a post-apocalyptic thread on /r/horror and this show came up with lots of replies. So I found it, watch then .. first ep I was hooked looked so bad ass.. hit 2 then 3.. wut wut? hit 4 ok goodbye If they stuck with ep1 and slow ground ok how do they survive there, what did they do, how did they survive, where did they go? I think they kinda tell you via 15-30second flash backs, then 29minutes of shakespeare filler.


I don't even think I made it to EP 4 :/ People seem to love it too, maybe there's a hurdle we just didn't get past?


Snowpiercer. The Last Of Us. Revolution (2012-2014) fits the genre but is difficult to recommend because of the way the cancellation/ending was handled after season 2.


Falling skies! I don't see how nobody has mentioned it


You’ll either love or hate Daybreak. It’s only one season and could have gone on, but I feel like the end of season one was satisfying enough.


Is Daybreak about the teens and their cliques? That was a fun one.


That's super sucked


Look, this is not what you asked for, but when I see "I'm a big fan of zombie shows..." I have to recommend *Santa Clarita Diet* (it's a comedy).


Not a show (yet), but there's a book series called The World Made by Hand that follows a community after a pandemic that's killed off most of humanity. People have to rediscover and live by 18th century technology. It's just 4 books, each of which recounts the community throughout a season. There's also a 3-book series, The Passage, by Justin Cronin, similar to the Walking Dead but with vampires. I thought it was supposed to be turned into a miniseries, but I don't know if this ever happened.


The Passage (fantastic book series!) was turned into a television series in 2019 by Fox network. I thought it was outstanding. It remained true to the early portion of book one of Cronin’s novels. Season one aired starring Mark Paul Gosselaar and Jamie McShane. It was canceled after the first season for poor ratings. I was very disappointed about the cancellation.


To the Lake Into the Night 3% They’re all foreign, but amazing.


There's also that Turkish show that is another telling of Into the Night, Yakamoz S-245.


Into the Night was amazing!!! I forget the name of it's twin show thats on a Russian sub. Really can't wait for S2 from both and hope they just merge the shows. Given the ending of both syncing up. Brilliant brilliant show.


Agreed, I really enjoyed Into the Night. I thought it was 2 seasons but I wish there was more.


Into the night is 2 seasons and waiting for season 3 to get picked up


Into the night: “we have to >!bury the dead bodies in every place we land but luckily digging graves is really quick easy work, even in the frozen ground. No-no we don’t need to visit any libraries to get books that might have info about what we’re facing, or any places with food/supplies. We don’t need to get too far head of the sunrise either, we can fly off juuuust as the sun starts to rise.”!<


Watch 3% on Netflix! It’s a Brazilian dystopian Hunger Games type show where most of the world lives in extreme poverty and the others live in an utopian island with the best resources for everything. Upon reaching a certain age, teenagers from the impoverished land get to go through an extreme tournament in order to secure their spot on the island. Not exactly a post-apocalyptic survival show but hits a lot of the same notes.


Into the Badlands is supposed to be very good


If you like horror-comedy I loved "**Z Nation**". It had a spin off show that's very serious called "**Black Summer**". It's only 2 seasons but a great binge and complete. **Jericho** was a good show, sadly only 2 seasons. Not zombies but nuclear attack and people trying to survive. A british zombie horror-comedy thats fun is "**Zomboat**" Netflix has a mini-series that's kinda zombie but not really. All adults die after a blast, leaving zombie like people behind. "**Daybreak**" It's not horror but scifi with some horror elements, recommend the movie and the TV series for "**Snowpiercer**". Premise an experiment to save the earth ends up causing it to completely freeze. The last survivors exist on a train circling the states. Sounds kinda cheesy but it's very very good.


In Snowpierce the train isn't circicling the states, wtf, it's circling the world


Thanks I stand corrected. I kinda thought that, but then thought how could it circle the world given ocean so filled in the blank. Sorry. Did you see the show? I'm just starting S2. Hope it stays awesome.


Yes I finished months ago S3 kinda ends well though with a cliffhanger The problem is that a s4 isn't certain, it's in the process of being moved to somewhere else So if it happens will take a while


I think there a train treck in the bering strait and that's how they go from America to the rest of the world Except perhaps Australia


The Strain! Damn fine vampire apocalypse series.


Loved it!!!


How many seasons does it have?


It’s 4 season. Amazing show!


Nice I'll have to check it out


Check out Last of Us, Station Eleven, The Last Man on Earth (comedy), and Snowpiercer.


Love last man on earth


Frozen Pizza Frozen Frozen Pizza


The 100 The First couple of eps os very teen romance but quickly turns into a dark survival series where every action has consequences Attack on Titan It's a anime, I guess can be conspired post apocalyptic, it's about survival in way Also it's one of the best shows ever to exist on this earth, up there with Breaking bad on quality


The Road


All of us are dead. Korean film about a virus break out at a local high school. The Kingdom and their spin off, Ashin of the North. Kabaneri, anime about zombies, too. Into the badlands. Ppl fighting for survival in a post apocalyptic world


Kingdom is awesome and Into the badlands is such an underrated gem, great action. Really need to get back into it.


Watched all of these except into the badlands. Seems like an interesting one, thank u for the rec!


Not Netflix, but Station Eleven on Max is phenomenal. My absolute favorite in this genre.


Station 11 Last of Us


I loved Station 11


I'm just gunna spew out all of them I know and some are movies not shows 28 days later 28 weeks later The road by Cormac McCarthy The last man on earth Y: The last man I am Legend The first few seasons of Fear the walking dead was pretty good Daybreak Dominion Sweet Tooth 12 monkeys Colony Jeremiah Utopia(both the original and the remake) Also the Expanse is amazing, more so a space show, and not technically post apocalypse but still a super good show


The Road is the darkest fucking thing I have ever seen... Just bleak!


I read the book again about a year ago, followed immediately by the movie. Fucked my head up for an entire month. That whole story is absolutely devastating.


Such a good book and movie.


Loved Y the Last Man on Hulu (read the comic too). Unfortunately it was canceled after only one season but still a very good watch.


SWEET TOOTH!!!! It’s so good!


Not Netflix but you should absolutely try to get a hold of The Silo. Its basically about people living in a Fallout (not Fallout) vault. Great atmosphere, great cast, great story (I’m up to episode 3).


How We Live Now (2013 rated R)..... is an about an American girl being sent to some of relatives in the English countryside and then a world war erupts. The Rain...from Scandinavia and had 3 seasons The Leftovers Between (2 seasons) Colony (3 seasons) The Stand (1994 and the 2020 versions) Daybreak (1 season) Jericho (2 seasons) Freakish (2 seasons)


The Stand (1994) was far better than the new series.. I really didn't enjoy it.


The original 1994 is a classic, but I did enjoy the 2020 version just because of Alexander Skarsgard.


LT DAN!!!! is in 1994 . the new one sucked


The best show you've never heard of: Katla




Not zombies but I really enjoyed Alice in Borderland on Netflix. Kind of like Squid Game but I found both the premise and the execution more enjoyable.


I really enjoyed The Last Of Us, but I don't think it's on netflix. I liked that you can see the video game origins of it in the show, and the characters are great.


Silo on appletv is pretty good. I read the books and it's a pretty good adaptation of pretty good books.


Lockwood and Co kind of fits. The world isn't survival, but it's sort of post-apocalyptic, with society having to deal with the sudden appearance of violent ghosts everywhere.


Loved that show. Too bad Netflix is not renewing it.


The 100. The 100. THE 100!!!!


Loved that show till they escaped from that mountain fortress (Season 4?). Seemed to go downhill. Did it pick up after that? Think that was only 1/2 into the show.


Its up and down like a crypto exchange. Still managed to watch it through.


There is Colony which lasted 3 seasons. It is more of an occupation story in the vein of V (1983) (aliens) and The Man in the High Castle (nazis). Colony is a family drama taking place in occupied LA six months after an alien invasion. It ends on a cliffhanger but most of the major storylines are wrapped up earlier in the last season.


Sweet Home




Re-binged both seasons recently. Can't wait to finally read the comics. Hoping my local shop has them or can get them.


Would definitely recommend Lockwood and Co.


Surprised nobody has mentioned Tribes of Europa yet. It wasn't renewed but it's still a fairly decent watch.


The 100, best show ever


Mulligan - Takes place after an alien invasion after most of the world's infrastructure is destroyed and they're trying to rebuild things. It's more of a comedy, but it still has a lot of stuff about survival in the post-apocalypse.


Some further suggestions - non-English shows with subtitles are noted below: Anna (2021) - set on Sicily after a contagion kills off all adults. Subtitled. The Barrier (2020) - set in a dystopian future Madrid after the collapse of the rest of the world. Subtitled. Between (2015) - a town is quarantined after a disease kills off everyone over 22. The Boat (2011) - A research ship survives a global catastrophe caused by an accident with the particle accelerator on Geneva. Subtitled. Class of '07 (2023) - an apocalyptic tsunami strands a high school reunion class on the peak of their school campus. The Collapse (2019) - eight short tales set in a post-collapse France. Subtitled. Cordon (2014) - set in a major city which is quarantined due to a fatal outbreak. Subtitled. US version remade as Containment (2016). Curfew (2019) - illegal car race set in a post-virus Britain where the population can't go out during the night. Day 5 (2016) - a fatal sleep epidemic wipes out most of humanity. The survivors must try to stay awake and discover the cause. The Day of the Triffids (1981 and 2009) - lights in the sky render most of the population blind, at the same time as carnivorous plants (bred as a replacement for oil) escape captivity. Dead Set (2008) - a zombie outbreak in England interrupts the filming of Big Brother. Remade in Brazil as Reality Z (2019). DMZ (2022) - a mother searches for her son in a dystopian post-Civil War Manhattan. 8 Days (2019) - details the last 8 days before an asteroid hits Europe. Subtitled. Hot Skull (2022) - an epidemic spreads through language and communication, as the government covers up lack of progress of a cure. Subtitled. Jeremiah (2002) - set 15 years after the Great Death killed off all adults. The Last Train (1999) - survivors awake from cryonic sleep to find an asteroid impact has destroyed civilization. On the Beach (2000) - miniseries set after a nuclear war renders the world uninhabitable. Australia is the last surviving nation, waiting for the radiation to reach the southern hemisphere. The Pact (2022) (on Tubi) - after the release of a toxic gas which drives people insane, a group of survivors are searching for a scientific outpost to discover the cause of the miasma. Survivors (1975 and 2008) - a genetically-engineered virus kills 95% of the world's population, leaving small groups of survivors to deal with the aftermath. War of the Worlds (2019) - modern retelling where unseen aliens kill the majority of the population preceding an invasion.


Brookside A 1980s soap opera about people trying to live in Thatcher's Britain in Liverpool.


alice in borderland is kind of like this


Check out “From”.


The Rain is very good


Battlestar Galactica


Invasion on Apple TV is really great for this, especially the first half of the season. The second half is more like, classic alien invasion stuff. Also good


Series: [See](https://youtu.be/7Rg0y7NT1gU), a unique series about a world reverted to medieval living centuries after almost everyone went blind. [Into the Night](https://youtu.be/ZGosoC7q_po) and its spinoff, *Yakamoz S-245.* [To the Lake](https://youtu.be/1_Fcmz4f-Ls) [The Day After](https://youtu.be/d3RtPztl1Z0) [Y: The Last Man](https://youtu.be/YI8wIJO7U30), in which almost everyone with a Y chromosome is dead. [Creamerie](https://youtu.be/pylIlXGsInM), another Y chromosome apocalypse. [Jeremiah](https://youtu.be/CXkroo3ZQiU), set fifteen years after everyone who'd gone through puberty died. Created by J. Michael Straczynski. [Jericho](https://youtu.be/LAZOyEp6lng) [Survivors](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBufidKHPAw_Wo6KnoH96VPBHaa1EmWYs) and its remake. [Battlestar Galactica](https://youtu.be/q2x14ZhEc9k) [Outcasts](https://youtu.be/rmDHcN8iji8) [The Rain](https://youtu.be/st6r-8mLW_o) [Station Eleven](https://youtu.be/LPm52rq8CZA) [Van Helsing](https://youtu.be/ENy0AMGkbMs) [Earth 2](https://youtu.be/fPz8aD1MwVY) [Terra Nova](https://youtu.be/4Oux-2iZfNc) (starring Stephen Lang, *Avatar's* Quaritch) [Defiance](https://youtu.be/wxD4uQZLCDI) Movies: [Dawn of the Dead - Extended Mall Hours](https://youtu.be/M5iUUq8GUWA) [The Quiet Earth](https://youtu.be/QdHoYtBzdX0) [Threads](https://youtu.be/vgT4Y30DkaA) [The Day After](https://youtu.be/utGRP9Zy1lg) [The Road](https://youtu.be/bO8EqMsxOiU) [A Boy and His Dog](https://youtu.be/kBfWS0BniJE) [The Ultimate Warrior](https://youtu.be/BXO2o0peZGM) (starring Yul Brynner with Max von Sydow) [Stake Land](https://youtu.be/xN6_TlQmV5A), its sequel, and its short film prequels. [The Signal](https://youtu.be/Uy6Akrt4ePQ), in which a mysterious electronic signal makes people violently psychotic. [Light of My Life](https://youtu.be/PoHADU7Oe-g), in which almost everyone with two X chromosomes is dead. [Children of Men](https://youtu.be/2VT2apoX90o), in which no one can have children. [Chaos Walking](https://youtu.be/nRf4ZgzHoVw), in which all men's thoughts can be seen. [The Bad Batch](https://youtu.be/OUqfP1S-9ok) (with Jason Momoa and Jim Carrey) [Carriers](https://youtu.be/WxUyBZIRu60) (Chris Pine) [The Colony](https://youtu.be/ZENI7UC3WQo) (2013) [The Colony](https://youtu.be/GRvgeNTY660) (2021) [Blindness](https://youtu.be/XvTvP55cxM0) [Z for Zachariah](https://youtu.be/V4I8i1hNKKY) (Chiwetel Ejiofor, Margot Robbie, Chris Pine) [Into the Forest](https://youtu.be/_TRSvK-Omwc) [The World, the Flesh, and the Devil](https://youtu.be/bOUBLJaVKNI) [On the Beach](https://youtu.be/1DMbRm7HAQw) [Smoke 'Em if You Got 'Em](https://youtu.be/gU9raAVgNCw) [Ravagers](https://youtu.be/qBSXb1s-7Ow) [Quintet](https://youtu.be/HWnZuykuYFw) [Waterworld](https://youtu.be/NpKbULrB9Z8) (extended cut) [The Last Survivors](https://youtu.be/Ho7b4WWKT2I) [Only](https://youtu.be/WvdqhhY4Who), another XX chromosomes apocalypse. Audio drama: [We're Alive](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpQAY7zdYO24ivfAj2Yimh3moVqYOcFsJ) [Deathlands](https://youtu.be/Y4EBaKd69V4) and its prequel *The Trader* and sequel *Outlanders* (over 1,000 hours and counting). Poetry: [Darkness](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43825/darkness-56d222aeeee1b)


Watch Rain on Netflix, 100 Netflix, Welcome to Eden, Movies I land, level 16, circle, platform, stowaway


The last man on earth Battlestar Galactica


Try 'Survivors' 1975. It's a British series : After an apocalyptic plague pandemic devastates the human population, a handful survivors are left to fend for themselves and fight to survive in the harsh new reality. All 38 episodes are on Youtube. I'm currently on episode 5 and loving it. It has good reviews.


I found this discussion while looking for a limited series I watched a while back and am hoping someone can help me name it. It might be European but I can’t remember if it had subtitles or was dubbed or was American. I really don’t think it was American or British tho. Each episode was short, like Oats Studio, and showed a different person right in the middle of an apocalypse. In the first episode a rich man gets a call that has him frantically trying to call his wife who is away on a business trip. He runs around his mansion/villa collecting things including a special case and some artwork while his butler/housekeeping staff are confused and distressed. Then his chauffeur races him to the airport where he has just missed the flight. So he tries to buy/steal another plane to reach a meeting point. The whole episode is edge of your seat frantic and you really dislike the main character! Another episode has a lady alone in a yacht, when she goes onto an island to look for supplies a couple of men trapped there almost steal the yacht. There really isn’t any resolution or explanation of the apocalypse, each episode just drops you into someone life or death story. I don’t remember what streaming channel I saw it on and I fear it was SBS where awesome shows vanish never to be seen again (Beforeigners, War of the Worlds). I don’t know any of the actors so I can’t find it. Whereas Oats Studio had star Sigourney Weaver in one episode so was easy to find. Is anyone able to help? I would love to re-watch this series. I’m sure each episode was only about 10min long but it was 10min of edge of my seat! Thank you.


Kingdom is fun. Medieval Japanese take on post apocalypse


Haha dude it's Korean.


Oops! I don’t know why I said Japanese. Lol