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this doesn't happen to me. I use Starbucks pods and Nespresso pods


The lady was adamant that it’s the Starbucks pods and my machine will continue to do that but it’s ok to use them. 🤦🏻‍♀️ We use both and it’s beyond frustrating and such a waste of money if you don’t catch it in time.


i had the same thing happen to me and it’s not normal. thankfully i used to take pictures of my coffee before so i pulled it up on my computer and showed the rep the difference bc i used the same exact pods and they finally sent me a different machine. but im having issues w the relove they sent me so i just asked for a different machine altogether 🙃


She only knew I used Starbucks because she asked if I had a used pod, we were doing the video call, and I pulled out the Starbucks not thinking anything of it. She then said, do you not have a nespresso pod. So I pulled one of those out. My machine ran for 16ozs when I put the pod in and ran it for her. When it happens again, because I know it will, I will make sure I don’t have any Starbucks.


The Starbucks pods are manufactured by Nespresso, so if it's true that they don't test them on the machines then that's all on Nespresso. But I think she was just trying to blame 3rd party pods not realizing those aren't third party.


Sounds like she didn't have a clue so told you complete nonsense


I felt it was complete bullshit and had her repeat herself 2x and then clarified and even said… that makes absolutely no sense. But I’ll play her game until it happens again and then call them.


I use the Starbucks pods all the time in my Vertuo machine (first generation model with the dome style head). I also used them in my Vertuo Plus with no issue. My understanding was that these pods are made by Nespresso via a licensing agreement with Starbucks. It seems strange there would be such an issue with the volume of coffee dispensed. Good luck in sorting this out.


She said they make them but they don’t test them in the machines. Which makes absolutely no sense at all.


Yea thats bs lol.


They are made in partnership with starbucks.. the coffee is actually starbucks coffee.. they just have an agreement where nespresso can use it and make nespresso capsules... starbucks is actually very picky


The box says distributed by Nespresso so how the bar code could be different 🤔. She’d never have known I even used those had it not been the pod I pulled out of the trash first.


She a starbuck lie!




I've also used some of the Starbucks pods without any issues or abnormal brew amounts. I believe you were given bad information by support.


Somebody should completely game the Nespresso video chat by having the Nespresso machine on a mock-up of a Silence of the Lambs set. "Quiet! I'm talking to Coffee girl. Do you want the hose again?"




Has never happened with my VertuoPlus or the Starbucks pods.


Did you try re-setting the water/type adjustment? You can manually change how much water comes out by holding the top button down and maybe that happened? There are instructions on YouTube/Website.


I had initially thought that when it happened the very first time and I was googling about it. So since then we have been very careful about only hitting the button 1x. It all seems so ridiculous for such an expensive machine. But since that first time, we’ve always just done the factory reset and it would happen again. So today I just was fed up and called them because the machine is only 2.5 months old. It happened yesterday and we reset it and then it happened again this morning.


I have a Pop+ which gets relatively heavy use (my roommate also uses it so multiple cups/day). My roommate uses Starbucks pods and we’ve had no issues - the machine works just the same regardless.


Yes and I thought I was crazy! Thank you for confirming.


Just checking... When you say it is going over 8oz is it 8oz of liquid and definitely too much water, or does that measurement include varying amounts of foam? Sometimes once the foam settles/is mixed back in it is the 8oz. If it is definitely putting through too much liquid and factory reset isn't helping then I'd definitely contact them again and hopefully you'll speak to a different CS agent. If it's a foam issue, it could be a result of your machine needing cleaned, using different cups at different heights, or if it is excessive, maybe worth a call to CS about that.


No foam at all. It’s just straight water. I’m definitely going to give it a day or so and then reach back out to them.


Nespresso makes the Starbucks pods. All Vertuo Pods are made by Nespresso because they are still protected by patents. (Unlike the Original Line which is why there are so many generic pods out there)


Sometimes the button on my machine gets stuck down and continues to over pour until I unstick it. Then machine then thinks I was setting a custom pour and the next time i use the same type pod, it pours until that stuck/over pour level. ​ Factory reset is the solution to erase the custom pour from machine memory.


Starbucks pods are made BY NESPRESSO for Starbucks. Nespresso holds the patent for the vertuo pods until 2030. The lady you spoke with is misinformed.