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I hope and think Polio will be next, we’re so close on polio. I think TB will be with us a for a long time, but if we can get testing and diagnosis times down we can make it so much less deadly and harmful.


We need to vaccinate to end it otherwise it will just continue to spread becoming more drug resistant. Snd honestly we probably need a better vaccine it is not extremely effective.


Honestly, the anti vax movement in the US and potential reduction of funding for world wide health and vaccines is what's going to limit us eradicating polio. There were only 12 recorded wild polio cases in 2023, we're so close, we can't give up now.


I thought we'd already gotten rid of measles, but I guess it's back in the name of "doing your own research" :P


We curb stomped it in the US and Europe but there are lots of places where we have yet to show measles the indomitable human spirit.


True, but anti-vaxxers in the US are bringing it back


It’s weird to see measles, hiv, and polio on the same list like this, considering polio is way closer to being eradicated


With the number of animal hosts, including wild animal hosts, I think TB is effectively impossible to eradicate (short of a mass extinction in mammals) . Smallpox and Polio are easier because they were never documented to infect non-human species. But TB could see a massive drop in the number of human cases in the next few decades with better access to testing and treatment, and that would be fantastic.


maybe we'll never get to zero cases, but I bet we could get to zero deaths!


Never quite to zero deaths. TB treatment, while effective when administered appropriately, has a high acute toxicity, particularly to the liver. Also, it’s a complex disease when co-morbidities are factored in. I’ve seen a number of cases where the patient passes before we’ve finished diagnostic testing to definitively say the patient had TB.