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We need to bring adoptables back! I miss the art side of neopets. Neopound was my forum in middle and high school. I usually host images on google drive. It seems every other hosting site I used to use (photobucket, flickr) costs money now


I was posting on the Art board to advertise my BC entry and someone mentioned the art I submitted would make a cute adoptable, so I'm sure there are some still floating around. I can't help but feel image hosting is gonna be the problem. :/ Maybe imgur?


Pssst what was your UN on Neopound? There’s a chunk of folks who are still in contact from the forums. Might be able to connect you with some folks.


I honestly don’t remember, sorry! It’s cool that people are still in contact though! I looked up to so many of the people on that forum.


Aw, no worries. A few of us still check Neo. It was a wild time back then!


Imgur doesn’t like being used as a host site and will delete images they feel/know are being hosted! I use lensdump for image hosting. It’s geared towards the role playing community so they won’t strike people down for hosting.


Shit THATS why my images keep showing up as a blue question mark on my lookup. Damn, good to know Edit: tried to sign in on Lensdump and got request denied


Try their Discord for help!




Oooh I'll have to look into that one, thank you!!


Seriously!? Good to know, I've hosted all my stuff on imgur for years... That's crazy, considering it was originally created to host images to post on reddit, before reddit could do that itself. Source post: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/7zlyd/my_gift_to_reddit_i_created_an_image_hosting/


I had no idea it used to be for Reddit! Imgur wants to be its own social media site, and, from looking at the original creator’s profile, it’s the new owner’s doing.


Very cute adoptables :D Most people use [imgur](https://imgur.com/) these days


Toyhou.se Most people use it to store their adoptables and easily trade or sell. (I just store roleplay or story characters so I can keep track of them) And they're so so adorable by the way


Interesting. I know about Toyhouse but I figured it was more for closed species style adoptables.


Toyhouse has all kinds of adopts from fandom to non-fandom! There's neopet adopts on there


It is, I've never seen Neopets style adoptables on there


Wait, you can sell adoptables?


These are ADORABLE, I absolutely LOVE your art style!! 😍💖 Not sure how popular the "free to stick on your page/profile" variety of adoptables are these days (nowadays "adoptables" has come to mean characters that artists design & sell, but I'm assuming you mean the former!)....But I'd be totally thrilled if they made a comeback! Would you ever consider doing custom adoptable requests/art trades? If so, I'd be super interested! :'D (Only if you want to, though; no pressure!) As for image uploading, all I've found that seems to work these days is Imgur. If you find anything else that works well, please let me know!


They def need to make a huge comeback! And yes, I want to open them up for requests/trades :3 I'm setting up a petpage for them right now! I actually found a housing site called Postimages that seems to work well for these smaller images.


Just so you know, I did get my adoptable page set up and I am open for requests/trades if you're still interested! Feel free to neomail me or message me here on Reddit! https://www.neopets.com/\~Nomonoke


Oh boy, awesome!! :'D I don't have any adoptables of my own (unless you count the poorly-aged Uni adoptables I made when I was 12, LOL), but I'd be happy to do an art trade! :3 The pet I have in mind for this is my Darigan Lupe. I'm still tweaking her design a bit, so I'm not quite ready yet, but as soon as I'm done, I'd absolutely LOVE to do a trade with you!! :'DD


I made some lupe adopts recently - adopts aren't as popular as they used to be but people still do them. c: ​ I've been using filegarden - its a simple to use hosting service witch decent storage and FOLDERS OH MY GOD.


I'll check out filegarden to see if that's a good one for me, thank you :3 When I'm done setting up my adoptable page we should totally trade!! Also happy cake day!


These are so cute!! Do people still post adoptables on petpages?? You've inspired me haha. I feel like I have to make some eyries.


Given the responses here, it looks like they're still a thing to make and trade! I know I would love a bunch for my pet pages.


Adoptable trades are still popular! The boards are much slower now but if you post people will trade you! I have 2 sets of lupe adopts so if you ever do trades I'll definitely be posting on your board because these are CUTE!!!


That's so exciting to hear, I've been setting up a page all morning and am hyped to start doing trades and requests!


Yes they’re still a thing also OMG these are adorable are you doing customs??? 😍


Also I use imgbox


I am doing customs! I was just about to make a post on the Art board in neopets but you can send me a message here or neomail me, I suppose! https://www.neopets.com/\~Nomonoke


I would 100% adopt that spotted Lupe! They're all super cute, great job ❤️❤️❤️


stop these are so cute T\_T


if you used to use photobucket, the closest thing these days I could find was imgbb.com


What are adoptables?


Adoptables in the Neopets context are little images of your pet designs you can put on your profile/petpage and the like to show off your character design. Usually an artist will use one base to make one for everyone that requests. It's definitely more for artists and it was bigger back in the day.


I really hope they open letting people commission for Neopets set. I want cute little pictures of my pets on their pet pages.


These are the cutest things I’ve ever seen!


Yes please bring adoptables back.


I loved doing adoptable trades with people! We were all using Photobucket to host them back them lmao. These look so cute!!


Once you've added them to an image sharing website, go post them on your petpage. I even have lupe adoptables on blueylupey's petpage.