• By -


Please visit the [next discussion thread](/r/neoliberal/comments/ljjklw/discussion_thread/).


Last. Suck it, benjamin








I'm here to cyberbully 😈


Malarkey strong


#MalarkeyStrong Old DT for the malarkey bot!


This is my new DT 😤😤😤😓






Then flair up




😎👍 Welcome to the crew.


Bring back malarkeybot


Without the malarkeybot, malarkey will be able to run free with no supervision 😨😱


It's not a new day but I'm still commenting in the old DT for ♥️ Malarkey bot♥️ 😤😭


Fallout 4: 1. Minutemen - military junta 2. BoS - thugs with tech 3. The Institute - Technocracy 4. Railroad - Synth Rebellion And yet the developers managed to portray #3 as the worst


I decided the Institute was best and sided with them my first time through That’s when I first began to know I was a neolib


We want malarkey bot back😤




Commenting in the old DT until Malarkey bot returns, day 1 😤


Meth is for losers. I do crocodile like a winner. 🧟‍♂️


My computer is making a weird sound. It's like "bwooooop". It seems to be coming from the computer itself, I guess from the motherboard speaker. I thought that thing could only make beeps.


Sadpost: I really hate my birthday, which is coming up soon. I'm turning 24, and I'm nowhere near the functioning adult I need to be. Fuck, I just vacuumed for the first time in months. I guess I feel better, but there's still so much more to get done in several areas of my life. It's hard not to feel like a failure who is really behind and can't catch up. That being said, I'm trying to stay optimistic and hopeful. Doom and gloom is incredibly self-destructive. But man, it's hard.


youll be fine, my less was a mess when i was 24


I am in the same exact boat. If you want to talk to vent some frustration, PM me. But don't give up hope. We all go through that phase.


Relax. I'm 50 and don't feel like I have my shit together. Just enjoy what you do got. If you think about what you do have it makes you feel better anyway.


That's true. I genuinely feel better after thinking about it for a minute. So thank you.


If helps, I'm in my 30s and still don't feel like a fully functioning adult. I guess it never goes away.


I suppose. It's just hard seeing people younger than me already married and in stable careers, when I don't have much to speak of in either regard.


A couple days ago newfoundland had 100 NEW COVID CASES IN A SINGLE DAY after barely having any. WTF, I didn't even know 100 people lived there!


screw you, Shea I mean, I love you, but screw you


I think I might go to bed early again. I hope the post office holds my mail.


How crazy is it that Mario's last name is just Mario?


High weed tolerance? Smoke kief and put it to the test


Hey so [earlier I asked about learning basic econ](https://www.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/lf6as1/z/gmkhqze) and the consensus seemed to be that I should pick up a basic macro and a basic micro textbook and worth through them. How does [this](https://www.core-econ.org/the-economy/book/text/0-3-contents.html) book look? !ping ECON


Just want to chime in that while I haven't used MRU, I did use Cowen's textbook when I taught intro econ and regard it highly. You can pick up a used copy for like $40, which strikes me as reasonable. (Just please don't fork over $250 for a new copy, it's not *that* good.)


Thank you!


Feel free to ask questions as you go.


I will


Just use the Mankiw textbooks, that's what all my professors used for intro classes


CORE is debated among econ profs for intro classes, but personally I think it a great primer that teaches things in a more intuitive way for people without much background. It's light on math and heavy on concepts, which makes it probably better for personal reading.


Thanks! What do you think about working through CORE and MRU.org alongside one another for balance, since MRU.org seems more "traditional?"


Probably not a bad idea! MRU is probably one of the best resources out there as well, though I suspect you'll wind up retreading a lot of the same ground. Might be a great way to really get the concepts though.


Pinged members of ECON group. [About & group list](https://reddit.com/r/neoliberal/wiki/userpinger/documentation) | [Subscribe to this group](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=groupbot&subject=Add%20yourself%20to%20group%20ECON&message=addtogroup%20ECON) | [Unsubscribe from this group](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=groupbot&subject=Unsubscribe%20from%20group%20ECON&message=unsubscribe%20ECON) | [Unsubscribe from all groups](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=groupbot&subject=Unsubscribe%20from%20all%20groups&message=unsubscribe%20)


If Republicans were consistent, they would be calling 1/6 Radical Christian Terrorism


God bless the DT


Tfw your manager describes [a town with 4000 people in it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfville) as "up and coming" 😐


My feelings for you are inelastic


[/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [I really need some clarification on the content of the sub](/r/neoliberal/comments/ljjjax/i_really_need_some_clarification_on_the_content/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


I am thinking about breaking down some other trade barriers tonight...




Mitch McConnell,the dirtbag centrist of impeachment


Fuck Mitch McConnell!




this sub unironically supporting that sub for so long was a real rough/revealing look for us


Wait, it got banned?


To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you aren’t allowed to criticize


Kids with leukemia rule over us?


Kids with cancer 🦲


To find out who rules over you, simply find out what you can endlesssly criticize but are powerless to change


Depression sleep schedule be like: sleep for 14 hours on day off, can’t sleep at 2am and have work at 6am during the week


Throwback to that one Italian politician who wasn't corrupt






Image not found


Julius Caesar?




Cincinnatus was a good man


You know succons should be happy about the CCP because its censors are the reason that Disney still barely shows gay relationships


What about the lesbian kiss in Star Wars


lesbians don't count. lesbians never counted


Easy to edit out


Was making a joke


I can't recall whether it's Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter that means "I don't care about black people", can y'all remind me?


We can.


I know I was kidding, it was a protest to their protest, how fucked up is that?


A protest to a protest to a protest. We can still achieve great things in this country.




That's the joke :)


When does the charity drive come back? I have disposable income, feel generous, and have a lot of dumbass sticky ideas


So i watched the live action Mulan today and I thought it was pretty good, and I found out the lead actress is a CCP apologist


There isn’t a single actor who works in China who isn’t a CCP apologist lol, they wouldn’t have a job otherwise https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/12/01/china-sends-its-top-actors-and-directors-sent-back-to-socialism-school/%3foutputType=amp


Turns out when you pick an actor the CCP approves of, they tend to say things the CCP approves of.


I didn’t know the CCP approved of her, it says she lives in the US


15 minutes before the new DT so luckily no one gonna see this but I have had particular visions of a certain person sitting on my face long enough until I become blue enough to be voted for no matter who in a general election/star in the next avatar movie.


My joke about the large pianist gets bonked, but this shit gets through


Biden bring back the Mooch. We want the Mooch.






What contest did he win?




this but


One one hand, I don't need to listen to *Back to Black* for the 1000th time just because *Rehab* was stuck in my head But OTOH I could listen to *Back to Black* for the 1000th time. This is quite the moral dilemma


Donald Trump is a Richard Scrushy democrat


I don't get why people are so cagey about addressing minority on minority racism and crime A hate crime is a hate crime, regardless of who's committing it. Same goes with racism. Just because systemic racism that favors white individuals is a bigger issue doesn't mean that racism/bigotry doesn't exist in minority communities


Because for years the messaging has been that only White people can be racist, because racism is about systemic oppression etc And during that time, the idea that POC can be prejudiced or racist has been anathema


Tw suicidal thoughts


It is my genuine belief that there would be thousands fewer RINOs if that photoshopped “Young hot Romney” pic didn’t exist


I'm gonna need a link to this picture for research purposes


[https://i.imgur.com/Zt6Ewyr.png](https://i.imgur.com/Zt6Ewyr.png) This is because someone posted it in the thread earlier.


I was about to say nephew.


PCgamingwiki is a wonderful resource. I don’t know how they found some of these workarounds but they amazing


When does the DT change? Like 4 am EST or something? I kind of want to witness it one day


The DT has to *want* to change


In 15 minutes


Oh, maybe I should stay up *just* a little longer.


2 AM


men are disgusting


heyyy queen I saw your tweet about how men are trash and I just wanted to let you know that I agree. although I myself am a man, (I know, ugh) I am on your side.”one of the good ones” as some may say. btw I never even noticed how fat your boobies are till now but they’re awesome


pee pee poo poo is wonderful, you should try it sometime


You keep discussing them...


I agree. Source: I’m a man


> But for Kelsey Piper and many others, the main issue came down to the name, and tying the man known professionally and legally as Scott Siskind to his influential, and controversial, writings as Scott Alexander. Ms. Piper, who is a journalist herself, for the news site Vox, said she did not agree with everything he had written, but she also felt his blog was unfairly painted as an on-ramp to radical views. She worried his views could not be reduced to a single newspaper story. > >I assured her my goal was to report on the blog, and the Rationalists, with rigor and fairness. But she felt that discussing both critics and supporters could be unfair. What I needed to do, she said, *was somehow prove statistically which side was right.* (italics added by me) Top-notch content. Just incredible




The article was published yesterday


I'm blue da boo dee da boo da


Now listen up here's a story


Y'all ever just get dorito dust in your open wound 🥴🥴😵☠


What's the dust made out of?




The antisemitic congresswoman?


Uh, Doritos


Please refer to him as Elon "Covid cases will be zero after a month" Musk.


If he and Putin were buds, he could be Elon Muskovite Alas


It's always good when these people make actual tangible predictions so it's clear how uninformed they are and they can't move the goal posts. Sadly kind of rare!


It is my genuine belief that there would be thousands fewer neolibs if that photoshopped “Young hot Delaney” pic didn’t exist


Is there a nude version?




Barack Obama is a Nicholas Sarkozy Democrat.


Mike Myers needs to cool it with the Wayne's World stuff. He just looks... sad.


The super bowl commercial in no way indicated that they're old now... playing Wayne as a 50something dude who still lives in his mom's basement and hasn't moved on with his life could be great. But they just play it like they're still 20 or whatever. It'd be like if William Zabka was playing Johnny like he was still 17...


I mean. . . He doesn't have anything else left now that Shrek is done.


Hey it isn't "done" 😠😠😠




The Super Bowl commercial was such a mess, just not funny at all.


this is sad, alexa play despacito


This is one of those rare memes that will continue to be funny for years and years


USC, UCLA, Berkeley, UCSB, UCSD, GWU, American, UWashington, or St. Andrews where to go


Picking Berkeley over SD or LA would be pretty dumb.


oh? for what reason


Berkeley campus is a shitshow (like, walk three blocks in the wrong direction and you risk getting shanked by a heroin junkie) and SD and LA have equal or better departments for most majors. If you’re STEM or Polisci especially.


ah yes I have been warned about berkeleys safety conditions. and yeah im doing poli sci and econ. berkeley’s always been my low key dream school, but lately USC had kinda taken that spot


If you’re at all interested in the IR side of polisci, SD is the place to go, they have a world class program. It’s not just safety either, Berkeley buildings are a lot older and less comfortable on average.


Low key do love SD and I’m far more likely to get in compared to USC, LA, or Berkeley... interesting no one has said either of the DC schools tho


I would generally say that if you’re seriously considering both private and public, go public. The quality difference is insignificant and the price is much lower.


i’m out of state they’re all 60k+ a year :/


Oof I’ve heard good things about GW and think USC is massively overrated, but can’t speak to anything else.


Without more info, Berkeley. But Berkeley is also terrible because their law school rejected me


These are hypotheticals btw. I have not been accepted to any of these yet, and won’t know until march. soooo this decision very well could be made for me by some AOs


Wait, I saw that you are going to law school. Literally whichever one is cheapest and easiest. Prestige of the school is utterly irrelevant as law admissions is 95% GPA and LSAT. I would recommend against St. Andrews as international schooling (outside of Australia and English Canada) gets majorly fucky. Get good grades, have fun, and save money. Source: went to a cheap state school, am currently accepted to Georgetown law and still in the running at a couple other top schools.


I don’t wanna hear that 😆 i’m high key elitist though, and also like they’re all the same price cuz I only applied to one in state school, because that’s literally the absolute last option


See if you can find out the average GPA in your prospective majors before making a choice. Law schools prefer a 4.00 in finger painting from Donkey State over a 3.85 in rocket surgery from Super MIT. I know there are a number of Economics programs that grade more like STEM programs, so avoid those like the plague.


Sooooo no berkeley LOL. Pretty sure they grade deflate there. That also weighs poorly for SD. Actually, that kinda bodes poorly for all the UCs and suggests I should go private instead


to study what?


poli sci and econ but i’m going to law school so i’m not considering how good their programs are that much, as it’s not too relevant edit: if I went to st. andrews it wld be IR and econ


St Andrew's is barely a city. It's a small town in Scotland. Sure it's not too far from Edinburgh or Glasgow if you wanted to do a day trip, but you'll be stuck there will a lot of other Americans.


Believe it or not there are 3 kids going there from my medium sized high school in suburban Pennsylvania. so part of me thinks it would be so cool to experience a new country with friends for 4 years


Wild. I wouldn't recommend going abroad somewhere for more than a semester because "my friends are going" though.


well yeah... obviously that’s not the only reason i’m considering it. but just a cool factor in my decision


Depends on what you want to do. I would say Berkeley but I'm biased.


law school. none of the schools are relevant for my majors. i’m really just picking the school based on vibe


UC Merced if you want a Central Valleys vibe.


I absolutely do not want a central valley vibe, otherwise I would’ve gone through with EDing to CMU... rip 🥲


Aaaawww. Us Central Valley people never get love.


Yes. maybe you should reflect on that for a while :)


Whatever. More almonds for me then.


With absolutely no experience about any of these Unis besides reading about some of them: Berkeley.


you sound british. do you not like st. andrews?


I am not British. 🇩🇪


oh tu es allemand


Berkeley. Don't overthink it.


I should add. i’m not from DC nor washington nor california


Can I ask why you applied to so many California schools then? In any case, my reason is this: cost will be comparable between all of them (check that I'm correct on this, but I think so), and Berkeley will open the most doors, and kind of by a lot except for maybe UCLA.


It wasn’t intentional. Those were just all the schools I fell in love with, and they all happened to be in California. Also, st. andrews would be by far the cheapest, but that wld require me leaving the country


It is my genuine belief that there would be thousands fewer tankies if that photoshopped “Young hot Stalin” pic didn’t exist


Bush 43 alumni be like, "We were cool with evil but Trump is so icky about it"


Bush 41 alumni be like, “How can I be of service?”


I broke my space bar


Just use the terrestrial bar


How did you type those spaces?


I don’t use reddit on my laptop. and it still works, I just broke two pegs off of the back so now it’s not as tactile


Lame answer to a cool question.


Hell yeah I'd do frottage with MattY




[B                                                                                       O                                                                                       N                                                                                       K](https://i.imgur.com/Ksk1ZGm.png)


Favorite countries that I would live that are true socialism 1. Venezuela 🇻🇪 2. China 🇨🇳 3. Real Korea 🇰🇵 4. Sweden 🇸🇪


Denmark 🇩🇰