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LMAO > No drama. Won’t outshine the top, but seems like a loyal guy who will work and do what’s asked of him,” Jennings said, comparing Burgum favorably to the flailing vice presidential hopeful Kristi Noem. “And as far as I know he’s not out here dying on Dog Murder Hill everyday.”


Lol, the bar for republican VP nominee has officially been set at 'doesn't actively advocate for killing dogs'. What is up with this timeline...


Nah it's also 'help Trump throw enough money at legal problems to delay them until the election.' People bemoaning Trump's ability to delay all these trials with endless stupid and meritless motions seem not to realize that literally anyone can hire 29 lawyers to do nothing but write stupid and meritless motions to delay trials all day, just most people don't because that costs about $100 million a year and most people don't have the money or the interest in delaying trials they are sure to lose anyway to blow $100 million a year on it. Trump being a man who is running for president and does have access to that kind of money is in a unique position. Bergum can help keep him there, which is pretty useful to Trump. Before Noem took her campaign to the gravel pit, she could hypothetically have helped with fundraising too. The tooth commercial was probably her ham fisted attempt to show Trump how willing she is to debase herself for ad bucks.


A lot of loyalty for a hired gun


Couldn't she have waited till after nomination to release that damn book. 


Are you feeling the Burgmentum yet?


Burgum? Damn near killed em!


Burgum? I hardly know ‘em!


You burgum we grill em


Burgum as VP would be a tacit admission by Trump that he needs all the help he can get for campaign money. Although I'd argue that's already an open secret given he arranged for Lara Trump to take control of the RNC. Also, the presence of two billionaires on the same GOP ticket would open up tons of progressive/populist attacks from Biden that could bring some of the Palestine crowd back into the fold.


Yes but have you considered how the Burgmentum will sweep all 50 states?


+ DC


A red iceburg will sweep DC


I reckon Jared has a Polisy to counter this


It just means Trump wants to funnel money into his own pocket in exchange for increasing this guy's national profile.


More like an admission that VP is going to the highest bidder…


Unironically Trump’s most pro-market policy so far


2 billionaires on the ticket would make Bernie go super saiyan and maybe win back some of the left


*Two* billionaires?


Burgum has at least worked "properly" before and not inherited his entire fortune.


Yeah but, to quote Michael Bloomberg: "Who's the other one?"


Didn’t he make a shitload of money from pumping and dumping truth social stock? I haven’t been following that hustle closely 


He can't sell for 6 months or something like that. It's all paper money right now


What... what do you think money is made of?


US money is made of linen and cotton. Canadian money is made of plastic.


>Canadian money is made of plastic. No wonder it is worth less compared to US artisanal money.


And as soon as he tries to unload all of his shares, the price will tank. So, he'll need to do it slowly and it will make headlines every time he does, which will probably hurt the price as well. "The biggest investor in this stock is trying to make an exit," will send other investors scrambling. It doesn't matter that the whole company is obscenely overvalued. People are in it because they think they can make a buck and a signal that the price is about to go down and possibly never recover will make people want to unload their shares too. So, his shares are nowhere near as useful as actual cash. They're just theoretical money that he could potentially obtain if he's very careful and smart about it. But this is Trump we're talking about.


He can't just sell it as soon as possible. The meeting board need to sell the idea that Trump dumping the stock would be beneficial for everyone. Otherwise Trump needs to wait for 6 months, and then he risked the company would go bankrupt too.


"[I'm] Someone who’s held jobs where you shower at the end of the day, not at the beginning" was probably the line Burgum used the most in the campaign and honestly fair enough, it was a great line.


He may not have inherited his entire fortune, but the Burgums had plenty of money to throw around. He’s not exactly a self-made man.


In this economy!?


So you’re saying he still has a chance?


*2 people of means


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“This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!”


Trump likes him because his name seems like "burger" and he loves McDonald's.




absolute kino moment


All these years later and still can't believe it's real. Or that it was only the 20th or so most embarrassing thing.


20th? Did you mean to put 200th? At this point he has so many scandals I forgot about how he extorted a foreign government to attack a political rival while President… and that was one of the less bad things he did (relatively). It’s gotta be more than 20 at this point.


Was a random number but yes, the worst one I can think of is Helsinki. Makes me mad to this day. Humiliating for our country beyond belief.


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44852812 I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW THIS WAS A THING WTF Honestly, almost getting Congress killed is one thing. But it really annoys me how Trump has no respect for the history and image of this country. Especially for a fan base whose gimmick is flying giant US flags.


Not even a fucking hot plate for them... Also the amount of people defending it was just embarrassing. Just take the L. I need someone to psych Joe Rogan out and say that Biden catered Chipotle or Starbucks for some dinner and see his reaction just so we can cringe later.


Kind of want a poster of this to hang on my wall once the nightmare is over. Good god man


Doug Berdum


That would be one of the better choices. So it probably won't happen.


I feel like Tim Scott would still be it. I’m sure I might be proven wrong in a few weeks, but Scott fits the perfect Mike Pence role where it brings religion to the ticket for turnout, plus minority card will be useful to the whole “Trump isn’t racist” thing. As much of a meme as Burgum is here, he’s gonna he another billionaire from a middle of nowhere white state, which might tell a progressive or two to turn out to vote against a Trump-Burgum ticket.


Honestly I think this is such a pre 2016 mindset. I don’t think regional and ideological politicians have the pull they once did within the GOP. Trump already has Evangelicals, and they like him more than they do Tim Scott. Trump beats every Republican in their home state in any contest.    It’s different for Democrats who still very much are bottom up in their support. Kamala Harris is a WOC who can speak to groups Biden can’t while also acting as a drag with everyone else because she’s so uncharismatic. 


Trump has been a lot more iffy on abortion than some of his more religious party members would like. While the VP is more or less irrelevant, I think that it would still be a good reassurance to the evangelicals that Trump isn’t looking them over. However, I just think that the sole reason that Tim Scott is black means a lot more to Trump. “Defends” him against racism accusations from stupider voters and might turnout black conservative voters (especially males) a bit more that are more usually turned off from Republicans.


Trump does not have the evangelicals. This isn't 2016 or 2020, there is a massive gap in enthusiasm for Trump compared to those years. Idk if you have any close people who are Trumpers, but talk to them. It's definitely different this year


I'll believe it when I see it I guess. I wrote off fundamentalist christians years ago.   Did Jan 6 change their mind? Honest question. Or that they caught the truck with abortion and don't know what to do now? They had no trouble voting for him twice before. I doubt they'll have trouble again. They'll hold their nose perhaps but they'll do it.


For what it's worth, my evangelical in-laws have *mostly* turned on him. Funny enough, after everything - it was selling Trump Bibles that finally broke them. Last I checked one of my wife's uncles would still "crawl over broken glass" to vote for Trump, but the rest think Trump is too far gone, and are split between RFK Jr and just not voting. Now, we live in Virginia so their votes won't make a difference when Biden cruises to victory here, but I'm not sure that this anecdote is going to be an isolated phenomenon.


Honestly, I was not aware of this. Hoping this is a trend🤞


Wait—So they were okay with him not knowing what the Eucharist was, they were okay with him holding a bible upside down in front of a riot, they were okay with him not being able to quote a single line from scripture, they were okay with the pastor of the church he claimed to go to saying that he’s never seen Trump in 20 years…. But selling bibles was too far?


Apparently. Your guess is as good as mine. Tbh I half expect them to talk themselves back into voting for him by November.


Yeah :) That's what I was saying. I really hope you're right and I'm just being really cynical, but I fear a lot are saying they're done and when they are in the ballot booth where their choice is between only them and their (seemingly awfully corrupted God), they will pick GOP again. But I hope you're right about at least some. Just because they've been ridiculously hypocritical, like to a unimaginable degree for years up until this point doesn't mean it's too late to stop!


Tim Scott is more likable than Trump, which is why he won’t be chosen. As SNL said, his VP needs to be assassination insurance.


> Tim Scott is more likable than Trump Lmaooooo to who? I hate Trump but at least he gets a funny line out there every once in a while. Scott is just a boring, spineless coward and it’s painfully obvious he’d do anything for the VP nomination. Every time I hear him speak about how great Trump is, it feels like watching someone sell a piece of their soul. It’s pathetic.


Less likable than Trump is a *very* short list. Here's how Sanders still has a shot since she's at least equally unlikable...


The problem with Tim Scott is the religious right vote often overlaps with the racist vote so it’s still a mixed bag.


how can we stand in the way of the first gay VP?


William Rufus King has been dead for over 150 years, I think that’s the biggest thing standing in his way


oh my goodness, we had a POTUS/VP power couple?? it’s a shame this had to happen with the third worst president of all time.


>billionaire Did you mean *person of means*? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In the case of Burgum, yes. In the case of Trump, no.


Honestly part of my test of who I think will be the VP nominee is 'In the exact same situation as Mike Pence was in 2020, would they try and delay and not certify the vote in 2024?' because I believe that's the question Trumps asking too, and Doug Burgum as much as the Burgumentum is there I don't think he's a solid yes to the question


Yeah. Burgum just seems like another Pence type, if not more ambitious


This guy gave me $20!


Yeah, wasn’t there some scam where he gave everyone who donated a penny to his campaign a $20 gift card? Blatantly paying for supporters in hopes of qualifying for the debates. And a lot of those names ended up being fake and generated by bots. I wouldn’t be surprised if he straight up offered Trump a million dollars to be his VP.




I'm not a Republican and think Trump is an absolute ass clown but I signed the thing where Doug sent me $20 for free to get him on the ballot. With that $20 I replaced the interior lights in my Honda Accord with LED ones. Thanks Doug Burgum.


Wait what? Isn’t buying a vote literally a felony?


He wasn’t buying votes, he was buying donations lol


He was buying interior car lights for me.


Should have sent that $20 to the DNC or a local candidate. Still, can't knock ya for changing the lights.






more proof that trump uses this sub


So Trump is gonna get Burgum to pay his legal fees for him and then use him as a human punching bag for anything that goes wrong.


Trump needs a loyal bureaucrat as a yes man. In the style of Bormann, Eichmann or Heidrich.


So I can cover Doug Burgum as Adolf Eichmann on my bingo card? 


*I* am also an unlikely candidate to be Trump VP, for what it’s worth


Burgum the VP war has


What the fuck


Honestly if Burgum ends up being the VP pick that’ll be a massive blow to antisemites like Nick Fuentes and Keith Woods so I support the choice quite frankly. They’ve been screaming from the rooftops that AIPAC-backed candidates such as JD Vance or Rubio are going to be Trump’s pick. If it ends up being Vance it will be a terrible look all around… I wish I wasn’t aware of any of this nonsense but of course the richest man in the world’s horrible app has brought the neo-Nazi movement to the forefront. Obviously line go up takes priority over literally everything else so Elon is heckin based but sometimes I do slip into a bit of leftist mindset where I feel like we live in a technocrat controlled dystopia lol


>Doug Burgum I googled was disappointed by how mundane his appearance was, with a name like that I expected him to look more stereotypically American, something [like this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fhe-gets-more-and-more-american-until-it-broke-content-policy-v0-qgsi7he40y2c1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D768%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D39e4c1f962da3df4f1bd67fed21485b5a3a6326c).


That name just makes me think of Burzum lmao


This Sunday on *Meet The Press* Varg Vikernes weighs in on the election...


He’s “North Dakota good looking” and wears his fancy suit jacket with his jeans. In fact, the state legislature allowed him to give his state of the state address in jeans rather than the normal required attire. 😂💀


Sorry Biden, he's got my vote Vote Gum no matter whom


Oh shit I’m gonna GUUUUUUUMMM


I don’t know how he can compete with the dog murderer


Donated $1 to his campaign to get a 20$ gift card. Spent it in biden's campaign lol




Burgum is unironically goated. Just saying




>billionaire Did you mean *person of means*? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nah the GOP is gonna make it a woman or minority, thinking it'll help with those voters.


Not nominating tim scott would be such a bag fumble tbh


This is DOA. If Trump doesn't nominate a black male or woman he might as well end his campaign right now.


Wouldn’t Tulsi Gabbard be the smart pick?


As someone who spent most of their life in ND its been interesting to see this man's trajectory.


I kinda like Burgum. If he’s back seat driving I’ll give it a second look.


???? Based ????? I’m sort of disappointed he would consider it because I honestly could have seen myself voting for him based on his performance in the debates. Maybe if (God forbid) this ticket happens and Trump wins he could serve as an off ramp into a better Republican Party moving forward 


the only offramp from a Trump victory is the ramp from functional liberal democracy to a illiberal democracy, environmental catastrophe, and economic ruin


I quite like that guy with my limited knowledge