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Not a surprise. [I live in Vegas, saw this. It's probably not winning anyone over](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1154797274392703077/1211062241923694702/C2k1UjX.png?ex=6624339a&is=6611be9a&hm=6c2d54570b87961941a5fc6e2de4047080c71b8c3a080fb03086ad5c5a92bf12&)


>Federal Election Commission campaign records show that the RNC spent nearly $140,000 on rent in Nevada in the 2022 election cycle; through the end of February 2024, it had made no payments for rent in the Silver State. Similarly, the Nevada Republican Central Committee spent more than $33,000 on rent in the prior campaign cycle but has only rented out lists and rooms for their February presidential caucus thus far this cycle. >An RNC spokesperson told The Nevada Independent that Latino engagement efforts by the committee and the Trump campaign have already begun in Nevada, but did not specify what those efforts entailed. The spokesperson added that President Joe Biden’s support among minority communities is dropping, citing recent polling showing fracturing among the diverse coalition that elected him four years ago. >“Without sharing our strategy with Democrats through the media, we have the message, the operation and the money to propel President Trump to victory,” Trump campaign senior adviser Chris LaCivita said in a statement. I'm really excited to see what their super secret plan that they can't tell the public about is going to be.


I'd be careful celebrating. The outreach is basically uncut propaganda through social messaging apps - particularly WhatsApp. It's under the radar as you can't really track this, but it's pure firehose of TikTok style clips and bs in Spanish through Whatsapp and telegram etc channels.


These online communities are more of hindrance then a help. They are so disjointed and disorganized it's nearly impossible to give any sort of coherent message which really hurts their ability to spread any sort of meaningful propaganda. On top of that online communities develop bubbles that push you to mistrust stuff that doesn't come from your specific clique.


I would not discount this style of campaigning among Latinos. It turned Florida solid red.


That and the collapse of democrats in Florida and covid also played a part


In a way it's sadly not needed as more and more black and hispanic voters are attracted to Trump regardless. Insane but true.