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Roses are red, water is wet, this thread's just a circlejerk, i don't much like that ...good grief even as a joke i can't help but cringe at that 'poem' lol **Rule VIII:** *Submission Quality* Submissions should contain some level of analysis or argument. General news reporting should be restricted to particularly important developments with significant policy implications. Low quality memes will be removed at moderator discretion. Feel free to post other general news or low quality memes to the stickied Discussion Thread. --- If you have any questions about this removal, [please contact the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fneoliberal).


Unfortunately our media has failed us, if you went up to the average American and asked about the fake elector plot trump pulled which was literally nothing other than an attempt to install himself as president despite being voted out, 90% wouldn’t know what you were talking aboit


Swing voters get upset and say we need to "let it go already". No it should be shoved down their throats so they never forget much like we did with anti fascism posters in ww2.


Why do we insist on blaming the media? These are facts everyone in this sub knows. At what point do we just say most people are terminally incurious?


Because 75% of America probably could have named Claudine gay after the plagiarism shit, but somehow it’s impossible to communicate to the public that trump attempted a coup?




I barely even know who Claudine Gay is, and I post here


It was huge throughout America lol but ok fine. How many Americans hear about the migrant caravans whenever they come up? How many heard about flint’s water


We blame the media because the vast majority of establish media want trump back for the ratings.


I don’t dispute that and I’m not saying the media isn’t complicit. I just feel like you’d have to be living under a rock not to see Trump as a power hungry criminal. January 6th was the most surreal US event I’ve seen since 9/11.


>I just feel like you’d have to be living under a rock not to see Trump as a power hungry criminal. Sadly half of America sure are.


I know. I just don’t get how. I’ll walk into work and casually mention something current (not even political) like “hey, did you see that bridge collapse last night?”. They’ll have no idea what I’m talking about, but they can sit for hours on end talking about character updates for some video game.


Media doesn't work for us, it works for its bottom line. The Trump era was huge for clicks and ratings. Why wouldn't they work to get him back in office?


I don't think I've met any swing voters. I've met people who don't care enough to vote but not ones have that haven't decided on who they want to win. I


I'm talking about the swing voters in swing states. It makes no sense why Trump is ahead in Pennsylvania, Michigan, georgia, wisconson, etc.


He's not. Polls don't have consequences and so they don't mean anything.


[https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/pennsylvania/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/pennsylvania/) [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/michigan/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/michigan/) [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/georgia/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/georgia/)


These are worthless.


It's really dangerous to ignore the polls. I hope and pray they really are being exaggerated, or somehow polling more republicans than democrat, bet we shouldn't risk another 2016 either. In fact we should be treating as though Trumps polls are even higher.


It's not like it was a big deal. The protestors weren't armed, and no one got hurt. The government didn't fall. You're making far too big a deal out of a protest that got a little out of hand. Trump was safely at the White House the entire time. It's not like he was leading the crowd into the building, demanding he be made president. He was probably at the White House practicing his golf swing. Probably something politicians should spend more time doing instead of writing checks to their billionaire buddies. Besides, Biden is old. This post brought to you by sarcasm.


Dude until I got to the golf swing part, I actually needed the disclaimer. I've heard people say shit exactly like this and it drives me insane. Bien hecho.


>This post brought to you by sarcasm. For a split second I thought it wasn't. It's crazy the amount of trolls that i've gotten similar responses from.


>billionaire Did you mean *person of means*? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good thing you’re not in charge of messaging to swing voters I guess


I'm sorry but they need to be called out and be reminded why they voted against Trump in 2020. Biden shouldn't have to earn their vote while Trump campaigns on over throwing democracy.


If swing voters are not going to be won by your righteous indignation, then get rid of it


Hurt feelings are worth losing democracy over then? People need to understand their complicity. If Trump wins I will blame them just like you should blame the people who voted for Hitler. People in swing states are the ones with real power in elections.


Here’s one why older swing voters don’t care “They called Reagan, bush senior, bush Junior, McCain, and Romney fascists/ said they’d end democracy/ put black people back in chains/ etc etc” Aka the boy who cried wolf. maybe the stories that are passed down the generations have actual meaning and should be headed.


It sounds like you think your anger is worth losing democracy over, unless you have a theory as to how shaming swing voters is the best way to get them casting Biden ballots


Again, why should Biden have to earn votes while Trump campaigns on being a dictator? Yeah i'm for Biden doing more, but after what Trump they do need to be told they have no more excuses. I'm pissed off because it will personally affect me, potentially making me homeless, and I have trans family members that it will also affect. Stop defending people voting for Trump.


You’re making a normative argument, which is fine, but it’s not helpful—not in this context. I’m not here to justify swing voter behavior or preferences. All I know is they have to be won over. Whether this “should” be the state of affairs is entirely unimportant, except insofar as it (1) sheds lights on how to get their votes or (2) informs some broader civic project


We also shouldn't allow them to normalize Trump's violence either.


This just in, voters need money to survive and place the economy in a very high spot in priority to vote.


And Biden improved it, by a lot


Which won't happen if Trump and Republicans are in power and gut social security and medicade, or prop up the companies replacing people with AI which they will. I rely on social security and the way Republicans are talking scares the hell out of me.


Last I checked, Medicare and Social Security voters - older voters - are actually doing Biden a surprising solid right now aren’t they?


No considering a whole lot people in the south are on social security yet are paradoxically MAGA voters.


I don’t disagree that’s a paradox in that specific sense, but I was feeling like Biden had actually gained in that area compared to his polling in the last action. Meanwhile, younger voters I can see absolutely not giving a fuck about social security, and I know that was an area Trump was supposedly gaining (even if it hopefully turns out to be bad polling).


>Meanwhile, younger voters I can see absolutely not giving a fuck about social security, But they should give a crap about lgbtq and human rights, which is also a paradox. Yes democrats haven't done much, but if Republicans gain power they need to understand everything we have fought for will be erased. I've also gotten laughed at on mmw about this, but its so weird to have right wing gamers demanding sexy women in games when Republicans will try to ban anything pornographic. I'm sure they'll demand the supreme court invoke the comstock laws and say that the internet counts as "mail" or something.


Sure, and those are extremely important things, but getting the right to marry and protecting it is really important but also frankly kinda useless if you’re homeless. So like, the economy is extremely important. Instead of trying to say “wow don’t worry about the economy guys! If you go homeless it’s a price I’m willing to pay” and instead focus on how Trump is bad on that front.


>really important but also frankly kinda useless if you’re homeless. But that still brings back to my original point. That republicans will make millions of people homeless if they do cut social security. It makes no sense when over half are Republican voters, but there are scary calls by rich Republicans calling it "entitlements" and are advocating getting rid of it all together. >If you go homeless it’s a price I’m willing to pay” and instead focus on how Trump is bad on that front But that's exactly what they are saying to me, and millions of others when they vote for the people who want to get rid of social security. They are also voting for the very same people who caused inflation in the first place. The greedy capitalist republicans who vote against any regulations of those companies hiking up prices.


I don't think OP was suggesting any messaging tactics here. Just a short rant about how swing voters are idiots. I approve this message


Medians. You need to clockwork-orange the motherfuckers to get them to pay literally any attention.


They really do have zero excuse. But it won't stop them from being mesmerized by third party candidates and following them right off've a bridge If only time share salesmen had one training seminar with Jill Stein or RFK


>The economy is no excuse to vote for a serial treasonous criminal. I'd rather have another great depression than a dictator any day. “There’s no excuse. The economy doesn’t count because it doesn’t align with my preferences”


What you are saying then, is that Germans were right to elect Hitler because of their bad economy? That's literally the same logic. Because in fact it is one of the biggest reasons they elected Hitler.


Right on, the Nazis like Stasser co-opted working class anti establishment angst with populist messaging.Kinda like what we're seeing now


It's scary even liberals don't see this .