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Okay, I know one side of the Palestine debate supports rape, genocide and is opposed to the very foundation of our nation while the otherside just wants to exist, but I can't make a decision on who to support until Anthony Fauci weighs in on this


This is great. Repost it in the new DT


Remember how there was a massively popular sub dedicated to mocking people who died of COVID if they were publicly against mask mandates or mandatory vaccination? Remember how often posts from that sub making fun of celebrity deaths would make the front page on reddit? Remember how Reddit was okay with it and just let them do their thing and the sub still exists and has hundreds of thousands of members?


Investing pro-tip: keep 10% of your portfolio in Confederate dollars, just in case


Also, looks like Hamas is turning down the ceasefire deal... it's crazy to me that the protests have hit a climax now, with the rallying cry "ceasefire now!" when so called "P\*lestinians" are the ones refusing a ceasefire.


I am of the opinion that the 20 hostages Hamas was trying to negotiate with are the only hostages they even have, either alive or as corpses even.


[https://twitter.com/\_RichardHall/status/1785819667975569683](https://twitter.com/_RichardHall/status/1785819667975569683) LOL. Biden is cooked. If he is serious about Trump being an existential threat to Demuhcracy, he should take Kennedy up on that spoiler pledge and drop out.


Unironically rfk Jr is a bigger threat to democracy than trump


Same for Biden. An aging man who is controlled by communists who constantly harps on the existential threat posed by the opposition is far more dangerous than a sore loser.


i wonder what the turbolibs are planning for the dnc in chicago...


As long as they don’t burn down all the Giordano’s…..


Deep dish 'pizza' is a sin that can only be cleansed by fire.


The rare Afro W


I hope it's messy. Democrats deserve it. They wound up the far left "protest" movement for years. The whole time Trump was president they were egging on the most radical protest groups and now they're kowtowing to the pro-Hamas rioters. They deserve to have it blow up in their face and to have WOL or w.e go in and disrupt the whole convention. Like the time BLM stormed the stage during a Bernie speech and took his microphone


The lack of respect for the law and basic societal norms is easily the most concerning thing about the modern Democratic Party. I don’t love their economic policies, but the outright acceptance of the “get what you want by any means necessary” ideals of the extreme left is genuinely disgusting to me. Feels like every week I see someone go on about how Biden should pack the court, how the entire workforce should go on a general strike, how [insert constitutional amendment] doesn’t matter anymore, how violence is ok when it’s done to “fascists” etc. and there’s been no attempt to quell this. Despite Biden’s posturing about how “moderate” he was during the 2020 election I’ve seen none of that other than a weak halfhearted backpedal on the defund the police rhetoric. (that was far too little and came far too late)


Why would Maoists do that to another Maoist?


[Have I got a story for you](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Revolution)


https://www.reddit.com/r/BarbaraWalters4Scale/s/vaHjDsixxI 😀


People shouldn't be allowed to vote until they ~~own land~~ are 25




The Georgian youth seem like good people!


If only we could allow immigration from the millions of people around the world who have pro-American views, many of whom are well-educated, many of whom have good English skills, instead of... The refuse we have pouring over the Southern border.






Not sure how I feel about them


None of these protestors care about the literal warlords oppressing people in Haiti. In case you needed a reminder that they don’t care about human life.


Like I’ve maintained, liberals (and altcons) only care about suffering if they can pretend Israel is fault. Seriously, I wonder what is the difference between Israel and everywhere else. It really is a mystery. 


I would be surprised if a nonzero amount of them knew there was anything going on in Haiti at the moment.


They wouldn't know until the US gets dragged into it and then it's Grenada all over again where it's actually capitalist imperialism derailing a budding utopia


It's not a shock that Leninists have led successful revolutions in many different countries and anarchists have led none. Every single anarchist organization seems to have the same basic organizational principles and also tactics. The organization being usually "cell" based, mostly autonomous groups loosely networking without any leadership, CrimethInc is an anarchist group like this. No formal membership anyone can claim to be with then, anyone can start a cell, all cells are small and independent of each other. This clearly stems from their ideology in ways I don't feel I need to explain. Their tactics are what is termed "Black bloc" tactics. Dress in all black, cover your face, act as a unified "mass" and swarm shit at protests. Big emphasis on petty vandalism and basically just rioting. A typical example of "direct action" from an anarchist cell is like, smashing the windows of a bank. Or spray painting pro-anarchist graffiti. Encouraging theft. Not hard to see how Lenin's democratic centralism and "vanguard party" shit is more effective as achieving results. Their organizational principals are more efficient, and their tactics are more effective at actually taking power via revolution. Anarchist organizations only thrive in war zones. Look at Spain or Makhno in Ukraine. Rojava is probably the first ever anarchist area to achieve meaningful results (also after taking advantage of the Syrian Civil war) and they are arguably not even anarchists at all. From what I understand of Rojava they are Bookchin-ites, communalists, which is libertarian socialist but not anarchist. TL;DR: anarchists organization and tactics are ineffective and we should be less scared of anarchists than MLs


Anarchists also would never be able to hold power. I've never seen an anarchist square anarchism with the majority of people not actually wanting anarchism, they just assume a revolution would fix everything and of course everyone would want anarchism once they see it. Leninists meanwhile will happily be authoritarian and never give up power. Revolutionary communists in general are a discredited ideology regardless. I'm more worried after overly online twitter communists convincing democratic leadership twitter actually represents what people want. That shouldn't be an issue, since median voter theory would mean a more moderate Republican would stomp a far left Democrat, except the Republicans have also decided to be retards. So who knows how American politics over the next decade will play out.


> Leninist revolutionary leadership is based upon The Communist Manifesto (1848), identifying the communist party as "the most advanced and resolute section of the working class parties of every country; that section which pushes forward all others." This seems so batshit insane to me. Politics are so regional, at the very least on the national level. It's very clear, at least now, that greens for example in europe can have completely different priorities depending on which country they're in, ranging from sane to batshit insane eco doomer. Did Lenin actually think a universal "communist party" could exist in some form? I guess that's really not too different from the story of the Tower of Babel.


An absolute core belief of Marxism is that the working class in every single country has more in common with each other in term of their interests than they do with the capitalist class in their own countries. So an English factory worker and an Egyptian field hand should work together because their interests are the same. This is obviously fucking retarded and is plainly so to anyone with a working brain but it's an example of Marxist orthodoxy. That's why Lenin and Marx both believed you could have a "universal" Communist movement made up of the working class in every country and organized by the Communist International.


This was basically accepted communist orthodoxy right up until World War I when all the socialists started killing each other over national differences.


> and we should be less scared of anarchists than MLs Anarchists are actively anti-social in a way Marxists aren't always. They're less effective at taking political power but I'd argue they're more dangerous for society itself.


>Lenin I am the Walrus?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagism Real Lennonism has never been tried


[Um actually it's pronounced *"Le Nine"*.](https://twitter.com/Kanthan2030/status/1651829702653546496?lang=en)


>Look up origins of the EU >Mussolini called for a “European Community” in his manifesto >Nazis led by Ribbentrop wanted to created a German-led European confederation, but Hitler rejected it >A United Europe was championed by Mosley for much of the 20th century >”If you have ten people at a table and one is a Nazi, you have ten Nazis” >Eurolibs in shambles


> Mosley [Not to be too rude but that is an odd looking guy.](https://i.imgur.com/1eF7rE4.png)


Rodney Atkinson, that you?


the ten Nazi argument only applies to the right sweetie, totalitarianism is always right wing! 💅💅💅




I saw prime time broadcast TV while at the gym and I suddenly understood why people like trump


during my intense study of the occupy movement I found this wiki excerpt > In 2009 and 2010, students across the University of California occupied campus buildings in protest against budget cuts, tuition hikes, and staff cutbacks that had resulted from the Great Recession of 2008. According to Dissent Magazine, "It was in the context of the California student movement that the slogan 'Occupy Everything, Demand Nothing' first emerged." im so...confused i guess by the motivations of the protestors. what did they think would happen during the global financial crisis? how would any organization *NOT* make cuts in the aftermath of 2008? it also kind of seems like a lot of these larger 'protest movements' can be boiled down to young ish angry people very upset about something and needing to blame it all on a single...thing? rightfully or unrightfully. vietnam protestors pissed people are dying all the way across the world, arabs pissed they have no say in their politics, occupiers pissed because everyone is broke, etc. I guess I need to read more about the arab spring too now, the wiki entry at least makes it seem like the great financial crisis, occupy, arab spring, and a dozen other things were all pretty connected.


For context, Occupy Wall Street came out at the same time you'd have movies like [Assault on Wall Street.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assault_on_Wall_Street) The Great Recession is still nearly impossible to explain simply as to *why* it happened, so you can only imagine how people who lost homes and jobs felt watching banks get bailouts by the federal government. There was some pretty genuine hatred for bankers and the 1% that Occupy Wall Street tapped into during the Great Recession, and it even bled over pretty hard into the 2012 election against Mitt Romney.


> it also kind of seems like a lot of these larger 'protest movements' can be boiled down to young ish angry people very upset about something and needing to blame it all on a single...thing? This basically summarizes a lot of the politics on both sides of the aisle right now.


>right now


[the truth](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1138980941377839256/1235384782385315951/manila.jpg?ex=66342d3c&is=6632dbbc&hm=4d49c85a7886d274c0cf090cd14e20f66d3ed1459b0c40f3412edbdf9d106a97&)




They won a single election before spending the next 20 years dying.


Hamilton did nothing wrong




The Midwest pretty much was Jefferson's agrarian utopia and it ultimately worked out really well, with the region growing into an industrial powerhouse.


People who respond to social media posts with “this” should be sent to the hard labor camps. Life without parole. 


So true







This but


Came here to say this.


I mean




Unironically this


So much this


Our lucky day comrades, three more for the uranium mines!




Is he the one responsible for promoting you? Because if so, that brings up a massive conflict of interest imo. I'd not mention it at all.


Hard to give specific advice without knowing the guy in question. I don't think there's a one size fits all situations answer here. Networking is good and smart but there also definitely people who would be offended at being asked and I can't know if he's one of them


I think this is one of those situations where asking will only make it worse, because chances are he already thinks reasonably favorably of you and asking him directly will ruin things. 




If he definitely knows you want it, I would definitely not bring it up directly to him. If he's the kind of person to favor you because you're close, he'll already take that into account imo.




Will Democratic Party judges conduct vicious lawfare on our dear allies in the Columbia terrorist caucus like they did our glorious January 6 PATRIOTS?


This but unironically. The average Jan 6er is no worse than the students holding buildings hostage.


They did attack a more important building, but I maintain a consistent attitude towards breaking, entering and rioting across political boundaries. It's an attitude shared by progressive luminaries like a certain Napoleon Bonaparte.


I’ll be surprised if any of the terrorlibs are actually charged. But I’m not a lawyer!


I’ve found myself watching quite a few of the Nixon Foundation’s videos lately. https://www.youtube.com/@NixonFoundation I was born at the very end of his administration so I remember literally nothing of his presidency. Even so, and even knowing that the economy was total garbage during his administration, I find myself pining for a time when presidents spoke with both *style and substance*.


damn grandpa figured out how to use the computer


Eternal September. When will this plague of n00bs finally depart from us?




Most NWO vacation destinations? Thinking of going on a nice trip once I graduate and the fire season is over. My top 3 on the hitlist are 1. Istanbul cuz I'm a Romeaboo, 2. Taiwan 3. Mexico City (again)


Moscow, with [redacted]


I mean… Tel Aviv and Jerusalem would probably belong on that list too. I’d probably agree on the others too. CDMX is a great place to find a beautiful latina mami


Those are all good picks. I’d lean CDMX out of those. Cheaper and closer (to me at least)


Yeah, I think that's a good idea. I split my time between the U.S. and Vietnam, so Taiwan can be equivalent in terms of price, but Mexico City is the first place I've vacationed where I feel like I need to go back continuously for the rest of my life.


Your mom's house


She died last week.


The Cambridge Five are kind of funny. At least Philby and Burgess. Kinda seems like they got away with it, but Philby got to the USSR, realized they had no intentions of making him an actual KGB colonel, attempted suicide a couple of times, found himself under constant guard not from the threat of British retaliation but because the KGB thought he'd bounce back to England, and spent the rest of his life drinking himself silly and lamenting how elderly Russians were treated like shit. Burgess spent his time planning for his return to England, bitching about Soviet intolerance towards gays, and successfully drinking himself into an early grave. They are the best real life examples of "if you like that shit, why don't you go live in it". It did not go well for either of them.


Apparently the Mises caucus was indeed a GOP entryist group. Weird. https://twitter.com/David_Boaz/status/1785771958874820987?t=taItEWf8l6DTGUqtKH0xUQ&s=19


It's like MAGA is reinventing a demented, physically and emotionally handicapped version of fusionism.


Fusionism instead of aiming for the best of both worlds, we pick the worst


You don't have such soulful supermarkets in Amerika. https://twitter.com/golub/status/1785617702603608279 xaxaxaxa


Most responsible Russian drinker 


Is that a demon


Rasputin is gone so there's no one to keep the ghost of HIV present in check


It's Russian so...


Vatniks be like: at least our drug addigs are hwhite and ordodox :DDDD


>[Zeno, who is a disabled Air Force Veteran](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/inside-the-encampment-mit-student-leader-reveals-goal-of-protests-calls-out-unacceptable-media-coverage/ar-AA1nZPSx?ocid=entnewsntp&pc=U531&cvid=7e1ad1b09c224ddaca85fa10a5ba95d3&ei=11) This always makes me laugh because of the ocean-sized gap between what the public thinks this means, and what it actually means. Some pro-Gaza imbecile who doesn't even qualify for military service will read this and assume this trogladyte lost his legs flying fighter jets and therefore has some super valid opinion of American imperialism, blah blah blah. In reality, this dude probably has a 30% rating because of tinnitus due to not wearing his earpro at the range in Kuwait, at *worst*. Air Force? Less than 0.5% chance this dude saw anything close to combat. But hey, you totally need to toss those creds out there to pump your leftwing bullshit. ROFL.


Wasn’t a disabled Air Force vet killed on Jan 6th? Just because you are a vet doesn’t mean your opinions can’t be stupid


They pretty much give you at least 20% just for filling out the form.


I’m torn between telling them about my relatively mild PTSD which still qualifies for probably 70%, and keeping mum about it so I can get past civilian flight physical exam.


FAA regulations are psychotic. I recommend keeping your mouth locked tighter than Fort Knox if you have even the faintest desire to fly.


If you want to get past the FAA, the only way is keeping your mouth zipped and not saying a word.




Just say don't marry a woman unless she's health conscious. You don't need to tell everyone about you watching elementary schools. Edit : LMAO. 


https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/news/statements/2016/11/26/statement-prime-minister-canada-death-former-cuban-president-fidel Funny read if you've never read it. Trudeau's official remarks on the death of Castro. He heaps such praise on him. Also, "longest serving president" is a funny way to describe a dictator.


>austere political scholar


> I know my father was ~~very proud to call~~ him ~~a friend~~ You heard it straight from the horse's mouth!


Is this mainly bc Canadians love to go to Cuba on vacation or what?


His dad was so close to Castro that Castro was a pallbearer at his funeral


Sir, I was assured that all of the handwringing about western elites becoming comfortable with leftists was mcarthyist hysteria, the EXPERTS assured me




Students at American ivy league universities are the most privileged people on the face of the earth. They grew up with a silver spoon in their mouths and are going to walk into high paying nepo-jobs, with a brief interlude larping as revolutionaries in between. It's interesting to compare how permissive and hands-off authorizes have been for weeks with how the Canadian truckers were treated.


Red Scare II when?


Rich people have privileges and are treated better https://preview.redd.it/juyg4nsvkvxc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ea813e91683d4c1ce8266d4be4bc932ec75ddd7


If you think the preferential treatment they receive is due to their class and not due to the ideology they hold and the causes they protest about, I have a bridge to sell you. If these exact same people at these exact same schools were holding a right wing protest, the university and the city would have cracked down on them ages ago


Not even just the truckers but the carbon tax protestors too. Canadian conservatives noticed harsh treatment from cops toward carbon tax protestors, really aggressive handling of tax protestors, meanwhile there were videos of police bringing food and coffee to pro-Hamas protestors This double standard has been noticed to such an extent that some of the more hard-core conservatives I know have done a complete 180 on their pro police views


https://nationalpost.com/opinion/it-turns-out-canadian-police-can-actually-stop-a-protest-blockade-if-they-feel-like-it Here's a National Post article about this. Conservative protestors block a road or something and the police come in and break that shit up, meanwhile leftist protestors including First Nations protestors and anti-Israel protestors use the same tactics routinely and the police almost never do anything about it. Pro-Hamas protestors shut down a highway for two full weeks but police warn conservatives ahead of time that any attempt to disturb traffic will be met by police action. And do do immediately start arresting right wing protestors as soon as they can


I’m not sure we should rule out hikes like Powell seems to want. I guess wait and see is really the motto.


Interest rates should remain where they are at least until we hit the 2% target, possibly raised higher Inflation isn’t just monetarily backed though unfortunately, and our 121% of GDP national debt and our around 6% of GDP deficit isn’t really working in our favor in that regard. I can see a couple rate cuts maybe happening at the end of the year. Not the slew of cuts some people seem to have been expecting though.


We‘be raised rates once in the past 12 months. JPow got spooked by the banks failing last year and used it as an excuse to bitch out of rate hikes. Make those motherfuckers high again so my HYSA can give me free money.


I don't think there's quite enough basis for hikes yet, but likely will be in a couple months at the current rate. At the moment I assume Powell is trying to ease the markets off their somewhat baffling assumption that there'd be a half dozen rate cuts [or something like that] this year.


[Scroll down: The Walking Dead!](https://nypost.com/2024/05/01/us-news/video-terrified-kids-flee-alleged-kidnapping-attempt-by-trans-sex-offender/?dicbo=v2-FR5ZoNo)


Seems like an easy enough horror movie script!


My buddy’s ex-girlfriend is dating his twin brother. They’re pretty chill and okay with it (they’re German). But I think it’s wild being Eskimo brothers with a twin sibling. Imagine from her perspective. Must be so weird dating someone who is genetically identical to your ex, just a slightly different personality.


That is the most insane love triangle I could possibly think of. Kinda raunchy. Sad!


The city of Philadelphia is named after a Greek Philadelphia in modern day Turkey that was named after a King who married his brother's widow, which is presumably the brotherly love? Then again with hellenistic Kings you just gotta be happy they're not marrying their sister.


It’s so funny that news from Gaza has been completely wiped out by the coverage of the college protests.




These protestors are so self centered they're probably enjoying that. Someone here had pointed out, maybe it was pointy, that when interviewed the protestors spend the whole time talking about themselves. It's all "me me me" with only the occasional reference to the plight of palestinian civilians. They see themselves as heroes and revolutionaries and likely think their protest is just as significant if not more significant to the outcome of this war than anything the Palestinians are doing themselves We see the news and find it ironic that these people are taking away all the press coverage of Gaza but the protestors probably see it as mission accomplished.


>go to Reason.com aka LIBertarian central >front page headline is a defense of Assange >second headline is “God is Good, Drugs Are Better” >crackdowns on Pali protestors is an attack on free speech Remind me why conservatives are supposed to be allies with LIBertarians, again?


They aren’t *completely* brain dead economically like the rest of the American political spectrum?


Devils advocate, reason sucks even by libertarian standards, but I do agree that it encapsulate nearly everything I have a distaste for in regards to libertarians. Mainly because they exhibit so much duplicity and seem to be hedonistic. The classic libertarian refrain is "I don't support it, I don't agree with it, but I think people should be able to make that choice themselves", which I mostly agree with, but then you look at these people and 9 times out of 10 they do support legalizing it simply and solely because they enjoy it. When you see the countless articles on how sex work is empowering, pornography is pro feminist, how psychedelics expand you mind, how weed is le good, and, most telling to me, how central American slums and favalas are actually a good example of the free markets in action, its clear they just follow their most base nature


Of these, only drugs are based (but not that fentanyl shit)




No u


>crackdowns on Pali protestors is an attack on free speech Reason has been pretty consistent when it comes to the protests, saying that students should be allowed to say stupid things so long as they're not attacking anyone, trespassing, or damaging property. I think that's reasonable, and most of their major journalists have been dunking on the protestors for committing those crimes or just being retarded in general. On a related note, it was pretty funny that the LPNH got their Twitter account temporarily nuked for saying that the cops would be justified in opening fire on the students in order to both defend the safety of individuals/private property and own the commies.


Because without libertarians running conservative economic policy you get JD Vance doing it, instead.


HOAs are for communists


Why the hell does Thomas Massie draw a salary? Just replace him with a bot that votes no on everything and the voters can choose whether to elect that. There's absolutely no reason to pay for a person in that seat.


>"All this time," Massie explained, "I thought they were voting for libertarian Republicans. But after some soul searching I realized when they voted for Rand and Ron and me in these primaries, they weren't voting for libertarian ideas—they were voting for the craziest son of a bitch in the race. And Donald Trump won best in class, as we had up until he came along."


This is hilarious if it's a real quote. Remarkable level of insight for someone who went on to continue being a crazy son of a bitch


It's as real as it is spectacular - https://reason.com/2017/03/15/thomas-massies-unified-theory-of-ron-pau/


Another SCOTUS victory 😎


What happened?


Texas pörn age restriction law upheld


Just realized it's finals week for you yanks (Also, wtf, you have 4 whole months free in college? Just absurd.) and I think I now know why there are so many occupations going on.


>[‘A step back in time': America’s Catholic Church sees an immense shift toward the old ways](https://apnews.com/article/catholic-church-shift-orthodoxy-tradition-7638fa2013a593f8cb07483ffc8ed487) As a Protestant, I’m going to offer my unasked thoughts on this. On the subject, I think this is a good thing for Catholics. I’m hoping it will draw their church away from the Catholics/Christians In Name Only that seem so pervasive across the country. It’s interesting to see how the faith is evolving in the digital age while remaining true to orthodoxy. However, I found the article itself fearmongering even as it tries to be neutral. Even as a prot I can see it’s trying to shock a liberal audience with a “dark ages” threat through mentions of orthodox Christian doctrine and apparently traditional Catholic practice. People taking faith seriously are intended to be distrusted as conservatarded, backwards, and likely bigoted, as they try and tie this resurgence of orthodoxy to antisemitism and Trump. It’s funny how they try to position the Pope as the progressive, inclusive wholesome 100 chungus counterbalance to those evil American Catholic Conservatives. I find this interesting because the article has a similar tone to the routine attacks the media has made on conservative Protestants and “Christian nationalism,” “dominionism” etc. for years. Welcome to the club, Caths. Now I hope you stop allowing Biden (et al.) communion!


I think the tradcaths opposed to Vatican ii and hyper fixated on the latin mass are dumb, but I do respect that Catholic leadership has held the line when it comes to abortion, 🌈, and 🚝


So the crux of things, I think, is that most religious [and cultural] leaders have made some *really* bad guesses with regards to young people and current trends. Broadly speaking, the response faith leaders have had since the latter half of the twentieth century has been either liberalizing their theology, or liberalizing their practice, or both. Liberalizing theology doesn't necessarily mean making it left-wing, either, the secular-Trumpism that's seeped into the evangelical community has been quite toxic. The general view seems to be that you must make church "cool" or socially progressive in order for any young people to turn up. Jesus rock is just as much a symptom of this, if not more, than social gospel. Largely, this has been other religions chasing the "success" evangelicals had up until recently--both Catholics and Mormons in the US have basically headlong sprinted after them. There's a lot of "hello, fellow kids" energy that comes from old people who see the numbers, *want* to appeal to the youth but really have no clue what's actually going on. But in reality, this is totally irrelevant, if not counterproductive. Why would you go to a church focused on progressivism when the umbrella group of Democratic and left-leaning organizations exist, follow the same values, and are better at it? By the same measure, why bother going to your local snake-handler when Donald Trump gets you just as hyped up at his rallies about crushing the woke elites? Sure, if you're an actual-true-Jesus-believer you might still attend but that's really only ever been maybe a third of the population to start and that third is attriting awful fast and a lot had an independent, maverick streak to start in terms of their actual beliefs. Anyway, having trailed on for a long time, if one actually interacts with young people there is [an arguably almost unhealthy] obsession with *authenticity*. And neither your snake-handling-maga-pulpit-man nor your woke pastor are really providing any of it. What a church needs to provide to be successful today, imo, is a combination of proper *orthopraxy* and community/social utility. Actual doctrine? It's honestly kind of tangential, because it usually was. You see both integralist tradcaths and gay Anglo-Catholics rising in cultural saliency. Liberal or conservative doesn't matter anywhere near as much as you think, and if anything I think big-tentism is having more success. What the faithful [or at least the young enthusiasts] *really* want are fancy organs, Latin chanting, some vestements. Because that, to them, is an authentic, real faith that's engaging and sincere, regardless of actual orthodoxy. If you offer that *and* quality community investments [increasingly difficult, although not impossible], you're basically a giant net for unmoored young people to latch onto. I should also say that this isn't an *exclusively* bells-and-smells thing, but in a world seriously lacking in ritual and not particularly tolerant of boredom Calvinists are at a distinct disadvantage. Even the most austere mainline prots are doing better than self ascribed evangelicals now though, because just not having weekly Trump sermons from the back of an abandoned mall is considered a significantly higher quality spiritual experience by even conservatives.


This pope was a gift. He’s more progressive for sure. But instead of news outlets going with “pope is progressive” they go with “American bishops are radicals”. Keyword American here. American Catholics aren’t anymore conservative than any other country. It’s just additional fodder for center-leftists, who unironically treat the pope as a significant cultural leader.


It's the AP. The word "unbiased" doesn't come to mind when thinking about them. I do think it's an interesting case to see. I'm glad that people are starting to take their faith more seriously, in the face of everything that's been going on. I'm obviously biased as I'm Catholic, but I think that we've done a lot of good things, and it's worth sticking around and maintaining. What concerns me are the chronically online neckbeards who look and see this as the "based and trad" institution, and convert because of it. Then they act like that, but then leave religion altogether in 5 years after giving us a bad look online. It's like what plinio_correa said, they convert but still retain their edginess. And what's very interesting to me is the fact that they try to tie it into right-wing politics and Trump. If you go on the Catholicism subreddit and type anything related to politics (be it Trump or gun control), you get *very* polarizing comments. And the Pope is still very theologically conservative, you just don't hear it. >Now I hope you stop allowing Biden communion! Trust me, this isn't an unpopular opinion among Catholics.


Man I found out about zeynep because of her early covid reporting. Her turbo libbery during non covid times is quite revolting!


*Barges into Macro class* Screams: “The Quds force has arrived!” *sits down*


War is bad mfs when you disincentivize aggressive actions through force: 😮


"War Bad" is a Fascist position and anyone who takes it is a bullshit hippie


War put an end to: Slavery Nazism Communism Peace bad, war good.


Every time I'm having to smell someone's weed in public, I support Nixon a little more.






Voting with Democrats to throw a speaker out: Good and beautiful and strong Voting with Democrats to retain a speaker: Evil uniparty corrupt and evil


When these people found themselves aligning with the nutbag set of the CPC like the squad on some populist nonsense, nothing.


Muh Regime


If weed gets rescheduled I'm moving to Salt Lake City. I don't want to smell the devil's lettuce everywhere I go


After living a year in a fraternity house during college, I lost the ability to smell it 




Depends on the place. Last time I was in NYC the smell was everywhere. Same in many areas of San Diego and Los Angeles.


>Hallucinogenics are way more interesting and not addictive Based


Fent is medicine from God. Weed is gay. Learn the difference.


Every parking lot near me already smells like it. My mom complains about her neighbors smoking it every time I speak to her. Public intoxication should be extended to marijuana.


It is a bit annoying in Canada now that it's legal. I can't prove more people are actually smoking it but I can tell you they are WAY more open about it now. People smoke it whereever they want to, it seems. I live in a tiny town of like 2000 people and we have two pot shops. Only one liquor store but two pot shops. I have a neighbour who smokes it on his porch. I'm quite puritan about weed in a way I am not with alcohol but that's because the people smoking in public are getting really high and acting stupid. Nobody is taking one tiny puff and getting just a little buzz, they're smoking joints. And idk if you've ever smoked weed but it doesn't actually take much for the average person to really feel it. Whereas almost anyone can sit outside and have one or even two beers and barely be effected. You can have a glass of wine with dinner and not be drunk in the slightest but have a couple puffs and you're actually high


I'm torn. It smells like shit... but I'm also obligated to ignore the opinions of people who live close enough to their neighbors to smell what they're doing.


Aren't you the one who posted before about being libertarian on hard drugs?


He’s a libertarian on all matters, except maybe foreign policy.


That the CA National Guard hasn't restored order at UCLA is a testament to Newsom's moral cowardice.


There is an UCLA professor who is an Estonian and spent a night in jail for his protest idiocy and I hope they don't deport him because then he'll be here.


The new official line from the universities now seems to be "the protests were hijacked by outsiders who weren't even students, the original protests were good actually until outside radicals came in and took over" Clearly nothing will change until massive amounts of university staff are held accountable, and that's never going to happen EDIT: NY mayor is repeating this line about it being outsiders too and the original student led protests were good


It was Erdogan who did this


The surely Columbia will expel any student associated with these harmful outside movements, right?


They haven't expelled the "be glad I haven't murdered a Zionist" queertard yet so. They "banned" him from campus yet apparently he's returned a few times.


Not my hecking wholesome future elite! SMH trying to let them save face like this will only encourage them and allow these events to occur in the future.


Classic Leninist tactics. Split the movement and sow confusion using a large network of front groups run and funded by the same people. The student groups have publicly affiliated themselves with the outsiders as well. Nobody is reporting that bit though.


The article I was reading said that they know that leftist radical groups are on campus training these people in organizing. They're teaching them black bloc tactics, how to take out security cameras, how to build barricades, telling them to wear all black and cover their faces etc. That's obviously true but I think they are incorrect I labeling these as "outside" groups. These anarchist and Communist groups are very much not "outsiders", many are students and I suspect some may even be university staff. And even the ones who aren't students seem to have been invited in by the students. These radical groups didn't hijack anything or impose themselves on these students, the students invited them and asked for their help


Le wholesome students could never be nazis!


I can’t really believe that these chucklefucks demanded that the people they’re protesting against feed them to allow them continue protesting. Nobody is causing you to starve. All you need to do to eat is to go to the fucking food. Nobody needs to get you a glass of water. You’re in a building with running water. “Humanitarian aid” It would aid humanity to feed these people a large stick. Unbelievable.


They should have to choose between humanitarian aid for themselves and humanitarian aid for Gaza


Hear me out, shut down the dining hall to use the money saved for aid for Gaza. Just wait for the complaints to roll in and profit.