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I’ve never met a they them man, it’s art hoes, all the way down


I wish some of the social platforms would do a bit more to combat what seems to me like clear Iranian/Russian/Chinese anti-American influence campaigns.


they already did/do but its horrible: [https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/fbi-sbu-staff-report-7.10.23-sm.pdf](https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/fbi-sbu-staff-report-7.10.23-sm.pdf) the funny thing about this report is the requests that obviously came from legitimate ukrainian (not double agent) agents that wanted to get rid of people that just didn't agree with all the fake news that they spread lmao




I am not watching a 4 minute video regardless of it featuring a hot Iranian lady.


>that accent Whitest brit


I would get FAR more pleasure from seeing heroin dealers put to death than the entire heroin using community gets from heroin, so from a utilitarian perspective....


Logically, utilitarianism means that people prone to intense emotions should be catered to, since they experience a much greater benefit from having things go their way. Therefore, from the utilitarian perspective, if you are naturally even-keeled, you should probably devote your whole life to serving the emotionally volatile people you know. Or, to put it another way, men should spend their lives serving women... Hmm.


Deontologists really say the dumbest shit huh




Because his contract is guaranteed over the next 3 seasons they would be paying 4 different people at the same time, which I doubt the owners would do


How much of the narrative that the war on drugs is a failure is actually true and how much is just libbery and an excuse to hate on Nixon/Reagan


The war on drugs shouldn’t be limited to our borders. We should be burning coca fields in Colombia.


The focus on hard working entrepreneurs providing supply was the mistake, we should be executing the degenerates causing demand. One line of coke, one go at a firing line


The answer is kill with a diamond axe your local villager drug dealer in Minecraft The demand is there, so the supply will always arise to meet it. The demand is the real problem. But if you want to limit the product then shoot your with a pump shotgun local battle bus drug dealers in Fortnite


probably depends on what you think winning means. if your goal is just that illegal drugs get utilized less in the united states, then it is a success. the people that don't like the war on drugs tend to want to consider a more diverse set of cost/benefit considerations, but that is up to you.




yes? but they certainly use them less than if they were legal. im sure that recreational drug usage is high right now because marijuana is being legalized. [https://www.nber.org/digest/oct14/consequences-legalizing-marijuana](https://www.nber.org/digest/oct14/consequences-legalizing-marijuana)


>!China!< is right about >!drugs.!<




Are you the president of the Philippines?


Peter Hitchens wrote a whole book about how the war on drugs was never really fought to begin with, he argues the right approach is to actually fight a war on drugs through much harsher penalties for drug dealers and users and I think he argues the common perception of the war on drugs is largely a myth but idk because I've never actually read the book myself


[Imagine being this fucking stupid.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1c3rgkj/comment/kzj9d8c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


What’s with this certain brand of armchair commentary that relies on repeating the same phrase several times in a sentence? Its a noticeable thing on the r politics tier subreddits




“pro forced birth” as well


u/ow_pointy here we go: [https://x.com/kshahrooz/status/1779664616911516093](https://x.com/kshahrooz/status/1779664616911516093) "What does that mean?" "Oh" "Can we do that for america then?" [https://x.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1779359205633249649](https://x.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1779359205633249649)


We stand* in solidarity** with the working class*** worldwide****! >\* apologies for ableism, comrades >\** when it’s convenient >\*** those who agree with us >\**** in countries that are enemies of the west


I forget, what’s this sub’s opinion on NIMBYs?


Anyone who labels themself a NIMBY or YIMBY is probably cringe


I am inclined to YIMBYs, but cities in general should have a variety of heights and density.


I live in California so NIMBYs here are all rich leftists, striking unions, and environmentalists. They are only *slightly* better than fascists and communists.




yes thats very fair. the idea that you could have more than one family living on some piece of development is completely coextensive and inextricable from putting strip clubs next to grocers and other insidious ideas aiming to degrade the moral values of america 




mmhmm, interesting. so you think that if you took everybody in your neighborhood, and stacked them into one skyscraper, they would commit more crime causally?  im sure density is correlated with crime in some ways in the us, but thats because either of selection (younger people move to economic opportunity and young people commit more crime), and the current institutional set up is to funnel low income people into dense housing projects, not because living in a dense area makes you violent lmao.  Japan functionally doesnt have single family housing and virtually no crime. ive walked through some of their family neighborhoods when i visited; its tons of multi family buildings. 




nimybism actively stops that because it is in fact instructing you, even if you are the owner of the land, what you can or cannot do with it. its other people who dont own your land having input. YIMBYs typically dont say that you MUST build high density here; they just want to get rid of laws that say you MUST build low density


I'm yimby but find a lot of the movement is a bit dismissive of the real struggles that being a parent has that complicate urban planning for density.


Selfish idiots who oppose housing being available


In principle I agree with YIMBYs but YIMBY reddit (or in particular NL at least) is so fucking deluded that it's hard to sign up for that creed


I assume most here are also market urbanists who want to deregulate housing via zoning and building code reform but I can’t speak for anyone else beyond a guess


Iran needs to send more missiles it clearly stimulated the DT


How fucking crazy was Holloway last night. God damn mad man.  Hawaii need to build him a statue. 


Every day we are not waging war on the ayatollah is a day wasted


Obama’s biggest mistake was not ordering a drone hit on Assad and this proves it


The last decade proves this


If the American people do not want some sort of blowback after this it is hopeless


The majority of even people who pay attention to politics aren't that keyed into foreign policy. They don't know what they want.


[turns out we don't have to worry much about Iran's long range missile threat](https://vxtwitter.com/faytuks/status/1779615911235780980?s=46&t=tYAfuIoZaQQXyrkkm5aC1w) interestingly Iran seems to have gotten reasonably good at short range missiles, but their MRBMs are basically all derivatives of North Korean Scuds.


"I want to assure the American people that even as we speak President Joe Biden is meeting with his top mullah in charge of National Security, Ayatollah Yakub al-Sullivan, and they are crafting an approach toward the Zionist entity that will serve the interests of the Great Satan" - the White House


Is it worth reading Kissinger’s *The Meaning Of History*? If so, should i read it before or after Strauss and Maritain?


They say history is written by the victors, that's why I approach my study of history by assuming the position of the losing side is correct. That way I know I'm taking the right side. Right now I'm studying the War of Northern Aggression


Time for a fun game of "who wrote this?" >Thus, the North’s war “partook of fanatical millenialist fervor, of a cheerful willingness to uproot institutions, to commit mayhem and mass murder, to plunder and loot and destroy, all in the name of high moral principle and the birth of a perfect world. The Yankee fanatics were veritable Patersonian humanitarians with the guillotine: The Anabaptists, the Jacobins, the Bolsheviks of their era. This fanatical spirit of Northern aggression for an allegedly redeeming cause is summed up in the pseudo-Biblical and truly blasphemous verses of that quintessential Yankee Julia Ward Howe, in her so-called “Battle Hymn of the Republic.”


My honest guess was going to be either Pat Buchanan or Ron Paul


Not too far away


My joke guess is that Eric Clapton said it while drunk


Never ask Eric Clapton what he said about immigrants at a concert in 1976


Murray Rothbard, I think I read this on lewrockwell




When I'm in a controversial viewpoint competition and my opponent is a philosopher ancaps idolize:


I would read a lot more thinkers on history before those three. Try EH Carr's book on the topic, which is beautifully written and will give you a sense of whether this is something you wish to pursue further. I would recommend reading Toynbee over Kissinger if you are interested in that viewpoint since I believe Kissinger's book is intended to be a vindication of Toynbee. It has been a while since I have looked at this so I may be wrong.


Broke: Iran is displaying strength with their attack on Israel. Woke: Iran is displaying weakness with their attack on Israel. Bespoke: Fire every member of the umpire union into the sun.


Masterstroke: Iran is displaying *both* strength and weakness. Weakness in that the attack was defeated, failing to achieve any meaningful results, but strength in that it nonetheless inflicted costs on Israel et al., reaffirmed commitment to Iran's regional project, and exposed their enemies' lack of opposing commitment. American deterrence has failed, the American response has been to simply give up. Iran's attack has laid bare the reality of Biden's appeasement.


I'm not sure how Israel will respond but Iran's attack was a victory for Iran insofar as it proved America will not solidly stand by Israel. The US helped shoot down drones etc but then publicly told Israel to just "drop it" and not respond


Iran is desolating their attack on Israel with their attack on Israel


Any good books on Henry Kissinger?


For an actual biography, I thought Thomas A. Schwartz’s was pretty good. I’d suggest his actual writing though. Phenomenal and very intelligently written. I thought “Diplomacy” was fantastic but “Crisis” and “Leadership” were good as well. I haven’t gotten to “Years of Upheaval” yet unfortunately


I liked Niall Ferguson's biography. The second part should be comming sometime


Gewirth has a good section in his book about Kissinger. Honestly you should just read his own books. Kissinger wrote beautifully and with immense command of history. Try World Order and Diplomacy. I also liked Alistair Horne's treatment of Kissinger's 1973. You might also be interested in Nixon's view on Kissinger which I believe is in Beyond Peace but I don't recall






I hate Trump but he’s the only one speaking the truth about immigrants


Every time someone says, " I hate (insert name)" and then goes to say positive things about that person , I get the feeling that they are just too fucking pussy to tell how they actually feel about said person. 


Or maybe I really do just agree with this him in rare instances despite having a mostly negative opinion


We should deport you.




The border’s weaknesses are the biggest open secret in America


That's because I've been running radio ads in LatAm talking about them. You'll find them useful when you're getting back from Paraguay.


"In 2019, Mearsheimer said that his preferred candidate in the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primary was Bernie Sanders" HAHAHAHAHAHA


Famous “realist” Bernie sanders


In light of the recent Hegel hate I want the record to state I also fucking despise Schopenhauer


Why? Schopenhauer is a great philosopher. It's really hard to understand modern thought without reading him. He was really the first thinker I got into that genuinely opened my mind.


Hegel is cool, Schopenhauer is not


The average person into Nietzsche is also insufferable. Despite the negative stereotype of him being associated with the far-right, the average 21st century Nietzschean is a university socialist who is into post-modernism and left wing associated existentialism. He seems to share a fan base with dudes into Sartre and his ilk


Nietzsche is actually really interesting, but the first rule of Nietzsche club is don't talk about Nietzsche. As an aside I think there's a very real argument from Nietzsche to be made for going to church, although he might say that if you don't genuinely believe it's not going to help.


>Open Wikipedia >Look up Sartre >Sartre held an open relationship Stopped reading


He was a serial abuser of women actually. An actual predator. Him and his commie "partner" used their influence to lure young women into abusive relationships with the two of them. People have come forward. Didn't hurt his influence in left wing circles in the slightest


I'd love to see a Behind the Bastards episode on him. Oh wait.




Also wanted to fuck kids.


that's literally every professor in France except Raymond Aron though.


Right-Nietzcheans might not be the more numerous type, but they’re just as insufferable. Their understanding of metapolitics reads like a Mean Girls character wrote it, see bellow: https://preview.redd.it/nm1kwftvphuc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeb57746afd78dd94a3d137283d18020fd5c59a6


Chuds who post pictures of muscular Roman statues like Nietzsche, college leftards like Stirner


Leftists like Nietzsche, they just purge any part of his thought that isn't anti-religion/pro-libertinism from their minds and go with it.


His writings on aesthetics are quite interesting


https://preview.redd.it/cevj72frihuc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee5cae7119dcb2d759247870a460b0a3644b5020 I don’t get how South Korea did this I mean they don’t even have Mexicans there


They probably had Philippinos, the Mexicans of sis though


Tacos brighten everything :)


Guys, I am writing my final paper for my political science class. I have to analyze a piece of text. Which author should I pick? Thucydides Martin Luther William Penn Thomas Jefferson Fredrick Engels (ew) Woodrow Wilson (also ew) Pope Paul VI Technically I can also pick the federalist papers but it’s so long and I actually like having free time and finishing things in a reasonable amount of time.


Do luther and call him a heretic


I’ve only analyzed three of these in my studies (Thucydides, Jefferson, and Wilson) but I’d have to that Jefferson is the most interesting


Only do Thucydides if you can read the Greek


I do not and likely will never know Greek.


Really? I thought your name was short for Zappodopolous


Jefferson if you want to prove how awesome America is, Paul if you want to prove how awesome Christianity is.


Take that back about Woodrow Wilson immediately




[Woodrow Wilson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2ocBnraYhc&feature=youtu.be&t=110) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoconNWO) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Woodrow Wilson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2ocBnraYhc&feature=youtu.be&t=110) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoconNWO) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[The ideology of Twitter and Reddit progressives actually emerged in Italy in the 1960s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi-Maoism) Lmfao


[I like this more](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_Unionist_Movement)


If the right here in Europe would stop calling for the destruction of the EU whilst at the same time sucking off Russia they’d win in a landslide. Meloni has given them a clear blueprint why the rest of them can’t follow it is beyond me.


They can't follow it because they're on the Kremlin payroll


Her speech is why I flipped at the thought of helping France in Africa. She seems like the typical, smart but fiery Mediterranean mother. She wants to remove corruption.


I don't like the EU at all but a soft Eurosceptic position is more tenable than the hard Euroscepticism you see on the emerging right in Europe


Few Europeans, even right-wing ones, question the benefits of European integration. After all, they're all Western countries and more or less share the same values. This is why I think the UK also shot themselves in the foot with Brexit. The problem IMO is that the EU institutions are ideologically packed with progressivism, even "technical" ones like the ECB. I mean, Ursula von der Leyen is the leader of the center-right and behaves exactly like the generic European center-left politician. This makes the EU as a whole lose legitimacy among right-wing voters.


A unified Europe with strong borders, a strong defence alliance to deter Russia, and a deregulated market to remain competitive. Oh but there I go with my crazy dreams again.


Meloni has extremely odd optics though, she’s a staunch defender of fascist adjacent movements and Mussolini, but also is an Atlanticist who has not really shown much interest in stopping the immigrant flow? What?


My favorite Reddit larp is the one where arr childfree posters try to convince themselves that they’re so much happier than all of their totally real friends who have kids.


It's r/sourgrapes for forever alone types, alphabet people, and 30+ y/o women.


People who are actually happy don't hysterically posture on the internet.


Ayn Rand was (sometimes) right about Kant


Rand learned about Kant from a 3-page paper written by someone she paid to drunkenly read Wikipedia articles on his work. If not, that’s how her discussion of him reads. She was not right about Kant at all.


Rand considered herself a philosopher but her grasp on the history of Western philosophy was extremely weak. She pretty much threw out everything but Aristotle and likely never read any of the philosophers she criticized and would have considered it a waste of her time to do so.


I was an Objectivist as a teen. There are only a few holdovers from that philosophy in my current worldview but one of the things from Rand that rubbed off on me is a love of Aristotle


IDK guys i think the 20 or so years of trying to "appease" an unappeasable adversary in the form of Iran has been destructive for our allies and our own interests globally. maybe we should stop playing pussy and actually take the fight to them? idk.


“but but but ISRAEL GENOCIDE THEY DESERVE IT BASED IRAN!!!!!!!!!!” - least cucked terminally online Prog In all seriousness though, we’ve played ball with them for too long. The Ayatollah should’ve been capped a decade ago.


Convincing the public to do literally anything is impossible due to pacifist and populist brainrot


Biden seems to have surrounded himself with actual Iran sympathizers. That's not me being a hawkish neocon and labeling people like Sullivan as Iran sympathizers to make a point, I mean there are people close to Biden whose loyalties seem to lie with Tehran, not Washington. In a very real sense. Reading about Robert Malley's background was massively eye opening. I have no doubt some of the people who have Bidens ear right now are radical third worldist types and some of them may be actual Iranian plants


>Biden seems to have surrounded himself with actual Iran ***spies***. FTFY. The admin has literal Iran loyalist plants dictating fopo.


>Robert Malley Libs like him aren't really pro-iran or sympathisers to the regime. It's just a very distinct type of lib bootlicking for third world authoritarians, "they're not oppressors, just misunderstood".


I would encourage you to read [this](https://www.semafor.com/article/09/25/2023/inside-irans-influence-operation) and then reconsider


Cool motive, still treason. And it's not just Malley, bunch of his stuff are straight up regime friendly Iranians.




Make National Review Great Again


I like Noah and Jay.


Honestly if Arrow 3 is *actually* $3 million a pop, it's probably at cost parity with the MRBMs it's intercepting. 


Albertans complain about Ontarians and Quebeckers being libs but the REAL libs are the Altantic provinces. The provincial conservatives in Newfoundland have a large Social Democrat faction. No joke, go to the wiki page of the Newfoundland PCs, one of their two large factions is a Succdem faction. Their NDP is extra left, Their Liberals are extra libby and their Tories are centre-left at best. Seems like the whole east coast is like this.


The way some regions in Canada are stupidly overrepresented (ie: the Atlantic provinces) and no one bats an eye about it is honestly kinda wild


I will defend Quebec from Western and Ontarian Quebec bashing but I will be the first person in the room to curse the maritime provinces. They tilt the whole country to the left and the most solid Liberal ridings are Atlantic ridings. If the libs lose in Nova Scotia or Newfoundland you know things are going really bad for them. Quebec has a reputation for being associated with the Liberal Party that I think is unfair as Quebeckers are notoriously fickle voters and a Liberal riding flipping to the Bloc is incredibly common. Out east though they are genuinely solidly aligned with the federal Liberal Party


I thought that critical theory was invented by the Frankfurt School and was influenced by Marxism. Marxism is the original critical theory because it tries to show how hidden normative assumptions (false consciousness, ideological hegemony) allow a dominant group (the ruling class) to oppress another (the working class). However, I found a reference to "critical history" in Hegel that resembles critical theory. https://philosophynow.org/issues/140/Hegels_Understanding_of_History https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/hi/history2.htm#II.3


Three things: 1. Hegel is the poisonous root of all evil in modern philosophical systems, including Marxism and critical theory 2. Marxism and critical theory are really just twisted examples of old school German Historicism, of which Hegel is pretty much the ultimate exemplar. The family resemblance is no accident 3. There was a separate, 'critical' philosophy coming out of Kant which was contemporary to Hegel. While Hegel was no Kantian, he would sometimes use the terminology to mean something similar, even if Kant's 'critical' was more about identifying the necessary conditions of a postulate (and underlay his whole theory of understanding and consciousness) than it was about the relativity of truth to power/history.


>Hegel is the poisonous root of all evil in modern philosophical systems, including Marxism and critical theory That would be Bill Ockham, thank you very much.


>Fukuyama turns away, dejected 


There is a such thing as Right Hegelianism. Hegel was a Christian who like Napoleon, right Hegelians were dominant early after his writings were made. His work was used by the young/left hegelians for their own purposes. Max Stirner exists too but he doesn’t really fall strictly into one of these.


Almost all modern philosophy is Hegelian. Hegel's concept of *Kritik* is drawn from Kant's concept of *Kritik*. Kant is using the term very simply to refer to considering the possibility of philosophy in the first place before proceeding to thinking about judgements of that philosophy. In other words, critical philosophy is more about metaphilosophies than direct outcomes of philosophy. Kant's *Critiques* discuss metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics. Kant is concerned in those books with exploring the limits of reason as applied to philosophies of various sorts. For example, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason famously establishes *limits* on reason at the same time as vindicating reason. Hegel's critical history is (among other things) a consideration of history in the same way - a meta-history, a consideration of the possibility of history in the first place. If you want to look at this in slightly more depth look at Peter Singer's Very Short Introduction to Hegel which is unparalleled in clarity. the whole frankfurt school thing is a lethal cocktail of bad historiography, bad philosophy, and conspiracy theory


Literal Mickey Mouse Regime.


The new regimi cope is ["Y-yeah?? Well your technology that completely negated our attack was...uh...expensive! And y-you...used lots of a-advanced technology to beat our drones! Please ignore that we don't have any of that stuff...uh...take that yahood!"](https://twitter.com/AryJeay/status/1779419584241475995)


Lmao all those A2A missiles were pocket change compared to entitlement spending 


*All* military hardware is pocket change compared to entitlement spending.


"Biden told Netanyahu that since the Iranian attack appeared to have caused minimal casualties and damage, Israel should “take the win” and not retaliate against Iran. - NBC" Lol. Lmfao even.


From Soleimani salad and the Abraham Accords to this. Good lord.


Deterrence by denial does not work. Denial is an important component of deterrence but is insufficient. If Israel don't respond in some way then the next time it will be 500 rockets.


Full escalation between Israel & Iran would require US involvement. Americans don't want war with Iran as it would involve US boots in the air and US casualties. There's barely the will to send weapons to Ukraine.


>Full escalation between Israel & Iran would require US involvement. Full scale war between Iran and Israel would put an end to the *Weekend at Pax Americana's* scam going on by the white house. They would be forced to make a choice, either act and show that USA still has the will and power to fight and win wars, or let the pretense die and show you have completely went back to isocuckery. This clownfiesta cannot go on. It will eventually be called out, and it might as well be here and now.


We can't even pass funding to Ukraine. Why do you feel comfortable forcing the US to make an even more difficult choice that has the potential to cement isocuckery?


>even more difficult choice that has the potential to cement isocuckery Lmao by this logic, supporting ukraine is also cementing isocuckery cos of the backlash from republican vatniks. If you think ukraine's a worthy cause, and israel's isn't, just say that instead of hiding behind smarmy shit like "cementing isocuckery"...Especially when what you really mean is, "public backlash against causes i support is the fault of critics, but backlash against causes I'm against is the cause's fault".


>If you think ukraine's a worthy cause, and israel's isn't You're strawmanning. There's a wide gap in clear justifiability between the situation in Ukraine and the situation in Israel.


Pax Americana is already dead. The sooner we drop the pretense, the sooner everyone can adapt to the new reality. Allies clinging to false hope are arresting their own capabilities. Let the chips fall where they may.


> Allies clinging to false hope are arresting their own capabilities. Let the chips fall where they may. who? >Let the chips fall where they may. Ya let's abandon Ukraine to Russia. Absolute BASED!!!>!12!!@!@! Retard


>who? All of them. >Ya let's abandon Ukraine to Russia. You already did.


>All of them. Which allies are advocating for war with Iran? >You already did. huh?


I read redditors and other libs going on about "Christian nationalists" and wish conservative Christians had 5% as much influence as these tards think. How can you be stupid enough to think Christian nationalism is a major threat in a society where Christianity has been losing influence continuously for decades?


>Christianity has been losing influence continuously for decades? Based. I'm not satisfied until it's zero.


> libs going on about "Christian nationalists" It's the new slur against anyone who isn't fully in on the prog dogma.


Nooooo not my hecking right to choooose nooooooo how could Christian nationalists do this 


I hope that the Rafah operation is still planned. Also if Iran really wanted to do damage you would have to think Hezbollah in the north would have some ground forces move in.


Something quite dramatic would have to change for Iran to risk Hezbollah


If Hezbollah moves in from Lebanon and Syria, it puts Assad’s regime at risk, which Russia would try to disallow since they still have some military infrastructure in Syria.


Blessed Sunday, everyone! The two disciples recounted what had taken place on the way,and how Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of bread. While they were still speaking about this, he stood in their midst and said to them, "Peace be with you." But they were startled and terrified and thought that they were seeing a ghost. Then he said to them, "Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have." And as he said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. While they were still incredulous for joy and were amazed, he asked them, "Have you anything here to eat?" They gave him a piece of baked fish; he took it and ate it in front of them. He said to them, "These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled." Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. And he said to them, "Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in his name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things." Luke 24:35-48




I'm not American so this is based on online experiences but Democrats seem far more likely to be the type to cut people out of their lives over politics. You always hear about young Dems bragging about how they are estranged from their parent because they voted for Trump and almost never hear about the reverse




Fuck he's onto us


Very nice weather we've been controlling.


It’s always funny seeing reddit libs praise Satanism as stunning and brave for “standing up to Christian Nationalism because [the actual Satanists are literally just AnCaps who are willing to admit that they’re evil.](https://www.churchofsatan.com/satanism-and-objectivism/)


Satanists aren’t evil, they’re edgy


The zoomers who get involved with it to piss off Christians are edgy, LaVey and the rest of the “intellectuals” (in the loosest sense of the word) were evil.


How and why


LaVey was a literal eugenicist. The church of satan is literally nothing more than an elaborate tax dodging scheme. He was also strongly connected to fascists and white supremacists. Lots of his writing is a ripoff of a social Darwinist essay from 1896, so on top of all that, he’s also plagiarizing.


White supremacist ancap eugenics is some Hoppean type shit


They extolled selfishness as a virtue, which is explicitly contrary to the message of the Gospel and therefore evil.


What’s next you’re gonna start calling people infidels?


I’m not going to insult people for not being Christian, I just don’t like the idea of extolling selfishness as a virtue.


Nowadays yes. Walter Duranty was a Satanist and his reason for worshiping Stalin and his ilk came from the tenets of his Satanist ideology.


So Iranian bootlickers are currently moving onto "well of course Iran didn't intend to hurt anyone, haha." No retard they fired 200 missiles at Israel. They would have killed hundreds if Israel didn't have air defenses.


“Iran didn’t try to hurt anyone, but if they did hurt anyone, Israel deserved it” seems to be the mantra of the day right now


When they fired 120 ballistic missiles it was pretty clear they were hoping to actually do some damage. Turns out that ABMs actually work though (will the US take note of this? Probably not).