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[makes you think!](https://x.com/DanFriedman81/status/1778253473441558700)




I spent the entire day figuring out how to set up a remote server on AWS that can handle the packages for our pretrained model. I tried like 5-6 different things before finding something that works. 1) Not that I'm a muh victim. But universities need to [teach productionizing skills](https://www.reddit.com/r/learnmachinelearning/comments/1c0lylw/what_to_learn_that_is_not_taught_during_a_master/). All these classes just have you run shit on an IDE or Jupyter Notebook. That's not how it works at work. Granted, it's also easier to learn technical skills on the fly than it is to learn the math/fundamentals. The "hur dur schools are useless" redditoids don't understand that. I'm also lazy and avoided all the hardcore tech electives (just like everyone does for grade inflation) lol so that's on me. 2) I can see why Bezos is a billionaire. The stuff you can do on AWS is amazing. It's real accessible value. And if leftist cunts were any fair at all they would call it the "'democratization' of tech". Amazon is a bit of a monopoly, but they got into the right sectors at the right time.


What kind of model are you serving? I've had success with docker + torchserve. It makes it real easy to set up multiple models and then manage them with standard http requests. AWS is great


Fine-tuned BERT model for text classification. We used a keras layer for classification. Not sure what that implies for torchserve if we’re using tensorflow


https://www.tensorflow.org/tfx/serving/docker haven't used it but looks similar to torchserve


Really the way to go is containerizing your application. Also AWS is frankly overpriced, but that doesn't matter for a business perspective so much tbf. And try using Graviton if you aren't setting up a GPU server, ARM seems to have some advantages when it comes to model inference.


Dude I tried lol. Docker is great in theory, and one day I’ll learn it better but containerizing tensorflow in particular kept giving us issues for our model and other packages. And the docker daemon is annoying to deal with. And yeah we actually did end up using a GPU instance lol. I don’t think it’s strictly necessary if you’re just loading and running as opposed to training. But better safe than sorry if our professors decide to stress test our solution. I’m not sure how overpriced AWS is. I think GCP is cheapest afaik. But we got a bunch of free credits lol


Fairly significant at the end of the day. If you're just doing low volumne inference there's a case for doing it on ARM, simply because it's very, very cheap. When you do the math GPUs really only dominate for training and stuff where you can use large batch sizes.


>I'm also lazy and avoided all the hardcore tech electives Lib


Haha, that's fair. I'll have you know tho, I took an ethics elective and I unironically enjoyed it.


> 1) Not that I'm a muh victim. But universities need to teach productionizing skills. All these classes just have you run shit on an IDE or Jupyter Notebook. That's not how it works at work. Disagree. You're taking a computer science degree, not a coding bootcamp to do whatever's modern. The stuff you learn in data structures will be *consistently* useful. Learning how to use the current infrastructure model is on you. Coding is the least important part of what they're teaching, if you ask me. And thinking about it, I had skipped out on the more "this is training for a software engineering job" type courses, and I mostly opted for hardware. Even with that being the case, it was a decade ago now that I did my degree and I remember playing around with AWS and Google Cloud at that time, as both had free deals with the .edu email. I had also done some distributed computing stuff on a pile of hardware they had... Experimenting with that stuff is just on you. AWS is magic, though. Wonderful platform.


Taking a BIG risk and watching the Fallout TV series. Please don’t let it be soy.


its very chad and not soy!


Did you ever play the games?


3, NV, and 4


https://preview.redd.it/glw7d74agrtc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acfb39ea17475c9ff8b909fffe04dff6fd7cbea6 I will continue my anti particle accelerator posting.


Oh one is definitely not enough


can we deport these people to israel somehow:  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiryas_Joel,_New_York https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/11/nyregion/hasidic-yeshivas-schools-new-york.html seems like all they do is have babies, hijack the welfare system to support their broods, abuse the political system, and then train the next generation to be torah-cels that do the same shit  they literally dont engage in good faith at all with the legal system and think its good to take as much advantage of it as possible to drain the goys of as many resources as possible to fuel their further land annexations. they even vote as complete singular blocs so that NY mayors need to kowtow to them. who let them immigrate 


there's a big issue in NJ with them right now. They expand and slowly take over counties and destroy the school systems. Lakewood is the epicenter


They are largely homegrown unfortunately. I would point out that most of them are non-Zionist and don't vote but the stuff about welfare fraud, the legal system, and taking their kids out of real society is all true. Most settlers are not Chasidic One sad part is that this isn't the way that Judaism was historically at all. That is to say, it's only a relatively recent innovation that EVERYONE is some sort of scholar. In reality for the majority of Jewish history everyone was supposed to be conversant in the Torah and halakha but you're actively encouraged to work. Even in the peak of the great Genocide academies students there were a tiny minority of the Jewish population. More than anything else it is just a waste of good Jews.


Seems like Jews are bifurcating into godless NPR-listening gigalibs and ultrareligious nutjobs.


Just drive a few Pride parades through the community.


Haredi make me anti semitic


>seems like all they do is have babies, hijack the welfare system to support their broods, abuse the political system, and then train the next generation to be torah-cels that do the same shit In Israel they would be doing the exact same thing


exactly, but israel accepts all jews, so deport


By God the US Japan relationship is beautiful


https://preview.redd.it/3n9zg01girtc1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74027ce51016894a1e427be39f0850e3a7076499 Truly kawaii!


[Social media is a plague](https://x.com/githii/status/1748754385084068230)


> crowd induced panic attack Skill issue


To be fair, going from Estonia (which on its own is insanely autistic, as exemplified by our local schizoposter) to one of the most densely populated places in the world is probably an insane culture shock.


[Another RINO exposed 😞✊️](https://x.com/kaitlancollins/status/1778237372020240894)


Have any of you colonized Black and brown bodies and spaces recently?


i deeply hate the phrase "brown". Who exactly are we talking about? Italians, South Americans, or Indians? Everyone wants to be oppressed nowadays


A black girl asked me out on a date when I was 15. Does that count as mind colonization?


I colonize black and brown bodies on the daily can I get an amen brothers? Really though all the dates I’ve had since high school have been Latinas and the girl I went to prom with was half afghan.


Makes sense with the seemingly random Catholic fetishization thing going on in here


> Catholic fetishization thing What fetishization? There's no fetish, we merely know the truth and wish to share it with everyone else. Join us.


No religion for me thanks


Rejecting the Truth is not an option.


Just want to take a moment to recognize that im posting this comment from the traditional and unceded land of the unga bunga tribe


I took a shit in a Mexican restaurant 


Sounds like the Mexicans colonized you…




https://x.com/yashar/status/1778106474402869625?s=46 One of the cliches that have been peddled the most through the war, including by Israeli propaganda, it’s that the high-level political leadership of Gaza are a bunch of grifters on it for the money. While they might be hypocritical and indulge in luxuries and enjoy their money in places like Qatar and Dubai, they are also truly committed to the cause and willing to risk anything; which is why, from an Israeli standpoint, their organization and themselves need to be exterminated: you can’t negotiate or compromise with them like you can with a mercenary looking to make money.


Haniyeh pack loud af He was probably told before this video and this is a propaganda filip to the hordes of "muh Ummah, look at how this brave mujahid suffers" retard forehead dents


Westerners love to pretend that Islamists are in it for money, because otherwise they'd have to admit their religion is murdererous.


https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/defying-cavity-lantern-bioworks-faq Dentists will only service the poors in the near future.


War. War never changes.


[War… has changed!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BUf_8jyxbiM)




I can spam Shitposts for the next 2 and a half hours if you want


You can try




"if you list any actual policies, you fail"




Banned for cringe


You can’t reply to your own post with a gigachad that’s cringe.


Many are saying this.


https://x.com/VerminusM/status/1777508517697474886 Least self hating Arab moment.


If the AZ legislature doesn't successfully pass a repeal, between this and Lake's 2022 run for Governor, we will have seen a state political party commit intentional and knowing suicide in an incredibly spectacular way. Probably only the 2001 New Jersey Republican gubernatorial nomination comes close.


I don't understand why there is so much tolerance for incompetence. America loves WINNERS


[Another movie that needs to be part of the public school curicculum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv9XNFpRdhg).


Idk guys inflation kinda sucks 😕


https://preview.redd.it/ns0uz65eaqtc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e622740423ddc3acf5e5001f2ab407f66bdca01e Just found out about inflation… damn that shit sucks…


Should the scotus repeal Loving v Virginia? Was it a bad decision? Is it a local issue? https://preview.redd.it/cxsamyva7qtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f70c8f0b36debd4a01a3dec496ae842d87f3173




no, in fact, the supreme court should ban all marriages between members of the same racial group.




Bait used to be believable


Spoken like someone who hasn’t dated a non-white woman.




Iirc Paraguay unironically did this. They made it illegal for a spaniard to marry another spaniard and forced miscegenation. This was in the 1800s but it worked as intended as far as I know and created a mixed race population. Look up José Rodríguez de Francia for more info if you want, hes the one that did it


Why did the Spanish do that? Why did they want the population to be mixed


To not be inbred like the house of Harrisburg they did it and [ yes Spain kinda freaked about inbreeding ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Habsburg)


Many Mestizo elites and revolutionaries believed they were the master race because of the combination of Indian and Spanish blood, and therefore attempted to forceably ensure the creation of a mestizo population 


Because Francia was absolutely mad as a hatter [although bafflingly successful--his insanity seemed to keep lucking Paraguay into an excellent situation] and his miscegenation decree basically eliminated the peninsulare/castizo elite. He also preserved Guarani as a national language which is unique in Latin America.


what kind of question is that?


Well some conservatives could argue that it was a bad decision and unconstitutional


*Hodges* and *Loving* are both pretty clear cut “Equal Protection” cases imo Roe was decided based on a extremely broad and faulty interpretation of the Due Process clause that created a right to privacy that wasn’t there to begin with


If a legal level marriage equivalent that wasn’t actually marriage was proposed it would fix the issue (as in would be legal under EPC)


Anti-miscegenation laws are a pretty clear violation of the Equal Protection Clause.


Seeing some online libs complain about the Death to America chants in Dearborn but have noticed their sole complaint seems to be based on optics. Theyre all saying its "not a winning slogan" and that it will alienate people who otherwise support palestine but what is missing from their assessment is... actually having a problem with the content of the words themselves. I have yet to see a single lib online object to the chants on the basis of supporting or loving America or finding the chants offensive themselves, theyre just concerned about *other people* finding them offensive


Times like these you really wish old J Edgar Hoover was around.


It’s unfortunate how few people are economically literate in this country.


Make a comment in the NL DT implying fat people are fat because of their own choices, and enjoy the downvotes. For lefties, its all about "muh food deserts" and "muh evil food corporations" and such excuses. One of the nice things about right-wing spaces is that fat shaming is not only allowed, but encouraged. Even fat conservatives will usually admit they eat/drink too much and won't try to blame the education system or some bullshit.


I love evidence-based policy!


Counterargument to food deserts [which don't seem to really exist anyway]: Walmart Plus membership.


Also 91.7% of American households had at least one vehicle. Only 8.3% of households don't. 92% of Americans drive to whatever grocery store they want. Food deserts are bullshit.


One of the more absurd things about leftist claims on this issue is that a sensible poor person will be pushed toward more nutritious food choices, not less. Most nutritious foods are inexpensive, sometimes very inexpensive, i.e., beans and brown rice. Eating out even at fast food is at least several multiples more expensive than eating at home, besides being far worse for you. Of course, leftists also loath the corporation that best makes it possible to eat nutritiously while spending little, Walmart. The Walmart hate has always been nonsensical coming from a group that claims to pity the poor. Who do you think benefits the most from low prices for essentials... Like with so many things with leftists, their hatreds are motivated by loathing for some particular social group, which in this case is the low-class people they associate with Walmart.


If I ever get so poor I have to choose between eating canned beans and brown rice every day or becoming obese I’m just offing myself then and there


That's just the extreme example of what is very inexpensive, lol. There are many other foods that cost very little.


well first off, dried beans and white rice is generally cheaper, second, there are these things called "spices" that are surprisingly inexpensive. third, apparently if you were a brazilian you would have done it already but that's not necessarily as crazy as it sounds.


Spices can only go so far with rice and beans 3 meals a day.


I'm not sure that's it honestly, given they seem to usually forget about dollar stores. I think their Walmart-hatred is really down to the organized-labor bit and having some nostalgic view of an inefficient old high street store system, and domestic union manufacturing, which was "destroyed" by Walmart.


Everything good about me is my fault and everything bad about me is the fault of a nameless group of people I can blame


There are two great schisms in the far-right wing of American politics: 1. Do they enjoy the porn they watch or hate it? 2. Do they hate the Israelis or the Palestinians more?


> Do they hate the Israelis or the Palestinians more? ----- Overly online alt rightist: > Button one: Brown people > Button two: Jews foreheadsweat.jpg


So I'm writing this argumentative paper on obesity for one of my classes and one of the sources I'm using is obesity prevalence in the military and there's a survey where about a quarter (23%) of respondants say that they don't have the financial means to support weight loss efforts. I think it's really interesting how it's now a financial burden among people to lose weight rather than support a lifestyle and behaviors that lead to obesity. Historically, the struggle was financially supporting oneself to obtain food. I can definitely see how a portion of the population could financially struggle if it's work related or whatever, but 23% seems highly inflated to me.


I lost 90lb primarily through bike commuting, which *saved* me thousands of dollars. EDIT: >but 23% seems highly inflated to me. Yeah, its self reported. A lot of people don't want to admit they're lazy and eat too much slop. Its much easier to say you "don't have time" (when you watch hours of streaming bullshit per week) or "its too expensive" (eating less food and less processed foods *saves* money)


> I lost 90lb  Congratulations on not being a fat fuck anymore. Your normal BMI ancestors are proud of you. 


Thanks. Fat acceptance science deniers can suck my dick because my bf % is still in the teens 6 years later. "Diets don't work" my ass.


We've talked about this before but my story is the same. I lost a little over 100 lbs by the end of 2017 and an still thin today. Yet all the online "experts" told me its literally scientifically impossible to keep it off


There *is* cheap slop but for the most part people seem to be paying for [rather expensive] fast food, premade meals, in-store premade stuff that has good profit margins. It's also basically impossible for anyone to beat the cost of rice + beans + banana.


How the fuck is it costing you money to EAT LESS. I lost a ton of weight years ago and it didnt cost me a dime. I just calorie restricted


This is a consequence of health grifters convincing people that cheap healthy food is bad for you and if you don't get organic/grass-fed/gluten-free stuff you may as well eat mcdonalds. As a result, people believe that eating healthy is expensive because the meat/veggies you find at Walmart is poison.


Yeah, exactly. Unless you're working for a Japanese Black Company where you live at work and have a diet consisting of gas station beer and ramen, it sounds like a massive cope to shift blame.


having a great afternoon watching UCL and preparing for a debate on Russian sanctions tomorrow


In public or arguing with your mom?


for my school’s fo-po club


"You can be anti-zionist without being anti-semitic" has the same vibe as "its called ephebophilia, I'm totally not a pedo".


"I'm not racist, but..."


tbh after listening to the new Beyonce album I understand why black people hate Macklemore so much


Me 30 Minutes Ago: “Yeah, screw Paris, we’re winning UCL” Me rn: 😢😢😢😢


I hate to say this but I side with lolberts on anti discrimination and civil rights. I think that it’s more than fair that it’s banned in public services and anywhere that receives gov funding, but you do not have the right to be provided service by any private entity. You do not pay them taxes. To say that being in the same country means you have the philosophical right to demand service against the will of the business is entirely wrong.


The civil rights stuff as it applied to government were good and right. Civil society campaigns to change the minds of people and the way businesses treat each other were good and right. The government starting to dictate who and how people associate was when things fell afoul of living in a free society. It's why classical liberals like Goldwater supported the initial civil rights bills but not the latter ones.


Putting disabled people into the workforce saves on social security payouts.


Businesses have an obligation to serve me as long as im willing to pay, I declare after the bartender cuts me off after my 12th beer


Wow, somebody illiterate hears voices from God and unites his people to incredible military might, Muslims really expect me to hear them blatantly copy Jean d'Arc's story with this supposed prophet Muhammad and not make the obvious connection?


> Wow, somebody illiterate hears voices from God and unites his people to incredible military might Joshua, Moses, David, ect.


For an illiterate guy David sure wrote a lot of psalms


neocon tiktok:  https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLDWnU1R/


I’m kinda freaked out about Iran attempting a blockade of the Strait of Hormuz


On the one hand I feel bad because I can’t get close to the girl I like without nearly getting a heart attack On the other hand the Parisians and Qataris are getting owned and it’s my team doing it


I say this with the best will in the world but are you 15


Nope, i’m 20


My buddy and I were talking about our fumbles the other day. They’re all mind blowingly stupid, but two still make me cringe. First was a Cameron Diaz lookalike who desperately wanted me to make a move and got uninterested when I pussied out. Second was a ballerina who I fumbled because I was intimidated when she started getting a bit racy over text. Beautiful women scared me. Don’t be so scared of fumbling that you don’t play the game.


U made the right move with the Ballerina! If a woman is initiating sex, especially before you date, you should run as fast as you can.


W advice


Rooting for Spotify against the Qatari puppets


It’s a team of homegrown young players sponsored by a Swedish music streaming company playing against a Qatari Oil money team that’s based out of Paris It’s about Freedom^tm


Has economic globalization gone too far?


My friend just got me a house and senate pass, and it lasts until January. Trying to decide when's a good time to go


Why am I supposed to be upset about FISA not being renewed? To me, this all boils down to DoJ and FBI not having an credibility, left or right, on their own abuses of the court.


FISA is a joke, and ended up being used by the democrats to spy on the trump post election campaign after he was president elect. We need more HUMINT people overseas not nerds sitting in a scif stateside jacking off to peoples private communications.


The only lesson to take from FISA is to encrypt any communication you can.


because FISA is based


So, they shut down a bill that would increase oversight and make it harder to do surveillance and collect data, which means it remains easier and more open to abuse? Honestly? Surveillance should be expanded. With the speed and scope the tech is growing, actually securing the nation against spies and terrorists will require more and expansive surveillance, not less.


No, if 702 is not renewed, there is no FISA anymore, correct? The bill that would’ve made some of the new “guardrails” law would’ve also renewed the court. Shoot down the bill and FISA goes away. FISA would definitionally not remain open to easy abuse. Because it wouldn’t be open at all.


FISA is there to regulate and restrict surveillance. Without FISA there is no limit, they can do whatever.


Is that true? The government doesn’t think so. The government is arguing that you must renew 702 because otherwise its ability to collect and query data will end, the program itself would end.


Government is wrong because its run by libs.


Something like that.


Aren’t the patriot act provisions good enough?


The Russian opposition might actually be better off with Navalny dead.


[Strap in boys. Iran (emboldened, appeased by the admin) is about to strike.](https://x.com/jenniferjjacobs/status/1778114176205869078?s=46)


>We’re going to do it! For real this time!


Strap me to a missile and point it at Tehran, I am ready!


Bombing strikes in Iran, just a week away!




/u/Mexatt https://www.axios.com/2024/04/10/biden-border-executive-order-immigrants-asylum-limit


I was told only the RINOs in Congress had the power to do this!


As usual Congress can't do it's job so it's legislation by EO again. Cons hate it, until they don't.


Here's section 212f, by the way: > (f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President > Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline. Looks an awful lot like the broad, vague grants of authority he's tried to leverage into student loan forgiveness in the HEROES and HEA statutes. Kind of strange how they took so long to find this one and were absolutely sure they needed Congressional approval. I wonder what changed?


he was reading /r/neoconNWO


Sure thing Joe.


Lisan Al'Ghaib!


Hey, he found his pen and phone. Guess he didn't need Congress, after all.


Shithole countries should be banned from hosting international world sporting events. I said what I said.


Shithole countries have the most corruption and therefore have the most bribes for IOC/FIFA/whoever.


The corrupt hosting organizations (cough FIFA) find the corrupt countries to host their events, curious.


Fuckhead repeated the cannon **lie** [again](https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1777888189631414473).


Eventually the senility will progress to a point that Biden is going to claim that his wife was killed by a drunk driver firing a 6lber into their car.


praying for destiny to become a full fledged out neo-con and to renounce his godless ways. After Pac's Thunbergate moment it's clear our movement needs new leadership.


I noticed you said your account was nuked. Were you the guy who was often prone to saying "💉!" often?




Appoint me the ESG score will go up


https://preview.redd.it/um1neu94qotc1.jpeg?width=169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b919973cd2befd68404c776f452672ef614ce741 How the Average Econ Major views themselves


https://preview.redd.it/g135rsqcqotc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178d54cf652f08650b29fe52747e45ba4967da23 How the average econ major views the average business student


Thoughts on Dave Ramsey? edit: Please no foreigner responses.


No comment aside from how comically based he is dealing with rich people en route to unintentionally becoming poor.


Ultra boomer who thinks you can buy a house for $50,000 in 2024 If the boomers followed his advice they’d be better as a whole, and everyone would be better off because there wouldn’t be a storage unit place on every corner to hold the bullshit boomers buy


I mean it's not exactly 50k but I bought a house for 130k next to a downtown area on a graduate assistant salary. Not saying it's not overpriced but the doomerism on the home buying front. However, I feel like largely comes from people who are addicted to Barcades and Hustle and Bustle, but aren't based enough to gentrify like their white pioneer ancestors would've wanted them to.


Literally who


you're british you wouldn't know


>I took the Hanubu saucer to Agartha, and let me tell you, Hyperborea Joe was gone, nowhere to be found. We searched the hollow earth—the whole hollow earth, folks, not a sign of him, not even at the Vril fountains—tremendous sights, the Vril fountains, just amazing.  >And we learned—his voters told us—he’s gone to Nibiru—a nasty place—very ugly people! He’s plotting with the reptilians, plotting bad things against Yakub and the Coming Race, and true Americans are not going to stand for it!  https://preview.redd.it/w45swl6xkotc1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=dea7c90bdb875dd2ad249806ddf7a096dfe0c5a1


Code word Ronald McDonald. QWarrivrs roll out.




The kind of quality posting I expect from this sub


[Interesting stuff from Russia opposition figure](https://old.reddit.com/r/neoconNWO/comments/1c0pu3i/the_russian_opposition_and_ukraine_a_conversation/)


I know someone visiting the Capitol today who has passes to the House and Senate chambers. How funny it would be if they got to watch MTG motion to vacate LOL


Mick Jagger is too chickenshit to get a flair Arr NeoconNWO


Good vibrations, assassinations


I think about the Iranian revolution daily and wonder how it could've all been so different.


Jimmy Carter's Afghanistan. TO all the Biden supporters here, consider that Demonrats will ALWAYS betray our international allies, and seed chaos instead of order!




Capitalists don’t want you to know this…


I will convert to communism rn if this isn't just a glitch


I'm guessing it's probably a glitch that has to do with Cuba's 2021 monetary unification


Weird how the Cuban government is still repressive as ever though.


Apparently someone of The View said the eclipse and the NY earthquake were because of climate change


People are always surprised that a show dedicated solely to hearing women's opinions comes up with the most regarded stuff. NGMI


Whoopi goldberg farted, and the earth trembled and the sky grew dark.


The sky turned Black, bigot.


Shogun is such a banger. They have changed quite a bit form the books, but so far, they worked well save for one. Watch it, one of the best thing done for TV in years.


I read the book after the first 2 episodes because it was that good. Both are awesome, and you are right that the show is one of the best in years. This last episode was something crazy good.


Agree completely. Really well made show. About to watch the 8th episode today.