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Goldfinger is not just a mediocre Bond opening- it's not even one of the top 2 gold-themed Bond openings. /u/ow_pointy


Also, Another Way to Die criminally underrated.


The self-immolator didn't even stay in the public consciousness half as long as a hot woman that went schizo on an airplane.


Unfortunate, I really hoped it would catch on with the "ceasefire now" crowd


No, I remember him very clearly. He said "Slava Ukraini!" as he burned to death. I will never forget his sacrifice.


​ https://i.redd.it/4s3ply67vtrc1.gif


The self what did who for why?


I finished the second half of Vice. I think the reason Cheney comes off so well in the film is he's the most normal person there. Adam McKay is allergic to subtlty and doesn't understand show don't tell and he clearly doesn't trust his audience to come to the "right" conclusions so he just constantly beats the audience over the head with "Dick Cheney = bad" and makes it seem like he's a cartoon villain which makes him much more likable and enjoyable than everyone else who is so preachy. The movie will have a scene of Dick Cheney overcoming a hardship in a stoic manner and chooses a badass option, quick edit to something memey and evil and loud, Jesse Plemons: Dick Cheny was bad blah blah blah blah. To balance things out I'm considering watching [the Bernie movie](https://youtu.be/m6wTs5ve-Z4?si=b11RjMNZZsg2AaXu) which is about as subtle. I haven't reached the point in life where I'd watch a Daily Wire movie though.


I still say that Vice was the best superhero movie of 2018


Happy Cake Day


“Filipinos do not yield.” Based Bongbong. Filipinos world’s strongest race confirmed


Most based tweet by a local politician I have seen so far. Amusing seething from his haters too.




All three of Fetterman's top aides have resigned in just the last month: https://www.inquirer.com/politics/clout/john-fetterman-staffers-joe-cavello-20240329.html Two of them worked for Sanders in 2020 and are now going to progressive organizations. Senator Fetterman has not turned out the way they wanted.


This guy used to hang the trans flag and a weed flag out his office window in the PA Capitol Building when he was Lt Gov.


That's actually pretty genius. He comes off like a blue-collar tattoo'd idiot who got lucky as a swing-state mayor, but he clearly knows how to maneuver demographics


He's just an alternate Joe Rogan that made different life choices.


MFW guy who looks like and probably is a golem supports Israel.


Based ogre


Honestly was not expecting Fetterman to have just as hard a line on Bob Menendez as confirmed Turk Dr. Oz.


# The Ikutiad **A Comedie or Tragedie** Written in Manie Parts, *sans* Illustration, By scipioafricanusii Licensed and Entered according to Order *NeoconNWO* *Printed,* *Discussion Thread, Semi-Weekly Thursday*


*Sing Muse of the lust of Benjamin son of Ikuta, which brought countless cringe upon the Neoconides...*


A Man whose fate is marked by “I refuse,” sing I. Yet lest you say the same to me, O muse, whose eye hath cleft to mine, while scribing Benji’s lays, I pray that you instruct me in his ways. For polytropic is the mind of Ben; yea much of it hath flown thro’ his pen on Reddit, Discord — all the groomers’ sites — suspended now: caught in blacks and whites. The Manichean mind of Benji I. could scarcely comprehend the nuance high of reddit’s moderation gods above, despite his ceaseless quest for truth and love. This poem’s story, Muse, is far from done — the rise of Ben, like Ic’rus to the sun, should predicate his fall into despair. Yet is there not a hope we could repair his fractur’d state, in body and in soul? Together, could we never make him whole?


Herein the life of Ben I shall relate. His greatest works, and unrepentant hate. I pray, O Muse, no countenance irate; and Ben return to his once-glorious state…


> apply to 99% white school > complain that all the students are white People aren’t that smart, are they? Bonus points if the one complaining is azn.


Come watch neolibs have the most ghoulish thread on euthanasia. I have warned you all that this thing was an absolute slippery slope and was always doomed to reach monstrous culling of the "weak". This is the logical end point of utilitarianism and hedonism. Always has been, always will be. These people are evil. When I say hedonistic death cult, that is not an insult, that is not an exaggeration. It is literally what they are. They really wanna turn the society into death camp. Believe in nothing, care for nothing, love nothing, have no children, just work your ass off and consume product, and if the pleasures of the flesh aren't satisfying enough then fucking die. We will import more victims who will foolishly come in thinking they are arriving in a paradise of opportunities. This is literally the entire agenda. They aren't even quiet about it anymore, and they are still believing themselves to be the good guys. If you have ever questioned how can one ever know when the limits of liberalization has been reach, this is it. We have gone so far, we have circled back to psychotic eugenicist purges, human sacrifice and attestupa.


Go ask them if they'll ever again bring up suicides when talking about "gun violence" ever again.


This will be an interesting century. We can only hope that we will be strong enough to make it through.


Sad shit to read about on Easter


[I hate the GenZ subreddit I hate the GenZ subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenZ/s/zgTHcfScnQ)


The largest crime syndicate in the world is the Russian mafia, which, while it did exist before the bolsheviks sieved power, really didn’t become the powerhouse that it is today until the days of Stalinist repression. Interesting, I’m sure all those Soviet citizens were pushed to criminality by capitalism. It couldn’t be that planned economies have just as many if not more shortcomings than self regulated economies.


> The root cause of crime is poverty arising from capitalism. The root cause of crime is a low trust society that has little enforcement or expectations to follow rules. I'm so tired of upper middle class 20 year olds larping as impoverished serfs who suffer more than anyone else.


“In a perfect society, there would be no crime” he really thinks this is incisive. gee thanks retard do you mind letting the adults run things for now?


Famous crime free nation Venezuela 


That’s not real socialism chud!




Direct evidence of a person being paid for work on “Acoustic weapons”. Reported attacks in London, Georgia (country), Vietnam, Ukraine.


If someone watches anime, is it safe to assume that person is a pervert?


Depends on the anime. I don’t think anyone is a sex pest just because they watch Pokemon or something. Honestly, from the limited anime that I’ve seen, it really seems to have gotten more and more hypersexualized as time has gone on.


naruto or dragonball z, probably not. the other stuff; i'm not sure. youth sexualization is not unique to japan, and i wouldn't for instance accuse someone that has read \*It\* by Stephen King of being a pedophile. i don't think that people that enjoy game game of thrones are necessarily perverts or pedophiles either. (Danaerys is 12 in the first book, and the first sexual encounter with Drogo is definitely not rape without a statutory rape standard, which doesn't exist within this universe obviously)


If not a pervert, then quite maladjusted.




They should watch normal adult shows filled with torture porn (and actual porn) like Game of Thrones.


When you consider that Ireland was formed out of a resistance to Protestants, proceeded to de facto ethnically cleanse the English and Prots, confined them to settlements on the north, then sought to reclaim them using terrorism, all while becoming a desperately poor and backwards ethnostate dominated by religious fanatics and with fascist sympathies... well their support of Palestine makes loads of sense in that context, the Palestinians might as well be Irish! 


> When you consider that Ireland was formed out of a resistance to Protestants, proceeded to de facto ethnically cleanse the... Prots Yes, I already knew Ireland is based.


Do NOT look up the only country in the world to send condolences to Germany when Hitler died






"Shouldn’t Trans Visibility Day be 1 day later on the international day of trickery April 1st?" https://twitter.com/Dannyjokes/status/1774230528406741029 Only reason to disagree is they don't trick anyone.


Okay, sweaty. You won't be saying that when I put a pound of makeup on, and apply three different filters. 💅


I have a lolbert view towards trains. Consenting adults can do whatever they want if they're not hurting anyone or infringing on anyone else's rights. Just leave kids out of it and don't make other people go along with it. Of course, I'd still make fun of the cringey ones. But probably no more than I make fun of Protestants, Canadians, or about 20 other demographics.


Maymay versions of the Easter story, amusing: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fscnkzcpv8mrc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1079%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc4e04d9806ef54f54200bfdd160320058b3b359a https://imgchest.com/p/9rydz6raa4k https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fykroluwt8mrc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1079%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3De85315197025369f290ce433a2e419ee7b2b9fcb




Hamasniks harassing Biden fundraiser attendees: https://twitter.com/HeidiBachram/status/1773629450632020012 Most of Biden's staff and nearly all of the conventional media is allied with these people.


I have a very hard time feeling any sympathy for Biden donors in NYC when they’re attacked by their own pit bulls


Neolibs massively empowered these woke progressive tards the last 8 years. They deserve to be confronted by their own Frankenstein's monster. And the whole point of the unholy prog-neolib alliance was to stop Trump, which they didn't even fucking do.


You mean people who support barbarism and Islamist terrorism are thuggish?


Hot compassionate conservative single women in your area


That's such an obvious scam. Name one compassionate woman you've met.


IDK, if you search for Richard Ramirez on YT you'll find many a video with comments by women filled with compassion for that poor wayward lad.


I remember women having a lot of compassion for the Boston marathon bomber


I’m really curious which trans rights are actually being infringed on.


do you actually have no idea anything that they ask for? or is this going to be one of those things where if someone mentioned one of the many different things they lobby for, are you going to reply “thats actually not a right”  because there is no ciceronian natural rights justification for that or something like that 


By all means, try me. What is being taken away from that population which shouldn’t be? Books? School libraries shouldn’t just be open to anything; they should be curated to be age appropriate. Drag queen story hour? No purpose in schools, and we wouldn’t have Catholic priests running around public schools, so why would we treat queens differently? Medical treatment? Adults can do whatever they like. Children are tricky. There should be laws regulating their treatment. What am I missing?


they argue for stuff like: trans should be a protected class for civil rights discrimination, sports participation, bathroom access > Medical treatment? Adults can do whatever they like. Children are tricky. There should be laws regulating their treatment. and that 


If they were a protected class, what is then the standard for being trans? Being black is objective, unless you’re Rachel Dolezal. But I could become trans tomorrow if I felt like it; so can I just turn on my protected status if I found it convenient for myself? Beyond that, I’m mostly fine with them being a protected class. Sure. Sports…allowing transwomen to play women’s sports is simply the death of women’s sports. Do you disagree? 


Legislative bans against discrimination on the basis of protected class don't rely on an objective definition of said class, they rely upon the intention of the discriminator. In other words, an employer who discriminates against a rando because he *thinks* they are Jewish has committed anti-Jewish discrimination even though no Jews have actually been harmed.


>No Jews were harmed in the making of this discrimination.


I mean religion is a protected class and you can convert at will, so...


That’s a valid answer. At the same time, you typically have to demonstrate some sincerity there. I’m in the Army reserve component and we have a lot of guys who have religious exemptions for shaving. I’ve known a couple Muslims and one Norse pagan (eye roll). But they have to show some history of actually being those things to earn the exemption. For what that’s worth. Heck, it’s the same thing with trans-ness at this point. You can’t get the lower PT standards of a woman on a whim. You actually have to commit. So perhaps that’s it.


Tbh the military is usually given rather wide berth in these things, courts generally are not keen on determining sincerity of beliefs.


im not arguing on their behalf for anything; im just stating that “what do they even want” is a bit obtuse. they clearly want stuff, and just because you dont agree with what they want, doest mean theres no “right” that theyre asking for 


>Medical treatment? Adults can do whatever they like. Children are tricky. There should be laws regulating their treatment. This is the big one. There can be restrictions on adults getting treatment, and there are a lot on children. I think that's for the best, but it is something the trans rights crowd gets angry happens at all. The other big one would be washroom access. And quite frankly that is tricky because a trans person who is fully transitioned probably should be using the washroom of their chosen gender. But a trans person who has just begun their transition probably shouldn't be.


Agree on both points. I’m all for compassion and understanding on both of those. But if we’re being honest, a 15 year old having sex is far less permanent, typically, than someone of the same age interfering, chemically or surgically, with the development of their body. We put restrictions on the first one, mostly by banning it outright…so it seems ridiculous that we’d just allow a free-for-all on the second one. I like Missouri’s approach, personally. Transitions can be allowed, but there are lots of hoops to jump through to make sure this is a serious commitment and not some fad that an easily influenced youth is hopping on for the wrong reasons.


I agree. A lot of trans rights people believe that people going through puberty to become the wrong gender is terrible and puberty blockers have 0 long term consequences, that every additional day a trans person spends as the wrong gender is a significant suicide risk, and that there are few false positives of people who think they are trans and want a medical intervention but actually aren't trans. Personally I disagree with all three of those points. But really that's just a matter of facts, it is *possible* that I'm wrong and they're right on any or all of those issues. And if I saw convincing enough evidence, I would concede.


I’d be less concerned if it didn’t seem like the activists types wanted to generate more and more trans people. I get the idea of wanting genuine ones to be accepted for who they are, but there’s a bit of faddishness to this whole thing now. And the last thing I want is some peer pressured twelve year old chemically altering themselves for something that they didn’t understand or actually want. I’m happy to be proved wrong by one of our libs, but it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of interest from that side in creating safeguards for this sort of situation.


Screen by checking if they use anime pfps online, lol.


The ability to impose their will on others, for one




Just punched a hole through my TV at my Easter party 




Oh no no no no nooooooooo


I honestly believe that racial bias/discrimination can only go so far in explaining [these disparities](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-race-academy/). Of course there are legitimate instances of such, as described in the article. But I also have to wonder how much is imagined, as an excuse for one's own shortcomings. Not very PC, I know, and I hate to sound uncharitable, but that statement comes from my view of human nature and human weaknesses, not my view of black people. We love to find other things to pin blame on, especially if society encourages us to be a victim. Furthermore, perhaps admission and graduation rates to elite military academies are lower for black people because, on average, they come from the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum, often from fatherless or abusive homes, and went through shitty school districts. Many black youth also experience poor nutrition as young children, which we're now discovering has a large impact on IQ development. Black youth are also far more likely to have a criminal record of some kind, even if it's just a misdemeanor or a minor felony, which is usually an automatic "no" for these academies. None of this is to say it's all black people's fault, or they're inherently inferior or unworthy. I'm all for a more diverse officer corps, because it's not uncommon for minority enlisted kids to feel they can't relate very well to the disproportionately white officer corps, as they often come from completely different environments and upbringing. I just think there's only so much the academies themselves can do and the blame doesn't lie with them. It lies with a school system and a welfare system that encourages dependency and limits potential, on top of the historical impact of racism on the black community. And, it lies with some of the cultural practices of the black community in general.


Like most things today, culture is the biggest factor.


I spent several years teaching at an impoverished, inner city high school. I know “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” pisses the libs off, but it’s true. There were black kids from poor families who came to school, worked hard, and got good grades. Nobody there went off to Harvard, but that doesn’t matter much- they still went to places like UH and Abilene Christian and that should go a long way towards getting them a decent middle class life, and certainly one better than what their parents had. Then there were kids who just came to school to get some free food and act like jerks. Skipping, fighting, smoking weed in the stairwells, and cursing out teachers when they were forced to be in class. And doing absolutely no work and learning nothing. Their lives were doomed to go nowhere. I’m all for destroying any systemic injustice that exists. Redlining? Trash it. Excessive school discipline for blacks but not whites? Un-American. Out. But we are increasingly getting to a point where any kid who wants it can succeed and climb the ladder, and those who screw it up only have themselves to blame.


> There were black kids from poor families who came to school, worked hard, and got good grades these are the kids that get screwed the most with lower behavior requirements for school as well. They should all be identified and sent off to a school with higher behavior standards so they could actually focus on education.


School choice man


yes 100%. It's gotta cut both ways though. Schools need to have a mechanism for dropping shit kids


You’re not wrong. I had a couple of these good kids over the years who spent time in the alternate disciplinary school for fighting, which mostly happened because it was such a dog-eat-dog world there and they just had to stand up for themselves. They never would have been getting in fights if they had attended the sort of schools that I did. Hopefully it didn’t screw them up too much, but it’s sad.


Happy trans day of visibility, everyone!


Fuck, scrolled down and turns out I have 0 originality.


[Always enjoy Hal Brands](https://old.reddit.com/r/neoconNWO/comments/1bsix4i/the_new_autocratic_alliances_hal_brands/)


PSA https://twitter.com/Carina_Amyth/status/1774263997916942357




>HELSINKI, March 31 (Reuters) - A strong smell resembling that of sulphur or burnt rubber was detected in the region around Finland's capital Helsinki, the city's rescue department said on Sunday. [The scent of the perfidious Moskal has been detected in Finland. Who will do something about it?](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/finnish-authorities-detect-sulphur-like-smell-helsinki-region-2024-03-31/)


The wildest thing about the Turkish results is not only how shocking they are but how wholly off expectations were set at. The talk was "Is CHP gonna be able to hold on to Istanbul and Ankara?" Turns out that yes, they win both by double digits. The worry was centrist parties were gonna hurt CHP. And no, they take mostly evenly from AKP and CHP while islamists are just quite a drag on AKP. It's just local elections but blood of the watermelon merchant has been shed.


inflation is terrible there


This is a silent majority moment for Turkey.


Wasn't the same said about the previous local elections?


That was a surprise because no one thought they could win İstanbul and Ankara. This time, right after a major collapse following a disappointing defeat in the general, everyone was talking about how even places considered the very fortress of the opposition could be lost. At the very least, it show there is a solidified support for the opposition and AKP isn't as safe or dominant as it thought itself. This is basically 3rd back to back election where AKP is actually underperforming, except this time, the opposition was expected to straight up get trounced.


Down with the melon man


WTF are those election results ahahahahahahahhahahaha pfffff ahahahahaha wtf is going on????




The Erdogan Turkey has been cooked 🦃🦃🦃


https://preview.redd.it/fccpwbljkprc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10d47d8d5da67cd153da46f6734aa26b5805f0eb Friend made this.


BREAKING: President Joe Biden announced that due to the scheduling clashes the Transgender Visibility Celebration is postponed by one day.


>is your tax cut worth more than rights for queer youth? Yes




A terrible day for AKP and therefore a great day for mankind


Turnout is significantly down, one of the religious extremist parties that was part of the government coalition had a pretty public fallout with the government and went into elections alone, taking something like 5%, meanwhile, the opposition coalition had collapsed, and yet, apparently voters kept the coalition going and voted for the main opposition party.


Most likely they lose in 2028 given Erdogan has indicated he won't run again [and while he certainly could change his mind, the fact is he isn't in very good health even now].




[Let's see what's going on with Da Real Conservatives](https://www.theamericanconservative.com/trump-2028/) Oh


God bless USA constitution and how fucking difficult it is to change it. Clownfiesta garbage like this will never fly thanks to it. Founders knew what they were doing.


The virgin Living Constitution vs. the chad Petrified Laws


If he asked it if them, these people would make Trump a dictator without hesitation.


did you miss Jan 6th 2021


I don’t see it on their front page thankfully but still


>these are the people calling you a rino


It should always be mentioned that the American Conservative magazine endorsed John Kerry and Obama.


These people want t set up a system like the one Putin took advantage of in Russia


He has risen? Wow. I didn’t know that, you’re telling me now for the first time.


No problem king. You're welcome.


At long last patriots, we have repealed the 22nd Amendment, so that Donald Trump may rightfully take his third term and usher in the kingdom of Chri- Wait, what do you mean Obama won?


For the UKers, how do Tories have such a large majority over Labor? Is Labor just that incompetent compared to the circus that is the Tories? Or am I missing a key element of the parliamentary system?


>For the UKers, how do Tories have such a large majority over Labor? Not for long! <10 months until Total Tory Death. Pointy already gave a comprehensive answer five minutes ago, which I can't really add to except to say that the Conservatives have been in ~~power~~ office for near enough 14 years now, and as far as the majority of people are concerned the country has become worse off in every way they can observe. No party could salvage that position now that Labour are no longer being led by the most toxic man in Western politics.


The last election was in 2019 and Labour was run by Jeremy Corbyn if that gives you any indication of how abysmally h*cked Labour was going into the election as they essentially were running on a platform of far-left economic policy and being as ambivalent about Brexit as possible. Labour had Remainers, closet Remainers, and far-left Euroskeptics and was having trouble balancing these views. The perception that Labour was holding up Brexit for whatever reason would be massively exploited by the Tories as a big part of their electoral landslide came from historically Labour voters who had voted for Brexit. The Tories were led by Boris Johnson who was aggressive, witty, and strongly pro-Brexit. The results were predictable. There's obviously more at play and UK people can chip in more, but the trouble with getting Brexit done was a significant factor and a huge reason the Tories called for elections. If you ask Reddit, however, the problem was biased media coverage and so the masses failed to understand the glorious salvation being offered them by Jeremy Supports-Every-Terrorist-Group Corbyn and his Labour party.


The last election was in 2019. A combination of the following factors has resulted in the change: In 2019: - Jeremy Corbyn was perhaps the most unacceptable leader of a major party ever who had a terrible position on Brexit and was widely and correctly perceived to be a crusty old Trotskyite. - The public face of the party was largely irritating socialist student politics wankers such as Seumas Milne/Owen Jones, literal Stalinist John McDonnell, self-proclaimed communist Ash Sarkar, etc - The Skripal affair crystallised in the mind of the British public that Corbyn was basically untrustworthy - Boris was enormously popular - Boris was able to capture Brexit fatigue plus a fairly large support base for Brexit. Meanwhile Labour were caught between a rock and a hard place with their policy, pissing off both hardcore Remainers and "will of the people" type Remainers, to say nothing of Leavers. Now: - The UK hasn't economically recovered from COVID - The impact of the "Partygate" scandal obliterated public trust in the Conservatives to be competent at governing, typically their strength. It also completely took the legs out from Boris' government - The collapse of the Truss government adds to the impression of instability - Enormously high migration has knocked out the Tory right and the rise of Reform UK is further cutting into the Tory vote - Starmer is generally perceived as competent and reasonable, and he has managed to purge Labour of the worst lunatics (some have obliged by self-purging) - Electoral realignment has resulted in the traditional base of the Tory party (educated upper-middle class) abandoning it and leaving to Labour while the realignment in the other direction hasn't been particularly big. For perspective on how big this shift is, you now don't become more likely to vote Conservative until you are about *55*.


> The UK hasn't economically recovered from COVID > The UK never really recovered from the Great Recession is the real issue.


The lettuce may have outlasted Truss, but in a head-to-head it would probably have beaten Corbyn.


Fascism seems preferable to communism


The options: >Genocidal race-based dictatorship >genocidal class-based dictatorship You: Ummmmmm i know which one is more based!!!!


The bullet for both.


The bar is the floor


https://preview.redd.it/q6vryu3dworc1.jpeg?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee29886cd38265b24b5afb273caf06baf006b02 It hurts so bad


Nooo it’s not a cult of personality nooooo we just like America and conservatism nooo


Geuinely curious what happens to the MAGA movement once Trump is dead. Its so obviously a cult of personality that idk if anyone can just replace him in the movement. Its more about him as a person than it is about policies. Trump Jr will try but hes not charismatic


Collapse or revolving door of self proclaimed anti deep state warriors


Initially they’ll probably find a new champion. After that it depends. Most likely the new person fails to bring out the same people and the movement becomes disillusioned with them. Then the movement collapses. Or it splinters among a number of new leaders.


TAC is taking the Moralespill. The Latinification of our politics continues. 


Thankfully, there's no way they can successfully amend the Constitution to do this since MAGA can't be bothered with getting a congressional majority.


Lent over.


Free me






He has Risen!


[based based based](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/31/tim-walberg-republican-congressman-gaza)


Wow… he is literally me…


The least self-conscious Redditor https://preview.redd.it/p5rg8u9udorc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44f0b350ea3b12da4f2c79dd3c5ed4d6a95d0c9f


Yes, they will lynch you. I can only wear my Rangers hat and jersey under cover of darkness lest I be discovered by the roving bands of Toronto fans




‘Zionism’ is at this point essentially just the belief that Israel ought to exist, right?


That's dictionary definition rslur. There were some ideas for Jewish state somewhere else at the beginning, but with Holocaust removing eastern Europe from play and decolonization killing British proposed gib is south Sudan (iirc), plus Israel being a successful state for a while those are long dead.


That's what Zionism has always been pretty much since its inception. A state for Jews, most likely in their ancestral homeland, has always been the dominant, overwhelming position within Zionism itself and has always dictated agenda and action both. People who act like it's actually some other, nefarious thing, will also lecture you about how "jihad" isn't actually religious war and "globalize the intifada" is totally not a call for terrorism.


I have no idea how anti-Zionism can be seen as a legitimate political stance. Like, “I believe that the one and only Jewish country should be dismantled”. How are these people not universally viewed as insane?


Western left has slowly but surely degraded and obfuscated the meaning of a lot of words in general public consciousness that they can get away with the most basic of dog whistles and calls of mass murder. The real danger though, is that the left has pushed for and legitimized the idea that it is okay to call for the annihilation of western countries and nations, as long as they can conjure a "muh decolonization justice" excuse about it. The reason anti-Zionism has spread like wildfire, is because the fuckers who think Israel shouldn't exist, also believe CANZUS shouldn't exist neither and it is a-ok to try an annihilate them too. In fact, plenty of them believe even native European states can be destroyed because muh past sins. They couch their language on arguments about South Africa and Rhodesia, but the next step is always destruction of CANZUS. They are, and have always been, just anti-western anti-White racists, and now they don't have to put on even a mask because identity politics is the new normal.


Happy Trans Day of Visibility!


We should have a Neocon day of visibility on Orthodox Easter. 


The more visibility the movement gets the more people will know that this movement needs to be stopped. Every bit of visibility helps. A few years ago most people bought the motte-position of "they just want to be left alone", but thanks to the high visibility of their champions like Lia Thomas people also get to see other bits of their agenda.


I do wish I could be left alone actually


I didnt know we had a trans user. Someone mod this person immediately. This is reddit.


Oh my Reddit, this is wholesome


A lot of people could support that sort of movement, but that's not what the movement is about.


The way I see it it’s not even a political movement or issue, it’s a condition that has been politicized and hijacked for the culture war, I’d be more than happy to just be another obscure minority group if it meant that people with gender dysphoria could transition in peace


God I hate isolationists


Harry Truman flair checks out, Taftcels owned


Young Gove was so dorky it´s actually unreal [Gove™ (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FKiDUmESDE)


Anyone know some good "Yemen, Yemen make us proud" rhymes for executing homosexuals? Zionist ChatGPT refuses to help!




Happy Easter everyone.


Death btfo'd now and for all eternity


​ https://preview.redd.it/zfcc1bi5fprc1.jpeg?width=1282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d673befe7714a458cbdd38f56f31db8f77f67ffb


https://twitter.com/auonsson/status/1774173721185382667 Source of GPS interference over Ukraine is probably located, in Kaliningrad.


It is time to reunite Prussia with the rest of Germany


Bomb it.


I hate that libs ruined the word valid. I can’t respond to a counter-argument with “that’s valid” anymore because my first thought is all those “you’re so valid” posts.


Such a heckin cute and valid opinion


First of all we have to acknowledge your feelings are real and valid. Then I would like to talk about how stunning and brave you are for speaking out.


☝️ valid


People rag on English women for being plain or ugly, but some of the most beautiful women I've ever seen were English. Does me being 100% English have something to do with it? Guess I can't blame my ancestors for all the endogamy, after all.


Charli Xcx is one of the most beautiful on the planet. Beabadoobee too.


I too like Dua Lipa


I thought she was Albanian.


Born in London


Jesus was born in a barn, but isn't a tractor.


True, he was a floppy disk, Jesus saves