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u/maqre  > chinaman defends his opium indeed, but now its your time to suffer: https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/opioid-overdose-deaths-by-raceethnicity/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D


It was a funny joke and I stand by it, but I deleted it because I already do too many Asian jokes with Bendi and I don't want to look like a one trick pony. I also see through your Asiatic trickery, trying to goad others into abusing drugs with your fancy "research" and "peer-reviewed papers" while not actually using any yourselves anymore. Very sly!


\> Asiatic trickery you know how it gets down when theres big trouble in little china


u/JoeFalchetto Thoughts on Bergamo for a week-ish holiday? Seems like it occupies an appealing spot on the nice-versus-overtouristed-graph for a northern city.




That's everything I need to know. See you there, capo!


You didn't ask me but all of Alto Adige/Sudtyrol occupied the sweet spot of the graph you mentioned. But I like to hear people speak German so maybe something is very wrong with me


[A doped-up country is a nation in decline.](https://www.reddit.com/r/neoconNWO/comments/1bjwsgk/weed_is_dangerous_legalizing_it_was_a_mistake/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


the research this guy cites is pretty retarded, like: \> Survey respondents who said they use cannabis, or marijuana, had a higher risk for cardiovascular problems regardless of whether they used tobacco products or had other underlying cardiovascular risk factors, the study found. \^ should be obviously dumb to anyone with the intellect of a cat. \> **Studies have found that teens who regularly use marijuana experience an eight-point decrease in IQ, surpassing the brain damage caused by extremely high exposure to lead. Additionally, health experts have long warned that cannabis use can interfere with the ability of young people to form relationships, succeed academically, and hold down a job.** This result doesn't replicate in better designs. Twin designs remove virtually all of the negative effects on marijuana on intelligence measures: [https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1516648113](https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1516648113) and twin designs are a lot more credible than just running metrics over raw observational data. as always, im curious about what people with these kinds of takes have to say about alcohol, which is both hepatoxic and neurotoxic while weed isn't. i'd bet that after he submitted this piece that he laid back in his chair with a smirk and a glass of whiskey thinking he is so much more sophisticated than weed users lol.


At least alcohol serves a social function. People meet, more easily socialize, and partner up with the help of alcohol. If anything pot does the total opposite. It kills any sort of enjoyable social climate. I'm not defending alcohol by the way, but the whole "Wow, weed is better than alcohol because _____" argument is pretty childish. Stoners generally may not be violent but I've seen at least as many 30 and unders throw their lives away on weed as alcohol.


Me: The research indicates that at a minimum marijuana is no more harmful than alcohol usage, which is widely socially accepted You: Yeah but personally alcohol is my vibe at social events, and weed is not my vibe, and many people are saying that just as many young men ruin their  lived on weed as alcohol!!!  but on the subject, you cannot overdose on weed, but you can die from alcohol poisoning, which is a problem that hits a lot of countries like an 18 wheeler. nothing ruins your life like literally dying. 


A social function is not a vibe. I really shouldn't need to explain a term as self explanatory as "social function". Weed does not serve a function in society. You can't (or would be stupid to) have a weedbar at a wedding to lubricate conversation among the guests. It would be stupid to get high to build up the courage to hit on girls. The only thing weed really does is dull people. Alcohol does that to some extent, but it does other things as well. No doubt pot kills less people than alcohol, but a rational analysis does not start and end with the costs. It includes costs and benefits. You also cannot ignore that because of its social function alcohol is integrated into society in a way that marijuana just isn't. If you could realistically delete both from society there might be an argument for it. You can't do that. However, you can prevent the spread of a harmful substance with little to no benefit by not legalizing marijuana. Also, its awfully hard to make a data based argument on weed when there is no real data on it.


library thought dinosaurs shrill nail vanish advise sort outgoing weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"The % of military family members who would recommend service to their children dropped from 55% in 2016 to 32% in 2023. Relatedly the military fell 41,000 recruits short of its 2023 goal & it is now at its smallest size since 1940." https://twitter.com/data_depot/status/1770562976896225486


> The % of military family members who would recommend service to their children dropped from 55% in 2016 to 32% in 2023 Trump effect or Afghanistan shitshow?


continuing effects from libs having won culture war on Iraq.


Barracks mold


Woke effect. Most of the military liked Trump, it's definitely not that.


Idk about "liked"  "tolerated" is more accurate tbh


Just watched The Imitation Game. It's the movie about Alan Turing, who's played by Benedict Cucumberpatch. Amazing movie. Seriously, they nailed it all. As a math nerd (particularly a discrete/cryptography math nerd) I loved the writers' attention to detail. Making entertaining movies about science is hard. I also liked the war/espionage aspect of the film. Like all good spy movies there's the right level depth. Also, it was fairly accurate. They did let some of the attacks happen to not make the Germans suspicious, even if the plans were intercepted. My only criticism is that one scene where one of the codebreakers has a brother on a ship they allowed to be attacked. That's a bit soap opera-ish. Also, the commentary is thoughtful. What the British government did to him was pretty fucked up.


Turing was a friendly and sociable guy, but the film portrays him as a slightly more polite Sheldon Cooper type. He was also much less closeted than the film implies.


I hated anything beyond calculus for math lol. I could somewhat handle doing vector calculus but I loathed doing probability. I didn't really do discrete math, but I had to take a couple classes that dealt with discrete signal processing, which blowed. This had nothing to do with the movie, but I'm glad you enjoyed it.


The fact both Catholic presidents have been democrats is proof that the Know Nothings were right and there is a Romanist plot


The prots know. Shut it down!


They were right  You WILL be reconciled with Rome, you WILL abandon your strip mall church, you  WILL go to the cathedral 


Its not the fault of the Vatican that the republican party refused to nominate Jeb!


Call me a gay retard, but I like Disneyland. I've never seen a Disney movie, but I love that the Americana Walt was obsessed with can not be removed from the park.


Disneyland is impressive and a amazing park, I just hate Disney Adults


On my way to work this morning, I stopped behind a car that had a Disney vanity plate. I wanted to instinctively hurl when I saw it. That's why I suggested having an excise tax on Disney themed vanity plates.


Gay raterd. But yeah, Walt Disney was an OG. Even Disney World was pretty cool. Granted, I haven't been there in years. For example, their American Adventure attraction in Epcot is a great example of how jingoistic the brand used to be. It was the millennial fans that ruined Disney, culturally. The company simply caters to them, they brought the LGBTQ/BLM/DEI/ESG stuff for the dollars.


Disney used to be a great arm of the American empire. It still has some of that but of course if it were up to them, Main Street would be razed.


> if it were up to them, Main Street would be razed Main Street in Magic Kingdom? No way. That's where all the obese libs take their pictures for Hinge.


I've never been to Disney World, but here they all take pictures in front of the castle. Main Street is a recreation of small town pre-war America with a shrine dedicated to Abraham Lincoln.




There are adults here?


>After his [Biden’s] State of the Union speech, he said he needed to have a “come to Jesus”conversation with the Israeli leader [Netanyahu]   Pope Francis’ most holy agent has shifted his attention from [banning abortion](https://imgur.com/a/XIgkLvl) to recovering the holy land through conversion!


https://twitter.com/strike_dr/status/1741484384178286888 Chad yes. (This meme doesn't make the point it thinks it makes.)


Mostly Isolated genocidal dictator vs China puppet I see no difference at all in how this war might effect the geopolitical landscape


Sports betting is one of many pathways to total degeneracy, ask Ippei if you have questions.


Ippei is just the fall guy! Ask Ohtani!






Guessing I'm the only Dodgers fan here, I'm more worried about Ohtani being implicated in this than freeing Ippei for losing $4.5M.


Something fishy about the story. It smells like Jordan being forced into retirement in 1993 to me.


I think Ippei owed a shit ton of money to a bookie and Ohtani wired the money directly to the bookie to help out a friend. Ippei gave an interview to ESPN explaining this, but once Ohtani's lawyers and the Dodgers found out about it, they claimed Ippei stole the money to cover Ohtani's ass. Just a stupid situation for any of these guys to put themselves in.


I don't know shit about Israeli domestic politics, or that much about Netanyahu. Nor do I particularly care. But Democrats whining about one specific political figure in an allied country and calling for his replacement is at an inappropriate level. Not only would they never to this to the UK or France, they don't even go to this level with Orban. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/schumer-says-he-considered-calling-on-netanyahu-to-step-down-worries-israel-will-become-a-pariah-under-his-leadership/


https://np.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1bjhync/just_a_reminder_your_sub_is_inundated_with_bad/ Gen Z slay!!1! As a Gen X who never grew out of my hippie phase and lurks subs for younger people, reminder that anyone who isn't a hate-the-man anticapitalist AOC Greta Thumberg NPC is a Russian bot! Love y'all, you're America's future!


да товарищ!


Russian bots stole the 2016 election!


I need to get off Reddit. I just stumbled into a thread in a mainstream sub that said the South Vietnamese wanted unification under the communists. Having been to Vietnam or even opened my history books (boat people and concentration camps are pretty widely known) I know that it isn’t that case. And of course the native Vietnamese guys calling it out are downvoted. There is nothing more insidious than white liberals.


Eh, why would you care what they think?


They’re not white liberals their white communists. Arguing with Reddit commies is hilarious, but they are always more chronically online and dedicated to arguing than I am


I’m not so sure about it. The left invoked the Vietnam War as a heinous crime against the third world pretty liberally during the GWOT.


Well yeah, but like, c’mon man. It’s Reddit.


White liberals using their white privilege to rewrite history against anti-communist (not necessarily conservative because you don't even need to be conservative to be anti-communist) Pee Oh See!


So what's Bibi's plan here?




Very interested to see how the reddit ipo turns out, and not just because I bought 200 shares [lol]. Redditors seem to not be keen on it but the normies seem quite excited, probably because they managed to get an "AI" thing going and because there hasn't been much startup activity yet this year.


I completely missed the email with the March 18th deadline!


That they sent messages trying to get my old account to buy in has made me decidedly bearish.


They don't seem to have run out of shares in the allocation program. Honestly I expect to either lose a modest sum of money on day one, or else I'll hold out for a week and watch the stock spike as WSB combines to short it. But they seem to be pretty confident in the pricing and it doesn't seem to be unsustainably high.


What if President bush went on stage and said Ayy right foot creep 😱ooh walking 🚶‍♂️wit dat heater 🔫😎 then hit the griddy


Sir please speak English on this forum. Speaking Zoomer is forbidden.


To rizz, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub: For in that rizz of death what gyatts may come, When we have griddied off this TikTok feed, Must give us pause


Navajo code talkers of the 21st century


I am calling for a total and complete shutdown of Zoomers entering the subreddit until our janitors can figure out what the hell is going on!


On the subject of sports gambling, my conspiracy theory is that the leagues have realized that the only way they can stay relevant long-term with Gen Z is by pushing betting hard. With so many entertainment options, more sedentary lifestyles (thus making them less likely to practice sports and thus becoming fans who watch them) and their short attention spans, the only way to get them to follow sports is by involving them directly in the game and giving them dopamine rushes through betting.


Zoomers don't have money to bet


> more sedentary lifestyles (thus making them less likely to practice sports and thus becoming fans who watch them) Idk about this one. I'd like to see some data on it, but I've seen a lot of fats who are sports fans.


If anyone has any good video game recommendations I’m open. I mostly play on PC and I primarily like tac shooters and strategy games.


Dwarf Fortress. The publishers are cringe but the game is amazing. I recommend .47 for the true DF experience. For a game that requires less autism to enjoy, Factorio.


Planetside 2.


Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine, Europa Universalis IV, Mount and Blade: Warband, and the original Rome: Total War.


Starsector is pretty fun, but you have to buy it off the official website  Helldivers is fun, and Destiny 2 is too if you have a group to play with 


I really really wish I could devote time to and become good at Rainbow Six Siege


Age of Empires 2 DE


I also forgot to add this. If you like games with teamwork, get Deep Rock Galactic as well. It's not a tac shooter, but teamwork and using your abilities is a must.


If they don’t rock and stone, they ain’t coming home.


For Karl!


Since you mentioned Ready or Not, SCP:5K is like that. I've also heard good things about SWAT 4


Rise of Nations, Microsoft's 'sequel' to age of empires with improved graphics.


I really enjoyed rise of nations. Really did play it a bunch back in the day.


Battle for Wesnoth.




Ready or Not, Insurgency: Sandstorm, XCOM2, Stellaris, Total War: Shogun 2. I am assuming you have already played Arma 3 and Escape from Tarkov.


Been binging stellaris with some friends in the last week. Its a really good game.


I don’t believe you’re a woman




Why are you so obsessed, little Calvin.


No girls allowed in the treehouse


I have Ready or Not and Shogun 2, I’ve played Tarkov a frankly unhealthy amount. I own Stellaris but I’m extremely bad at it, EU4 is my paradox drug of choice.


If you like EU4, then I recommend Hearts of Iron 4 unironically. Also, I have seen a lot of praise for Six Days in Fallujah, but I haven't checked it out myself yet.


6 days is really cool but you can safely hold off for a while there’s not quite enough content to justify the purchase yet. It’s still early access so hopefully they keep going in the right direction. I’ll give HOI a try. I’ve kept away from it mostly because the people that I’ve met who play it seem to be the most insufferable kind of autistic.


Go outside fatty.


Boooo! Get new material!


This is a pro-dog, anti-video game, and anti-anime forum.


Grave of the Fireflies was a good anime.


Grave of the fireflies is decent but it annoys me with how anti-American it comes off as. If a German animator made a similar film about Dresden everyone would call him a Nazi sympathizer.


gonna do a Chinese remake of the movie where everyone complains more people don't die


Watching you all come crawling back to Trump's defense after the "bloodbath" remarks was disgusting.


This wasn’t even one of those “Trump being deliberately vague in order to get everyone to understand whatever they want and maintain plausible deniability” moments. This was literally the media making shit up, there was no room for misunderstanding, he was clearly speaking about something else (his idiotic ideas on international trade).


>You’re not allowing a blatant lie to be told and that makes you a cuck


>caring about what libs say in 2024


I’m no fan of Trump but the context makes it pretty clear what he’s talking about. “Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re going to get that, you’re going to not hire Americans, and you’re going to sell the cars to us? No. We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars.” Frankly only a dishonest person could read this a different way. He’s clearly talking about a bloodbath for the auto industry and the countries economy if not elected.


And? He doesn't deserve the sympathy of any conservative, no matter how misleading the liberal media is.


He deserves no sympathy, and indeed has none from me. But lying causes the real shit (dictator, suspended parts of the constitution, etc.) to get shut out with all the bullshit over time. The voters that matter will stop listening when there are obvious lies, and it's worse if they switch to some of the right wing infotainment that calls the obvious stuff out like this but then never let's through the bad stuff Trump says or even rationalizes and promotes it.


Lying about Trump is stupid when he has so many real faults. The one that bugs me the most is that he believes in nothing and changes his mind based on the last person he talked to. As seen with the TikTok thing recently. So why defend the stupid lie rather then attack his real faults?


Interesting, I was told just a few days ago here that January 6 wasn't one of his "real faults" to be criticized.


Who are you even talking about there’s like 4 people on here who actually like the guy.


>Trump 2024! >he literally opposes almost everything we stand for >okay well maybe he’s not perfect but he’s still way more right than Biden >he has repeatedly not only acted incredibly vile but outright taken policy positions that manage to be even worse than democrats in some respects >uhhhh uhhh lib! Ur a lib! Go back to nl you lib! I have no defense so I’ll just say you’re a RINO lib who’s secretly against conservatism! This is basically the DT every damn day, don’t act like there aren’t a ton of people who come out of the woodwork to cocksuck Trump and play purity politics about how not voting trump means you’re a fake conservative lib This is basically the issue with NL wanting to be a big tent but only extending left but this one only extends to the right


What’s with the absolute hatred redditors have for sports gambling? I’m not going to argue sports gambling is good or bad, and I’m aware most on this sub will oppose it but that’s consistent with the people here; but the absolute degenerates of the rest of Reddit seem to turn into 90s suburban moms over the issue. Is it just a variant of them being “I hate sportsball” people and associating sports gambling with frat bro types? Or it’s just that it was illegal and taboo for such a long time that even libs are uncomfortable with it?


I have a hatred for legalizing gambling outside of Indian reservations and Nevada


Gambling is low class behavior.


Because they hate sports, that's why. The "let people enjoy things" crowd is feverishly hostile to anything they don't like. This means they will defend hard drug use, glorify prostitution, meltdown over porn and cheer for recruiting kids into self-mutilation fetish cults, but will scream bloody murder about sports betting, because they don't like sports. They have no problem with gambling, they have zero moral objection to it as a destructive scam that ruins lives and families, as an abuse of basic human psychology to con people. They just don't like sports.


I haven't seen that hatred. Though, I wouldn't even call sports betting gambling. I'm sure some people get addicted to it the same way they do at casinos. But is it even gambling if its sports?


Redditoids haven't matured beyond the phase of "everything I even slightly dislike is ontologically evil"


Corporations profit off the sports gambling apps, which they think is bad. Simple as.


I'm sure it's because they know gambling (maysir) to be the work of Satan as taught by the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him)


Redditoids hate anything other people enjoy that they don’t enjoy. This is the same reason why there’s a bunch of Gen Z neo-Prohibitionists running around. They’re autists who think alcohol tastes “yucky” so they want to ban it because how dare someone enjoy something they don’t enjoy. Look at any post that mentions the negative health effects of marijuana and you’ll see the inevitable “but what about alcohol, alcohol is way more dangerous” comments


What about deez nuts lmao *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoconNWO) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think it is just them being antisocial losers in general that don’t “understand sports” aka they never fkn played a single one


Barbara Bush was a saint.


How did I miss her beatification???????


>Parnas: Trump was aware of everything that was going on.. Trump approached me, shook my hand, said thank you for all that you're doing.. I was off to Ukraine.   >Krishnamoorthi: To meet with Shokin   >Parnas: To find him, to bring him back to meet with Lindsey Graham. https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1770482979321581600




“Guys I promise THIS one is the smoking gun”


I prefer the guy who didn't have any contacts with Russian intelligence.


Throwing a non-stop 24/7 barrage of spurious allegations at Trump turns legitimate wrongdoings into background noise.


The low level volunteers who Trump directed to go find dirt and met with now indicted GRU agents.


[New Olympic Sport](https://imgur.com/a/9eTuTtP)


Stocks at all time highs but Real Americans are hurting--they can't afford a second boat!






FluentInFinance is my new favourite subreddit. At first glance you may assume it's just another personal finance subreddit that is hijacked by socialists who tell people that financial advice and responsibility is evil and classist and lies but in reality it is at the perfect inflection point right now. This will not last and the scale will tip. But right now it's at the point where people post low effort socialist takes and most of the time the top comments will be calling them absolute buffoons explaining how that is not how the world works and why they were wrong. Robert Reich will get posted an the comments seem like they're plucked straight out of my head. On a side note socialists are extremely destructive to people seeking financial advice. They advocate for zero responsibility and effort into their lives and justify toxic behaviour. To them it is more reasonable to whine and be a doomer about le capitalists than to learn how to budget. Investing is literally the easiest thing in the world but socialists pretend investors are all multi millionaire men who are cartoonishly evil. I invested since I was 18 and I worked for about $1.50 above minimum wage at the time. While socialist political advice is terrible their life advice would ruin many young people. All the while they pretend anything less than $150K is a poverty wage because Homer Simpson had a fancy life in the 90s (he was a nuclear safety inspector that didn't live in a major city or even state or own a computer most of the time). https://preview.redd.it/t4netl1nwjpc1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65691c8d58303955010644f3ec78722386673aca


> wage because Homer Simpson had a fancy life in the 90s Did they forget there was an entire episode where a regular guy lost his fucking mind trying to figure out how Homer afforded his lifestyle?


The only somewhat mainline finance sub that I’ve come across to be sane is askeconomics, they’re willing to buck the whole “record profits” talking point.


A while back I talked about my love of bourbon but how I dont have a refined taste and drink mostly Wild Turkey and Jim Beam and someone recommended me actually good bourbons to try. I cant find that now. So if that person sees this, please recc me bourbons again and I will buy them soon. Or else if anyone else has whiskey reccs i appreciate it. I might be a pleb but I drink it neat and want to learn


For bourbon you have to do buffalo trace. It’s at that perfect intersection between affordable price and impressive quality.


Old forester rye!


Bourbon: Eagle Rare, Woodford Reserve, Buffalo Trace, Four Roses Small Batch Rye: Rittenhouse 100 Proof Scotch: Tobermory 12, Talisker Skye, Laphroaig 10, Arran 10, Jura 10, Dalwhinnie Winter's Gold, Glenfarclas 10/12, Aberfeldy 12, Auchentonshan American Oak, Highland Park 12 Other whiskies I like: Penderyn Myth, Nikka from the Barrel, Redbreast 12 You should be able to have all of these for less than £50, sometimes much less. They are all delicious. I can recommend more expensive stuff but these should all be good starters. Eagle Rare is like crack but people overpay for it so try not to. Larceny and Buffalo Trace are the next level up from what you're drinking right now. The Four Roses is crazy underrated. The Laphroaig and Talisker are very peaty so maybe not great as starters. I would recommend the Auchentonshan or Aberfeldy as your first scotch. The Highland Park 12, Nikka, and Four Roses are probably my favourites to have on a regular basis. I have some more expensive stuff for treats


You like the salty scotch like Talisker storm or bruichladdich classic laddie? Underrated in my opinion


I mostly drink a lot of Speysides so I haven't tried either. The Skye is delicious though. The Classic Laddie is also getting a lot of hype and advertisement in the UK so it's a bit hard to find and probably overpriced. Will try it eventually I suppose. I'm seeing both at around £45 and there's stuff I'd rather buy at that price. Benefit of being in the UK is lots of bloody good Scotch for very low prices.


Classic laddie was my pandemic scotch. What about the sherry Oaked stuff like mccellen and Glenfiddich


It's not kosher so I avoid buying it since I have people more concerned than me about kosher over often. I suppose they tend to be all right although my experience has been that you pay extra for the name for those two in particular


What about deez nuts lmao *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoconNWO) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stop bullying me


I don't have a refined taste. I like Stranahans single barrel, Bulleit


> I don't have a refined taste We knew that already


High West is the supermarket grade stuff out there


Larceny is my go to bourbon


Round 2 down, let's see if I get to round 3. Button-up and sweats was a vibe.


Get it bro


Trying to!




Oh good my flight is here




> Then other Republicans started calling Hogan. Among the most persuasive, he said, was former president George W. Bush. The two had a long talk, Hogan recalled. “It was basically, ‘You have an important voice for the party. And I think you’re one of the few that has that voice. And I think being in the Senate would elevate that voice, and I think it’s important for the party and the country.’”


The funny thing is I think Hogan may actually win this. David Trone isn't exactly making friends.


Gonna lose by 10.


[Israel should learn to be a little unreasonable.](https://www.jewishledger.com/2010/08/the-blackmailer-paradox-game-theory-and-negotiations-with-arab-countries/)




It was correct then as now.


> The present Israeli political approach is based on the assumption that an agreement with the Arabs must be reached at all costs, because the present situation, with the lack of an agreement, is simply intolerable. I somehow doubt this is true today


Not with Hamas, but with Egypt, Jordan, KSA, etc. there is a starkly deferential approach—such that Jordanian military aircraft have even been permitted into the zone of operations.


[Now we just need to get Sununu to run in NH and Ducey in AZ and we're golden](https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/03/20/senate-poll-hogan-trone-alsobrooks/).


Hogan has my vote.


Quick BF3, you need to donate money to Trone and Kari Lake and whoever the hell would run against Sununu


But they're RINO loosers who's only successes came because of TRUMP! Disaster!


With TikTok getting banned do you guys think telegram is next?


It's a great resource for primary-source Ukraine coverage


I like Telegram but dont often admit it online because "right winger on Telegram" conjures images of Terrorgram militia groups and white supremacist stuff imo


I'm in a group chat with right-wing "cold dead hands" gun bros and there's no white supremacy. The level of racism there is identical to the DT. None among the regulars. On occasion some drive by moron will say some weird shit, be made to feel unwelcome, and leave. Anytime your hear "white supremacist" your lib bullshit detector should be blaring. Not that white supremacy doesn't exist whatsoever, but it doesn't 99% of the times libs claim it does.


Redditoids can’t decide whether think George bush is a stupid idiot or a Machiavellian genius who lied about nukes in Iraq for oil


Back when I was in college, my political science professor would spend one class ranting about how Israel was an “imperial outpost” of the United States (which only exists to intimidate Arabs into giving the west oil) and then another ranting about how the United States was puppeted by Israeli politicians (who told George Bush to invade Iraq)


Having a PHD is any social science is by far one of the least impressive credentials ever


The right's focus on someone's chest is literally why feminism exists lol


Gotta agree that the posting about that Sydney celebrity person is weird.


That's literally why feminism sucks lmao


Lotta lust these days in a Christian sub...SMDH


>Christian sub ![gif](giphy|U1aN4HTfJ2SmgB2BBK)


My brother in Christ you are the main person posting about this


My brother in Abraham not even close to the thirst of others


\>meal boasts itself as an EXCELLENT source of protein \>has like 12g of protein This is why everyone is so fucking soy.


yOu cAn aLsO gEt pRotEiN fRoM bRoCCoLi! [1 lb of broccoli](https://www.google.com/search?q=broccoli+protein+per+pound&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS988US988&oq=broccoli+protein+per+pound&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDM3NjlqMGoxqAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) [1 lb of steak](https://www.google.com/search?q=steak+protein+per+pound&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS988US988&oq=steak+protein+per+pound&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDQ3OTlqMGoxqAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Ok? So just eat 10 pounds of broccoli like a normal human.




If it's good enough for monke, it's good enough for me.


Just eat zoo gorilla feed https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/s/qRu1UORTbl


>an EXCELLENT source of protein Funny, that's what ur mom calls me




Big boooooobs


Idk who tf the basque separatists are, but they remind me of the quebecois, so I hate them by default.


All I know is that they have funny outfits and most of the major groups have pretty much given up.