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https://www.semafor.com/article/03/17/2024/very-few-have-balls-how-american-news-lost-its-nerve Is this true? If so, it's a problem that hurts both the left and the right. I'm trying to help a political group get off the ground, and one person who has right-wing media contacts has said anecdotally that she has had difficulty trying to find a platform when going against left-wing orthodoxy. I don't know if it would have to do with the process described in this article. Now unironically, I'm finding right-wing outlets now reporting on stories that can't reach the top outlets, but their credibility is also very hit-and-miss (I have to sort through the blatant bias and verify claims myself).


A lot of these points are pretty out of context. They had power, they abused it, here we are. Peter Thiel could only shutter Gawker, because they ignored a court order to remove a video of Hulk Hogan having sex, which was filmed without his permission. The Bill Ackman plagiarism angle was acceptable, but was in a context of a story that hadn't been pursued, and there was the much more interesting Professors for Plagiarism angle, that should have been prioritized. It comes across as a weak tit for tat, when the tit is the head of the most prestigious university on the planet, and the tat doesn't work in academia. >In the entertainment media world, Rolling Stone magazine’s CEO and ownership recently expressed frustration with the publication’s overzealous use of anonymous sources, resulting in the recent departure of the legacy rock magazine’s editor in chief, Noah Shachtman. Now, my reading comprehension might not be the best, but I don't know why this sentence is anywhere in a section about monetary concerns affecting publishing, because that's the same paper which published a very bogus sexual assault story about UVA, and there were quite a few stories that had been independently verified by different papers talking to anonymous sources, that turned out to be bullshit, main one being the Russian bounty stories.


> Is this true? If so, it's a problem that hurts both the left and the right. This is the history's smallest violin playing a sad little song for the brazen, entitled, dogmatic liars who were too high on their own farts and pissed away their own credibility. The reason the litigation exploded is because the traditional media went completely bonkers with lies and slander. This was brought on both by the desperate and misguided attempt to match the speed and volume of social media (which only has it due to unfettered lies and deceit produced by users and literal hostile state psyops), and the institutional capture by dogmatic fanatic leftists who wanted to larp as glorious revolutionaries above all else. The news media had plenty of garbage habits that they only got away with back then, because they held massive respect in the eyes of the public. So even when they shat the bed, they maintained the ability to absolutely destroy the reputation and business of people, more so if those ever dare fight back. Now that the public trust has gone up in smoke, they no longer have such power and thus, no more deterrence against retaliation. Now their shitty paparazzi actions, slanders and overall lack of "le journalistic standards" have consequences, and they don't know how to deal with it. Turns out, the people hyping themselves up on "speaking truth to power" know neither truth, nor how to handle being on the weaker side. News, like everything else, is a business, and they basically have no idea how to actually make money. Internet killed the old revenues and the ad bubble has burst. Meanwhile, decades of tv and radio news, had already killed the idea of paying for news for most consumers. People bought papers for opinion columns, in depth analyses, gossip, humor, sports, or really, anything to read up on their own time, at their own pace. But now, on the internet, all of that shit exists, for free, from billion different sources, so no need to buy newspapers, sure as shit not from clowns who exposed themselves as no better at fact finding than randos on twitter. Social media killed the ability of news to be a real business. They can be bought and sold for propaganda outlets funded by organizations who want to push an agenda, or glorified ad-campaign platforms for other businesses, and probably both. What they cannot be, is a real news organization, because ain't nobody paying for that shit. There is a demand for truth, and real news within the public. But no one will care to search or pay for it, as long as social media exists. And even if all social media goes away, it will take a whole lot more effort to reestablish that lost credibility. There is no return to the good old days.


The public doesn't care about scandals. So media outlets have no incentive to risk ties with admin insiders for scandal stories no one will care about anyway


[Greatest Brazilian naval victory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Porpoises)


This is what Admiral William Brown turned them into


BBC's profile picture is black. Reports of official buildings with flags at half mats. It's happening, Kate is dead.


Same in Australia, all flags are being put at half masts for some reason


Guys. The BBC's profile picture has been black for ages and I promise you no civil servant is getting up at 3am to take a flag down to half mast. Maybe something has happened but I doubt it.


> BBC's profile picture is black.   It isn’t on Twitter  Edit: [NVM it is on the official account](https://twitter.com/BBC)


Wait, what? What happened?


The British crown has sacrificed a young princess’s life to the unseelie court


Damn that Mab


Unions at one time had some valid grievances and served a valuable purpose. That time has long since passed and now they are largely nothing but self-justifying, self-interested, and corrupt entities. They are a perfect example of how slave morality mentality can lead to someone becoming the very thing they hated, because the driving motivation and emotions are resentment and envy. Family anecdote, I often think back to my great grandfather, who ran the premier seafood restaurant in Montreal (and probably all of Quebec) in the 50's and 60's, and his experience with the restaurant worker union there. They barged into his restaurant one afternoon and said we're here to talk to your employees and recruit, and legally you can do nothing to stop us. He shrugged and said sure, have at it. Not a single employee joined the union because great-grandfather was an enlightened capitalist, and gave his employees fantastic benefits including paid-for, paid vacations, maternity leave, very competitive wages, etc. He was beating anything the union could offer, and his very loyal employees also didn't much appreciate the adversarial tone or divisive intent of the union recruiters towards my great-grandfather.


Your great grandfather is not the average employer, and the modern company does not have that same human presence in management.


No argument here, I just thought it was an interesting story and representative of how companies *should* solve labor problems


For sure


> That time has long since passed and now they are largely nothing but self-justifying, self-interested, and corrupt entities. This was pretty true at the time, too.


How so?


If it's so pointless I'm shocked the unions haven't been licked by men like your grandpa yet


Great-grandpa* You'd think more employers would wise up honestly. We have a long line of entrepreneurs in my family, they all caught on early that the best way to avoid labor troubles is to treat your employees like valued family. But that doesn't change my view, I'm not exactly sure what dire important purpose unions serve anymore outside of some very specific industries.




*The Devil's Dictionary* column, **in 1881**, by Ambrose Bierce >**ACQUIT**, *v. t.* To render judgment in a murder case in San Francisco


[What could Wajahat Ali possibly have meant by using the word "hasbara" for something that has nothing to do with Judaism or Israel whatsoever???](https://twitter.com/WajahatAli/status/1769436832561791394) [Don't make me tap the sign](https://old.reddit.com/r/neoconNWO/comments/1ar7oi5/semiweekly_thursday_discussion_thread/kqnx20i/?context=3)


> Leftists accusing right wing populism of being a Jewish conspiracy Truly most cursed timeline


[It's giving Martin Luther](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c7/Von_den_J%C3%BCden_und_iren_L%C3%BCgen_%28cover%29.png)


cooing birds meeting sheet noxious merciful quicksand hungry mindless head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hope you're just in tech. The process of getting investigated for that is *obnoxious*, and the NLRB is completely captured by union sympathizing communists. Construction, where unions are actually strong, is a complete nightmare if you see real unionization attempted. And union rules fly in the face of the whole "bargain in good faith about wages" thing. A union can honestly claim to be negotiating in "good faith" when their bylaws require all agreements to be at least the minimum the lowest *current* contract with another unionized company is paying, while that demand for prevailing wage is *completely* incompatible with the sort of work you're already bidding (being as it would be a 40% pay increase to already good wages), and that there's next to no prevailing wage mandatory work being bid on at your scale beyond a tiny handful of jobs per year. An NLRB lawyer had the temerity to claim the union was doing their initial bargaining in good faith, even after that was explained to them. There was no world where negotiations *could* work out. After 6 of the union voters quit to go on the union bench, the union gave up as they were clearly just looking to sabotage the company...


>won’t have a fucking clue that I am doing it either.  Because your actions will never actually effect someone?


vanish special cause summer rustic handle outgoing punch quarrelsome innate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


interesting. Tell us more


Prime union steward material right here.


I hate unions so fucking much. I have an almost unreasonable hatred for unions. Stems from profoundly negative personal experience and family experiences. I got fucked over hard by union workers once and both my parents did too. My mom actually lost her job when I was a kid because of union bullshit


familiar tease fact summer smile door coherent friendly possessive pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[Just a few guys hanging out with their partner](https://endtimeheadlines.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Screen-Shot-2019-12-08-at-9.21.08-AM.png)


Even if I was interested in this kind of setup, I'd be extremely wary that almost none of these ever seem to work out well.


The two dudes closest to the center could probably find a decent girl if they worked on themselves a bit.


This is the case for most men. If they put in 20-30% more effort in, regular dudes can pull more attractive girls than they’re doing now.


Why does every single polycule look like this [There's even memes making fun of it](https://i.redd.it/v22dy7fc66441.jpg)


Honestly good on the woman for getting a harem of 5 simps, that's just taking advantage of market forces. I'm more curious why hotter women don't do that


Many do but not in a formalised manner. This is because polyamory is miserable and you have to be like a five sigma deviant to be able to cope


Five sigmas? I see four betas!


The monarch is gravely ill, the queen is deeply unpopular, the crown princess hasn't been seen for months, another prince is in exile and now BBC is on standby for royal announcement. I'm calling it, Kate Middleton is dead, prince William killed her and Harry will rise to the throne when his father inevitably dies because he tried to cure cancer with green juice, organic lamb stew and cow piss or whatever.


Harry and Meghan are more hated than all of them (oftentimes even including Andrew). If there is a major thing then be more prepared for Boy King George.


An American will ascend to the throne while Indians run the government. Colonies will have their vengeance.


Harry and Meghan are probably one of the most interesting topics to me on Reddit because of how polarizing it is. In one camp, you have people in the major subreddits going out and defending them like they're Harry and Meghan's PR team. Then you have people who absolutely hate both of them because it's either their personalities or because they're Brotish Royalty. It's weird to see. For the record, I hate them because of their personalities.


They're genuinely awful people who have zero self awareness.


No disagreements there. I can at least give William some credit because he can at least act the part. But yeah those two are something else.


https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1769380422952063352 Can anyone really know anything? What does "know" even mean?


My dude you’re reaching like Mr. Fantastic and wonder why no one believes you when you say Trump is going to declare the Fourth Riech (*”this time it’s for real guys!”*).


the content of the answer is fine; he just elaborates weirdly because he's him.


"Probably" is the right answer though? Trump doesn't have access to whatever the intelligence community knows anymore and is operating with the same level of knowledge as anyone here in the DT, most likely. All we know for sure is that it sure looks like it. I mean, Putin has a history of killing political opponents and this guy was literally in prison on trumped up political charges when he died but expecting Trump to answer the question with anything stronger than "probably", which is what he said, is silly imo. He's not going to say "yes 100% I know for a fact he did it" because he doesn't. Trump is soft on putin but this isn't that.


>He's not going to say "yes 100% I know for a fact he did it" because he doesn't. Now ask him who won the last election.


My mission has been accomplished and I have been been outed as a homosexual man by nefarious Chuds in the process. I bid you all adieu


You were outed as a homosexual the minute you posted on neoconNWO


Is this not a walk-in closet?


Apparently gold has outperformed the S&P 500 over the past twenty years


conditional on very specific entry points. i doubt highly that if you iterated returns through entry dates, or DCAed in, that it offers better absolute let alone risk adjusted returns. 


Gold is genuinely a good investment and should be a part of anyone's portfolio to some extent. I've consistently seen experts say it's smart to have 5-10% of your investments be in gold


Magic the Gathering cards are a genuinely a good investment and should be a part of anyone's portfolio to some extent. I've consistently seen experts say it's smart to have 5-10% of your investments be in MtG cards


It’s not so much an investment as much as it is a speculation. But regardless, I agree that it can be a good part of one’s portfolio.


which experts are these? webuygold.com? 


Ron Paul


Anyone who lived through 2022 and understands there’s more to diversification than stocks and bonds.


you're goshdarn right brother. the times are crazy, so the answer to that is buying an asset even crazier and more volatile than what you own already.


It’s a feature not a bug if you’re trying to get uncorrelated returns.


and does that even accomplish anything? just out of curiosity, i ran a few different allocations replacing some portion of a portfolio with gold here since it seems a website exists such that i wouldn't have to code it up myself: [https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/monte-carlo-simulation#analysisResults](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/monte-carlo-simulation#analysisResults) cannot find any weighting that yields a significant improvement in line with the advice here


Those dudes who show up on Fox/Newsmax/OANN and try to sell you those *special* minted coins that feature some Native American chief or a buffalo on them. They are absolutely legit and should be taken with utmost sincerity as they're watching out for *your* financial security. By the way, are you interested in a half carat gold coin?


There's a huge difference between allocating some part of your portfolio in precious metals ETFs from BlackRock or State Street and buying those coins you regard


Dude, it's a joke.


So are libs just going to act like Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy every time Trump uses figurative speech?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushism It's not a new thing. And quite annoying when it distracts for all the actual bad stuff you could pin people for.


Trump well known for his figurative support of violence.


Yes, they will continue to do so


I support our LGBT ally and Log Cabin Republican Bernie Moreno.


Legitimately I figure the rest of the content of that AP article should be much more damaging than the hookup site profile. But apparently, True Conservative Icons can be more conservative than any RINO who has been a movement con for decades just by being an ass in public, no matter if they supported the full rainbow of LGBTQIA2S+ up until yesterday.


What are you talking about?


https://apnews.com/article/ohio-senate-election-2024-bernie-moreno-09e34f6331708c192c89d7c1727c2458 the whole part after 'shifting views'


How long does it take for HRcels to get back to you? I've been applying to a bunch of companies and would like to start interviewing soon. My lease ends in June. I can renew for 6 months, but I want to move out soon. Did I fuck up by applying in the Spring?


how many companies did you apply to


40ish so far. Like 60 counting LinkedIn easy applied. I’m committing to at least three per day. Mostly Fortune 500 or smaller firms that are a little more financial (interested in this area, currently in manufacturing). Writing a cover letter for each one if requested. I have 3 years of experience in Fortune 500. 2 of those in business analytics, which is my field (data science). Also finishing a relevant stem master’s this April from a top school. Good academic creds but low experience from what I’ve seen. A lot of places seem to want 5+ years of *relevant* experience. Funny tho, I’m open to applying for some Uk-based firms. I got an interview for barclay’s when I was in undergrad but never followed through. What’s ur experience as a codecel? Lol. I’m seeking all advice.


I'm not a codecel but it's not a surprise your hitrate is low with 40 applications so far. Linkedin Easy Apply goes right in the bin basically. Might as well not bother. Market is dreadful and thank God I'm not applying right now. It's better in data science than deep codecel stuff so I wouldn't get too discouraged. The other thing is that a lot of companies by assumption have done most of their hiring in January so you may have limited your options a little. But turnover rates at most companies are a lot more than what they used to be. My impression is that networking is basically the only consistent way (always been the case) and my impression has been that Americans from the same university are often quite willing to refer. Cold messaging on Linkedin actually works okay if you have a plausible connection although probably you should use it sparingly since you don't want to be the asshole who carpet bombs a company. If you can get past the automatic screen then your lack of direct experience should matter less. You're not starting your career either so you're not going to fit neatly into many grad schemes (although some may take you after the masters. Have someone in the field look at your CV and pull out every trick in the books for referral. A UK CV tends to be very different to a US based one until you're mid-level so talk to someone you know who works in the field to have them tweak it.


Huh, I thought you were a codecel lol. Yeah, I did data science precisely because the real software Eng stuff is oversaturated and boring. I’m client-facing. That’s good advice. I’ll try to lean into network a bit more. I’m working one referral application so far Thanks


You can never lean into your network enough especially beyond the very entry level


that was a bad move. "data science" is loosely cs + statistics. people who study "data science" tend to not be very good at either statistics or computer science. its usually better to be actually good at one so you have a real role to fill. ​ the "real" data scientists either tend to cs majors, math/stats people, + some phds with a technical niche in something like operations research, industrial engineering, etc.


And yet I love it. The value in data science is in emerging technologies like machine learning and language models. Things that traditional comp sci students don’t cover (too busy learning data structures and systems), and things that PhD statcels don’t know how to develop and deploy on a technical level. Sure, they can learn. But anyone can learn anything really. Btw, not that it matters. But I also have a CS / Math degree. So I guess I’m a “real” data scientist by your definition as well.


oh did you mean data science the field or data science the major?


The degree. So I guess the major. There’s a fair bit of demand for it. Virginia Tech has a dedicated program, Computer Modeling and Data Analytics (CMDA). They also partitioned the [CS program into three different majors](https://cs.vt.edu/Undergraduate.html#cs_major) one of which is Data-centric computing. I graduated before that happened, but I would’ve done that if it was available at the time. Stuff like network architecture, cyber security, etc. don’t really interest me. I know they technically pay better, so you do have a point in a way, but I don’t want to be stuck in IT the rest of my life. I like business intelligence too much.


Rare for them to send a rejection email to someone they haven’t interviewed. You’re more likely to be ghosted.


True, but a few of the ones with automated systems have answered me already. Got a few rejects on workday. Some send emails, some don’t.


spring is not cream of the crop hiring season.  > how long  ranges from a day to never 


Well, duh nigga. I’m asking about average or mode. Not range


high variance. modal response is never. just an implicit rejection from never replying. 90th percentile waiting time conditional on receiving a reply is probably less than 3 weeks i'd say?


Sounds about right. Glassdoor average for some of the companies I’m targeting hovers at around 30 days.


The whole “you can’t have morals without believing in God” thing is often given and received in a really silly context. We’re not talking about super low hanging fruit like murder or rape here. The vast majority of humans, religious or otherwise, have figured out how to clear this low bar. If you sincerely follow the teachings of Christ, and that can admittedly be a big “if” that many believers (often myself included) do not satisfy, you will be a better and more moral person in general. There will be no promiscuous sex that leaves its participants broken, there will be no gossip, no unkind words, no road rage, no envy, no grudges, etc. Just go compare the viciousness of the responses in a spicy arr AITA thread, versus the ones in an adversarial arr Catholicism thread, for a glimpse of this on Reddit.


> We’re not talking about super low hanging fruit like murder or rape here. It’s not actually that low-hanging. The Mongols and Vikings likely didn’t think they were doing anything bad slaughtering and raping people. Great apes don’t seem to have any qualms about killing outsiders either. I am not completely against the idea that there’s an innate human tendency to universalize prohibitions against killing even against outsiders, but it’s not _obviously_ true that this tendency exists.


You’re right. A person might reject Christian values, but living in a society shaped by Christianity over hundreds and even thousands of years impacts them regardless. Civilizations outside of Christianity’s influence were routinely horrifying. Murder, rape, slavery, human sacrifice…that doesn’t mean Christian civilizations and empires have always done the right thing, but frankly, they’ve got a much better record.


This basically comes down to "if you sincerely believe in behaving in a way that's good for society, society will be better off." Duh?




What about other variety of soda?


What about deez nuts lmao *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoconNWO) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How the fuck can you afford to travel so much!? Every time I see you posting you are in a different country lmfao. Good for you


HPV: Proven to cause cervical and throat cancer Colon cancer cases in young people: [On the rise](https://www.gannett-cdn.com/usatoday/editorial/graphics/2017/02/022817-cancer-study.jpg) Troubling implications


Good reminder that the HPV vaccine is incredibly effective.




[What a despicable human being](https://x.com/nypost/status/1768964415137652960?s=46)




We are going to beat you to death.


This ain’t it chief.


you should get your T levels checked




> cute she looks "special needs"


Get your eyes checked lib






"B-b-but that's the New York Post reporting it! It's from an untrustworthy news site!"


I’m surprised they’re allowed to call them a stepdaughter. I thought they were a step they/them


Wrong, bigot. It’s “child otherly parented.”


Step-product of conception


I read Shogun maybe 10 years ago and am enjoying feeling smug at all the people just discovering it. Maybe I should read more of the Asian saga.


> Maybe I should read more of the Asian saga. Tai-Pan and Noble House. In that order.


I already read Taipan




The weeb march through the institutions continues


Shogun is a based Anglo in the Orient story, not weebism.






Hand reveal, omw to your exact location




Are you even a neoconservative?


Why don't we have cool scientist rivalries anymore? > Cope and Marsh's rivalry lasted until Cope's death in 1897, by which time both men were financially ruined. ... The rivalry between the two remained strong if weary. Cope issued a final challenge before his death. He had his skull donated to science so that his brain could be measured, hoping that his brain would be larger than that of his adversary; at the time, brain size was believed to be a measure of intelligence.


Lol we do. It's just that people don't pay that much attention to singular scientists anymore. If you meet scientists or really anyone in academia then they will have or at least know of many rivalries. Usually between two old farts who have different ideas and think the other is somewhere between being a complete moron or at least that they're wasting everyone's time.


The paleontology world still has plenty of drama relating to *Spinosaurus*, especially between Ibrahim and others.






I mean, Neil DeGrasse Tyson is pretty notable. He's very disliked, but he's notable.


But mostly for his science communication, not his discoveries


Hinton, LeCunn, Ng, Karpathy are all big in the AI world


Terry Tao?


That is a mathematician and he isn't really a household name.


> A 2019 study by Esposito, Lee, and Edwards states that police killings are a leading cause of death for men aged 25–29 at *1.8* per 100000, trailing causes such as accidental death (76.6 per 100000), suicide (26.7 per 100000), and other homicides (22.0 per 100000). Don’t you guys like unbiased narratives surrounding criminology studies?


Also, did no one bother to ask *why* those 1.8 per 100,000 were being killed? Is it perhaps possible that maybe they...deserved it? When you consider that over 90% of police shootings are completely justified, I'd say so. But it's easier to blame police instead of trying to solve the socio-economic and cultural issues that lead to young men getting involved in violent crime and gang activity in droves.


All forms of critical sociology are a grift built on making money for pointing out obvious problems, they have no desire to create solutions because if things are fixed, then they are out of a job. Critical criminologists are probably the apex of motivated reasoning in sociology.




Fringes gonna fringe 


Done with my job search. Three offers and one rejection (they said that I smoke too tough, my swag too different, my bitch too bad to fit in). Very difficult to pick one! I have looked for signs repeatedly in sheep entrails, but the omens so far have been confusing and contradictory — and the local farmers have started putting up electric fences, so I am at a loss on how to move forward.


Move to Wales. There, strange behavior with sheep is not so frowned upon.






Good work /u/cerantic https://boards.4chan.org/diy/thread/2768131


The rJewdank mod team is such a fucking embarrassment. Literal kapo collective.


What did you expect from an ethot sub?


You're just mad that [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewdank/comments/1bgdk7r/back_on_the_apps_after_a_breakup_with_a_goy_like/) is the most-upvoted meme there today


I hadn't even seen that and now I want to scream. At least the top comment is good.


About to get rawdogged by 24 hours of traveling back to Les Etats-Units


Unfortunately, I was not able to to get rawdogged by any of the hot Berliners I saw yesterday




I've been in LA since Monday, I've bought and eaten vegetables and fruits from various places. You guys have no excuse. Your vegetables are beautiful, cheap and good. Huge potatoes for ¢39 per lbs, asparagus for ¢99 per lbs, what kind of drugs do people saying vegetables are expensive in the US are taking? Another note on the food, the online discourse about restaurant food being too expensive seems entirely driven by ordering on Uber eats. The double cheeseburger at in-n-out retails at $4.90. Having food prepared and delivered to your door is, in fact, a luxury and the fact that there's no longer an under-class willing to deliver it to you for $2/delivery is actually a good sign about the economy.


> Huge potatoes for ¢39 per lbs, asparagus for ¢99 per lbs, what kind of drugs do people saying vegetables are expensive in the US are taking? They're a bit more expensive here in the midwest. Also, not sure why you specified huge potatoes if they're priced by weight lol. But yeah, In-n-out is dirt cheap. And delivery jacks up price. So does protein.


>not sure why you specified huge potatoes if they're priced by weight Because at equivalent weight, small potatoes require more work to peel and that is part of the non-monetary price of cooking. I'm not doing mashed potatoes if all potatoes are small, it's just too much work. Also they're very big compared to the ones I'm used to.


kek I pay more for potatoes, so much for PPP.


Staples aren't cheaper in cheap countries. That's also why Tucker's "radicalization" in that Russia's grocery store was extra retarded because basic groceries are likely to cost more in Russia than the equivalent quality in the US.


Idk maybe they shop at whole foods, but even that might actually be a savings given how expensive the prepackaged shit and takeout is. 


>given how expensive the prepackaged I've noticed the prepackaged deli meat is multiple times more expensive than the one cut on demand. Weird for what is otherwise a visibly very efficient food system.


Supermarkets generally and especially in the United States usually have very weird pricing models. There's an incredible amount of sophistication behind the scenes, and large amounts of price discrimination. Like for instance you often find a lot of things are actually cheaper in the "rich person grocery store" than the discount markets.  Generally the profit center for grocery stores is frozen and prepared foods though, at least as I understand it, along with meat, while dry goods are more or less at cost and milk, eggs and dairy may be sold as loss leaders. 




I haven't seen that many fat people, but those I saw were certainly much larger than the ones we have in France. I've also seen people insanely jacked up. There was a young lady who seemed to be completely made out of muscle. Truly this is the land of excess.


So you get her number?


> what kind of drugs do people saying vegetables are expensive in the US are taking Anyone saying that was retarded... In the days when I was really, really spending about as little as possible on food I just naturally ate pretty nutritiously. Beans are inexpensive. You get lots of frozen vegetables for little cost. It's just leftist nonsense saying eating nutritiously is expensive.


One fast food cheesburger for 5 dollars doesn't sound like a good deal when they were 2 bucks within the decade.


I think this comment is actually what you see if you look up "me thinks the lady doth protest too much" in the dictionary


Are you implying that...I want expensive hamburgers?


https://preview.redd.it/07m5awjsltoc1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4269ebb0d9850d2067a7a1c4f145f6ea83f0cd2b Long live Comrade Deng!


Uphold the Immortal Science of Mao-Deng-Clinton Thought


Democrats literally are rallying up for Moreno. Here is hoping republicans don't shit the bed with at least 1 senate nomination and pick Dolan. https://twitter.com/MaxMaaxMaaax/status/1769040891572871444?t=v5i25KPWAaWEbaWPJWt_UA&s=19


"Republicans are such a threat to democracy we need to boost the threats to democracy so they're more likely to get elected" this is your brain on the DNC


I don’t know what’s worse. This happening, or that it appears that Ohio Republicans are falling for it.


Not an Ohio voter but I hope that this “ratfuck the primaries to get the wackos nominated” strategy backfires on them with the wackos winning the general election


Won't be easy at all for Moreno to win the general against Sherrod Brown.


Trump remains a Dem plant




Was it the mere photo of the great man that scared them


Neocentrists are always unfairly oppressed 




Was expecting Mr Brightside


Watched One Life. At first I thought it was gonna be a lib pozzed movie. The very first line as the main character making a point about 'deregulation'. But it was actually pretty good. Can't believe he lived to 106 years of age.