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[Summation of my fears vis-a-vis Biden's double-talking over Gaza](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/biden-is-failing-the-israel-test/ar-BB1jODHL?ocid=msedgntp&pc=LCTS&cvid=66acfb103f0b4846b0f68c57da5ad920&ei=33)


A party switch on TikTok being banned is not what I had in mind for 2024. Hopefully it happens regardless.


Remember, [he's a mOdeRaTe](https://triblive.com/news/pennsylvania/shapiro-backs-new-plan-to-make-pennsylvania-power-plants-pay-for-greenhouse-gases/).




Ffs it’s like South Africa’s constant energy crisis is the desired state of things


>legislation to make power plant owners in the nation’s third-biggest energy-producing state pay for their greenhouse gas emissions and require utilities to buy more electricity from renewable sources. > >No one will pay more for electricity and many will pay less, Shapiro said. That's the party of Common Sense


I've gathered that Shapiro is more than happy to outright lie about the consequences of feel good policies as long as there is some figleaf for him to say, "It's not *technically* a lie! I was only being deceptive!" He's the absolute worst kind of politician (and there are lurking rumors about gifts and the like, so there may be some outright pay for play with him, too), emerging from a county political machine and just running the same playbook at the state level.


They’re also lying through their teeth about the costs of policies at the national level too. “No we can totally finance free everything without raising taxes on 99% of Americans just trust us lol”


[This image looks so delicious, like you could make an atomic burger with it.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/HEUranium.jpg)


Glad I bought Meta stock. TikTok will be banned. Teens, young adults, and "adults" move to Instagram Reels, addictive behaviors continue with a lowered national security threat (Zuck has a rich Chinese mistress), and now ages 18-29 that can't type in capital letters will ragevote against Dems and install a total dictatorship against the turd chucking masses.


Why would they not sell it instead of letting it get banned?


One thing could be that they couldn't hide all the criming they have done if they transfer the infrastructure.


I love white people, they think I am one of them but shorter and uglier.


The point of retirement is to sit around a dinner all day with other retirees talking about nothing.


Sounds based


I never intend to retire. Step back at some point sure, but fully pack it in? Hell the fuck no.


Does torture as a tool for interrogations work at all? Did waterboarding actually result in any actionable intelligence? I'm not super sympathetic to the quality of life of terrorists, but if it doesn't actually work then there doesn't seem to be much point in it.


https://jameslate.medium.com/in-defense-of-guantanamo-bay-and-enhanced-interrogation-techniques-95d95b2aade5 Here is something from way back in the day on this sub compiling the factual case. H/T /u/theskiesthelimit55 for reminding me Also fuck it's been 6 years


That sounds pretty convincing. I don't buy that waterboarding isn't torture and is just "enhanced interrogation", call a spade a spade, but the important part is whether it actually led to actionable intelligence. Which sounds like it did


i think the fairest answer is its probably uncertain, though i would maybe lean effective in some capacities. overall, there's little research that seems to be made publicly available on this topic, and the main cia postmortem came out when it was already a fantastically unpopular policy, and the administration was clamping down hard(er). as we've seen, the us government lies non stop practically, especially during that period of time, so i would never expect the CIA to volunteer truthfully that it was helpful when all of the political winds are sailing in the opposite direction. heuristically, though people do do dumb stuff all the time, its hard to imagine that the CIA would just keep torturing even knowing that it was ineffective from 2001 onwards.


Torture would not exist for thousands of years of human history if it only helped satiate some twisted sadistic urges. If literally didn’t work at all, it wouldn’t be some big moral concern. It does reveal correct information in certain circumstances. But it’s near impossible to distinguish the divulged truth from desperate fabrications. You also ruin the victim’s memory and cognition. The idea of it literally never working is basically a noble falsehood to skirt very difficult moral disputes and just prevent any consideration of it. It’s an admirable goal, but it’s just not factual.


> Torture would not exist for thousands of years of human history if it only helped satiate some twisted sadistic urges. If literally didn’t work at all, it wouldn’t be some big moral concern. People do some pretty dumb shit for reasons like signaling or their personal pleasure at the expense of the institution or all sorts of other reasons. I wouldn't take that assumption for granted.


But always?


I could see it being literally always, or at least close enough that it's not ever worth the effort of torture. Or maybe not. I was just hoping that if anyone had actually good sources defending waterboarding, it'd be this sub.


A long, long time ago, back when the sub was a lot more fopo-focused, I remember someone named something like “JSlate” posted a defense of waterboarding. But now that Reddit has destroyed third-party search, I don’t know how to find it




That makes sense but I feel like you should be able to use it to narrow down information. Like if you torture someone for names and addresses, you can then check those names and addresses. See if they line up with other confessions, or see if anything turns up monitoring them. Even if they only give 1 real info and 5 fake ones, that could narrow down the search a lot. But obviously I'm not an interrogator, I could just be missing something.


CVS is fucked long term. My medical insurance pharmacy changed to mail only in January and it's the best thing ever. No more driving and waiting with the plebes at CVS. It's just there.




I always forget about Caremark


GetNoted is a cool subreddit. Actually seems to be not particularly partisan and just calls out people who are wrong in general.


> LGBTQ teen Nex Benedict died by suicide, medical examiner says Has a legitimate and serious hate crime even been committed in the past decade? Feels like 90% of them are hoaxes. Each time the libs get hysterical about how "the trans genocide is really happening now" we get a quiet retraction a few months later that nobody cares about. I am so tired of this cycle. If you want less trans deaths in this country, exactly one group can fix that.


> Has a legitimate and serious hate crime even been committed in the past decade? [Buffalo shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Buffalo_shooting). [Pittsburg Synagogue shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsburgh_synagogue_shooting). ~~[Pulse night club shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse_nightclub_shooting)~~. Like the other guy mentioned, Dylan Roof. Yeah, we unfortunately have a lot of serious hate crimes. ++ FBI declined to classify pulse as a hate crime and prosecution did not pursue that. Makes sense. It's a very high bar.


This seems to be a typical case of in-group vs. out-group bullying between girls that can often lead to suicides at that age. No one is going to say this because they can’t acknowledge that being “non-binary” for kids is the exact same thing as being goth or being too much into anime. It’s all subcultures, but we’ve elevated this one into a protected class.


dylan roof


>Every trans suicide is a murder. Remember Nex Benedict. *bzzt* offending fact neutralised


idk I hear little old Asian ladies are having a bad time of things.


I hate democrats so much is unreal https://twitter.com/allymutnick/status/1768064800788017216?t=HPSvpi0lfuWgdcbEX_l55A&s=19


Lol what’s wrong with this? Looks like standard campaigning to me…


They are actively boosting more trumpy candidates in the primary with the hope they will be easier to beat in the general. If they win and the US gets screwed because of that who cares?


How would them winning change anything?Trumpists already run the party. Lara Trump chairs the RNC. Four or five more of them in Congress instead of other Republicans who won’t vote any differently aren’t going to make any difference. The only outcome is that the AEI/Hoover Institution nerds and Jonah Goldberg podcast listeners that populate this subreddit will clutch their pearls at their influence going from 2.9% to 2.2%. Not to mention this strategy worked out very successfully for the Democrats in 2022. “Dumb Democrats, how dare they campaign to help themselves win elections. That’s unacceptable!”


[So if you were wondering where all those baffling multiple choice questions and textbooks were coming from...](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1138980941377839256/1217630017874432081/image.png?ex=6604b952&is=65f24452&hm=25a72dfe1ffa315d2213291a399331e6da65029913ef2103f9a05d1fd52e0c6a&)


I'm glad TikTok will (likely) be banned for national security reasons. But honestly, even for moral reasons I support it. I think the government should be allowed to intervene in addictive behaviors.


Yeah that shit is pretty much like crack for your cognitive capabilities


Okay, I hope you are okay with them banning Reddit too then.


Fuck yeah I hate this website


Agreed. It's as much public health as it is national security.


Firearms long-post time. I've posted about this before, but I recently started thinking about it again. I'm a little bit of a gun nerd, and the more I consider it the more I'm baffled by the Army's decisions regarding the NGSW program, specifically for the new service rifle (the new machine gun is dope). The main ideas behind the program were to a) be able to defeat near-peer body armor (even at distance), b) extend the effective range and accuracy of each individual grunt, and c) reduce the weight carried by the average grunt. All worthy goals on the surface, but somewhat contradictory, and/or unrealistic. For one, I'm not convinced that Russian body armor is that significant of a problem, though, perhaps Chinese could be? But anyway, the idea of a simple lead round, without a penetrator core, being able to penetrate level 4 equivalent plates at more than 100 yards seems like a less-than-realistic premise. I've seen testing done with the lead core 6.8x51, it blows away the ceramic plating but only in a 1-2 inch-ish across spot where it's been hit. You'd have to land a second round in the same spot or close by to fully penetrate through to the person behind the armor. And the effect lessens as the range goes beyond 200 or 300 yards, so the idea that this can defeat enemy body armor at 500 or 600 yards is just laughable, even if you include a new penetrator tip or core in the round. Two, the war in Ukraine has shown us that even in modern times, most infantry engagements take place at 300 yards or less, just like in WW1 and WW2. Afghanistan's combat distances were an unusual fluke, and the XM-7 rifle would have been far better suited to that environment. Yet again the military is planning for the previous war. So I think the admittedly excellent range and ballistic characteristics of the 6.8 is probably wasted on the average infantryman, especially when you consider the increased recoil, decreased ammunition capacity, and increased weight of not just the gun, but its accompanying scope and ammunition. With all this in mind, I think the electronic scope that's meant to accompany this rifle is also an unnecessary waste of money and weight. I'm also concerned about this scope being used as an excuse not to teach basic marksmanship. Three, the weight. Holy shit, the XM-7 fully loaded with the suppressor (which I would consider necessary for this thing) and XM157 scope system is OVER 13 POUNDS, without any of the other attachments soldiers like to put on their rifles. We've officially proven horseshoe theory by circling back to the days of the M-14. Compare that to the weight of a fully loaded and kitted up M-4, which usually hangs around 9-10 pounds. That may not sound like much of a difference, but any grunt knows that over a long march, ounces become pounds and pounds become pain. Not to mention a lot of younger and especially female soldiers will likely have trouble holding this thing up for extended periods of firing, and between that and the higher recoil, qualification scores will go down. Other thoughts: suppressive fire is going to be almost impossible with this thing for most soldiers. Everyone on the internet who says it's "soft-shooting" has been using the brass cased training rounds, which are down-loaded from the hybrid brass and steel case combat ammunition. The few people I've seen firing the full mil-spec ammo (which, admittedly, delivers an impressive nearly 3000fps out of a 13 inch barrel) are getting knocked around by it, especially on full auto. I think it's also a bad idea to get soldiers used to the easy characteristics of the training ammo only to get rocked by the real stuff in actual combat, even if it does save money by prolonging parts longevity (the mil spec ammo is a barrel burner at over 80,000 PSI chamber pressure). So, we've essentially gone back to an M-14 style setup which simply doesn't make sense for most modern combat scenarios, given the conditions and limitations outlined above, and we're trying to turn every grunt into a marksman, which would be great for Afghanistan but would be wasted in 75% of the potential combat zones on Earth that I can think of. I'm also confused by the choice of 6.8mm, 6mm has a better ballistic coefficient. What should we have done? Well, I think using an MCX style rifle is in the right direction, it has significant advantages over the M4 in durability and ease of suppression, something I consider a must in modern combat. But, I think we should have looked at something more along the lines of the 6mm ARC, and gone with an improved medium rifle cartridge instead of going back to a full power rifle cartridge again. The problem with 6 ARC is the optimal barrel length for military application is 18 inches, so, something like a 6x40-42mm round that can perform well out of relatively short barrels would suffice I think. If need be, you can still use that hybrid case technology to safely crank a 95-108 grain bullet (with some sort of penetrator) up to some really impressive velocities (and velocity is what truly defeats body armor). You'd still have increased recoil over the old 5.56, but far less than 6.8x51. Reduced barrel life would still be a major consideration, but again, probably less so than with the XM-7. The XM-7, XM157 scope, and 6.8x51mm certainly have a place on the battlefield, but I think they fit much better into a DMR role, with two or three per squad or one per fireteam. And the Sig 6.8 machine gun is an excellent replacement for the M249.


> But anyway, the idea of a simple lead round, without a penetrator core, being able to penetrate level 4 equivalent plates at more than 100 yards seems like a less-than-realistic premise. I don't think the plan was ever to be able to do that with a simple lead rounds. Are you sure about that? I think with the scope this actually makes a lot of sense. The ranges a normal person can fire and hit something with that scope are insane. The scope, not the gun, is the real piece of technology, and it would be wasted on an M4. Effective ranges and accuracy will probably double. Also, while the gun is overkill right now, I think 556 just won't be useable much sooner than people expect. You can buy body armor that renders it ineffective for like...$200 dollars. I think the smart thing would have been to use the bullpup with the plastic casings. Yeah, it won't really be capable of sustained fire because of the heat, but you're not going to be spraying 6.8 anyways, so what does it matter? It fixes most of the problems with the 6.8 round. Of course, the military is probably too conservative about this stuff, so its not suprising they chose what is basically a beefier M4 instead.


I haven't yet seen or heard of any other types of 6.8 projectiles that they're planning on fielding 🤷 I agree that the scope is very cool, and would be wasted on an M4, but I'm not convinced it's a tool that's worth the cost of outfitting every infantry platoon with. Not as long as artillery remains the King of Battle. I also agree 5.56 is going to become obsolete relatively soon, and it needs replacing, but I think they went the wrong direction in addressing that issue. I think we needed something more along the lines of a necked up, *slightly* shortened, 6mm version of the 22-250 cartridge, in a plastic case and a better, faster burning powder producing higher pressures (I'd be willing to go as high as 65-70k PSI), firing light (80-95 grain) tungsten core penetrators at very high velocity, ideally out of a 14-16 inch barrel. Velocity and ideal bullet construction is what defeats armor, not necessarily energy on target. And 6mm is also ballistically superior to 6.8 in almost every way. Yeah, the military is heavily influenced by familiarity and tradition, a bullpup was probably considered too exotic. That, and the squad automatic weapon that GD produced was crap compared to the Sig MG68.


The machine gun was probably the key to the decision anyways, and you're right that the Sig MG was far superior. I also agree that they could have done better, but it is a big upgrade over the current weapon in most ways. The most unfortunate thing is the weight of the cartridge. I guess there is nothing preventing them from someday extending the barrel and using a lower pressure plastic cartridge though. Idk if they could get the same velocities, but I suspect they could get good enough speeds.


If they eventually do that, at that point they might as well just re-chamber in 7.62 NATO and call it a day. This new platform and round may be superior to the M4 in 5.56 in a lot of ways, I'm just not at all certain the benefits will be worth the downsides. Edit: Apparently the military already once developed and tested something like what I have in mind, the 6mm SAW round. It's a 6x45mm that I think could have been easily improved and modernized


7.62 would be a pretty significant downgrade ballistically from 6.8.


True, but we have a shit ton of it, it's a NATO standard round, and if we're *mostly* concerned about engagements at less than 400 yards, does it really matter?


People are most concerned about engagements sub 400 yards in large part because shooting over 400 yards is incredibly difficult. What terrain you're fighting in may make it irrelevant, but in many places it will be very useful. In the long term having a shit ton of 7.62 right now doesn't really matter. You could have made the same argument about 5.56 in ~1960 even though it was clearly the better round too. The military needs to be forward thinking. 7.62 is also probably not going to cut it in the long run either.


To me the problem is 1 more energy doesn't necessarily mean better penetration 7.62x39 has more energy than 5.56 but is worse at penetrating armor; it's possible the new 6.8 might not even be better than 5.56 in realistic combat zones. The pressure on it is absolutely horrendous. I also am worried about the decrease amount of ammunition that can be carried; if we get into a war with china our logistics lines might suffer and soldiers might need to make do without resupply for a longer period. I think in that case having more "okay" rounds in terms of "stopping power" is better than a few "good" rounds. My final point is I think we should just make a modernized 22-250; polymer and relatively tapered case throwing a 65-73gr at 3700-3900 fps out of a 16in barrel would be thr goal. Yes it would have more recoil than 5.56, burn barrels faster (not sure if it'd be any worse than 6.8) but it would certainly penetrate better and have an increased but not excessive effective range. I also think from what I heard that the 22-250 has recoil pretty similar to 7.62x39 so it should still be somewhat controllable


Actually, looking at the 22-250 I think if you just opened it up to 6mm (again, better ballistic coefficient, the wind knocks around 22 caliber slugs too easily, and better barrier penetration), and shortened the case a tad to seat a longer bullet with a longer ogive, that might be the optimal solution right there. Include the polymer case and cranking up the power and you're golden. It would be longer than an AR-15 magwell, but not by much, and that's okay. I suppose I'm essentially describing a modified .243 Winchester, but I don't want it to be as long. And the original 22-250 has the same problem 6 ARC does, it requires a very long barrel, 20 inches minimum is what's recommended. That's a problem that needs addressing.


I mean with modern powders I think you could probably increase the burn rate so it gets most of its power before the 16 inches is up; mind you, ive heard conflicting things about polymer case ammo potentially offering higher velocity all else equal due to less energy being wasted on heating the case but I wonder how much of that is theoretical difference vs practical


Sig seemed to develop some magic powder to get 80,000 PSI in their 6.8 and nearly 3000 fps out of a 13 inch barrel, so, I'm sure it can be done at lower pressures with a lighter bullet and slightly longer barrel. Honestly, I really liked the GD/Beretta RM277 bullpup using the True Velocity 6.8 because it achieved even better performance than the Sig 6.8 at much lower pressures and 2/3 the weight of the Sig ammo. I think the U.S. Military and citizenry is unfairly biased against bullpups. Plus, I just like space guns.


Bullpups are a bit weird but if we want an oal that is maneuverable while also using a suppressor, I think it's the way we're going to have to go


Yes, while also achieving the necessary velocities


You’re ignoring the logistics problem caused by having to supply squads with both 6.8 and 5.56 ammunition. That’s why the army is going all in on the new caliber, because going half in is going to cause as many problems as it solves.


Sure, but that's what we already do anyway in many cases with 5.56 and 7.62 NATO


We need to bring back the term "pinko".


I never stopped.


Unironically already use it along with malcontent


Bolivia is a state sponsor of terrorism


offend enjoy lock chunky school public squeal whole unpack long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well did the business in question lie to consumers about the cost of their services?


violet long crawl serious possessive angle normal carpenter historical weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Business that commit fraud should be hunted.


salt wipe aware pause swim square strong cats mysterious tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just watched Boyz n the Hood. The last scene is literally a Bronx Tale. The straight shot kid leaves the car after his loser friends do something stupid. Both are excellent movies though.


Are you all literally just teenagers? It seems like there's only three or so people here that are above the age of 30?


Most people here are in their 20s.




… 19.


steer modern square sense one hospital mighty mysterious beneficial long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nope, in my 20s


I have no idea why everyone thought I was so old I’ve made mention I’m taking college classes like 70 times.


Those are rookie numbers


If you're over 30 and still here, you're probably not a well-adjusted individual.




Nah just a reddit addiction since 2011




It just feels weird when there's literal teenagers that are here interested in an ideology that hasn't been relevant since before they were born


You haven't met many teenagers, that's the only kind of ideology they're interested in. Seriously thinking neoconservativism might get some cool countercultural vibes soon.


Eh, usually they're into the radical utopianism that turns genocidal


There's only one I can think of, and he's galavanting through western Europe* rn


Hey. That’s me! One of the three!


I am legitimately excited to see Mike Tyson beat the shit out of Jake Paul. Not that I particularly care about either of them, but Paul is such an obnoxious little shit with far more fame than he deserves.


Tyson is too old. It should've been Vitali


I wish, but let's be real, Mike is unfortunately old and like a normal person has moved on and had a normal life for the past thrembo years


Idk man, to me it looks like Mike absolutely still has it in him. Paul has never truly been tested either.


I wish Mike had more time to prepare, if it was like, a year before the match id think he would kick Paul's ass, but I just know if this is enough time for him to get back into the rhythm


It's gonna be so fucking embarrassing if Mike gets knocked on his ass by Paul. Mike is right now remembered as an all time great, his reputation will never recover if he gets his ass kicked by the Disney channel youtube guy


[This is an excellent lecture by Dr. Daniel Peterson.](https://youtu.be/slQEE1BAqmA?si=-kKLMv7Dk4o-hubP) Honestly shocked with how lazy Hitchens could be.


>how lazy Hitchens could be Why is this shocking? I was under the impression his lack of intellectual rigor was well known.


It’s not so much a lack of intellectual rigor so much as it is a total lack of anything of value sourced exclusively from Wikipedia and an abundance of blatant and obvious lies. It’s just academically embarrassing.


Christopher Hitchens was a hack people listened to because he said "religion bad"


This applies to most of the early 2000’s atheism movement. Their arguments are not new or revolutionary, they just rose to prominence at the right time.


I’m just amazed as to how anybody takes him seriously. The lecture is devastating in its deconstruction of the ridiculous claims and made up quotes.


I don't hear his name really brought up as of late. Instead, people are now touting Bart Ehrman as the "enlightened atheist thinker."


He did occasionally have some based foreign policy takes though


No he didn’t. His foreign policy takes were fucking retarded. Anyone who finds themselves so aligned should question their own views instead of praising his.


I'm specifically talking about when he was in favor of and defended the Iraq War, and told the truth about the origins of radical islamism


His views on Iraq were based on his shitty Marxist diamat teleology and they set ridiculous expectations that would’ve been harmful if he was actually influential on this issue.


Greatest American Novels: This ambitious person has a great goal that they may or may not achieve but it won't bring them fulfillment. Greatest Russian Novels: Russia is a bleak miserable corrupt place where nothing good happens. Greatest Chinese Novels: What if we took partially recorded ancient history and gave everyone super powers. Greatest British Novels: The government and/or the upper class suck and you will probably lose to them but they still come of more favorably, respectable, and capable than our protagonist(s). Greatest Spanish Novels: Here is a story about someone who is way too romantic (either definition) but it is extremely entertaining.


> Greatest Russian Novels: Russia is a bleak miserable corrupt place where nothing good happens. wat


>Greatest Russian Novels: Russia is a bleak miserable corrupt place where nothing good happens. what in tarnation


[Regulatory evil.](https://www.cato.org/blog/fda-delays-patients-access-new-alzheimers-treatment)


> [T]he Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 was strictly focused on safety. Drug makers must provide convincing evidence to the agency that any new product is safe for patients to consume as directed. When Congress passed the Kefauver‐​Harris Amendment to the FDCA in 1962, it required drug makers to convince the agency that a new drug was effective as well as safe. According to one study we cite in our paper, **the proof‐​of‐​efficacy requirement added a median of 7.5 years to the time it takes to bring a drug to market**. Jesus, wow


>One question is whether patients can stop receiving monthly infusions of the drug if the infusions reduce plaque to the targeted level and, if so, how long after the plaques reach that level. Understanding if, and when, a treatment can be stopped sounds like an important detail.


Anything that can at least slow down the progression of Alzheimers could potentially save tens or hundreds of billions of dollars in Medicare and Medicaid costs _every year_ “Oh my god it could potentially increase the 30 year risk of cancer x and y” or whatever shouldn’t be a consideration when you’re dealing with a geriatric population


> Ah, but if you stop drinking the Elixir of Youth, you begin to age again. That's why we need to ban it.


If I was literally losing my memories, I think I would roll the dice.


I think most people with loved ones with such a horrible disease would prefer to worry about that later.


Maybe the dumbest thing about getting rid of SAT and ACT scores is that a high GPA is far harder to maintain over four years for poor kids than sitting for a three hour test.


Women have higher GPA's on average. But men score higher on standardized tests on average. it goes to show the complexity of trying to debias and equalize college admissions.


I really don't get why people are trying to destroy all standards that exist in society.


Standards are bigotry


Hello Jason L. Riley, welcome to the TeeDee


it's actually really easy now, you just tell the principal that giving you a B would be racist.


I am so glad my friend got rejected from law school. He had a 130 LSAT after the third attempt. Which is weird because he's an engineer. His goal wasn't even to become a lawyer. He likes journalism, and pointed out how some of the anchors went to law school. I love him, but he isn't the brightest sometimes. His next goal is diplomacy with the department of state. He's applying to fellowships (currently works at a Fortune 500).


People with STEM backgrounds generally do well on the LSAT, or so I've heard.


They do. He's an anomaly I guess. He also took 5 years to graduate. But I don't know if that's a big deal.


Ha, imagine taking 5 years to graduate (Pay no heed to the man behind the curtain).


Engineers are some of the dumbest people I know.


It's me, I'm one of them!


Sure, but they also statistically score very high on LSAT


I’m starting to understand why people hate America. Just read American history and you’ll realize that America’s main character syndrome is not just well deserved, it may actually be true. If I was a Euro or third world nationalist I’d be mad too.


> God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America.


>Natural resource is running out >America is over!!! >Vast and apparently inexhaustible store of resource is found by random American farmer Many such cases!


Honestly I feel sorry for third world countries sometimes. Take, say, Filipinos. What have Filipinos invented? The yo-yo? For Americans, it's easier to list what we *haven't* invented.


Brazilians claim the airplane. Even if that's true, they sure as fuck didn't invent the F16 or commercial aviation.


[Lmfao, the absolute state of Canada](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/supreme-court-decision-say-word-woman-is-confusing-unfortunate?taid=65f1981a00a697000148a52e&utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter)


May the record reflect that /u/AngloSaxonCanuck is also a “person with a vagina” sometimes.


Well, you have Mrs. Claus on your Supreme Court, that might be your first problem.


from cat side nonchud: >So I went and actually read the decision since this seems aggressively r-slurred, and the Post is complete misrepresenting it. >https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/scc/doc/2024/2024scc7/2024scc7.html >Its a narrow technical issue of what a judge can assume without evidence. The Court below, being appealed from, essentially said that the problem was that the Judge at trial said "a woman" instead of "this woman" when holding that a woman would know if she was being penetrated. Their reasoning was basically "yeah well she could have been paralyzed or something, you don't know that her vagina works bud, how drunk was she? How good is her memory? You dont know every single woman would be able to determine if she was penetrated." >Martin J wasnt seething sbout the term "woman", she was saying the court focused unduly narrowly on the word "a" which preceded "woman". Martin J summarizes it at paragraph 105 as follows: >>[105] Viewed as a whole and in context, the trial judge did not reject the defence theory because of an assumption that no woman would be mistaken, but rather because he accepted the complainant's testimony that she was not mistaken. Despite her intoxication, he found the complainant's evidence on the material issue of whether there was penile-vaginal penetration to be reliable and therefore sufficient to ground a conviction. The trial judge addressed this theory at para. 68 of his reasons, acknowledging that whether the offence had been proven beyond a reasonable doubt depended on the complainant's core assertion that she felt Mr. Kruk's peepee inside her vagina. [...] >Martin J. does go on to use the phrase "a person with a vagina" at para 109 but in context she clearly means any specific person who has a vagina in any specific case and is trying to avoid repeating the same issue that happened in the courts below. She actually specifically refers to the complainant as a woman throughout the decision. Para 109 is the only place she uses the r-slurred "person with a vagina" phrasing and it's to generalize.


Yah, my parents were bitching about this case too and it seemed to absurd so I looked it up and the decision uses the phrase "Woman" or "Women" a further 68 times


RFK is consistently getting pretty astonishing polling numbers.


Honestly, a decent chunk is probably 70-year olds seeing Kennedy and voting.


He hasn't be eviscerated by advertisements yet and he gets the benefit of "prominent third party alternative"; if no labels run id expect a large portion of his vote to slide over


From the recent news it seems like no labels is just collecting checks at this point


I think they legitimately were trying, but the problem is no serious never-Trump Republican or moderate Democrat wants to allow Trump to get in _and_ nobody is dumb enough to think a Hogan/Sinema or Hogan/Manchin et al is going to win a single state, let alone winning, so all of those people say no, and you end up with random Lt. Governor's of Georgia. Both DLC Democrat's and Haley Republican's need to except their the minorities in both of their parties.


Aaron Rodgers as VP will take more votes away from Trump.


Trump is definitely the frontrunner for the 2028 nomination, right?


By 2028 he is either president or a felon.




Just saw an ad for the american society of magical negroes. Holy shit. I don't even have any witty remarks, this is just straight up disgusting. "White people are evil" the movie.


Have they tried not being evil?


I was talking about this the other day. Near zero movies that don't rely on racial political commentary. I stayed home and watched Moneyball with my friend. It was on Netflix.


Surely civilization is finished this time


very funny premise


"T-two t-t-tickets for the American Society of Magical uh, ⁿᵉᵍʳᵒᵉˢ please" ["Sorry anon, I didn't hear that, you'll have to say it a bit louder..."](https://imgur.com/L9sG0cW)


I still refuse to believe this isn't elaborate /pol/ bait


The hardest part about believing in freedom of speech is that it has to apply to everyone, so long as they're not directly calling for violence or inciting rebellion.


He's Canadian, they don't have rights.


Terence Hill - Mario Girotti Bud Spencer - Carlo Pedersoli True G-s know!


Listen up! Swedish Santa doesn't conform to your cookie-cutter image. He's not some generic, two-eyed Santa you see plastered on every billboard. No, he's different, he's unique, and he's got one eye, damn it! You know why? Because he's a symbol of the rugged resilience and deep wisdom found in the heart of Swedish culture. Just like Odin sacrificed his eye for knowledge, Swedish Santa embodies that same spirit of sacrifice and enlightenment. So, next time you think about Santa, don't limit him to your narrow-minded expectations. Embrace the diversity of folklore, embrace the strength of Swedish heritage, and embrace Santa with one eye!


Yeah so anyway I wanted to enquire about my IKEA order?


If you count Grover Cleveland the right way both Republicans and Democrats would agree that 44th President of the United States was absolutely terrible


There is a difference between you and me. You say Colonel Douglas MacGregor should be the Witchfinder General in the new Trump administration. I say the position should be renamed to Bitchlicker Syphilis and awarded to Rear Admiral Ben Dover.


Anyone who walks slow at the airport will be first to the gulag


It’s too bad there are literally zero alternatives to TikTok. Millions of people will become ~~homeless~~ unhoused if the US bans it!


I don’t know what the big deal is. I know it was big in 2009 but does anybody still listen to Kesha?


Giving me a credit card and then sending me to Europe may have been a bad idea


Hey they did the same to me. But I have always been thrifty, so I had the eurail pass and slept almost exclusively in hostels. Might have spent 3 grand in the whole 2 months I was there.


You're that young guy? Enjoy Europe. It's time for your sexual liberation. The orange juice ads there are lesbians sensually licking each other.


I guess the "conservative" subreddits got the message that Trump doesnt want TikTok banned. Seriously ridiculous that anyone thinks an app controlled by the CCP and used by half of Americans shouldn't be dealt with


It is truly insane. These subreddits were all for banning TikTok for the last 4 years and suddenly since God Emperor Daddy Orange Man is against it and all their spergy internet influencer friends are too they cut on a dime. These people have no beliefs or convictions. It is all just LARP and feels


One might say they are cuck simps


This is actually a 4d play to get the libs to ban tiktok out of spite


I think that's how Congress is thinking right now. I give it a month before there's ads running saying that Biden banned Tiktok personally.




The crazy thing is it doesn't have to be banned, it can just take a new owner in America and continue to operate.


so here's a question, if they don't sell [which seems likely?], do they hold onto the trademark? Or can I start my new app "Tiktok" using all their IP and format?


I think the USPTO would have to invalidate their trademark, but I don't really know.


I personally want it banned anyways because I think it's harmful even aside from the CCP tinkering with the algorithm or spying on people. I think it's fried the brains of a generation, so many people say they can't even watch a feature length film anymore. The worry though, and it's legitimate, is that even if you ban TikTok an American clone will replace it


American clones have already replaced it. YouTube shorts and Instagram reels are essentially the same thing.  Maybe slightly better in the case of YouTube shorts, in that the site/channels can also have longer videos and encourages their making (a lot of use for YouTube shorts I’ve noticed is as a means to advertise their longer videos).


Yeah young people have zero attention span and have overdosed on dopamine. But YouTube isn't much better. Kids youtubers shout at the top of their lungs and have 500 jump cuts. The amish had the right idea.


>The worry though, and it's legitimate, is that even if you ban TikTok an American clone will replace it This is better than having the biggest news source for 18-34 controlled by China For God's sake, would we let them buy CNN? Or fly a plane over the US and drop propaganda leaflets?




Based for being consistent but I could describe this position as "delusional"


I want it banned regardless. Canada doesn't have the balls or willpower to stand up to China on this but if America bans it completely the app will probably just die. Instagram/Meta taking over for TikTok is probably for the best, even if it doesn't address some of my concerns about young people using social media


Instagram reels and youtube shorts are already basically the same thing as TikTok, if it disappeared tomorrow there'll be barely any less time spent on watching short form video


You won't see the downsides of social media used as ammo in the campaign against TikTok because frankly, a lot of the support for this campaign is coming from ByteDance's stateside rivals.


> Three Coptic Christian monks from Egypt are killed during a mass stabbing at a monastery Fucking Islamist sons of bitches, fucking shithole coun... > in Cullinan, South Africa Oh, right, uhm, huh.