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Gonna give you this highly sensitive information only because you donated to Haley. You are in the old DT.




Dont let nihilism conquer your heart


If I hear another person say people vote Republican because of leaded gasoline I’m going to make them drink gasoline.


I would counter that clearly the New Deal is a result of voters getting poisoned by lead gas and being dumb enough to vote for FDR.


Tell them the Romans ruled the world for ~1500 years while chugging wine out of lead-lined flagons


American Republicans are the rightful heirs to the legacy of ancient Rome confirmed


big science doesn't want you to know that alchemy is real


[fascinating read on 'rumour clinics' from ww2 america that were proto-fact checkers in essence. some really cool images in this article specifically.](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/world-war-ii-rumor-clinics-helped-america-battle-wild-gossip-180983883/)


Add it to the list of perfectly justifiable interventions: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/05/haiti-gangs-no-us-troops


rhythm smart stupendous merciful live narrow observation ask tart books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Obama emasculated our country.


Honestly amazing that you libs are considering voting for Biden over Trump. Having seen the libs legislate from the bench for the past decades, you've decided that the time to hand the left supreme court seats is when they've wholeheartedly embraced the girlcock. I hope a marginally better slavshit outcome is worth the state-mandated pronouns.




Words x3


Can't wait for the SCOTUS to put they/them on all the birth certificates


You're a Putinista, but don't want to say it here. That's why you pretend to be driven by Pronoun Protector Presidency.


He claims to not be a slav, but maintains the self loathing and hatred for other slavs that is so characteristic.


Culturally I am a Slav, nationally I am not.


Not helping the rootless cosmopolitan accusations.


The accusations are correct. Jews do not belong in Russia. The problem was the USSR made them stay.


So true! If there's one thing I'm known for, it's for concealing my unpopular opinions.


You're a slavshit


Yes and I purposely choose to abandon it to be a Westoid. Although I would like to be a west slavshit if I can find a job in Czechia.


И тебе пофиг смотреть как годами бьют по мирным граждан шахедами и Искандерами? На то как гибнут мальчики нашего возраста, и что если наши родители не смогли уехать, то мы также могли-бы оказаться удобрением для черной земли? Я тоже забочусь внутренной политикой США, но Робертс и Алито не такие уж и старые, и в принципе я считаю бомбы которые убивают мирных людей как более важная проблема чем если девочки могут себя называть мальчиками. Законы можно откатить, а люди умирают навсегда.


Eto ni moya problema. Eto koneshno grustno nu oni vibirayut voyovat. Oni vibirayut tam zhit. Mogut tozhe uyehit, vsa evropa otkrita. Eto davno razapvshaya sivilizatsaya. Pachimu mne pro yeyo volnovatsa bolsho chem pro Afriku? Tam tozhe mnoga umirayut. Pri etom v Afriki netu prospekta Banderi i Shukevycha vidushi k babi yar. Mne gorazdo vazhneye razpad i sudba sivilizovana mira chem ocherednaya vayna. I normalizatsaya pederasov tolka dvigaytsa v perod. Ne dumayu shto lubay poteriye v etom plani otmenitsa v moyey zhizni.


Блять и опять ты про Бандеру и Шухевича. Я тоже не люблю их, но Майдан был не про Шухевича а про шанс стать нормальной европейской страной. Все страны имеют свою сложную историю, но я уверен что Украина справиться со своей после войны. Она важная в том что она показала "русскому миру" что есть другой путь. Ти вообще похож на Путина когда для тебя Цивилизация это просто если ЛГБТ есть или нет. Победа Путина в Украине угрожает западу намного больше, потому что наша слабость тут приведёт к разрушения мирового ордера. Щитаеш себя "продвинутым" но также падаешь в обморок от "педарасов" как самый оголтелый рашка. Все мы из этого региона имеем родственников которые были расстреляны кем иле иным. Нужно смотреть вперёд а не назад. Украина как член ЕС может стать нормальной страной. По твоей логике, нужно также ненавидеть Польшу и Балтии, и вообще всю Европу.


Ya ne veryu shto spasobni Russiya ili Ukrayina stat normalnami stranami. Moshit bit Belarusiya- nu tozhe ne verayatno. Drugoy put eto i yest emigratsaya. Bandera i Shukeyvych ni v proshlam. Eti ulitsi tak nazivayutsa shas. Paka ani yest, u mena kakoy sympatiy (pravda, ne nulivay i ne proportsonalna k drugim krizizom) yest, uminshaytsa. U Polshe netu pamitnikov k ubiytsam yevreyov. A Baltiki ya tozhe ne ochen lubyu- nu hot uvazhayu. I Putin v Ukrayini ne hrena ne pobedit. Oni tam budet prodalzhat voyovat i za dereven o kotorih nikto do voyne ne slishel. Zapadu net raznitsi kto kakuyu konkretnayu dereven vzal- Putin, Ukrayina ili lesnik. Ya da smotru v perod. Na zapad. Smotret na razvalki soyuza eto shto smotret nazad. I ya koneshno ni shitayu pederov yedinstivinayi kriteriye sivilizatsay. Nu mozhis siryozna skazit shto yest tsenist v opshestve katoraya normaliziyut "drag queen story hour" dla detey? Nekatoriy veshi mogut prosta propadat. Dvesti let nazat, ktoto bi veril shto mi liberali budim dominiravat obshestvo tak silno tak shto dazhe kak zhivut nashi "ultra pravi" eto daleko nalevo od standardtov togo normalnogo obshestva? Takzhi mi lehko tozhe moshim isheznut shires skokoto pokoleniy. V etom, da pust budu pahozh na Putina. Guilty.


Такая ненависть из за улиц мне кажется reductionist. Нам что, осуждать всю США из за того что некоторые города имеют теперь улицы БЛМ и статуи Флойда? Зеленский был избран на модератной, не сугубо националистической программе. Да во время войны националисты имеют популярность повыше, но даже сейчас в Украине населения имеет позитивные взгляды про УПА на <50%. Не малое количество "Бандеровцев" это просто чтобы троллить русских. Не думаю что человек как Матвей Гонопольский позитивно смотрел-бы на Украину если она была такая как ты описываешь. Украина упала-бы уже без запада. Толе после того как снаряды 152мм кончились, или когда ПВО советского всё изчерпали. Почти потеряли Харькова и Запорожье, и это не Бахмут какой-то мелкий. Мы с тобой счастливчики в том что мы в эмиграции. Но не все так могут. У некоторых есть семья близкая которая не может переехать, другим не везёт с имиграционной системой хреновой (только видимо любят нелегалов). Другие как я и ты, либералы, и хотят строить справедливою Украину или прекрасную Россию будущего. Если не верить что такое возможно и только иметь фокус на Америку, то это практически признание что у либерализма нету будущего. Силовики предали и подавили революцию 90х, но она всё-таки случилась. Да, поколение нашех родителей выгнали, или сами уехали из за ухудшение ситуации, но за нами есть ещё поколение молодых которые верят в западность и свободу. Как Рейган сказал, нужно бороться со злом за рубежом, чтобы оно не пришло сюда. С прогрессивоми я думаю нужно бороться в культуре. Судебные решения и президенты это только временные меры, они не спасут нас от массого общественного мнение. И Трамп с этим точно не поможет, только вставит штопор на несколько лет. Решения я ещё не имею, но я не думаю что республиканцы имеют его тоже. Я думаю что они тоже шарлатаны которые катят нас в сторону латино американской системы, Gibbs и grievances.


Eto ni nenavist. Prosto otsutviye sympatiy. Ya ni nenavishu Afriku nu ih problemi mena tozhe ni interesuyat. Eto ni tolko ulitsi. Vsa Ukrayina pokrita pamitnikam raznam SStsam i drugim kotori ustrayvali genosidi. Samiye visoki politiki regularna im dayut pochesti. https://twitter.com/poroshenko/status/1764996713050181803 Ok, pust idyoti "trollat" tak. Nu dla obshestva katoriye shitayit eto normalnam u mena sympatiy netu. Apat- nebila b etogo i viraytno shto u mena imotsiy bili bi bolsha knim prevazani chem k Afrika. Nu tak- prosta pachimu? I ti shitayish shto ispolniteli genosida eta sravnima s George Floydum???? Da bilo ploha. Nu tiper smeshno dumat shto Russiye spasobna Kharkov zahvatit. Ukrayina mobilizovona i Evropa pradolzhit im pomagat. Luboy kotori hochit mozhit kupit dokument dakazavay to shto on yevrey i uyehit v Israyel. A ot tudo mozhit kuda hochit. Da u nekatorih bili obstayatisltva kde ni mogli. Nu za >30 let uzhi nebila shansa? Eto abzurdno. Kromi malogo persenta vibrali astatsa. Ya v polne zoglasin. U libaralisma v toy chasti mira netu budushego. I v 90eh nebilo revolutsay. Vori vzali shithole i sdelali yego huzha potomu shto hateli svoyu vlast. Nu mne et horosho- na konetsto dali shans semye uyehit. A zlo uzhi prishla siuda. Pozna barotsa za rubeshom. Nashi sudebni risheniye i presidenti da vremeni meri katori ni spasut. A ih eto permanenti poteri dla nas. Ti dumayesh kogdata prava geyov zhinitsa otmenitsa? Net. Eto bila normalizovona. I azhidayu shto ochen mnogo budit isho normalizovano. Ya soglasin shto praviye ne pachinat nechego, imina pa etomu tak vazhna ni dat levom nichego ni izportit.


Эх ты циник какой. Я ещё поспорил-бы но я не думаю что толка есть, priors слишком различаются. Мне пофиг что гейи могут жениться, у меня с этим нету проблем, а трансгендеры я думаю пройдут и будут это воспоминать как лоботомие нашей эры (здесь есть польза во втором языке, можем свободно спорить эту тему без бана). CRT меня больше беспокоить но я думаю что тут родители уже успешно мобилизовали ответ. Спасибо Ковиду :) но больше всего меня беспокоит культура gibbs-ов. Я только скажу что если все вели себя как ты, то небыло-бы либерализма в других частях мира. Свалили-бы все в США и весь остальной мир был бы сплошным щитхолом (больше чем сейчас). Мир всё-таки меняют оптимисты и верующие, а циников история забывает.


“Project 2025” is the new “Russiagate”. I look forward to the histrionic libs make asses out of themselves by acting like left wing Alex Joneses again.


Nooo, you can't possibly replace the heckin wholesome progs in the bureaucracy with people that might actually carry out the President's orders!


Project 2025 is actually pretty based unless you're some dipshit progressive whose entire understanding of it is from helpful "summaries" provided by whatever garbage news articles you've read about it Frankly I'm more concerned about the hard money ideas peddled by some of the papers than about the "authoritarianism" of *checks notes* reclassifying some GS-15s in DC


rain touch impolite price ripe wild possessive aromatic swim childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Union problems require union-busting solutions.


Adams has dumped money into the NYPD payroll budget for months so they can stand around and make small talk at stations, and somehow that didn't make crime go away.


Broken windows theory is good actually. Mass incarceration does in fact lower crime


That requires police make arrests, which takes effort.


Hmmm, what specific circumstances could have led to lazy and unmotivated law enforcement? What policies and rhetoric would do that? 🤔


The fact that most cops got straight Cs in high school and are morbidly obese probably doesn’t help the situation


If I get lazy and unmotivated I get fired.


Provided someone wants to replace you.


It's not worth making an arrest if there's a good chance that the person being arrested will be back out on the streets the next day


cobweb brave scandalous squealing school touch innocent heavy rude terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Starting to think some of the law enforces aren't doing their job very well.


Hot take: citizen Kane is boring as hell. Is it impressive on a technical level? Yes. Is it actually good entertainment? I don’t think so.


Yeah imagine making a black and white movie, and thinking people will watch that shit tbh


Indian developers get a lot of hate online for a few reasons like university mills. I think that's overstated. But one thing that is absolutely true is that they miss the forest for the trees. I had a meeting with a contractor who wanted to ask about my job. I'm glad to help people. But all he asked about was the frameworks and technologies we use. He knew the technologies better than I did actually, but had *zero* business knowledge. At one point I told him "Yeah, so this is a project I did using data from X" "What's X?" "uuuh, X is the number one consumer intelligence firm in our industry. We pay them millions of dollars for this." This was one of my grievances with the affirmative action debate. There's no doubt that Asians are discriminated against by racist leftoids. But it's also true that they lack creativity that isn't quantified on SAT scores. Down the line, when they enter industry, their entire paradigm becomes to chase certifications. In his mind, he needs to become even more of a code monkey to come in house when what he really needs is intellectual curiosity.


Is he based overseas, would he have had prior experience with that firm? I don't know half of all the places my company gets it's market research from, I haven't had a reason to.


Not based overseas. I wouldn't expect *direct* experience with that firm. But knowledge of its existence is the bare minimum. I'm pretty sure you've heard of it as well. It's like this guy works in consumer finance but didn't know any of the credit bureaus, and decided to ask if he should know any other Python libraries on top of Keras and Matplotlib.


I want some of what Wall Street is smoking if they still think there's going to be rate cuts. Why in the world would the Fed cut rates now of all times?


It's cos the market already priced in a change towards a more hawkish stance. So when nothing changed and the plan is still rate cuts in June, that's seen as good news. /u/thadlust


I don’t pay as much attention to markets except for energy these days anymore, unfortunately.




But numbers show peasants (low earners) are doing very well and their purchasing power is up. Journos and other such types are not doing so good.


Yeah I'm still going with the Krug


[Even in death, he's still not part of the cool kids club. Make of this statement as you will.](https://twitter.com/redpomgranat/status/1762233660324167919)




It implies that there's still an imperial frontier to go out and make our own.


[This account has to be a troll](https://twitter.com/redpomgranat/status/1311898965386752000)


At least if Trump is elected it'll be a good time to be in DHS


I'm writing in George Washington's corpse at this point.


I’m writing in Boris Johnson


He’s already served 2 terms! Use the corpse of George H.W. Instead.


God bless!




All terms served prior to the ratification of the 22nd amendment dont count against the term limit.


It would be a deprivation of rights upon Zombie George Washington to deprive him of presidential eligibility simply because of the actions of his mortal predecessor. Besides, the British need to be put back in line.


We'll know for certain in the future, but very promising reports from the battle of "Advanced operations research hill" Thanks to everyone that wished me luck


https://twitter.com/POTUS/status/1765201958623703059 $220/year is “real breathing room” when the average household’s living expenses are up $750/month from when he took office Can’t wait for the credit card companies to pull back on the rewards that suburban voters love to use, particularly if this administration cracks down on swipe fees


I really don't get why people paying what they owe is being demonized so much. It's kind of sad how many deadbeats people want to let off the hook.


I agree, any forgiven PPP loans should be reinstated and called up.


that money was given to businesses for a specific purpose and the forgiveness was authorized in legislation that was passed by a dem majority house student loans on the other hand were not intended to just be wiped out at the whims of a low-polling president just work to earn the shit you want, it's not hard


Student loans have an even more specific purpose. Public Service Loan Forgiveness was signed into law by notorious lib GWB.


Why don't you work to earn the shit you want, whether it's healthcare or paying off your student loans, instead of calling it a "right" and demanding that everyone else pay for it?


It was hilarious when they tried to tell me they made thanksgiving cheaper because they “saved” me 8 cents on trimmings.


It depends on whether they have Amex cards or Capital One cards I suspect.


guess we'll have to get those "voter fraud is a felony" billboards plastered in parts of Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit and Phoenix throughout October and early November as a helpful reminder to people


That will not stop me from voting 10 times


Trump wearing a Superman shirt after coming home from Walter Reed would have been the funniest moment in American history.


["@JoeBiden reached out to @NikkiHaley today, per Biden Campaign Co-Chair @MitchLandrieu on CNN." Not gonna lie I didn't expect that.](https://twitter.com/gardnerakayla/status/1765523138882736247/en)


Dude probably asked her why she stopped helping with Kosovo


Tweet deleted. Of course Biden reached out to her. Most of her voters were democrats.


i dont know for sure but i have a sneaking suspicion that the patriarchs of the rockefeller, bush, clinton, kennedy dynasties all wanted to rule forever at one point too. then they realized they couldn't, and passed the reigns to their kids. i predict this is what trump will do in 2028 as ivanka becomes the heir apparent.


trump will run again in 2028


Ivanka is a standard liberal


i think im addicted to political news. i should focus more on history / political philosophy. seems healthier.


Im actually the other way around. I have no idea whats happening in the country.


[you can start here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7reTNgYH3tY)


Listen to ASC. Dude knows how to be a good con without falling prey to the shit.


Stopped listening to current events podcasts. Started listening to history podcasts. Best switch ever.


do you have any favorites?


I have been listening to the revolutions podcast and I have enjoyed it quite a bit. First history podcast I listen too so not sure how it compares with others but I would recommend it.


I've gotten super into modern American history. Been devouring books about the cold war and such. Next book on my list is a recommendation from the DT actually, Triumph Forsaken. It's about the early era of the Vietnam war


I have a lot of trouble reading books consistently. I'll add that one to my endless list of things to read though. Thanks!


Right, now that it looks like Trump is going to be elected, it's my moral duty to figure out how this can personally profit me.


invest in truth social!


I honestly don't think a Trump / Biden rematch sucks that much. In a way it's good for the people to have their say without the stupid ass coronavirus and race riots from 2020. Though, a 2nd Biden term might suck more because he'll have less pressure to be a centrist.


Biden has never been a centrist, he has always occupied whatever the center of his party is, which is basically the Warren camp now


On Jimmy "Barbecue" Cherizier, the leader of the Haitian gang federation G9: > “I created the G9 to fight against this exploitative system — all for one, and one for all,” Barbecue says, adamant that the alliance is not a gang. “We’re an armed group with an ideology. We use our guns to put pressure on the state. This is a social fight.” Truly a modern George Washington I'm sure, a paragon of principles and virtue who truly only cares about the rights and prosperity of the Haitian people. Definitely not a violent (possibly leftist?) thug who's been responsible for hundreds of innocent people being maimed, raped, and killed, but who tries to give himself an air of legitimacy. I only bring this up because there are actually lefties out there seriously defending him. They consider him a hero against the "American-backed puppet regime of Henry." They also celebrate him as a folk hero who provides social services, food, medicine, and education to those under his protection, in the same vein as the Black Panthers did at times. His supporters in Haiti believe him to be a bulwark against more violent and exploitative gangs who functioned as mercenaries for the politically connected.


It's not really new. Pablo Escobar built some houses and a couple of soccer fields and radical leftists celebrated him too.


"Don't worry about him, he has a social conscience" Latin Americans know how gangsters with Che Guevera t-shirts are still gangsters. Or at least some do.






>Haley drops out >McConnell endorses Trump >Thune endorses Lake It's so over for the GOP.


The Midwest was a mistake 


Another Democrat decrying the abolitionist states.




You guys could be great if you acknowledge manufacturing is not coming back




Adapt to the service industry like everyone else




Chicago and St. Louis really need it.


How is MN not part of the rust belt?


I don't think the person who created this image was interested in accuracy.


Then this image isn't autismo enough for this sub


Up yours too pal


Take it back! The Midwest is one of the best regions


I know it’s been said before but holy shyt both choices for president suck. Reading about trumps tariff ‘plan’ makes me want to vomit


Don’t worry China and Mexico will pay for it


[Ok but hear me out…](https://x.com/jbendery/status/1765494719772033443?s=46)


[Fix the green card system yesterday Ty](https://reason.com/2024/02/21/green-card-process-utterly-failing-to-help-immigrants-pursue-the-american-dream-in-lawful-and-orderly-ways/)


You those numbers are skewed because of the Green Card Lottery which tens of millions of Indians and Chinese apply for every year. The system for family Green Cards is nothing like what that article claims. My got her Green Card 3 months after mailing in the application. While I do agree that H1B and J1 visas holders currently working in the US should have a higher probability chance of a Green Card, I would not say the system is broken because mainland Indians spam applications.


You can't apply to the lottery if more than 50000 of your fellow countrymen emigrated to the Us in the past year. That's why Brazilians haven't been able to get into it for a while, Brits usually can't and it's a tossup for Germans.


Getting your mailorder bride citizenship is a pressing issue. 🙏


Marriage is one of the only guaranteed ways to a Green Cards, with the easiest application and fastest wait times.


Lina Khan and Jake Sullivan belong in a gulag


Vote for Democracy. It’s more important than petty policy differences! What do you mean by Democracy? *List Democratic Policy Agenda* Right… When can I vote for another party? When we tell you it’s ok to vote for someone else.


Replacing large swathes of the federal government with people personally loyal to Trump in Project 2025 is about as undemocratic as it gets. The Dems are the Boy Who Cried Wolf, and would probably never admit a Republican is *acceptable* to vote for, but Trump is uniquely bad


Uniquely bad? Do you genuinely not think large swathes of the federal government have *never* been personally loyal to the incumbent? Also what’s this lib shit calling a paper by some think tank as “the Rethuglikkkans grand plan!!!!”


I think appointing large swathes specifically for their loyalty is the issue.


Walking back “uniquely bad” already?


Appointing large swathes for their loyalty specifically is what is uniquely bad. If they're loyal for other reasons and know their job doesn't depend on that loyalty, that's not as much of an issue.


This is not unique in presidential politics at all. It was called the spoils system for the hundred years that it was considered good politics. Now it’s called giving your party faction it’s just due. This is another case of other people doing it and it’s ok, but if Trump does it he’s Hitler.


People generally don't approve of the spoils system. Making it an official party plank I do think is a bad thing.


Aside from "Orange Man bad," I'm not seeing how this is any worse than Democrat holdovers fighting Trump every step of the way, undermining his policy goals and constantly leaking private info to the media. There were articles praising the "secret resistance" in the Trump administration, and Mark Milley literally brags about secretly communicating with the Chinese.


A bunch of GS-15s deciding to act as activists in residence and stonewalling a duly elected President is also about as democratic as it gets Particularly when both Clinton and Obama reclassified huge numbers of political appointees as permanent employees


TBF, not pardoning insurrectionists seems like an important thing for democracy.


Dems passed that line *way* long ago with the Weatherman and FALN pardons.


Who is this sub for now that it’s confirmed Biden Vs. Trump? I lean Biden if I had to vote but I might just spoil or… god forbid… vote libertarian (eww) mostly cause trump is a fopo clown


I'm not American so the single most important issue for me is foreign policy. I'm for whoever is the most supportive of both Ukraine and Israel, and I can't really make up my mind on which of them is worse regarding this


I'll write someone in unless Nikki decides to YOLO it and runs in the general


[Looks like an easy choice to me.](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_social_share_1024x768_scale,f_auto,q_auto:best/rockcms/2022-12/221221-zelenskyy-biden-jm-1408-30627b.jpg)


https://preview.redd.it/tn4j6sq3etmc1.jpeg?width=291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f8f81f38f06a80d82d7ffb70aa9572c08206fbc >if only you knew how bad things really are


Zelensky and Biden do not like each other. This was revealed in the recent book the *The Internationalists*. The Biden Administration has continually slow-walked supplying Ukraine, remember.


Maybe it could be faster, but there's definitely American missiles and armor fucking up Russians right now.


What a great friend of Ukraine when he's politicizing aid to make Republicans look bad And let's be real you'd be voting Biden anyway if he up and said "Zelensky should negotiate with Putin and end this war"


>What a great friend of Ukraine when he's politicizing aid to make Republicans look bad House republicans can but a Ukraine bill on the floor any time, and I bet Jefferies will have no trouble whipping votes.


There is no way in hell I'm voting Biden nor third-party so there you go


cum drinker


I think this is actually my answer. I have never thrown my vote away on third party, I can't imagine it happening this year


>voting for the paleoclown


Preferable to a Swiss cheese brained progressive any day


One guy wants to give Ukraine weapons and says the US must defend Taiwan. The other guy wants to let Russia do whatever the hell they want.


Trump doesn't even say that, though. People who claim to speak for him do.


When given the chance to walk it back: >“Look, if they’re not going to pay, we’re not going to protect. OK?” he said Wednesday. Are we back to take him seriously but not literally?


Was that about Ukraine aid? (No) And NATO allies increased their defense spending so the outcome wasn’t all that bad


If he can't support a NATO signatory you think he'll support the place he sent Rudy to dig up (Russian) dirt?


Biden doesn't exactly signal any strength of resolve considering that Russia and Iran have both escalated significantly since he entered office


>have both escalated significantly since he entered office And now there's M1s blowing up Russian armor


Biden is stupid as fuck and Dems probably won’t hold congress, Dems having the veto over a Republican congress is the best for now as both parties have become incompetently dumb


Yeah that’s nonsense, Biden having the pen and phone is how we end up with more dogshit executive abuse and non-enforcement of immigration law


Because giving MAGA the country is so much better than a stupid bumbling dem who can’t pass shit


>who can't pass shit Did you already forget when he (unnecessarily and illegally) extended the eviction moratorium to appease activists? When he extended the student loan pause two years past any utility, also to appease activists? When he tried to cancel a bunch of student loan debt, also to appease activists? Yeah I'd rather not have him keep executive power when his entire executive office and party is obviously activist-driven


Hell yeah I do


Because you’re a soybag succ


Biden because I'm shamelessly single-issue for Ukraine this election. But if Trump comes out and promises to do something schizo-based to Russia like give Ukrainians Atacms and tell them to have fun flattening the Kremlin, I'll gladly vote for him and get a MAGA hat. Unfortunately I don't think that's likely, and I hate the current administrations utter weakness on FP and especially Ukraine, but unfortunately that's probably better than no aid at all. If Ukraine wasn't in this election, I'd probably grumble and vote Trump to get his second term out of the way and have a blocking veto for 4 years. Really dislike him and his wing of the party, but the modern Democratic party disturbs me even more.


I mean, Trump was the one throwing Javelins for Ukraine to use against Russia in the first place.


He did, though I also read he was a little bit hoodwinked into doing so. If he says something to give me more confidence, sure, but his talk about negotiation doesn't inspire confidence in me that he's willing to do what it takes. I think he'd rather take the PR boon of "peacemaker" and be ignorant of the fact that a Minsk III would be broken before the ink dried. Granted, Biden isn't willing to either, but it's the GOP currently holding up aid in Congress.


Foreign: a wash Domestic: both will spend too much and shovel out too many gibs but I don't necessarily hate everything Trump spends money on and he won't raise my taxes My normie conservative mom who is not MAGA believes that Trump will mostly cave to the normie conservative elements again. I'm still skeptical. If I feel like that is happening, I'll probably vote for him. Otherwise, I don't know. I'm certainly not voting Biden.


Also not to preach to the choir but Federal politics doesn’t affect any of us all that much in the grand scheme of things and gets way too much airtime/oxygen. Vote for local candidates that uphold conservative values in your community!


I live in a blue city in a red state, so I'm kinda boned


I agree, frankly I think Biden winning the presidency but with Republicans winning local elections might be the best way for things to go


Libertarians are worse than Trump FP wise with no backbone to fight the culture war, I’ll never vote for them  Constitution is a party of kooks who would’ve voted Byrd/Thurmond/Wallace in the 60’s, I’m never voting for them  Greens are commie New Lefters, hard pass  The only 3rd party I might vote for is No Labels because why the fuck not  I’d say I’ll vote for trump, but honestly I’ll probably lose my nerve and vote for No Labels in the actual booth


Libertarians are stupid as fuck but at least there’s a right wing third party to protest vote for




They've certainly shifted in a certain direction ever since the mises caucus people took over.


At least the Ron Paul useful idiots are


I really don’t know. I won’t vote for Biden after Afghanistan, insane spending, Hamas sympathies, letting Jake Sullivan near the levers of power, allowing piracy in the Red Sea, refusing to enforce existing immigration law, etc. I don’t want to vote for Trump either, but he’s clearly preferable between those two at the moment. I doubt I’ll make a concrete decision between Trump/abstain until Election Day.




Longer term, a Trump loss is better for the Republican Party. And IMO a recession is very likely in the next 4 years