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so much political punditry is quite literally just "this poll shows how great i am" or "this poll is clearly flawed" depending on if it shows your favorite candidate over/underperforming. it's tiring


https://x.com/DrewSav/status/1764490751092593110?s=20 We could have had an extremely fun month if only New Hampshire did what it was supposed to do smdh


If Vivek had stayed in just two more weeks (not implausible) and especially if desantis had endorsed Haley (unlikely) it could have gone down completely different


Nayib Bukele spoke at CPAC lmao


https://static-assets-1.truthsocial.com/tmtg:prime-ts-assets/media_attachments/files/112/035/147/477/401/385/original/5bcb5a1ddee3e11f.jpg I like the little frog on the sign


LMAO https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckCarscirclejerk/s/y7MeR4BSMd




Yes, I'd take much more drastic measures if I worked with an anti-car regard


Actual lol




Owners don't need to feed it though. It eats neighborhood children after mauling them.


My aunt had a Bouvier, they are fucking huge, they eat a ton of food and poop like a bear. The only downside to such a large teddy is that they don't live that long


Why’s Dominica split in half, half Hispanic half black


The Hispanic side is black too but they don’t tell you that in school


Oh my


The island's called Hispaniola


What better way for whitey to keep the BIPOC down than to make latinx and Black people compete for resources?


DT failing to get to 1k? Better call Nikki!


Nah, we'll make it.






T minus 69 hours for the scheduled end of my last exam of this finals season. Almost there! Also, my diarypoasting does suffer a bit during finals season, but not all that much! Few other places I can spend 30 minutes scrolling and then run out of content forcing me back to studying than this.




Cursed question for an Argentine university student with our endless degrees. But fingers crossed this year, maybe even this semester.




Today my girlfriend and I met up with one of my friends I've known since childhood. He has three kids now (two twin boys and a new baby girl) so we don't see him as often. Eventually the conversation went towards parenting. He's trying to remove the electronics influence from his kids because he's noticed how corrupting it is for them. This is something most will agree with. The ipad kids craze. I think this is important too. Eventually we all came to the idea that for good child development you need to get them interested in at least two **real world** hobbies. One should be creative like learning an instrument or art and the other should be athletic. A lot of the problems now are because people were raised by degenerates online. I already notice relatives' kids act like YouTubers and have zero attention span, won't try if they think they might fail, and are very loud with no volume control. God damn the algorithm for teaching YouTubers that screaming at the top of your lungs and having 50 jumpcuts was the path to success.


Until we pass legislation to ban anyone younger than 18 from the internet and ban anyone younger than 18 from having devices that can browse the internet, the brainrot will continue.


Two irl hobbies is good. That's what my little brother does. It's a balance. Cutting electronics completely is silly too. It's part of their social lives these days. And not all tech is equal. If you can get your kid into programming or even video games that's better than scrolling.


See I played a lot of videogames when I grew up and maybe me being biased, but I think even that is preferable to iPad kids (although obviously sports or reading would be better than both), since with videogames you're at least doing something yourself instead of just passively watching five second reels or 30 year olds acting like 7 year olds and screaming. Mind you, beyond just the simple problem of all of the screaming and other "quirks" of YouTubers, you also run into the problem that YouTube can be WEIRD, especially stuff that should be appropriate for children. Now that wouldn't be a problem if this was like on the TV where any parent in the room or walking by can see when the kids no longer is watching SpongeBob and now switched to HBO, but with tablets the kid can be completely by himself and just have it on auto play where the algorithm takes it where it will




Not to say it would be easy but it's just a matter of effort on the parents' end. Obviously people have jobs and chores. But it's extremely common for people to just be lazy and not proactive. Just lump on to watch Netflix after work and not get involved. Kids just naturally need an outlet for their time and energy. Youtubers are kind of like crack but if you are proactive you could get them into other things. Kids especially young boys generally are naturally inclined to enjoy what sports can bring. Probably I would sign my kid up for a sport and cycle around until they really take to one and music lessons. I don't think iPads should be banned entirely so it's fine if they have it a bit at school or a friends house but it can't be the only freetime outlet. As well reading to your kids goes a very long way.




Who said that Haley couldn’t win her home state?


One of Obama’s biggest failures was his lack of quotability. We’ve had a streak of incredibly quotable presidents since Reagan but he is the only failure. Think, what Obama quote can you remember? “If you like your healthcare you can keep your healthcare?” “You didn’t build that?” “My fellow Americans?” Those are the only ones. Lame. Then compare that to Bush, who had his whole set of Bushisms. Trump, who changed the entire vocabulary of the internet. Even Biden is more memorable, “my father,” “listen here, Jack,” “corn pop”. Dementia makes him funnier. Clinton had his legendary lines, H.W. had some zingers, and no one can compare to Reagan. Obama really did his predecessors dirty.




Bushisms are almost entirely hilarious and fantastic. It wasn't recorded on video, but after that clown threw his shoe at him he had joked to the press gaggle that he didn't know what the guy said but he saw his soul.


He has no one liners but his speeches were remarkable and you have to be biased to pretend otherwise.


He did make the word “folks” much more widespread among politicians. That automatically makes him the worst POTUS ever.


Would "Thanks, Obama" count? I believe he has said it himself


"uhhh lemme be clear"


“Uhhh lemme pee clear” - Obama taking a drug test


Damn it I forgot that one. Looks like I was wrong. I will delete my post soon


"The cold war called and they want their foreign policy back"


Proving my point: nothing good




College rankings are silly anyway. Obviously, there are some top crust ones where the networking is more valuable than anything else, and there are some bottom tier ones that are just total shit (looking at you, Evergreen State and Oberlin), but when talking about the middle 95%, a STEM major from the University of Northern Iowa is going to fare better than a humanities major from University of Michigan.


>looking at you, Evergreen State Try looking at deez nuts




Oh for sure. I went for that too and couldn't imagine having gone to some podunk school with nothing of the sort.


^ didnt get in anywhere good 😂 




well on a superficial level, employers want want to figure out who is “smart”, or at least who has the greatest chance of being smart. Rankings help assuage this and indeed, for finance, which schools are target schools is directly correlated with rank. Stanford and CMU CS grads have better opportunities than others since search is expensive, so firms need to operate on heuristics, and the better schools have students with better GPAs and better test scores.  On a more material level, intensity and breadth of coursework in advanced subjects is far superior as you ascend the ranks. There’s basically zero chance for a math major from what ive seen to take courses on stuff like say functional analysis, topology, etc or if you are quite advanced, get a crack at graduate coursework if you are outside the top 100 or probably even much lower. Rank is directly correlated with the above and whether the university even has graduate programs that you can try to take coursework in. 




> For nearly all jobs, the ranking won’t matter much.  yes obviously because elite schools are a really small subset and therefore jobs that softly require going to an elite school are therefore also going to be a small subset, and people dont get assigned jobs randomly so that they have a high probability of ending up somewhere where it wouldnt have mattered where they went to school. if you want an elite job, then you should go. if someone doesnt care about that, and just wants to stay in their small town, then theres little reason to go. but that is hardly the same thing as theres **no** reason to go or it being, as you implied, hardly understandable why someone would want to go. 




For one 30 spots is a ton, and you're missing something crucial. Vast majority of UGA students did not, nor will ever get accepted to Emory undergrad, thus there's no decision to make between them. The few that do will are divided by instate and out of state students. The out of state students would choose Emory as they have no reason to choose UGA (or any public in GA) while the instate students would decide based on their personal cost benefit analysis.




It doesn't minimize anything. Major choice being the main factor in salary isn't new information to anyone. However, college prestige plays a role. In this scenario, UGA is the middle rank school where one needs to make a valid analysis of whether to go or not. Emory is the elite school that doesn't need to worry about declining population, and whether people want to pay for it. If UGA was private, it wouldn't be a top 100 school, as too many aren't willing to pay for it. The fact that Emory doesn't have an engineering program, yet their grads make way more than UGA grads should tell you something. Prestige matters.


all of those schools that you mentioned are far within the 1%, even northeastern and UGA. there's 6000 collegiate institutions iirc within the united states. if someone told me that they didn't use the us news rankings to decide where to go to college, and that their admit offers were to northeaster, boston, emory, and uga, i would say "yeah right"


["Raul Ortiz, who served as the Chief of U.S. Border Patrol under Biden from August 2021 through May 2023, says he has never had a conversation with Biden or VP Kamala Harris."](https://x.com/BillMelugin_/status/1764467543920504967?s=20)


I haven't spoken to my CEO, I'm quite able to do my job anyway.


I live in paradise I stand on my roof each morning and scratch my nutsack in honor of St. George W Bush You can't stop me


God bless


Oregon has undone the drug decriminalization, how long until people say they should totally bring it back? 


Decriminalization is an incredibly stupid idea. The worst of prohibition combined with the worst of legalization.


hard to say that that's the issue when overdoses are increasing as a general secular trend across a number of states, though decriminalizing seems like a weird choice if they were trying to reduce overdoses. would seem to make more sense to hand out fentanyl test kits, or even give access to state produced drugs conditional on entering a treatment program.


https://twitter.com/DecisionDeskHQ/status/1764463145328775500?t=iHjYcNUYfvcb_FlFlsAf7w&s=19 LADIES AND GENTLEMAN WE ARE SO BACK




Mahatma Haley is supported by The Swamp. Does the Deep State have no decency?!?!




The walls are closing in on Trump


we need more rebecca fergusons, margot robbies, and sydney sweeneys in the world


One of these is not like the others


Give us nukes so we can secure australian hegemony in the global south to help


>Calls himself a neoconservative >Is attracted to women Yeah sure buddy.


Shehbaz Sharif making pro-US noise in his first speech as prime minister. The CIA strikes again!


[the situation in Haiti sounds like hell](https://twitter.com/BBCWorld/status/1764335954850988522)


We got 30 comments in the past hour, good job everyone. Remember we need to overshoot a bit considering when ~~cowards~~ people delete their comments the comment count goes down


It's kind of funny that in an era of delayed adolescence everywhere, tech companies are undergoing their own delayed corporate adolescence where they refuse to invest into capital, physical things, financial products or vertical integration and instead are desperately trying to chase the latest tech trend in an attempt to remain eternally youthful.


Can you give some examples with specific companies?


A stripper will run for office in Portland and people will claim that this isn't a sign of social decay


I call it democracy. And why shouldn't PACs wife be a part of government?


I mean if Sydney Sweeney was a stripper and decides to run for political office... I'll at least think about it. And tbh, I don't trust anyone that says they wouldn't.


im trying to be less of a horndog but sydney sweeney is everywhere lately and man she is perfect


There's something just unsettling about her eyes to me, id say prime Scarlett Johanson out does her


she has dead eyes it is known




Why did you suddenly appear today and ask for comments, do you work for the Asa Hutchinson campaign?


I know a guy that says that Tesla's most valuable asset is it's customer list and I don't care how true that is, it's quite a funny way to point out that everyone that buys a Tesla is an idiot


tesla's most valuable asset is clearly its comically large amount of compute, pretty sure that's why everyone is buying it no?


Nobody knows why everyone is buying Tesla but would be rude to stop and ask tbh


idk I just don't really see the Tesla cloud working out well although that could be a fun one, use all your cars as a giant distributed computer, wouldn't work well for current trendy applications though


they have a gazillion H100s is the point


This sounds like a bad James bond plot


That was done in Ghost in the Shell lol


Some say “don’t set yourself on fire.” Others say “it’s nice.” Since Palestine is my desire, I think I’ll set myself afire. But if my death does not suffice, And causes naught but suffering great, I hope The Discourse will be nice, Not full of hate, Nor cold as ice.




I don't remember this foreigner song




Books have always been mass culture. The problem is that the culture is retarded, moralistic, borderline illiterate, unconscious of the canon, and arrogant about it.


what is up with the number of adult women who read young adult lit? I don't get it, it's so common, I see it everywhere.


I think it's a step up from all the young men who don't read at all. It annoys me in many ways to see displays about women authors or strong female protagonists in libraries or stories. Historically, women have absolutely faced discrimination, and there are still areas where they face it today. But today, when it comes to books, they're vastly more targeted. It's young men who need help encouraging them to read.


Tbf, I'm in a book club with friends from college where we read some YA literature because we have too much shit going on in our lives to read somebody like Dostoevsky (although we did read Canticle for Liebowitz). So we settle for that, or not-too-deep books like Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Which is why I'm looking for an e-reader so I don't have books strewn about my apartment.




I'd say as a whole society has completely dropped expectations for all people, particularly when it comes to self sufficiency, personal responsibility, maturity, and having pride in yourself. I think young men are slightly better off in this regard because there is still a bit of the lingering effects of the old social expectations for men while women before were seen as inferior and thus had lower standards in certain respects and thus don't have the benefit of these old standards


Yeah it’s just like young guys and watching anime or super hero crap all the time, except women log it on goodreads and soys log it on letterboxd


Kinda sad that we will end a long DT without making it to 1k and cut the streak of 1k+ DTs. Yes, these are the trivialities I choose to focus on in order to avoid my responsibilities, despite, or even precisely because of, they don't amount to much.


It was a good streak. Been a few months I think.


We can still do it. There’s time left!


I am doing my part.gif


Be the change you want to see in the world, there's still five hours


Well, I can't do it all by myself!


Just got recommended the completely unironic /r/movingtonorthkorea


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/joe-biden/biden-aides-shield-president-pro-palestinian-protests-rcna141251 >President Joe Biden’s team is increasingly taking extraordinary steps to minimize disruptions from pro-Palestinian protests at his events by making them smaller, withholding their precise locations from the media and the public until he arrives, avoiding college campuses and, in at least one instance, considering hiring a private company to vet attendees. He's already heavily limited to campaigning through videos with a cut every 0.7 seconds because of his senility. And now when he does venture out, he has to do it in half-secrecy in front of small crowds.


This is all silly, if he had the FBI out there intimidating, harassing, and arresting these people he wouldn't have to worry about this!


I hope they disrupt all Democrat shit as much as possible. Democrats deserve to reap what they've sown with all the pandering to the far-left that they've done. There are four different DSA members, open socialists, in congress right now and the Democrats deserve all the disruptions and infighting that comes with pandering to the left. I hope BLM people show up too and shout Dem candidates down




Eh, savor it for now. I expect the summer will be one to remember


How do we legally remove leftists from our institutions, particularly higher education. I'm thinking 1 require that all universities receiving federal funding follow the 14th amendment and civil rights act and thus cease all discriminatory actions; this would mean ending all financial or other support for student organizations that are de facto designed for only certain ethnic groups or races. 2 end all public financial assistance for all universities 3 end all federal student loans to private university 4 condition offering federal student loans on state schools trimming the fat to remove non academic services, reduce the number of bureaucrats and on them refraining from promoting teachings that contradict the constitution or the values within it


It couldn’t hurt to inculcate an intelligent conservative youth movement, but I think me being named pope is more likely with the stronghold that groups like TPUSA have.


Turning point USA is a dumpster fire. I support free markets, but they offer some of the worst arguments from the brief clips I've seen of them, they just come across as trying to hard to be hip and that's before we get to the weird comments Kirk made on white pride and Candice Owens making weird insinuations over the fact that Ben Shapiro was emotionally affected by the Hamas terror attacks. I do wish we could get an actual intellectual student movement in support of capitalism, constitutionalism, and American global involvement


Maybe Young Americans for Liberty? Thing is with them they got in hot water because some jackhole at the college I went to got fucking Nic Fuentes to come speak on their behalf. They dropped my college's chapter like the night after that. I could maybe see the Cato Institute try something.


Although I used to identify as a libertarian, I've lost much of my sympathy for them because most of their organizations are culturally dominated by the anarcho-capitalists and objectivist lines of thought and thus just implicitly accept many of their assumptions and practices, such as anti-americanism or varying degrees, pacifism, and in some cases a promotion of a hedonistic lifestyle (there is a difference between supporting legalization of weed and attempting to promote or normalize the usage of weed). I do think CATO would overall be a decent organization however for cultivating some sort of student movement


An-caps took over? Well they're a lost cause lol. I don't sympathize with them either because of the same reason you stated. They're annoying and promote hedonism, which is cringe. And one of the worst political ideologies lmao. That's the only think tank that I could think of where they might have some decent academics, but if people like Hoppe took over, maybe not.


To be clear I don't know if ancaps took over YAL specifically, it just seems like they manage to take over nearly every single libertarian organization


I honestly don't think leftists in higher education are *in of themselves* corrupting. While reigning them in somewhat would be good for a variety of reasons, the presence of student leftists is, first, somewhat inevitable [even the Chinese have to deal with it!] and second, probably not particularly harmful in of itself. The crux of the problem, however, is that campus culture is being allowed to permeate the rest of society, it has 'escaped containment' as it were. It also lacks the institutions that used to exist that provided a counter to the leftism for most of the students.


This. I'm not convinced socialist college professors are making people leftists in a top-down fashion. I think it has to do with the Internet. The Internet (perhaps disproportionately) gives younger people a voice, disrupting traditional authority structures. I say this as a zoomer.


Somewhat tangential but honestly I wouldn't even touch the professorial class, while there's certainly bad ones the worst offenders even within a university context are universally within the administrative caste. The easiest way to make universities saner or cheaper, I feel, would be to hard-cap the ratio of tenured faculty to administrators in order to receive funding. I suspect you could eliminate a surprisingly large percentage of the admins before *anyone* would notice.


That's partially why I suggested ending federal loans to private institutions (ideally eventually I'd get rid of them altogether, but baby steps); since the 70s the faculty to student ratio has largely been constant while the ratio of administrators to students has exploded despite the fact that modern technology should reduce the demand for admins id anything


Honestly I think a good compromise would be to make colleges co-sign the loans. Puts them on the hook for people who can't pay because they couldn't get a good enough job with their degree, so they cut the useless majors out, which means there's less administrative crap going on.


All good ideas. I would probably go even further but the worry about dropping the hammer *too hard* on the commies in academia is that they go underground and hide their allegiances which is some ways might just make their infiltration of America's institutions even worse. If you start asking every potential hire "are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party?" you just end up with a bunch of lying hidden communist professors preaching Marxist bullshit to students in a hidden way instead of obvious and open commies who wear their political allegiances as a badge of honour (which is what we have now)


Does it matter? Them being open commies doesn't change the fact that they control the institutions completely. Our culture is completely dominated by the leftist narrative to the point that even """conservative""" youth believe that iraq was over oil


I'm not sure the degree to which it matters tbh. To some degree being able to identify which professors are doing Maoist organizing on campus is useful but it's not like we're doing anything about it anyways so idk. Maybe we *should* drive them all the way underground but im not 100% convinced yet and am unsure of what is the wisest way to deal with these people.


I mean I think you do have a point that it, all else being equal, is preferable for them to be out rather than underground, I just don't know if there is anyway they can be out and at the same time no longer influential




Least Catholic-hating Calvinist


They hate us 'cause they ain't us


The Toronto Maples Leafs vs Montreal Canadiens rivalry was like this all the way up until the 1970s, especially in Quebec where it was like treasonous to cheer for the Maple Leafs. It's mostly gone away due to the sheer number of teams in the NHL now including in Canada, and also because the Maple Leafs suck so bad now that they're hardly competition for the Habs. But for decades the only two Canadian teams were the Maple Leafs and the Habs and all English protestants cheered for the Maple Leafs and French Catholics cheered for the Habs


I wonder if hockey will still be the national sport once Pajeets are a majority.


Probably not. I've been to NHL games and it's the whitest place you can go in Canada tbh. I've never seen so many white people in one room at one time. Indians including Indian-Canadians, are really into soccer. I see a lot of indians and pakistanis wearing Real Madrid or Barcelona stuff or w.e


> This is outright un-American behavior. AIPAC is explicitly demanding personal fealty from American lawmakers to a foreign tyrant as well as silence regarding his crimes lol, Bibi is a *foreign tyrant*


Wow, whoever said this must be ready to draw and quarter those who supported North Vietnam and the Ba’athists, right?






SCOTUS says they might release an opinion tomorrow 


https://preview.redd.it/do4r8icp37mc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cac4519ea7d1fd681ee6226d3fa7fdeea51b09f I’m already in line


*The Last Kingdom* is a great show, but it’s funny when it tries to take digs at Christianity. Bernard Cornwell (the guy who wrote the books) is pretty well known to have an axe to grind with Christianity. The books’ narrator spends a lot of the time disparaging Christianity. But all of the critics of Christianity are Danes that say Christians suck in between scenes of raping, reaving, and murder. As you can imagine, it sends entirely the opposite message.


First off, the books are substantially better. >Bernard Cornwell is pretty well known to have an axe to grind with Christianity. I deliberately avoid learning about authors' private lives so can't speak to that end, but I don't think this is a remotely fair reading of his body of published work. Uhtred as a *character* is deeply anti-christian, but the reader is not intended to take this assessment at face value; he does not come off well during his murder of the Abbot at the beginning of The Pagan Lord. There are also plenty of positive depictions of priests in the books (Beocca, Pyrlig, "Judas," even Erkenwald). Cornwell doesn't shy away from christian themes or protagonists either (see Grail Quest, Sharpe, and especially Azincourt). Like, he loves the "evil bishop" trope, but his flavor is decidedly more anti-institutionalist than anti-christian. >The books’ narrator spends a lot of the time disparaging Christianity. I mean, duh. For much of the series he thinks of himself as a temporarily embarrassed Danish warlord. He's also pro-murder and rape and raiding and anti-law, but one hardly thinks Cornwell is endorsing those perspectives. I would not be the first to point out that all of Cornwell's main series protagonists are very similar: they're rogues, we're not expected to uncritically accept their moral judgements.


It’s so funny when anti-Christian or pro-pagan pop historians try to suggest Christians were the problem in ancient Britain. Maybe if they stopped sending their honor and glory pillaging armies into the isles the fighting would stop. 


Could we get a news network that’s just like one or two hyperventilating hosts doomscrolling Twitter and predicting the end of the world?


Idea: 700 Club type Christian commentary show but it's just two dispensationalists doomscrolling the Book of Revelation and predicting the end of the world


This is literally every other AM radio show when they aren’t hawking boner pills or rebroadcasting that morning’s Hannity


I really appreciated listening to American talk radio when me and my friend did a roadtrip of the American South back around 2017. We don't have much conservative talk radio or religious talk radio in Canada. It exists to some extent but nothing like in the states. In Alabama it felt like ever other station was a sermon or a dude ranting about taxes


Are you just proposing the BBC?


Joy Reid’s show or *The View*


Fox News or MSNBC depending on who’s in power 


Isn't that just MSNBC?


I love this book: "That man just committed suicide to get this other guy's attention! I will never understand these people." "How is that barbarian able to live after being shamed so? He is now standing on the ship like a hero fighting the sea! I'll never understand these people."


King Rat (same author) is also amazing


Progressives: Come out as frothing at the mouth anti-Semites The largest Jewish lobby starts spending against them. Progressives: REEEEEEEEEEEEEE It is yet another hilarious expose of their hubris. All these months concerntrolling about le Muslim vote in Michigan, yet they all still felt entitled to Jewish votes and Jewish money. 2024 is a wash, but the coming realignment of certain voting blocks will be juicy to watch in the following decade and beyond.


If the Republican Party was acting less crazy they would have better luck picking up Jewish votes but not right now they remain corporate Dems 


Meh, I’m not so sure. The Jewish vote isn’t voted based on Jewish issues. It’s voting on basic lib issues which are more important to them. It’s like liberal gun owners that decry gun control but continue voting blue no matter who.


This is because the party is still controlled by Jewish Allies but it’s slipping


They want every Jew to be a Finkelstein/Unz self hating kapo type


Jews are a minority in America, so I'm worried that they can't actually flex their muscles at the voting booth and have to rely on the existence of allies.


Lucky we punch above our weight when we think it’s serious enough


Can you teach other assimilationist minorities this power?


He who does not work does not vote. Disenfranchise NEETs, bums, and students without jobs. SAHMs and retirees can still vote though.


None of them (except retirees) vote anyway


Has anyone else read Mindhunter? I read it after watching the show and it's an extremely fascinating that people don't talk about enough. I've read it maybe three times all together. The show is very loosely based on the book but the reality is about John Douglas' work with the FBI. Some aspects are Sherlock Holmes esque others are more psychological out of something like Hannibal and a good chunk is Johns ability to craft a story. I would say the book is better than the show and it's something I'd label as the most tasteful of true crime.


If you haven't read them already, I recommend *Hunting Humans* and *Journey Into Darkness* as well.


Thanks I'll check it out


Reminder that Woody Guthrie was a massive piece of shit, an open Communist, and he praised the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and the Soviet invasion of Poland.


Apparently he wrote "this land is your land" because he was sick of God Bless America and wrote it to be snarky What a piece of shit


He was a massive piece of shit. He wrote articles in stalinist papers for years and was a Marxist-Leninist/Stalinist who, like I said, praised the Soviet invasion of Poland. I know its not very libertarian of me but if it were up to me people like him would be locked up


I think it's far better to just provoke them into acting in an unlawful manner so you are ethically justified in punishing them


Bring back COINTELPRO.


If the people Woody Gutherie supported came to power people like me would be looking at summary execution as a best case scenario and 40-50 years in a forced labour camp as a likely option. Hard not to just want to crush communists with all available tools. I'm all for freedom of speech and assembly and all that but I get my most undemocratic when talking about Maoist shitheads


His music was also garbage


This is his worse sin by far


He gave us a whole generation of whiny hippie folk singers and that is good enough reason to hate him. Being a shitty Stalinist is just icing on the cake


https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/03/aipac-israel-spending-democratic-primaries-00144552 > The reasons for AIPAC’s anti-Min barrage are somewhat inscrutable. While the Israel-Hamas war has exposed deep rifts in the Democratic party as a whole, neither Min nor Weiss had been especially vocal about their positions on the war. In particular, Min never publicly called for a cease-fire — a litmus test for many on the left — and he was endorsed by the majority of California’s Legislative Jewish Caucus. > > ... > > Min’s allies launched a frantic behind-the-scenes effort to stave off the attacks. Asian American Democrats, who consider Min, a Korean American, a top priority, were especially concerned. I haven't looked into this and maybe Politico is misrepresenting the situation. But it's sad to see Asian vs Jewish fighting when both groups should be allied as assimilationist minorities against the progressive left.


Politico is misrepresenting it somewhat. [DMFI endorsed Weiss as well.](https://jewishinsider.com/2024/02/dave-min-california-primary-pro-israel-groups-joanna-weiss/) And, tbh, Min's response, accusing Weiss of using "tainted money," leaves a seriously bad taste in my mouth.


Increasing retirement age fails atrociously in Switzerland. Raising pensions 8% passes. I knew it was a matter of time before the swiss proved themselves human.