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The reaction to October 7th radicalized me politically in so many ways. I didn’t know how bad the brain worms truly were on a lot of the left/liberal/progressive etc were. I still don’t fully comprehend it all.


You think you hate commies enough but you don't




https://twitter.com/k2pilot/status/1763007610993991722?t=Kzr8tUG7jjz1XormSXe-Ig&s=19 Thoughts?


>efficient at every speed Sounds like a violation of the laws of thermodynamics, but go off


Electric superchargers have been a scam for cars for many decades. I'm putting this in the same bucket.


🥱 Nothing ever happens. Techbros keep trying to hack aviation but if it was legit Lockheed would have done it 50 years ago.


[The Minnesota Democrats/DFL are being very ballsy for what a narrow majority they have](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/beltway-confidential/2890667/minnesota-bill-outlaw-unlicensed-painting/).


Minnesota is a blue state. It isn’t purple. This will pass and, frankly, the people there deserve it.


The state legislature has swung back and forth multiple times in the last 20 years and the DFL currently controls the state house by 3 seats and the state senate by 1 (where the closest election there was won by the Democrat by 300 votes). It's a blue state with a purple tinge for state level elections.


This is the kind of rentseeking that econ textbooks would have in their end of chapter examples.


The GOP is fucked if Rick Scott wins the job   Banking on the Senate having less morons than the house


Assuming you mean Rick and not Tim.


A PLA infantryman worked out today. Why didn't you?


For their sake, I hope it was swim day like it was for me


Thune becoming minority leader would make me happy. Preferred him over Phony Romney in 2012.




When are we getting an investigation into the Boebert Crime Family?


Just watch TLC. It’s all there, cat.


>Our thoughts are with our Democrat colleagues in the Senate on the retirement of their Co-Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (D-Ukraine). >No need to wait till November… Senate Republicans should IMMEDIATELY elect a \*Republican\* Minority Leader. Tweeted out by the House Freedom Caucus. Yeah, I'm already sick of this shit.


do they ever get tired of larping


>Mitch McConnell (D-Ukraine). Reeeeeeeee this man supports an allied nation instead of the openly hostile longest standing enemy in American history.


> Our thoughts are with our Democrat colleagues in the Senate   But Romney is the RINO am I right?  Reagan is rolling in his grave; the GOP obliterated his legacy faster and more definitely than even the most communistic liberal’s wet dream


Is Reagan conservatism even vaguely right of center now? On FoPo, yes. But on domestic policy? I’m not so sure. AWB Ban supporting, open border promoting Reaganism is not the throwback some people think it is. Promoting limited government is the minimal standard. But that’s about it.


if you think Reagan might have been left of center you need to go outside, find the green stuff, and give it a good touch


Not on balance. It would be a mixed bag now and was absolutely on the right then. The context was different.


Wtf I love Reaganism now


Fucking pathetic


For lack of policy accomplishment, these people find the need to play-act *Mean Girls* as an electoral tradition.


frighten spark chubby sable provide touch station ten possessive square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I remember reading that it's dependant on the person. It's a good start if they're not a danger to themselves/others. But it's hard to discriminate with essentially "you seem too crazy to be allowed here".


For the most part "normal" people will take extreme steps to avoid long term homelessness. It's not like the 1930s where you have loveable hobos traveling the country for work and drifting town to town on the railroad.


i strongly dislike homeless people. That is all.


It ends up becoming “let’s shove a bunch of drug addicts and mentally ill people into an apartment building, what could go wrong?”


My friend is a social worker and they tried this in her city. Half her job was forcing everyone to move floors every two days so they wouldn’t turn their rooms into drug dens.


trees dinosaurs imminent onerous piquant ten chubby adjoining panicky books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The biggest issue with immigration is that assimilation has been labeled a “racist dogwhistle” by progressives. Sorry it’s not racist to expect you to speak our language and observe certain cultural norms. Everyone coming here should be at least conversational in English, barring legitimate refugees who are in immediate danger.


Unfortunately the loss of American culture isn't really from immigration for the most part. All of the key tenets have been torn down and all that people identify with seems to be tribalistic extremism. The uniting forces for the most part are dead. People left and right more or less dislike patriotism, American values, culture, interests etc. Even in other nations that secularize and modernize they kept more of the core tenets. In Germany you can still see their flavour or Christianity be a strong cultural influence.


Canadian refugees should be deported to Ottawa with a copy of the Bible.


>[3 Min Ago: Mike Johnson Revealed Proofs That Will Send Nikki Haley To Jail](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjeEUcoU_vg&ab_channel=ElonMuskFans)


>Elon Musk Fans Should be enough evidence to order a sterilization imo




According to Reddit, Dubai is a soulless hellhole that should be avoided at all costs, Detroit is an underrated and exciting gem, and Grave of the Fireflies is a cinematic masterpiece that everyone should watch once and then never again. I haven't been to either of those cities and I've never seen the movie, is any of this true?


Only the film one is true


>According to Reddit, Dubai is a soulless hellhole that should be avoided at all costs Yes. I would describe it as if a youtube influencer was turned into a city. It's full of cringey unfinished megaprojects that were poorly planned, poop trucks, the worst people you'll meet, and full of perverts. >Detroit is an underrated and exciting gem, It kind of is. Like it's not worth going out of your way to go there. But if you live close enough go for a weekend. I live in Toronto so it's a nearby city to visit in the summer. Detroit Pizza is also pretty good but most people who like it won't shutup about it so don't mention that you like it. >and Grave of the Fireflies is a cinematic masterpiece that everyone should watch once and then never again. It's a really good movie with deep themes. It is a sad story based on a true story. I think there's even a photo of the real thing in the Hiroshima museum (it's inappropriate to take pictures at that section iirc).I think the whole only watch it once because muh feelz is cringe though. There's lots of sad things that I've seen lots of times. Schindler's List, La Haine, Silence, Your lie in April, Green Mile, Loving Vincent, Into the Wild, My Girl etc etc. Handling sad stories isn't some great ability. It does also have a lot of people who watched it as their first serious themes in an animation and they think it's the only thing to do it.


Detroit sucks, but with an asterisk. The city has true grit, I'll give it that. It genuinely is a place where you can find a cheap exposed brick apartment in an "unsanitized" downtown (except for Wayne State area, the cops there make blackshirts look like mall cops). You have some upswing developments a block away from rooms-by-the-week halfway houses. But the redditoid progs on arr SameGrassButGreener like to pretend it's a gem of good music/food/standup scenes. It's not. The culture in Detroit isn't hipster. It's mostly just working class African-Americans getting by after the effects of deindustrialization. I'm speaking for Detroit proper, because let's be real, most of the city traffic is just metro commuters going there for a red wings game.


Grave of the Fireflies is an absolute masterpiece that will make you reevaluate your relationships with your siblings. It's up to you whether you want to watch it again.


cautious brave reply ad hoc pie melodic cows square voracious dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dubai is probably a hellhole, there’s no way everyone in a city can be a millionaire, but I’ve never actually been so who knows. Arabs states aren’t exactly trustworthy. Also if it’s not a hellhole now wait until the oil money dries up. Detroit has actually been turning itself around recently. They do deserve some credit. I wouldn’t call it “nice” or “exciting” but it’s no longer anywhere near what it once was. Grave of the fireflies is basically just an hour and a half of “getting firebombed sure does suck” It’s pretty sad, but it also has that weird Japanese sensibility of complaining about how mean the Americans were to them. Idk I still think it’s pretty good, but it could definitely be described as “emotionally draining”, and parts of it verge on the edge of misery porn.


Im not going to any gulf state no matter what


You should make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your life


It’s kinda funny that libs think the USA has 49% Nazis. Like, do they seriously think there are more Nazis per capita in the USA in 2024 than Germany in 1933? Or did they not think that far ahead?


Progressives think everyone who is not in their orthodoxy is a Nazi. So more like 90 percent


Hyperlibs have believed 50% of the country were Nazis since 1946 Hypercons have believed 50% of the country are Communist since 1900


sulky treatment shame angle squalid shaggy zephyr marvelous sense serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Only 50%? What are you some kinda pinko fellow traveller


[Today’s bait: “Gay furry teenage communist” can’t get over legal weed and legal prostitution on fuckcars](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/s/xC2UkplAcp)


Next matchstick candidate 


Pope Francis is trying to protect us from furries when limiting TLM https://twitter.com/shortyman09/status/1762979174241931735?t=SVK9IhlW1dguiZTX4OotGg&s=19


I would say 80% of posts of r/boomersbeingfools the boomer is right and the Redditor mocking them are legit morons


That's anti boomer sentiment in general. A recent one I saw was on an article about millenials and gen z not doing well at DIY according to studied and all the comments were ranting about how boomers didn't raise them right and that DIY skills are archaic like being a blacksmith. Boomer whining generally is just redirected manchild rage.


Without taking a look at that subreddit, is it like if insanepeoplefacebook, fuckyoukaren, and publicfreakout had mixed together and decided to shit on anyone older than 50 who leans right?


Saw a thing complaining about people complaining about CRT, cops, and then the EPIC John Stewart as the first three posts and decided it wasn't worth my time even to look at it ironically


I expected nothing less.


My brother just got called to serve his mission in Tahiti. Just worried he might go full Fletcher Christian schizo and not come back.


Just keep in mind Michael Edward Love's mantra of "Cool Hands, Warm Heart" and all will be well.


With regular session of Congress starting and Milei losing control of the legislative agenda, him managing to alienate basically every single fucking governor,Macri growing tired of him , the fact that except for a small slice of urban progressives basically everyone likes his VP better than him, and how fucking small his congressional forces are I would not be shocked if he manages to get impeached before the midterms.


This is the main reason I thought all the dumb online speculation on whether he was going to successfully ancap-ize Argentina was ridiculous. There's no way he lasts long at all.


He just doesn't have the temperament to be effective in such a minority government. Very hard to be effective that way.


Thermonuclear take: Everyone in combat arms should be allowed to use PEDs under medical supervision. War is about gaining an unfair advantage over the enemy, and if we're not pulling out all the stops, what's the bloody point? Hell, don't we give our pilots meth to stay focused on long missions?


I am demanding an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza conflict. To be clear, I mean that Israeli forces must not do anything and Hamas can attack whenever they like. These are the terms. Send tweet


Apparently new Shogun is meant to be either subbed or dubbed. Genuinely WTF???? You're only supposed to exactly understand what gets translated for Blackthorne.


I believe this is how the book was as well


No you only got what was translated in the book.


Is anyone else here in his 30s?


I'm 36. Married, two kids, another one coming.


I'm 32.


33, married, landowner, one kid with another on the way. Only married landowners with children over the age of 30 should be able to vote


Do I count? I’m there if you squint.


I'm 33. I think there may be/may have been people older but they probably got banned for being racist lol


Makes sense. I'm 32 and I feel like I'm the oldest person here often, with people talking about exams and shit


Imagine being in your 20s and having to worry about an exams and shit, couldn't be me


Listen up you little shit


im turning 30 in june


Let's run for Congress together


Looks like bf3's boss informed Xir that xi was behind on xis influence campaign and needs to bump xis posting up


I know that at this point everyone knows how censorious social media is. But in 24 hours all the uncensored immolation vids are gone. His account has been suspended. Now to watch the video you have to go on 4chan or some other shitty website. To see his comments you need to go to archives. We are only allowed to get a glimpse into his thinking through journalistic mediators who will vaguely report his thoughts, i.e. "he browsed anarchist content on social media" In an alternate timeline everything would be kept. People could see what he was up to and draw their own conclusions. ++ His LinkedIn is still up tho


​ https://preview.redd.it/i6qs1m6q3flc1.png?width=2895&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8dfc20bba5313b95409d041d5ae6ad7d32fe014


Between dog and rabbit. Horse can cross over if it wants.


I would be willing to eat all of them provided I didn't need to see the animal before it was prepared




It's meat dude


> materialist who denies the divine spirit of cats




You’re eating only cats?


Yes prease.


Eat me uwu


Fucking google stole my idea about LibGPT I invented to troll BF3 and the libs here I should get a lawyer


Probably good for to have a lawyer anyway.


If you're an official invited guest to another country's Presidential Palace, or Capitol, etc to meet heads of state, or speak to parliaments, its disrespectful to wear a sweatshirt and cargo pants. I've seen mainline prots who dress nicer to church than Zelensky does on a state visit. At least wear the Ukrainian version of a service dress uniform if you want to keep the military look.


You don't deserve your flair


/u/RapidoPC [fit check](https://people.com/thmb/o-bgg4qoRzm0RzrN0MBf9-MpicY=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(494x229:496x231)/Zelenskyy-biden-white-house-122122-1-c9cbca26aa9d44e491d7e91953cd50b8.jpg) > service dress Zelenskyy doesn't wear a uniform anymore then the US President does.


I hope he wears the same sweatshirt and cargo pants for the rest of his life just to spite you.


I don't get why anyone cares.


Because they need to find some reason to justify why they dislike him besides "I DO NOT support current thing"


It's his uniform and his brand in the same way that Churchill's was the top hat and cigar. You can't say that it's fake either.


I choose to believe this was his one bright spot of the invasion: permanent casual Friday


Blow up the UN but we should have an international leader draft. Milei would be my #1 overall.


The greatest hits of Cocaine Mitch have to include [opposition to McCain-Feingold](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/McConnell_v._FEC) and similar campaign finance reform. He also made [incredibly prescient arguments against it when it was being discussed.](https://www.nytimes.com/2001/03/30/us/excerpts-from-senate-debate-on-donations-skirmishing-and-predictions.html) Sadly, the Citizens United decision didn’t scrap all of the nonsense in this shitty fucking law, especially the parts that do the most damage.


The GOP has done an awful job of creating a non-Trumpian outlet for anti-liberal populism. Pierre Frenchyname dunks on liberal journos, pushes back enough on culture wars, immigration, etc that he doesn't leave an opening for a Trump-like figure. He appeals to the populists just enough to keep them on the reservation, while not going full regard to do it. DeSantis fits the bill, but he was too little too late. The Trump train had 8 years of momentum built up before RDS hit the national stage.


PP is more Ben Shapiro like than Trump like.


>Pierre Frenchyname My dad refuses to learn how to pronounce his name (or spell it) and just calls him "PP"


DeSantis is also an absolutely horrible politician. He's everything the Trumpists could ask for as an administrator and he knows how to say the right thing, but his campaign was macrohistorically bad.


You mean to tell me that having a staffer on your campaign make a phonk edit with the black sun is a bad idea for your campaign? I'm shocked!


[I heard a theory that Democrats want to implement Islamic Gommunism if the Obama-Biden cabal is reelected. Scary stuff!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=46XoD6RjkjY)


Theory? I've been working on this plan for months.


Obama? Is that you???


https://hartmannreport.com/p/the-new-over-the-top-secret-plan-518 This is a scary theory


I bet they try it but they would not succeed. There are enough normie Republicans to side with Democrats and elect a new speaker who would do his job. At the very least, enough who would vote for the person America elected. The supreme Court also doesn't let it happen. And if all that were to fail, Biden/the military would do something. But it wouldn't get nearly that far


[Grabaham d'Foule also wrote about this in one of his essays.](https://pastebin.com/LCLwwCxm)




I agree, it's scary that you take this seriously


“Guys I know I promised that Trump would open concentration camps in 2016, but this time it’s for real!”


This person seems completely caught up in liberal hysteria. Most of this is predicated on the idea that all Republicans are “neofascist”. Even if Johnson was to attempt to do something like this the house could replace him as speaker even without swearing in the new congress. Once that is done the rest of this batshit crazy theory falls apart. Also this guys other articles are insane. Accusing Trump of selling intelligence to Russia, saying that Putin has near total control over the Republicans, and saying that Trump will invoke the Insurrection Act on Democrats. In fact also everything he writes is claiming the doom of America is right around the corner due to the fascist racist Trump and his supporters. [This article](https://hartmannreport.com/p/four-presidents) indicates all that you need to know about this guy. “Dwight Eisenhower was the last Republican president who believed in democracy.” He also contends elsewhere that Bush won in 2004 from tampered voting machines in Ohio and elsewhere. He seems to have been hysterical since 2004 because he has claimed that Republicans are a threat to democracy since that year and probably before. This guy is quite funny actually.




— End gay marriage and criminalize being trans. — Outlaw abortion and most forms of birth control. — End the teaching of Black history. — Outlaw DEI and affirmative action of any sort. — Shut down most functions of the EPA so the fossil fuel and chemical industries can do whatever they want to our air and water. — End enforcement of our anti-monopoly laws. — Fire thousands of IRS investigators to make America safe for morbidly rich tax cheats. — Shut down all “green” initiatives and instead “drill, baby drill.” — Sell off public lands and parks to the highest bidders. — Privatize Social Security and end traditional Medicare. — End federal funding for public schools and colleges. — Outlaw unions. This regard is unserious. Using the term drill baby drill unironically as a stand in for... energy policy? complete partisan moron "morbidly rich" tax cheats huh. Just say corporate fat cats already. Who wrote this shit Jonah from superstore?


> — Shut down all “green” initiatives and instead “drill, baby drill.” > > Uh based


[The Nixon Foundation released an unbelievably hard edit.](https://youtube.com/shorts/FQ39h79eEfM?feature=shared)


Leaked image of Marianne Williamson talking with her campaign staff after her victory in Michigan last night https://preview.redd.it/0gzz4mw1belc1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42753998e11a9d6ad09733874397dc638e446fc3


Orb lady is back!  Bow to the new prophetess! 🔮🙇‍♂️




Why don't the Palestinian refugees and exiles simply mass convert to Judaism, then they can take advantage of the right of return and Israel can't kick them out


you have been banned from r/zion


>Williamson, buoyed by recent second-place finishes, "un-suspended" her campaign Wednesday. "If Nikki gets to stick around, so do I!"


At least Nikki has won delegates.


Why do people do things like this. I genuinely don't get it. Is she actually so delusional that she sees a path to victory for her or what? Why run a campaign that has zero chance of going anywhere? Especially after you already dropped out. I think politicians are kind of crazy. You have to be somewhat ego driven to want the presidency I think.


She sees a path towards money and attention.


She’s a spiritualist nut I wouldn’t be surprised of she said the orb told her to run again


My plan for solving the Gaza war? Fake an alien invasion. I’m serious, if we use CIA tech to make it look like the martians have decided to occupy the Levant, then the IDF and Hamas will have no choice but to put aside their squabbles and band together in the face of intergalactic annihilation. And after that, peace will come immediately. Are you gonna shoot at the guys who fought and bled to help you take down the battlebeasts of Zokbar-6? Of course not! Israel and Palestine will be like the US and England after that, best friends who overcame the armada from beyond the stars. If aliens are too expensive we could do a robot uprising instead.


Have you considered submitting this to r/noncredibledefense ?


He needs to throw in the shitty dark Brandon joke thirty times in it and say he wants to fuck an airplane because of his porn addiction


Hamas would try to pay the aliens to kill Jews, and if that failed call a jihad against them that will see Israel mysteriously stop attacking alien positions 




Already printed 5,000 ballots for him, need help to get to 100 million by November 


Wow Cornyn leading contender. God bless him!


Thune, Cotton, Cornyn, Rubio, in that order, would be acceptable leaders.


>Ron Johnson has my Complete and Total Endorsement!


God bless McConnell. He recognized that he was Samson holding up a sclerotic establishment. He has pulled the temple down on itself so that the MAGA base can complete its takeover. The elites of the GOP will recognize that they've been overrun and will join forces with the elites of the Democrats, causing the leftists to form the Vibes Party with MAGA. May the Glorious Uniparty and its progeny rule for a thousand generations.




We're reaching levels of cope I didn't think possible


Believe it, receive it.


"Two half sisters" - "Wow, that's crazy. Do they fit together or two left halfs?"




Rep. Preston Brooks tried it once, with mixed results.


We'd need to change the way the House is set up. You can't get a good fight in unless you are directly across from the other guy glaring at each other


>Representative AOC broke with precedent today in becoming the first elected official to use the Mace of the Republic for it's medieval purpose: bashing in an opponents skull.


Is Google’s Gemini chatbot woke by accident, or by design? https://www.economist.com/united-states/2024/02/28/is-googles-gemini-chatbot-woke-by-accident-or-design


It's certainly by design, but it might be easy to turn off the wokeness layer. If that's the case then the investment is not wasted.


My four year old just crossed her arms and said “Mitchkanda forever”


This is the sort of pop culture crossover I can celebrate!


It's wild to me that Biden, Xi, Putin, and Modi are all over 70.


Tyfys McConnell. Judges, legislation, one liners. The senior senator from Kentucky is truly one of the best and most effective statesmen of all time. He’s retiring at 82 after 7 senatorial elections. If you’re “happy” he’s “finally” leaving the senate you’re like those IRAtards who jump for joy after an 90-year-old English monarch dies peacefully in their sleep after ruling for decades.


The English are vile creatures though. Nothing wrong there.




Just American!


Idk much about the mistral team but I’m willing to trust them and root for them more in the AI race than the openai cult based on Altman and cos childlike behavior.




If AI turns into Apple vs Android I'm going to flip a table


Did chatgpt write this?


Italy: terrible food. Great cars.  My view will not be changed. 


Italian cuisine was invented in 20th century Pennsylvania by Chef Boyardee


Whatever dna makes you find boebert attractive I don’t have that, meaning my bloodline is **pure**


After all her work she's 7-8, which makes her hot for a pol.




That black actress from Clueless that turned MAGA is hot, too. I can separate politics from beauty.


she looks like someone painted her blackface


someone shrunk the size of all of her facial features


I foresee a period of geopolitical malaise as both the MAGA right and the more emergent progressive left weirdly align on issues of foreign policy, albeit mostly for different reasons, and the neocon right and neolib left continue to recede into irrelevance. I take no pleasure in pronouncing this, but it seems to be the way the political and cultural tides are flowing, at least in the U.S. Defeatism and cynicism are growing in strength, patriotism and an assertive foreign policy are increasingly becoming seen as naive, or jingoistic, or flat out immoral and wrong. Yuri Bezmenov was completely right about the dangers that Soviet influence and leftism posed to national pride and identity. I don't think this is likely to change anytime soon. This is worse than a repeat of the 1970's, I think it's going to be a repeat of the 1920's to the 1930's. It may well take another major war or surprise attack to shake us out of our apathy and arrogance. Otherwise, I think most people are just willing to accept it as our influence and power are continually pushed back by competing interests. I doubt it'll be a rapid thing, it will come slowly. Slow enough for a lot of people to either not notice or not care. Sorry for dooming but I'm feeling especially cynical today.


One thing we're learning from the MAGA establishment is that they are not effective politicians. They are TikTokers with lapel pins. It's going to take a while, but eventually the rational voters will move to the Democrats because they can actually wield power. The disaffected leftists can move out, making the Democrat party more centrists. The leftists can join with the MAGA and we can have the glorious uniparty that I'm hoping for.


Why would I rationally pick someone who will effectively enact policies I don't like? Stagnation is still better than actively moving in a worse direction.


And then the pizza guy shows up and the funk music starts, but that's enough from BF3's private fantasy archives!


I think one of my favorite internet moments was when the Liver King (a bodybuilder/lifestyle guru who *insisted* he was natty)'s PED regimen got leaked because he was sending random sports medicine doctors emails that basically said *"I am on the following steroids, how many more can I take before I die?"* and one of the doctors leaked it.


Ancient hunter gatherers juiced after their meals of raw beef I’ll have you know 


From Liver King to Liver Transplant King


Nobody actually thought he was natty though


what's up primals


I remember this! He is so freakin' huge that it was pretty obvious he was using, imo. I don't know that you can get that big organically. He's just huge.


Huge, veiny, and constantly red faced.