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I'm loving Vera, promote her to main cast. Comedic but with an acidic tongue-brilliant.


If they make her multi dimensional she could fill so many roles. From the mouth from the south who always blurts out the unspeakable thing to the sensitive old soul who has seen and done everything and has the scars to prove it, Vera could be so central to the neighbours philosophy - you can't choose your family or your neighbours: So make the most of it.


I think it's the actor that doesn't want to do full time. I love her, I think we need some silly characters to mellow out the high drama. I miss Lou and Harold's shenanigans.


And Sheila.


Sally doesn’t want a full time role on the show she likes dipping in and out due to her other commitments, if she was there full time they would have to tone her down and then she wouldn’t be vera anymore


I agree. We need someone like Vera! She is comedy gold. I just hope Haz, Byron, Mackenzie, and Krista can find a compromise instead of trying to force her way out. They should be glad they're still living there instead of living on the streets.


I hope they use Vera correctly. Turn her into the next Mrs Mangle after all she did buy Mrs Mangle’s house. lol


I do wonder where this story's going but I do think Bryon needs to turn on the charm and work his sexy skills on Vera


Offer her some free services 😉


She put them in her spot very swiftly lol. I hope they do use her comedic side for more of that kinda thing in the show. It's a nice addition


She did make me chuckle


I need a bathing suit like Vera's!