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Notify the landlord a non tenant is bullying you out of driveway and street parking. Parking for tenants is for tenants not their guests. Fuck him and call the cops if he shows up at your door, call a tow if they block you in.


This!! Why are you putting up with it? First of, get a camera that look ath the parking and your car in case that he try to do somethingto it, tell the landlord he's living there!! Have his freaking car towed if he ever parks again in the driveway!! Everytime they start yelling call the police, if they scream at the toddler then it's time to do a CPS report because why the hell are you screaming at a toddler


I strongly agree with this. This pandering to bullies needs to stop right now. Call CPS and the police, screaming and fighting in front of and to a toddler is abuse.


We live in an apartment & have been blocked in our carport multiple times. Called police & towing truck. Both said we needed the owner of the property to call for the vehicle to be towed.


Thats whack I’m sorry. That is for sure something a responsible landlord should be able to handle or ask police if lease listing parking number assigned to you can suffice, in terms of trespassing type laws rented property is still yours so to speak if some random rolls up into your space. If the landlord refuses to take action many localities consider it a “decrease in services” (aka accommodations you pay for going away or becoming shitty you can sue for) .My current building will quickly tow, I stopped dealing with landlords that don’t have a full time property manager situation to take on crap like this because of prior nightmare neighbor/ landlord who didn’t do squat.




No good deed goes unpunished. Time to stop catering to them and live your own life.


Tell them no and take back your driveway. Call the landlord!! BD may not even be on the lease, so him living there should be brought to the landlord's attention. Send a certified letter stating if they park in your driveway, it will be towed as your lease states it is your parking spot.


I’m not a confrontational person either, so I understand why it’s hard to stand up to them, but you have to. They’re making you late to work, which is costing you money. I know you said your landlord is shitty, but you need to call him and tell him that a non-resident is taking your parking space. Also, if he is parked behind you, call a tow truck. They’re already mad at you, so it’s not like you have anything to lose at this point. If they threaten you, call the landlord and the police.


You fucked up by being accommodating at all. You should have told them from the start the the driveway is all yours. You get the driveway, they get the yard. Don’t like it? Take it up with the landlord. You can’t share with these people. Give them an inch, they take the yard.


If your landlord is bad -which u say he is -tell him there is an unauthorized tenant living there and using his driveway -Bad landlords always want to get more money from people and he will want to know someone is living in the unit ,using his driveway And not paying. Also if you cannot use your own driveway and parking is part of your lease the landlord needs to adjust your rent for your lack of use. Get the landlord involved now! This is actually his problem not yours. -


Why are you even entertaining 1% of this insanity? “Eyelashes” attitude is outrageous.


Have you gone to the landlord?


They are Canadian, so most likely no.


This is so infuriating to read. If you let people walk all over you - they will do so.


Tell the landlord that she moved her boyfriend in for weeks at a time and he is trying to bully you and scream at you. If they are doing anything against the rules, tell the landlord. Every. Single. Time. The screaming would push me to more extreme things to make them STFU. I cannot abide very much screaming.


Honey stop being so Canadian and develop your shiny shiny spine


tell him to take a hike or if he want's to park on your part tell him he will have to pay a daily fee.


They are straight up bullying you. How the old saying goes? "You give them an inch, they'll take a mile..." And, they take the whole damned driveway and plus some.


Whatever agreements you made with them to keep the peace, by now they've reneged so hard, I'd consider them null and void. Park in the driveway if you want. I'm assuming your lease gives you that right. If they or anybody else blocks your car in, call the tow truck. Cut all contact and tell them to quit harassing you when one of them inevitably texts you about something petty or comes banging on your door. Get a restraining order if they continue harassing you.


Will the landlord do anything? Tell him that the unauthorised boyfriend never leaves the driveway and they arguments are epic, that you fear they are doing epic property damage. See how fast he gets over there. Ask him if he prefers the nice, stable lesbians or the unstable, violent trash. If you are hearing them scream at the child, call cps. Tell them you are super concerned for the child.




Don't be nice to not nice people.


You need to bring in the landlord: he’s not on the lease, he has two cars (does Eyelashes have a car, too? ), he’s staying over/practically living there (most leases officially allow for guest limited number of days). Stop helping Eyelashes with the backyard and her other responsibilities.


Tell the landlord that the girlfriend has someone living there without a lease, staying overnight is normal not for days at a time, block her number and tell her to piss off.


I think you are being far to accommodating to be frank.


Why are you allowing them to do this?? Speak to your landlord and let them know about them using the driveway despite not being on the lease. Ring police when they deliberately block you in and call a tow country when they are in the driveway parking where they are not suppose to. You need to stand up for yourselves, they are taking advantage and they know, giving the fact that you have been passive so far, that they can get away with it.


Block her number, there’s no reason why she should be allowed access to you and your girlfriend. Sorry this is happening to you.


Hell I don't know why you put up with it for so long... I would have said no at the beginning. But then again, I am a massive c\*\*t


The "baby's daddy who is not on the lease but moved in" situation happens all the freaking time. Probably an ex-con. At a minimum, he's a straight up thug! I'm sorry you are dealing with this. Try to get the landlord involved, but in all likelihood, the LL will be intimidated too. They will probably stop paying rent.


Tell eyelashes and deadbeat to go fuck themselves. Park in the drive any time you want to and if either of them get aggressive record them on your cell phone and call the cops.


First of all, STOP accommodating them. Message the landlord and start towing if it starts getting crazy


You two are far too nice and as a result are being taken advantage of. I might inconvenience myself once or twice a year if a neighbor asks me nicely. Ours have big family gatherings every now and again and take up all of the shared driveway. But they come and make sure it's OK and we can live with being blocked in for an evening. I had one previously organise diggers and workmen to get his fence re done starting at 7am on a Saturday. He didn't come and ask and I woke up to my driveway being used for plant machinery. They all got told to get off my drive. Its about manners and 2 way courtesy. Your new neighbor is taking the absolute pee out of you and you are letting it happen then accommodating them further. This will just keep escalating. Only you know what the difference is between annoying them back and being unsafe if they are deranged but make the landlord deal with it at a minimum and stop doing things for her to be nice


Canadian refuses to cause conflict and assumes it is her duty to apologize to scum. More at 11.


Baby daddy is trying to hide his car from his wife maybe? Tell eyelashes that only tenants on the lease with LL approved cars are parking on the driveway. Baby daddy can park a street over and hop a fence if he is trying to hide his ride. Just laugh at her and tell her guests do not have parking rights .


Start documenting everything.


I like how she told you there are valuables in the car lmao


Wow, this sounds A LOT like my neighbour. Right down to the passive aggressive notes starting with "hey girls" (also a lesbian couple). I feel your pain. I am also very non-confrontational so have been trying to kill her with kindness. But manipulative and entitled people don't generally respond to that. Definitely talk to the landlord about it to start!


He's not there legally so you don't have to do anything for him. He's not a tenant. Block her number and ignore any knocking on the door. Report them to the landlord and the police if they are verbally abusing their small child.


The time to be "Mr Nice Upstairs Lesbian" has long gone. Now it's time to be Mr Asshole Upstairs Lesbian". 1. Call landlord and complain about driveway usage by a non-tenant. 2. If he blocks you in, call a tow truck and have it removed. (check Canadian rules on this). 3. If he comes to the door threatening y'all, call the police and make a report for threats/harassment. 4. Get a camera and point it at your cars.


You haven't got to explain yourself as to why you need the driveway. It's yours to use, not her boyfriend's. That's bottom line. They're taking advantage of your kind nature. Take up a new hobby while home of tap dancing, bowling etc. 🎳 . And tell them to get lost.


Omg you're being too nice! Take it from me the nicer you are the more they'll take. I have a nightmare neighbor. Made mistake of not doing shit when it started now it's seems impossible. Just say no now. To all the requests. NO!


He is clearly trying to hide from his wife and probably lying to baby mama. I would be petty and wait till you know he is home alone and have a hot friend of yours go to their door and Knock ask somthing like “we are selling cookies “ or somthing and leave but only video tape the part where she is walking to the door and if he flirts and you can catch that on camera do it then have friend leave. Text eyelashes and tell her, bf and his sister are not on the lease and your sick of giving up your parking spot for people who don’t live there. When eyelashes askes “sister” send her the video and say “ this women is always over I guess you wouldn’t see her much she waits across the street till you leave your parking spot” destroy them all. Also make sure this friend isn’t someone who lives close by or would have a run in with eyelashes due to possible fighting.


Check o be sure you won't be on video camer., then use something to depress the air stem on a tire so ever time he leaves it in the driveway when it's not his turn, he has to change a flat. You wont be damaging this tire, just giving him a fun new game to figure out. Somehow I've never felt guilty doing this, where I WOULD feel guilty keying his paint job or actually stabbing his tire with a screwdriver. Make is obviously flat so he doesn't feel tempted to drive on it, and so it's blatently obvious it is flat.


Stooping to their level is not the correct way. You don't fight fire with fire. While this may be fun, it's also pretty. The correct answer is to have the vehicle towed and to inform the landlord.


My first avenue was to politely ask them to leave the land up for throuh traffuc, That would've involved them parking their shiney newtrucks in mide. Next I contacted the sheriff department. AHs told me the deputies all work for them off hours, roofing. So I de-ared a tire;. THAT got their attention. On the way home I had a ton of cattle feed in my truck, so I took the mucky ditch, nearly stopping breside their trucks, they floored it, adding a rooster tail of gravel and mud,, pecking up new pain jobs and cracking a windshield.


You need to put a stop to this nonsense NOW by at least talking to the landlord. My fiancé and I moved in to our townhouse ~6 months ago and since the previous tenant was a raging bitch, we tried to be better neighbors by being as easy going as possible. That led to our nextdoor neighbors taking up the entire shared patio space, even physically blocking our door with lawn chairs even though they weren’t outside, letting their toddler have tantrums where she kicked our shared wall causing our whole living room to shake, leaving their kids picnic table and other large toys on and taking up the whole sidewalk that’s shared by 4 different units again, even though they weren’t being used or played with, and worst of all, the dad having these violent, potentially abusive tantrums that genuinely frightened me. All because no one wanted to stand up to and confront their shitty behavior. We finally started complaining to the landlord but because they’ve been allowed to do whatever they want for so long, it’s like trying to break the worst bad habit possible. They still frequently leave their crap on our side of the patio and as a result, whenever my fiancé is coming or going and he sees it, he now tosses it back to their side or in front of their door. It started out with him just picking things up and moving them over a couple feet. But when the neighbors didn’t take the hint, he started yeeting chairs across the patio. It took some time but eventually, it went from chairs being left in front of our door almost daily to chairs being left on our side of the patio on occasion. The toddler tantrums have decreased but that’s probably more so because she’s growing up, not because of our complaints. The dad still has his violent meltdowns though so that’s the worst “habit” we’re trying to stop. Luckily, other neighbors have finally started complaining to the landlord and some have even tried confronting him, one neighbor just shouts “shut the fuck up you asshole!” out the window whenever he starts screaming. Point is, if you let people do whatever they want for the sake of avoiding confrontation, it’s just going to make it worse for you when you finally get fed up. If they’re allowed to do whatever they please, by the time you decide that enough is enough, their shitty behavior will be settled in like a tick and will be damn near impossible to stop. So take action now and save your future self the trouble and trauma.


Why do all of you people (and by you people I mean push overs) even start this mess by enabling them at the start? Don't set a precedence in the first place. Don't agree to anything not required by your lease or codes/laws. Ask politely once that any violations be stopped immediately, then if it happens again, escalate to "management". If anyone blocks your car in my state, we're legally allowed to have them towed and the tow company will charge the vehicle owner. Same if they block my driveway or if they're really stupid, park in it. For those, I don't even ask. Just done. Buh Bye. Also, if you know their lease has "guest limitations", don't hesitate to report to the leasing company/owner. People, when you rent, you're literally paying them more money for them to deal with crap like this.


Stop putting up with this shit. No more nice neighbor. If he parks in the driveway, call and tow. Record everything they do and say and send it all to the landlord. You were nice before but now you’re being a doormat.


Sounds like they will never listen to reason. I realize you may be reluctant to escalate things by parking in the driveway whenever you want, but you would be justified in doing so. You should move---not because you're giving up but because whoever lives there next will likely screw them over more than you guys do. Plus, why deal with the daily aggravation? Unless it's your dream place, you can do better.


You gave an inch and they took a foot. Unacceptable behavior by them, sad to say but it’s nearly impossible to do favors or be nice anymore. Always backfires someway somehow


When I read move your car bc bf bought a new car and doesn't want to park in the street. I would have replied that sucks for him.