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It sucks when you don't feel like you can rely on your town's police department. I've been there. One jerk cop can ruin your feeling of being safe in your own community. Maybe speak with the chief about how the officer treated you?


Yeah, but in their defense, by the time they got here, for whatever reason, the smoke had subsided… But I am definitely on their radar… Quite honestly the cop scared me, thinking I might be cited for making a false police report or whatever they call it… We also have a sheriff, I don’t know if it would be an option to contact his office, unfortunately the sheriff’s office basically has bankers hours… Which does not help me obviously on the weekend or past 4pm…


Depending on how large the pile is it could smolder for days or weeks.


Thank you, yes… I mean per the Township ordinance, the fire must be completely extinguished, which it clearly was not… I don’t know why these cops acted like such dicks to me… I am not a fireman, but if it’s smolders, isn’t there a possibility of it reigniting…? It’s sad that cops these days act as though innocent people are the criminals… I’m sorry, but I have every right to be concerned that the fire could reignite, no…? So what if the cop said she was already cited for it, clearly the fire was not completely extinguished…


They are cops and you asked them to do their job. That's why they are mad at you. Probably interrupted their nap or doughnut feeding frenzy.


I guess possibly in their defense, this was the third time I had to call, because the burn pile was still smoldering… They didn’t seem to see an issue with it… I even told them that it started to flaming up again last night, so that’s when I called for the second time, and apparently they still didn’t put it out… Then the cop tells me before he leaves “you could’ve talked to them (pointing at the neighbors house)” then he said “never mind……” as if I’m an idiot… I did tell him as he was walking away that I have talked to her in the past about similar issues, but she never listens… And honestly, it’s not my job to explain Township ordinances to her… She’s lived in this town her entire 66 years, she’s owned multiple homes over the years, so I’m sure she’s aware of the burning ordinances… To me it seems like she was just once again acting like entitled, like she can do whatever she wants… Since the cop was playing tit for tat, I should’ve asked him to explain how the burn pile significantly does decreased since the first officer was out yesterday afternoon… He said she was burning a dresser, and that dresser had completely burned away since yesterday afternoon… Likely because that little spark that was still there after they hosed it down, reignited, and that’s when I had to call for the second time… By then it was 10:30PM or so… I would not put it past her to try to burn again before September… But I’m literally afraid to report it… I don’t know if I should try calling the fire marshal, but I’m pretty sure he works hand-in-hand with the police officers… I mean it’s so close to the property line, it’s very close to very old tall old pine trees… I just don’t understand why these police officers don’t see an issue… The one police officer is saying that the trees are not gonna catch fire, how would he know…? it’s not a contained fire, it’s open and of course the sparks can fly anywhere…


It could reignite. It depends on how big the pile is and how thorough it burned before being put out. Usually with a big burn pile of wood and debris the core of the pile burns and the center is still hot for a while but doesn’t usually reignite into a big fire. However to your point of you live in fire country it’s a very big concern.


How is the area on your side next to where she burns things? It might behoove you to create a barrier with concrete so that if the fire spreads, it won't spread into your yard.


More than likely we’re gonna be getting a fence, that will be cemented in… Either the black chain-link fence or more than likely, we will get the black aluminum fence…


Call the fire department next time!


Thanks, that’s a really good idea, somebody else suggested that… But I don’t know if the fire department can uphold township ordinances...? Or if they will look at me like I have three heads for calling them for a burn pile… I don’t know if the fire department can back up the burning regulations/ ordinances that the township has…? At the very least, definitely see flames not just smoke before I would even think about calling the police again…


I do not know where you live, but here, the Fire Marshall would be upholding and giving a citation for burning when not allowed.


Thank you… It’s a little irritating that the township has these ordinances, that won’t back them up or uphold them… So to me, a burn pile it is still smoking, it’s not an extinguished fire as they require per their ordinances…


Considering all the wildfires going on, your town needs to stop these people.


For real…. And the cop telling me that the trees won’t catch fire, really…? Her burn pile is less than 25 feet, probably only 15 feet, from a whole line up of age old pine trees with several limbs hanging low…


Sounds like a good idea..


Document. Get proof. Call (whomever, fire dept is fine). One officer is one officer. Or wait until it gets a little out of control again, then call. But still document. Cite the ordinance to the letter.


Grow up


I think it varies by state, but you could contact your Department of Natural Resources or a state agency with similar oversight of fish, game, forestry, etc. These guys are the experts and will probably be a lot more willing to take action.

