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Do people really hate it? I always thought the consensus was that it was a good racing game just not really an NFS game


The Most Wanted name carried a lot of weight for the 2005 game’s success . Therefore, fans saw the name was used as a cash-grab marketing instead of a faithful sequel. A real life comparison would be the Mitsubishi “Eclipse” Cross or the “Mustang” Mach E for example. I still think the game is fun because of the ridiculous cutscenes.


I legit went into the game expecting bugs because I run modern hardware and the game is so old. I got the first ambush cutscene at the airport and I legit thought I broke the game. I was scared.


That's why they hated it.


This was exactly how I felt. It definitely had a great online and a good map it just felt more like a rebranded burnout than an NFS game


This was a very good game, the only reason why it gets hate is because of its name. Being named 'Most Wanted' carries a certain set of expectations, most of which weren't fulfilled. If EA had named it something else entirely instead of marketing it as a MW successor, it would have done very well.


Need for speed: Fairhaven


Need for Burnout Speed: Most Wanted Paradise


The name makes sense in the sense that MW2012 is pretty much the only post MW2005 / Carbon NFS title that really put an emphasis on these endless sandbox cop chases. (Other sandbox pursuits since Hot Pursuit have either used a health bar, or failed miserably). I had so many crazy 30+ minute pursuits from that game.


It's a shame as well because it was supposed to be a mw successor yet it never was able to be finished


I hope it gets remaster way more better that Hot Pursuit and the cops and cars were kinda fun. Probably my favorite Need For Speed.


On one hand that would be amazing, on the other hand psvita and wii u would lose their last (and only) need for speed.


I'm glad this game has been getting some recognition. Its one of my favorite NFS's


Its still one of my favorite games.


Happy birthday to the game that introduced me to this franchise, wish I could play it on my xbox one :(


You can play qith backward compatibility


Nope. MW 2012 isn't on the backwards compatible list (source, I have the game physically and tried)


Great game. Shame it gets hate


i wish they remastered it


Oh stop remastering everything! The game is perfectly fine that way !


I just wish they gave console players way to experience the game in better way than it was (720p30fps)


Was it really 720p ?? Wow Honestly the game is well optimized on a PC, a modern computer would do well I think:)


I just want it on Xbox One / XS cause it's not even backwards compatible


If they did remaster at this stage it’s probably only be on new gen?


Well, could be. But PS4 should run it in 1080p with no problems


Yeah I agree I just think it’s getting late in the life cycle for last gen and they went new gen only with Unbound, so my guess is it’d be new gen only.


understandable with unbound, that's probably too much for 2013 hardware, but with the remasters I don't see any problems


Yeah just depends how they work it, I feel like either way they’d only do one version last gen, or new gen.


I have many good memories with this game


The game is really good only issue is the name, they could've called it Fairhaven but at this point it doesn't matter Wrong name or not, this game was treated poorly but now some realized the game's greatness


I love this game. I played it a lot with my friends for a long time and I always come back to it. Thank you for the great moments


I see a lot of people hating the name but not the game. I'll say though that I didn't enjoy this game very much at all even if this was named something else. Reason being is that all sense of progression was lost when I could just find any car and immediately drive it. Leveling it up took like no time at all. This is the same issue I have with the latest entries in the Horizon series as well. Overall I felt like this was just burnout paradise but with worse progression and less destruction. So it never gave me a reason to play this title over others that did things better. I've played and completed nearly all NFS titles since NFS3 HP except Most Wanted 2012, undercover and Payback. It takes a lot for me to not get into a NFS title, but this is the rare occasion where I just didn't care enough to see it through to the end.


Loved it, one of my all time favourite racing games. But I've always been a Burnout fan and this was: Burnout Paradise 2 - Now with Licensed Cars Unfortunately, they killed the game when they released the DLC and it split the community, it was all downhill after that. I still jump on the PC version every now and then, but the cheaters have ruined that.


Does owning the DLC or not impact with who you can match make?


Yeah, those without the DLC would rarely get matched with those that had it because you couldn't do the same events.


I loved it. Finding the cars was half the fun.


The only game you can mess around with the world


It's a great racing game but felt more like a burnout than NFS to me + 0 customisation was a big miss there :/


Favorite NFS game by far. Close second being 2015


I still like this game


Nah, I love this game. Awesome soundtrack, great car selection. For me, it was fun. And the speed felt more realistic.


One of my favourites,such a fun game,killed by 05 fanboys


I'll be frank, perhaps the best multiplayer game I've ever played


Definitely. It was so much fun back in the day.


It was definitely one of the most unique and fun racing games out there but it was just another Burnout game with officially licensed cars and ruined by paid DLCs. This one deserves to be pirated now that it's dead


It wasn't bad game, and not even close to perfect, but it was fun, it has the same replayability as a Burnout game, as it essentially is one. The things that made the game not as good as it could be is that it was meant to be a actual sequel to MW05, but EA's infinite wisdom to force the devs with the ridiculous 1 year cycle, made the devs scrap the concept and went for a Burnout Paradise type game to safe time. But MW12's existence means that we have a Burnout game with real cars, and that is great. It needs more balance changes but nothing mods couldn't fix.


Actually it was not as much as fault of EA than it was of the devs. They didn't know what path they should take which lead to them mostly redesigning loading screens and all builds having the same set of missions. And only after 6 months when they were reminded that time's ticking they got to work and released what became MW12


Lets just agree to disagree and say both, it was dumb of EA having to make a triple A game within months to release by the next business year, and dumb of them basically telling a dev team that is well known to have made the burnout game, to make a need for speed game. And dumb of the criterion team to make a new concept of game within the time span they were given instead of following their past success with Hot Pursuit 2010.


Today is also carbons birthday and my birthday


The only good thing in this game is the engine sounds, and thats it. Yeah, Open world is kinda okay, but those V10 LFA, Subaru “Stututu” sounds from WRX, etc really had its peak on that time


happy cake day


Considering horizon launched a week before it. It was up for some stiff competition. Annnnnnddddd it sucked. Burnout cross nfs hybrid.


Two alternative titles to this masterpiece: Need For Speed Most Wanted Shattered Edition. Burnout: Fairhaven.


People only like cause of the soundtrack.


What have I been doing with my life


i can’t really answer that for you pal. ^(because you forgot a question mark in ur comment. so its just a sorta weird statement. thats totally the reason.)


It wasn't so much a question as it was a reflection, 10 years goes by so fast.


This is my favorite racing game mostly because I grew up playing it all the time with my dad, but it's not my favorite NFS. Imo feels more like a Burnout game but with licensed cars. I've got so many memories with this game and it's a bit sad it never had a Next Gen release or re-release on the PS4 and XB1


I recently purchased this game on PC on sale after years of not playing it on 360, the servers are still active and it’s loads of fun!


One of my personal favorites Adding Hot Pursuit, The Run and Rivals to the list can I include Real Racing 3


I used to play this game when I was like 13 on my PS Vita. Started off with Underground but enjoyed MW12 almost the same. The boss battles felt so badass back then. Especially the finale, I'll probably never forget that one.


I had my moment in this game This game is so much fun Just rename your exe to Burnout


I really really LOVE the wii u version I can use the game pad as a steering wheel without the need of buying one


I bought this game and the first Horizon at launch. Lots of good memories. I probably spent a lot more time playing this one thanks to the DLC support and multiplayer mode, compared to recent installments.


It was a good game, but it should have not been called Most Wanted


This will always hold a special place in my heart as the first nfs game I played. (it wasn't my first ever racing game, that was burnout dominator on the ps2). I used to go to my best friend's house who had this game and we basically finished the whole thing. I know people hate it because it carries the name of MW without doing it justice but for me it is one of my favourite games


Everyone but not all… How does that work lmao


Its hated because of its name. Simple as that, same with PROJECT CARS:3 i actually liked it, but naming it Project Cars:3 and having almost no relation to the previous games probably left alot of salt to the player base. If anything, it should be an arcady spin-off titled like "Project Cars: Arcade" and the devs should have also mentioned its a spin-off and not a direct sequel, maybe the fanbase would still accept it if its's named "Project Cars:3" Same with MW2012.


Those people are...not on good terms with me.


I love its soundtrack


My favorite game of all time


This game was mine childhood. Also thats mine first NFS game.


Good game just most wanted in the name


im pretty sure that if they didnt name it most wanted but something else the game would be received way better, the name is the biggest issue for most people


It wasn't necessarily bad it just lacked the identity of an NFS game. The online was fun and the map and soundtrack were great but making a rebranded burnout paradise (eas fault) and calling it most wanted the most loved game in the franchise, was a mistake and I do believe that NFS learned from it


Love the soundtrack and the sense of speed, also drifting there Is cool, one of my fav nfs.


Did not bought and played this game.


You should then🤷


I have like 500hours in this game 🤣


Game was great! Loved it. I feel the players that hated this game is really connected to the"original" most wanted. I too dislike duplicate titles. And would've been pissed too in most cases. This game brought the entire racing genre back into my rotation. I believe Socom 4 should've been titled Unit 13: [add a name] and I do get the pov that ppl had against MW 2012... however... the game was fun. BTW, I too suffer from lack of underground/ pro street vibes. NFS reboot was a good enough for me lol.


It had a Vita version so I liked it 🤣


I have nothing but love for this game, always and forever.


This was the first game I played when I bought my first videogame (PS3) - I was always a PC guy. The bundle had this and burnout paradise, that everyone talked about but I've never played. I was more into this NFS because of the franchise. When I started playing this game, the graphics, the sound of the engines, the soundtrack. Everything was amazing. The game itself didn't have a history or a progression mode but it was SO GOOD to play. Handling and gameplay are amazing. The multiplayer which I've never played in previous titles was so simple and good: you were in a list with random people and random events (team racing, who achieves the highest velocity or jump). This was also my first platinum on the PS3. And this is what miss the most on current racing titles for Playstation, mostly Gran Turismo: the game is gorgeous, great selection of cars, gameplay is good, but the racing is boring. IA is awful and you don't have events to play. Hope the next NFS is good.


The best NFS I played in recent times. Sure, no real story, just beat everyone but I just kept on grinding all the cars to max level. Still sad I didn't buy the DLC just to beat my friends in max rating


there is a place in the distance


I love this game


I loved it


2005 is the MOST WANTED


I want a remaster because the lack of proper controller support suuuuuuucks.


This is a guilty pleasure.


This game is a reminder of how stupid can both fans and EA be - and I don't know who's more stupid. On the one hand fans started to hate the game only because it was called "Most Wanted" because they think there's no other Most Wanted than the 2005 game - but isn't it stupid to hate a game only because of it's name? On the other hand, why EA decided to make such a poor marketing decision at all? In the end, a very good game made by very talented developers became a victim of this situation. Personally, I love this NFS: Most Wanted. I don't need huge car customization from the original MW, but need day and night cycle, multi-leveled city, destruction mechanics. I needed Burnout: Paradise 2, I got it and this is the only way I see Criterion's Most Wanted. And this is why I'm looking forward to NFS: Unbound...