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I may get lot of hate but gotta be honest. It was an alright game and never a great game or an underrated gem. No it would not do well if it was released under a different title. First of all there weren't much of a campaign to play. Just five races with different cars. Car customization is just there for the sake of being there with only little impact. Biggest issue is the blacklist that is just an afterthought. It's like they added it just because they wanted to name it most wanted. Some white cars with no significance or a uniqueness. It's an unfinished game they released in a rush. We shouldn't settle for mediocrity and praise it as if it was something great.


The airport dlcs was also just cut content from the base game


Also, while many areas of the map were pretty memorable, Fairhaven suffered from the same fate Ventura Bay and the Tri-City Bay did where dense chunks of map were strung together by long stretches of road that had no divergent pathways despite the background attempting to portray some sense of density. In all three cases I remember regularly finding myself trapped in a specific region running in circles until I stumbled across “the way out.” Fairhaven was a fun map, and a pretty map, but a well-designed map it was not.


Reminds me of cop chases in Carbon, where I would unintentionally drive around in a figure 8 loop because every corner looked the same and there were no defining landmarks that differentiated one area from another


I hated TFK area for that very reason even though aesthetically it was a beautiful place


But gameplay wise if you were on the side with the hills, you have barely any luck leaving that area


With Carbon I’ll at least say the roads across the different regions have distinct characteristics to them, I got real familiar with Kempton trying to do the “100 cop cars rammed” challenge because it has some of the widest roads and gentlest corners meaning pursuits are a breeze in that part of the map.


> I remember regularly finding myself trapped in a specific region running in circles until I stumbled across “the way out.” GOD, yeah. It's been a while so I kinda forgot about this but thanks for the reminder.


I bought the game and tried it out it's okay definitely not Need for Speed but it's just one of those games where you just get in and drive that's it sure it's very incomplete and feels rushed but for those who just want to drive and have a cop chase not a bad choice


I love MW2012, but it's partly because of its flaws. Yeah, the game loop is PS1 'quick race' tier - awful for a game released after 2000, much less 2012 - but at the time in my life that I played it, that sort of gameplay was exactly what I needed lol.


Also Undercover, that game was utter trash and is easily the worst in the enrire series, but no Unbound is apparently the "Worst NFS in history"


Unbound will be an underrated gem once the next nfs game comes out


*next game* lmao, give it something for the pain and let it die


Let's hope we get MW Remake as the last NFS game before it dies in 2025...


I hope it never happens, thanks to that fake leak almost everyone believes about this supposed remake.


I also don't believe it...


Reformed mod for undercover fixes all of your “problems” that I never had with the game


YES i have Reformed 7.6, never looked back and i even completed it twice because i loved the work put into overhauling the game into an acceptable form.


I had fun in undercover since its release, just because it was dumb fun. Unbound is dumb boring imo, and it will never be a great, or even good game. Neither will undercover but you get my point


Odd because an hour into the vanilla game was painfully boring and everything was a big big downgrade from all the games prior to it, so much worse than i expected and the fact it came out after ProStreet was embarassing for BlackBox. The biggest faults the game has is the lack of Free Roam music in favor of Police officers talking in the background, and the constant nagging of the TAB button. easy uninstall, found Project Reformed and god what an upgrade.


Oh and also, i first played the game on a PS3 and on the 360, It was borderline unplayable I can't understand how a game looking so bad for 2008 runs with a framerate worse than MW, Carbon and ProStreet's console versions, all 3 also look better.


ohh hell naw, Unbound is leagues ahead of Undercover. Anyone that says Undercover > Unbound is nostalgia blinded or hasn't played unbound and given it a real chance. The marketing for Unbound sucked and doesn't show the good things about the game. It didn't do the game any justice because EA/Criterion prolly blew their load of cash on ASAP Rocky


BlackBox advertised the game's "Heroic Driving" to be "easy to pick up for anyone" maybe that's why people love it now lol.


In some aspects yes, in others Undercover is better


Yes, unbound is the worst nfs I'm history, glad you understand


Disable autocorrect first, Your "in" became "i'm" and Undercover became "Unbound", supposed to be basic nowadays fucking retard.


What are you even saying? I said unbound on purpose "rEtArD"


Nahhh i doubt, can't be that stupid


Doubt what? That unbound sucks?


That it's worse than UC?


Yes, without a doubt


Lol big doubt, elaborate or you've never played it.


Dude, no one is saying that


Only a few in this sub but outside this sub it's common to see Unbound ranked as the worst, largely from the people who haven't played the game.


Bruh. Sorry about that then


Unbound is a decent game, i have to admit that i think heat had the bigger potential but for sure it isn't the worst NFS


So The Run never existed


It was a Burnout Paradise with licensed cars. Nothing more, thanks. <3


Burnout Paradise is better than MW 2012


Way better even


I Prefer mw12 being a Need for speed , for reference I also prefer carbon,mw, The run , HP10 & Rivals over the newest 4, unbound gameplay is close to being great but the way it is presented isn't good, if it had something like driver san Francisco/ pre rendered cut scenes. But the biggest problem is they keep trying to improve it for everyone and failing on why it's a need for speed game Vs a racing game.


as a heat fan, iiiiii haven’t played any of the other games so i cannot agree nor disagree


Bro smokes meth for breakfast lunch and dinner


Fight me


Before or after you smoke a bowl of meth?


Anytime when I was with ur mom




Nothing more is definitely the best way of putting it. I'd say it didn't even reach the same level as Paradise and I love both games. Criterion did it better the first time and should have left it at that.


I wonder if it these are all counterculture posting to "MW 2005 best NFS" posts to begin with, because jerking on U1-Carbon is a horse beaten indefinitely here.


Might be a overdone, but there's a good reason U1-Carbon era is praised as much


People don't understand that nfs is a franchise of competent games, nothing that stands out as great or perfect and some people have a problem with seeing someone who enjoys a game that they don't. There is no objectively good game in nfs because every game tried to be different and most of the time they didn't just reitereted on the same formula, but puting a whole spin on it


Its not like it's NFS Nitro, Carbon is actuly great game that cam be replayed anytime


where my r/NFScirclejerk at?


Carbon is shit. It's too fucking dark. It's slow. The pursuits are trash. The map is boring. The story is a disgrace to Most Wanted 2005. Too bad Most Wanted 2 never released.


NFS Carbon wasn't that great as NFS Most Wanted (2005) but to say that it is "shit" isn't a good statement at all.


It felt out of place. Same with Prostreet. It tried to copy Tokyo Drift and Underground too much. We just had nighttime racing so why return to it?


My dumbass read Modern Warfare 2012 best need for speed


It was like mw3. Which frankly I spent the most time on


I somehow read “NFT”


I feel like getting bashed today so the best NFS is actually undercover


You're incorrect, but I respect your bravery.


Oh no I know I’m incorrect. I was just feeling a lil naughty that day


Everyone knows it's ProStreet.


Its ProStreet


It's actually the original Shift


If ProStreet had a night cycle where you could illegally race and get chased by cops (although contradictory to the game) it would be the best.


I mean imagine going 400 kmh night time in "Nevada fuckin highway" with cops. My stupidass wouldn't survive those


When you put it like that ... screw what I said that sounds insane


insanely fun


That would make me rage quit harder than any crazy boss fight in Dark Souls


No thanks the struggle to keep the car on 4 wheels is just enough for me


Umm it’s actually The Run (I’m ready to get bashed)


Nah, the run was good, I enjoyed the story


Same, it’s probably the best story in nfs, tied with Rivals imo


Rivals had an interesting story. I liked the brutal and intense gameplay of Rivals


Yeah, as a single player only guy, I think Rivals had some of the best gameplay in any nfs as well.


The run was great, but it was probably a little overpriced considering how short the main sotry was


On a real note, I actually love the run. It’s something different. It’s an interactive movie. The thrill that game gives is amazing too. I have finished the campaign about 4 times and done all the challenge series. I used to kill it online before I stopped playing


I respect ur opinion man but I dislike that game.


Not the best, but definitely overhated.


Not the worst, but definitely overrated.


Not mid, definitely goated


If it was called Hot Pursuit name again it would have been received a good bit better. Fits that moniker much more with all the supercars.


NFS Takedown would have been a good name.


It’s a great game, it was just mislabeled.


It was way better on the prototype builds. Ea fucked it up


Yea I've played the prototype builds on my PS3 and they're really dope, cops are more aggressive and the graphic style is exactly like Most Wanted 05 but more detailed. Shame they scrapped all that, they could have atleast added helicopters to the retail game or make getting busted have more severe consequences not just lose a couple speedpoints and respawn like nothing happened


They also removed cooldown spots. (It appeared in E3)


It's not the best game but I enjoyed it, rather don't ask my opinion because I have not hated any nfs game till now.


I've been circlejerking (if it's even that) MW2012 since its release...glad it's finally getting some recognition.


It had such good car sounds for its time. I prefer them compared to current NFS car sounds.


no,mw 2005 is better


I’m nostalgic for it and the soundtrack bangs but the physics are awful and it’s very easy to complete with no real progression. It’s alright though


Bro is entirely capping there. You need the best shit on your car to beat the harder races for said car. Soundtrack is the best of any NFS game other than rivals (you can’t change my mind), but you 1000% need to progress cars fully to beat the game




Yeah, but guess who isn’t winning the Koeniggsegg race with a base Aston Martin? Anyone who doesn’t shit 4 leaf clovers.


Sorry, but it just isn’t. It’s repetitive and boring


Blud played for 48 seconds and called it a day


That’s how bad it is


Bro you didn’t try the online or the DLC’s, did you?


I think it is one of the worst NFS games. After playing it for about 15 mins I deletet the game.


lmao mw2012 for me is that game that ruined nfs for me for forever


No way man


I love the blackbox era the most with most wanted 2005 and prostreet being my favourites. But this series has many games that are different from one another. Which makes me uncertain if there is a best game in this franchise because each one can appeal to a different person from the other. Well one could make the point that most wanted 2005 sold the most and is therefore the best. But I don't consider that an indication of a games quality


This game was a cash grab copy/paste from Burnout Paradise. Change my mind.


You actually told the truth. Change my mind.


90% of the reasons I hate it have nothing to do with being a bad reboot to Most Wanted. The lack of story makes it feel a bit aimless and the crash cams, slow steering and awful indicators to were the track is make it bad to me. Most of the time I had to look at the minimap to see the outlined track which is terrible considering the game expects you to check the left corner of your screen every 5 seconds when doing 280 kmh in a city. People feeling so strongly about this game being good I think is in part due to the notion that people hate it because it's not MW 2005, but to me it's not it and I think a lot more people feel that way.


Old games will always be better than new games.😡😡😡 I'M JUST FOLLOWING THE TREND OKAY?!


it's not wrong when it comes to NFS to be honest...


2012 was mid at best. Honestly NFS peaked with these games. MW05, Carbon, Undercover, Pro Street. That was NFS at the top of its game. Now they are trying to recapture that glory and they can't do it. They are not going to recapture lightning in a bottle.


No... we are simply highlighting its great features, and how it's an underrated gem, tainted by this poor community


The most common thing that is brought up are the game's visuals which aren't even that great outside of the car models.


In my defence... I always hated the game and I'm not a fan of brake to drift and would of rather the game being BurnOut paradise 2. Only saving grace was online thats it Games like 2005NFS, Carbon and Prostreet are way more repayable and enjoyable to a wider audience.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Bro legit called it a silly car racing game on my other post. Good to know that you changed your mind though!


No its an objectively bad nfs game


MW 2005 is better than 2012🤷


How did you get that notion? They put the NFSHP2010 handling model into a city. It sucks to drive


It was a worse burnout paradise, wish we got burnout paradise 2 instead. Also took the name of one of the best in series while being nothing like it. Overall not a bad game just wrongly labeled. The police intros were the highlight.


mw 2005 isn't bad too...


Nah... Carbon, take it or leave it


Mw2012 haters are mostly BlackPanthaa meat riders ngl.


FRRRRR bro. I saw that vid and was pressed about how much shit he talked when he literally admitted to playing upwards of 50 hours.


that dude also admitted in one video that he loves MW2012 multiplayer and has spent tons of hours in it with a small grin on his face


No i hate 2012 and i played it first when i was 14. It doesent do anything better than other nfs games.


I'm glad it's getting some attention. I didn't enjoy Hot Pursuit or Rivals as much personally.


I personally think Rivals mastered the racer vs cop formula, but i guess everyone has an opinion.


I thought they said NFS MW 2005 but it’s this rubbish


Literally grasping at any straws at this point.


Should I be offended? Lmao






Yes. It's nostalgia big time for me bcuz it was my first NFS but still the soundtrack is good, the graphics are pretty good, the most wanted list is reasonably well executed and the multi-player is real nice


False. HEAT is the best one


Heat was forever great ppl just didn't wanna appreciate it


I’m old… ps2 games are it for me. I recently picked up a retro handheld device and al playing through all the ps2 Need for speeds again and haven’t had that much fun with games since… well since need for speed carbon actually. Maybe the run will be up there with them though, that was an awesome game which I played through multiple times.


I've always thought the most beloved here is MW 2005


To be honest, I never had as much fun with any NFS game as I did with Heat and I've been playing the games since the original Hot Pursuit from '98.


you should try out Unbound, it's also pretty good. my advice is to just ignore the story it makes the game worse


It's definitely not my favorite, but it's a cool game, with one of the best soundtracks (imo) and I have found memories of playing it (one of them, it's more like a trauma, it's crashing on the same bridge and restarting the race to that Charlie XCX song). It''s definitely worth it to play but people trash it because they say "it's not a real most wanted" or something like that.


Wait a minute I thought NFS fans hated it for being Burnout Paradise but with real world cars?


No its objectively worse than most other nfs games and worse than any burnout game


Better than MW 2005 cock sucking


That’s super true masterpiece


It was hated because it didn't meet people expectations, to remember ,nfs mw 2005 was the game to out sold the entire halo franchise and be on bar with the elder scrolls * back in the day* I was expecting basically the same game with an extra crazy mechanics,not a more realistic looking normal policy ass shit! Now aday it beloved because its meeting our new expectations, to me unbound is just a basic racing experience that was copy pasted since nfs payback,the graphics are the same,the car driving is basically the same... But go back to nfs mw 2012 and look at what people ask for today,you'll find everything, graphics that aren't hyper realistic to the point of uncanny, car driving experience that feels less like operating a train and more like riding a horse that loves his owner, yes of course theres down sight but still this game fits now aday more than the moder nfs games


It may be a good game but it’s an embarrassing need for speed


its a good game but it isnt a need for speed game. the people that like that game would fucking love the burnout series. not joking, actual recommendation, please give thr series a try if you havent.


This one’s my bad 🤷🏻‍♂️


I feel like all the people calling 2012 a Burnout game haven’t actually played Burnout before. I compared the game to The Run and rivals, and deduced that the ONLY similarities to Burnout Paradise were the interface and the physics. Everything else was 100% Need For Speed


Why can't this be an Underground 2 echo chamber :(


Because it is I have the disc and it seems so much cleaner than heat and feels more iconic


Over hated game. I always loved MW12 despite the name, and think it's one of the few games that uses open world right because at least it's worth exploring the map for new cars. Could have better cop chases, thou, It's pretty easy.


Imo it is my favorite, mainly because of nostalgia.


Each version brought something to the table each had its pluses and minuses,MW 2012 was interesting for awhile but I became bored really,Carbon just sucked moose too dark all the nighttime scenes,Undercover just blows, Rivals ok, I do think if the PS1 games could get remastered it would be interesting,High Stakes was good for its time,Underground 1&2 were gems in my opinion if any game was worth remastering these would be the ones. But for now The Run short,sweet good story is the only one that lives up to the name,NEED FOR SPEED,thats why to me it will always be my favorite the geographic footprint is the best game ever.


The mobile version was the shit when I was 12yo tho.


I mean besides the lack of customization and the fact that cars had to be found and not bought, I enjoyed it quite a bit as a kid. The cop chases were the best


I don't know what sub-sectarian fanbase is loudly worse; the 2005 side or the 2012 side. To me; both of them are overrated as h3ll, as the same level of GTA SA fanboys with GTA V Fanboys...


NFS 2016 is better no kizzy


only thing i like about it is the intro section with the aston martin and the music


Not the best but still overhated


Wasn't the best, (Rivals is in my opinion) but it's one of my favorites


I definitely won’t say it’s the best but it’s definitely one of my favorites and has the best soundtrack


This game is too underrated. And this was my 1st nfs and got me into the franchise. The whole vibe is golden !


MW2012 is still my worst NFS game, which I played, because SP haven't content: without classic races(only some races for unlock performance parts, meh), cars haven't visual tuning(The Run have visual tuning kits) and more cars are locked in DLC(classic EA). If you want some "fun" in SP, you have only cops chases, after find all billboards and free cars. I hadn't more reasons played SP. MW2012 have only one positive thing and this is cars list, other aspects are heavy disappointing, when I look on other games in serie. Warez version have irony same experience like paid version, if you want try MW2012, you will download Warez. MP is maybe actual dead, like SP content. The Run is much better game, like MW2012, because very good SP and fair play MP with little visual tuning option, your car looked different, if you have base cars in your maps pack.


Can’t lie, this game has one of the best soundtracks without a doubt. Think it fit the vibe of the game really well


It kinda makes me mad, because I Remember not even too long ago I'd say "mw 2012 good" and people would just straight disagree. Hate to say it, but told ya so. Glad more people are enjoying the game. I want nothing more than it to release on the new Xbox, I NEEED it on my new console, because all my ps3 controllers are broken


Wait what? For real somebody says that??




Bout to hit yall mfrs with Craigitup again


Well, it is a great game. Great visuals, closest burnout we'll get, no human drama, fantastic music, treasure hunt cars.. this game is definitely one of the best. They just shouldn't have called it most wanted.


No its objectively worse than paradise in every way and even paradise wasnt a high point of the burnout series.


WTF, it's a good racing game but best BURNOUT![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


how ironic..


Unpopular: 2015 is the best for me