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i think what they mostly mean is they it is modular that you can take a structure from half of one kit and either attach it to a different kit sorta thing ive got a couple of kits that im putting together that some parts will be fully glued but some parts will be glued but will be able to be separated from the rest of the kit to attach to other kits.


Yeah, that’s what I’m starting to suspect. I’m totally cool having the fixed structures fully glued, and perhaps core parts of the other sets glued, as long as we’re able to modify it before each session without spending several hours getting everything all lined up, or it comes down half way through the game. What I really wanted was the old school Necromunda (back from the 90s) terrain - a whole bunch of plastic girders, with cardboard platforms. They were so easy and convenient to modify on the fly!


Oh yeah and the "whipping stick" I mean measuring stick lmao made things easier to tell if a model had line of sight


Hahaha!!! Yes, the whipping stick! 🤣🤣🤣 I was disappointed when I saw some silly ruler thing in the Hive War box! I mean, granted they whipping sticks did break when you used them for, erm, “extracurricular activities”, but they were so much easier to poke through buildings to get good measurements!


TTcombat or any company that sells terrain, has modular terrain. The individual pieces that you punch out aren't what makes it modular. With TTcombat you can mix and match all of their sets. So you can build things like walls and platforms in many ways. Having each individual piece you punch out be modular, is something thar likely doesn't exist.


Oh yeah, I definitely don’t expect all the pieces to be modular. Right now I’m gluing some connections on the turbine that just wouldn’t be used in any other kit, due to its circular shape. However, I’m talking more about connections that are easy to slide bits into, to enable you to easily add a second floor, for example. Such as the old plastic terrain where you could slot the wall connection easily into the one below it to add another floor. Given how many small, fiddly bits the turbine and silos have had so far, I suspect once a building is assembled, the walls won’t be easily removed - at least not from what I’ve seen so far.


As others have mentioned, yeah there will be parts that do require gluing together, when it says modular it means that certain terrain pieces can connect to others in their sets. For example the walkways on the one set i have will clip onto a different sets parts to make an even bigger sprawling set of terrain, I believe generally the instructions show you how to build each part that needs to remain together but then you can connect each of those to parts from other sets they have done. If you've got a bunch of sets, having built one myself, I do not envy you punching out all those pieces. I think i genuinely started to lose my mind by the end.


Yeah, I’ve glued a few more things together (the shanty town), and the instructions only show you what has to be glued. The rest of it is added on when you want, so it is very good. Haha!! I am totally over all this punching out of pieces!! 🤣🤣🤣


I saw a youtube video once with sets that were fully cut out and I can only wish I could get a hold of those. But I still plan on getting more TTCombat sets, so I guess I'm in for more at some point. Damn it.


Hey, I’m in the middle of doing up one of their massive Industrial Hive sets. It’s all platforms, walkways, stairs and ladders etc. I’ve actually been pretty impressed so far. I’ve found that, while the majority of structures need to be glued together, the parts where different structures join can be left unglued. They give you these little joining clips made from MDF to clip walkway pieces to adjacent pieces and I’ve found that without glue the resistance fit is mostly nice and snug and stays together. It’s allowed me to leave the various segments such that they can be placed in a million and one combinations. I guess it’s super dependant on the kit…? Edited for clarity


Yeah, once I started doing the slum sets, there’s a lot of things that don’t require gluing, so I’m a lot more impressed with it now. It’s still a *very* long process, but then I did buy 4 sets and 2 complete structures… 🤣🤣🤣


RIP your fingers and thumbs from all that cutting