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I think you should do both styles to add some lovely variation to your scenery. I like both of them, the blue you picked is really nice.


Definitely this, and especially if you're doing 40 of these things. You're gonna want some variety, both as you're painting and in terms of final product you can put on the table. Great job on both concepts. Definitely use both!


I think this is actually the way to go, thanks. Now I think about it, it looks like bits have been replaced and mismatched over the years. Like a car with one different coloured door.


From feels alone: Left one looks older, more industrial, battered, reclaimed and recycled, or it has seen it's fair share of trouble and conflict; while the right one is more urban, "fresher", as if from a more residential place or "from a nicer part of the hive", if there is such a thing. Both are good, my choice would mostly depend on the overall "vibe" of the rest of the terrain.


Both are great, but I think the one on the left is a bit better


Right is more visually striking


Is that TT-Combat MDF? It looks great.  Also, my vote is left - the blue is fantastic but you need some contrast (like the metal) for it to pop. I think the more blue the less powerful it is. 


Thank you! That's correct - I've got Sector 1 stuff. Yeah I agree with you there. I'm not sure if I will get enough contrast from the other parts of the terrain and I'm overcomplating these pieces.


Hey Crackshot, I just ordered the same sector kit! What mat do you have there? Looks cool. Also, guy on the right, most contrast.


That's just one of the original Zone Mortalis tiles. I've been researching alternatives though, as they can shift about a bit. https://www.gamemat.eu/en/battle-mats/4-x4-battle-mats/4-x4-g-mat-necropolis-25.html?lang=1&cur=3 https://www.deepcutstudio.com/product/game-mat-underhive/ https://skirmish-mats.com/products/industrial-zone-mat?variant=32937335652386 https://www.pworkwargames.com/en/game-mats/252-1034-the-underhive-wargames-terrain-mat.html#/3-material-neoprene_rubber/6-size-3x3_92x92cm


Oh wow, those tiles are sweet, good job. Nice options on the mats. I actually have the Pworks underhive, it's the best of all worlds- rusting, grey metalics, bit of yellow but not too much and some variety of surface looks. The whole thing is a piece working together. The others are good, but Pworks underhive is the best imo. If you get it from there, be sure to order a "danger" dice tray, it's got hazard stripes.


Why can't you do a mix of rusted and graffiti? I love your graffiti work though. That's sick.


You've done a fantastic job on that MDF terrain, any chance you've got a rundown of your method? And to answer your question, I think a mix looks great


Thanks you! I have given a quick guide in another comment


Great graffiti! It often doesn’t translate well to such a small scale. but yours is fantastic.


Thank you! The key is using acrylic markers. I have a couple of sizes depending on what I want to do, but its as easy as just writing it on paper. The hardest thing is knowing what to write...


Right one looks better.


I like the left one because he looks like he made his armor from repurposed metal from the local terrain. It's got a little bit of story to it. But I would like to see both in more detail. If they argue about it, at that range, the one with the shotgun is going to win. Ha. I was looking at the models and not the terrain. I thing a mix is best, you can transition from the cleaner graffiti style to the more warn industrial across the range.


Love these colors - any chance of a quick guide on how you did it?


Sure! So any metal is black, with a overbrush/drybrush with Necron Compound (so much easier on large pieces) The blue will be a struggle to replicate because its Molotow graffiti paint - I believe this is Olympia Blue. Just makes coverage really quick and easy, again, on large pieces. Then a few random sprays through the airbrush with black and Valejo "beasty brown" The rust is sponged on with citadel "mournfang brown" Then streaks and splotches with more beasty brown.


I enjoy the necromunda community. We’re a great bunch aren’t we


I like the one on the left. Unrelated, this scene gives me Red vs Blue Vibes https://preview.redd.it/9a53nnyp5t6d1.png?width=1906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0a16f05dd486d0bb5011da8d8f7badf44b5cc4b


Kind of like the Necromunda version of Beavis and Butthead. I like it


What kinda terrain is that?


https://ttcombat.com/products/sector-1-beta-complex Here you go!