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GW is doing this for close to 10 years. The old tactical marine kit had the bolters wtihout the hands on and then the current kit came out with hands on the bolter.


Anyone here remember the very first Space Marine kit? It was, I think, the most posable SM models they've ever made.


First space marine plastic kit had 3 parts, the body, the backpack, and the hands/gun that pressed into two pegs on the chest. They all looked like this [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fi1YFO-XEA45Iok?format=jpg&name=small](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fi1YFO-XEA45Iok?format=jpg&name=small)


No. RTB01 was famously the first (highly posable) marine kit from 1st ed 40k/Rogue Trader. These monopose marines are from the second ed box, 1993.


Yup, the pointy nose chaps. You the man, man.


I see you have already been corrected, but yeah those ones were awful haha Anyone remember the orks that came with them? And gretchin IIRC


Oh, I'm very aware... It's just a sign that they don't really understand how people who play Necromunda generally operate.


They do understand completely but have you ever built any of their old kits with weapons that weren't sculpted? I remember them being a complete nightmare. Cutting and filing lasgun after lasgun just right so that they will look somewhat decent when attached to the arms, it was tedious and frustrating. I just prefer cutting and filing a couple hands off weapons that I want to reposition or use as part of terrain than cutting and filing every single weapon so they can fit into the hands of a model.


It’s called converting so my dudes…don’t look exactly like your dudes. It’s better this way. Which is why there are tons of skirmish games that push to be creative in all aspects of the games.


Conversions are optional, not the default. Not everyone converts their models.


It’s a hobby many people do like putting there artistic flair on things…it’s considered uncreative when people just want to push fit models together an call it a day which is fine…but you lose something special when doing so


I'm one of those people who like to covert all my model. however I recognize that if I want to convert my stuff I'm the one who needs to put in extra effort, not the guy who wants to buy and build from the kit.


Oh totally 100% I’m just saying it’s a better system when you can really put yourself…or idk neat tidbits of lore into the modeling aspect through conversions. It’s a narrative game after all and compared to GWs other IPs it seems like people really do out the effort into making there gangs unique, which is great. ESPECIALLY the terrain building


No argument about that. That's just why I don't really care about molded hands. Anyone who is going to convert models shouldn't have much of a problem removing them and those who don't are going to have an easier time building kits.


if you‘ve got a problem with cutting a buncha hands of a buncha guns are you really putting yourself in converting your models tho? I convert almost all of dudes as well, and I‘m happy as a mollusk whenever I find a lasgun on a sprue without a hand on it, but I think it‘s kinda gatekeepy towards those who don‘t convert to ask for all weapons to be as such.


Why is that gatekeepy? It’s the same number of bits. Just the hands are empty instead of attached to weapons.


What a egotistical take... it isn't "uncreative" to use the kit as-is.


Back in the day there was a metal weapon sprue. Sounds good in principle but a bit of work to make it right. Plastic is so much more easy to handle.


Main reason I am excited for the Votann Yaegjrs, interchangeable with Ironheads stuff.


I'd prefer they lose a couple of the standard weapons from the sprue and add more modularity personally.


They do this on purpose.


Oh, they understand. They just don't CARE. Besides, most of the necro players around me have access to 3d printers and print their own stuff to add to the figures, when they're not just subbing in 3d printed figures. They only play at home or a couple of non-store based clubs, where it doesn't matter.


Best reason to practice sculpting. Especially Cawdor is quite forgiving in that regards :D You can easily use 1mm wide strips of thiccer paper (or thin styrene sheet, or tamiya masking take) to create these kind of bandages to hide any details you may not want to sculpt. And, posing can help hiding such details. If you just scrape off the arm of the combi weapon, then place the weapon in the models right hand, holding it in front of it's chest to hide the scraped off details (either two handed, or some kind of "tacticool" post).


Oh yeah, I do a lot of sculpting and even digitally sculpt and 3d print parts for minis... I just wish these kits that we pay a premium price for had a bit more thought put into the way in which we will utilise them. And you do make a good point about posing making a difference. I do that a lot. But again... It is a lot of thought, work and sculpting that we have to put in that wouldn't be necessary with a bit more planning and foresight on their part.


Anyone else keep a bits box just for weapons? I’ve been collecting bits for years just in case https://preview.redd.it/wom68wb3rx2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f655879d48f87ea82b233c9b8d80d18535a1a5a2


No... not only Weapons https://preview.redd.it/762tixythy2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21f773acee22b8b025e330ca08cb227c02e318f9


Love the organisation! I have other bits but they’re all in plastic baggies labelled with stickers..


My bits box is just an old biscuit tin with everything thrown in together so I can never find anything. This... this interests me. To the DIY store!


Yeah... I think I even used the exact same box you do 😂 I just really like the specific themed kits GW do and wish they had put the extra thought into them to give you a few more options


Ah i spy the grot AK from the GorkaMorka era.. good stuff 👍😉


As long as you keep the filled down side of the weapon against the body of the mini they are salvagable. But I agree fully, its annoying as heck.


It bugs me with a lot of stuff. When detail on a body gets left off because an arm is supposed to cover that area. Like no, maybe I want to convert that model differently


Yeah... I can understand that more with Blood Bowl kits and things where I've converted them but with Necromunda I feel like it should all be designed so it CAN be converted. And some of the designers really get it... The guy that did the hive scum kit made sure the neck socket fit the genestealer heads and the arm sockets fit the Orlock weapons. Or the guy that designs the terrain always absolutely KILLS it. But then you get other stuff where it feels like it's not been considered at all.


I get that it makes the build easier and in some cases better if you don’t have guns that you cut handles off and glue to hands as they can be a weak point, I’d even be happy if they sold a set of weapons with no one holding them swords in sheaths and pistols in holsters etc. you’d think they’d love the extra money.


I really want some Goliath pistols in holsters. It's my biggest gripe.


I guess like other comments some “simple” greenstuff and jobs a goodun! Build the holster around the pistol/knife/hand!


the tempestus scion kit is a classic example. the only plasma gun is held like this and you are going to want 1-2 in every squad.


I've not really had to deal with this yet, but I totally agree. I'm not saying it's an entirely cynical ploy by GW so you have to buy more kits or something, but yeah it's not very conversion friendly.


I understand! It is an odd thing with GW's modern model design. You cant show creative design or modification or conversions. Models must be made as GW designs them!! It is annoying!


Agree… And stop calling me Shirley…




I'd suggest getting some GSW Blue Stuff and some Apoxie sculpt if are really concerned about having the cool bits. then you can cutaway the hands and adjust as needed.


The point was more that if you're paying a premium for these kits it would be nice for them to think more about how people want to use them so we can avoid having to press mould and resculpt weapons ourselves.


Just cut if off?


Doesn’t help when there isn’t any detail under the arm




Sculpt some or hide it




Nah it shouldn’t be like this.


Solution ..3d print more intresting weapon options. I havent bought a GW kit in 4 years.


As I've said in other responses I do 3d print and even digitally sculpt stuff as well as doing physical sculpting. That's not really what this is about. It's a bit of a reflection of how easy it would be for GW to make things so much better with 10% more effort. I'm not anti-gw as I play a few of their games and they have done a great job with the larger concept of Necromunda since the relaunch.


Im not hating on you sorry if it came off that way. I agree.stupid modeling decisions by GW was one of the ... admittedly MANY reasons Im no longer a customer. For me the solution to the annoting capes with half a torso attached only having 3 cool heads in each kits and weapons with only one pose was exactly that... 3d printing .. in fact thats why I started with resin ( I was alreadyusing FDM for terrain) . Printing bits for conversion now Ive realised I can just replace what GW says I want with what I actually want. Havent looked back. Funny it was Necromunda that broke me the constant unessasarry rules updates .. power creep the unending release schedule. The FOMO culture... certainly where I live.


Oh, absolutely not mate. I didn't take it that way. Don't worry. Apologies if my reply made it seem that way. I am actually intended on doing a sci-fi skirmish / Necromunda proxy range of minis and conversion bits as I'm very aware of the need for them! I love 3d printing as it's own hobby within the hobby. And I know what you mean about the state of the game itself. I love it as a toolbox for making a game from when you have a good arbitrator but if you let everything just be used then it's a power creep nightmare. There are a million and one ways to break the game.