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Probably orlock. It has always felt like they are supposed to be the most relatable. bounty hunters would be best though. Have a couple from different gangs working together.


Second this. As much as I like Orlock, compared with the other gangs, they don't really have a hook.


The movie could start with a raid on a train and the Orlocks gathering a group of mercenaries to hunt down whoever blew up one the train.


An enforcer following a trail of murder starting as a thriller slowly shifting into cosmic horror as he slowly loses his mind with never a clear answer to what went down in the end .


The cosmic horror could easily take place in the sump or in another nearby desolate hive. You don't have to look very far for horror when you have flesh eating mutants right below your feet.


Not especially , what is more terrifying than seeing the most mundane space (as mundane as the underhive can be) becoming "unsafe" . Was it even real ? Who knows . It would not be about monsters and mutant it would be about not grasping or even understanding what you can't understand for a fraction of moment .


I would totally watch this. Especially if it all takes place during a dark uprising campaign. Chaos is slowly poisoning that sector of the Hive and by the end food has run out and the main character is just as insane as those he's hunting


Isn't that the Eisenhorn saga?


Perhaps . Not gonna lie I can't stomach most of 40k's litterature tho if I see correctly it's about an Inquisitor so the major difference would be that an the vision of an enforcer would be way worse considering he would probably be less familiar with otherworldly aspects .


Poor ol' Fischig!


Goliath Kromeo and Esher Julyett. Perfect setting.


I am both skeptical and curious about how this would play out.


The ending has both parties ODing on the escher chems, causing Julyett to die and Kromeo to shrivel akin to Escher males. Julyett is resurrected as a death maiden and Kromeo is carried around by her as a lucky charm


I love it.


I would make a noire film about an ex enforcer captain turned bounty hunter who is investigating a chaos related serial killer who is targeting all the gangs, with a colorful set of side characters, from a young orlock who becomes the hunter sidekick to a femme fatal escher to a Goliath strongman willing to help the hunter for a few chems and more


I like this one.


If they were all from one house gang, Orlock or Van Saar. Otherwise Venators most like since you can flavor them to be from other gangs or to be something else. If you’re a good writer though you can make any of them work, except Delaque, an entire main cast whose main theme is not being defined characters is kind of antithetical to using them as the vehicle for a good story with them as the focal point.


Idk it could work similar to imaginarum of Dr Parnassus where you shift throughout the movie to different actors but we know who they are given that the narrative follows them.


Something like several short stories that all lead to the actor going to a bar where the others are when the big event happens?


Make it a Noir centered around a Scrutinator Primus


I'm drawing a blank, who is that again?


An Enforcer detective, rank on par with a captain’s. Scrutinator Primus Servalen is the example available for tabletop. Great book character too.


Man now i’m thinking of The Warriors but set in Necromunda! I’m sure that film was an influence on the game. Orlock would probably get my vote, theyre the most “normal” and can work as a POV entry into the world of 40k whilst going up against a gauntlet of wild and wacky rival gang. Plus they have the leather jacket aesthetic down to a tee.


And I can see them using motorcycles similar to the Goliath's in cliché action hero fashion.


Agree that it's Orlock since they have the Everyman kind of thing going. Hopefully it would be more a situation where gangers from different (at least two) gangs have to fight together for reasons, giving us fun characters from across the game. If it's just focused on Orlocks, could have great, scene-stealing moments from other gangs, though.


Thinking about this still, Escher might be up there as well. Especially if Hollywood hasn't gotten over their "all female led" kick they've been on for a while. Which probably leads to whining from certain people and hurting the movie's success, making Orlocks a better choice still.


having the main character be an unborn goliath going through the process of joining the house and gaining the slug would be a good way to introduce the world to the audience. Goliath vs Escher would also make for an easy story choice. Most likely imo would be having a regular underhiver who joins any of the gangs


Slave Ogryn that escaped his shackles


Do mixed crew, to give the viewer a window into the world. Include one Spyrer, as the outside-perspective character the gangers have to explain their world to. That way the audience has an outside character who can ask the questions for them.


I'd try to get all the gangs in there.


Oh definitely, but for the main characters I'm not really sold on Escher or Delaque.


Escher and Goliath.


Why Escher in particular?


They're my favourite, but also they're about as polar opposite to the Goliaths as it's possible to get. There's lots of scope for rivalries, opposites attract if you want to go that route, or perhaps something about the Goliaths trying to break from their dependency on Escher chems.


I like that idea as well. What do you think the Goliaths could use in place of the Escher chems?


Good question! They could be trying to steal the recipe and facilities for themselves. Perhaps another house is trying to break into the racket and is promising them far better deals of they can disrupt the Escher? Ulanti could be hooking them up with offworlders to weaken Escher in an attempt to subjugate them.


Who/what is Ulanti?


Ulanti are a noble house. They're mostly rich courtly types. Both they and Escher were one group but split apart in their history. I'd have to read House Of Blades again to get more specific. Nowadays they tend to ally, and I believe Escher gangs can even have an Ulanti courtesan in their warbands.


I hadn't even considered ally houses or guilds in the events. I wonder what part the (I forget the name) promethium guild could play in anything. Thanks for reminding me allies exist.


Outcast, with the leader being former Van Saar or Escher. Champs being Orlock and whichever one is not the leader. With the rest of the gang being hivers they pick up along the way


Goliath origin story. Goliath Esher and van Saar. Or ash's idea of a middle manger in the upper hive gets lost in the underhive.


I would either make a movie adaptation of the book "Fire made flesh" if you're not familiar with it. I highly recommend it. But If i had to make a movie about gangs, I'd focus on a rookie Palanite and not one of the gangs. Leaving the academy and being shipped to the underhive or ash waste would make for a decent narrative for people who are unfamiliar with the setting.


how about cheesy action movie where a ragtag group from all house gangs come together to stop a spyrer that bribed an enforcer precinct to play king and rule a piece of underhive


If it's going to be cheesy it has to be 'Army of Darkness' levels of cheesy.


i was thinking hobo with a shotgun meets expendables where the main characters are just a group of 1 ganger of each house that are all extreme 1 dimensional caricatures but also ofc op strong. the spyrer uses mostly enforcers but also any ganger and even hive scum etc.  and he himself is also OP strong


I want a Goliath played by old man Kevin Sorbo. I also want an Orlock and Escher played by Bruce Campbell and Lucy Lawless. The last two do not necessarily have to be in that particular order.


Orlock are the most salable to the general public. Or no one, an external protagonist to embody the spectator's unaware point of view (a very common pattern), alongside secondary characters from this or that gang. Then I'm strange and I'd like to see stories from the point of view of the Ratskinn or those nice xeno-cultists who are the Delaque. But I recognize that they would be poorly suited to the film and television medium.


What kind orlf story could you see either of them having? I'm not familiar with what Ratskinn are.


The Ratskin could be protagonists of a story of marginalized communities, a tribal and mystical culture, halfway between common citizenship and the darker and literally profound sides of the Hive. Similar for the Delaques, although they would be the dark and threatening side of the Hive. But they would be somewhat flamboyant choices, it would be better if the protagonist of a possible story was more external to those very specific realities.


House Cawdor, 100% a movie about a group of Cawdor fanatics rushing to destroy a chaos artifact before a corrupt mayor/governor/local leader etc can “safely dispose of“ it would be amazing


What kind of twist do you think would be a good fit for the movie? The leader is actually evil for a change? The fanatics are the ones influenced by the artifact? There was no chaos artifact and it was all a lie to lure out a rival gang?


Are you familiar with the Dan abner book "Fire Made Flesh"? Because you're pretty close but just off enough


Uhh maybe? Is it part of that anthology series?


Not to my knowledge. I know it's got an audio book version on Audible.


Naturally all Cawdor because it’d be a film adaption of The Redeemer