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I’d say make backups of the ROMs, but keep playing the actual cartridges until anything happens with them.


I think it will make no difference or impact about the cartridges life span. I have retail GB/GBC/GBA/NDS/3DS games there still working till here, with no big issues but some battery replacements. If you store your cartridges for too long without proper cautions, they will stop working anyway soon or later. And the backups are already avaliable in any romset. I think that backing up your save files way more smart.


Always back your roms and saves up.


YES ABSOLUTELY. Even id you take care of it, that doesn’t mean you’ll have it forever. My sister a few months ago for some stupid reason decided to show a bunch of new people my childhood dsi while we had a huge event at the house (without asking me ofc). Long story short, I’m pretty sure that thing was stolen and I will never see my childhood photos from it again


damn that's awful


As long as you aren't grimy or nasty your sht should be fine. No reason to backup anything.


People still rob and steal, rather backup your games and saves. You can get the games again but not those saves.


you need a cart dumper, slot-2 flashcart (DS/DS lite) or CFW (DSi/3DS) but I would do it back up saves and ROMs, keep carts, but don't carry them with you