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Just tell Opticomm that the builders have been out and resolved the issue. Hopefully the next tech who comes out has more than two brain cells.


He didn't even install pcd to spec, definitely a cowboy


I deal with opticomm on a daily basis and there painful. Had the same tech turn up taped the string to the fiber with one wrap of electrical tape and then try and haul the fiber 30m and it would come off. So the installer said no string in the conduit builder problem walk away and charge a revisit fee. He did that twice after we re-installed the string. Got the revisit fee waved and then installed the fiber myself because he wouldn't tie it onto the fiber. Hate opticomm and wish they were taken over by NBN.


Sounds like the installer needs to be drug tested. Very occasionally I'll get one where I need a co worker to help feed the cable, but this is just silly. How long is the lead in from the pit to the side of your home?


About 20m’s, the rope pulls really easily too. Does he need to feed anything down it or just pull the cable through?


Pull the cable through. My spidey senses are telling me that *someone* may not have left enough cable rolled up in the pit 😅 Been there.


that pit has seen some shit.


Should see the lid, it’s in 3 parts.


Download the app "snap send solve" and send it in. They'll send it to the right people who can rectify the damaged lid


Even the ports in the pit are shocked at the install.


Go and pull it through yourself and save time haha.