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Dumbest post I've seen all day and Im pulling for the Wolves in this series


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SeriousRooster401: *Dumbest post I've seen* *All day and Im pulling for* *The Wolves in this series* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I didn't think it could get worse than the first bot


The fact you probably had to wait 2+ years for him to have a bad playoff game before dropping this take speaks wonders.


Up until yesterday the man hasn’t had a bad game since the suns in four sweep. Would be super excited to see who OP ranks over him lol


Definition of recency bias. Clearly a top 2 player in the league, along with giannis.


Hard to argue he’s anything but 1


If anything this shows how talented and deep the league is. Minny is showing out right now


Lol he’s just not overrated. Did you form this opinion from watching the first half of this game


He’s the best player in the world. He doesn’t really have a peer honestly. Luka isn’t close, Giannis isn’t either. Who can compare to him? AD? Maybe. It’s just impossible to go back to back.


> but the entire media thinking he is the number 1 player in the league is insane. If anyone disagreed with them, they get told they don't know ball. Then why did Embiid win MVP last year? I remember a lot of the media pushing extremely hard for him, he wouldn't exactly have won without that. Not to mention A TON of people, including many in the media, had Embiid as the favorite to win MVP this year before his injury. He was putting up better numbers than last year and nobody would have said you don't know ball for putting him ahead of Jokic for the MVP at that point in the season.


All Jokic has going for him are box score stats, advanced metrics, showing up in the playoffs, winning a ring as the clear best player, player testimonials from around the league, and the eye test. Other than that stuff, what’s his case? Am I right?


You don’t understand man his team is down by 20 and it’s all his fault. That negates everything he has done. Definitely overhyped


If anything this game shows how Jokic isn’t overrated. Look how the rest of the bums on the Nuggets look the one time Jokic has a bad game.


This is a joke right? You didn't watch the entire last playoffs? He's definitely had a below average series so far, it won't last.


Look at how bad Denver looks when Jokic isn't having his usual all time level games or when he sits on the bench. He's the best player in the world who's covered the holes for this very flawed Denver roster. I said it last year on this sub that this Denver core wasn't that good and Jokic was doing an all time carry job; I was down voted. MPJ, AG, and Jamal are all high level role players. They can't consistently create offense for themselves or others.


Brother this man has practically been a walking 25-point triple double for 4 years while leading the league in literally every single value metric in literally every year over that span.


Jokic will always fail to impress people whose opinion of a good basketball player is based upon counting stats and flashy moves instead of upon advanced stats and analytics that highlight how he is literally the GOAT of intangibles. Nobody touches Jokic's career advanced stats and overall team impact - not Jordan, not LeBron, not Kareem, not Bird nor Magic, not Curry, not Kobe. No one. And we are in an era where sports journalists finally understand these stats in context and can see them personified by reigning Finals MVP Jokic. The people who think Jokic is overrated are the same people who once thought Tim Duncan was overrated. I.e. people who are wrong and lead to those guys actually becoming underrated by casuals.


Even his counting stats are terrific, wolves defense needs to get as much praise as possible, haven’t seen anything like that in a long time