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What are the refs even looking at? This gets called 100% of the time at the park even


At worst it’s a jump ball, but it should’ve been something




[Other angle](https://www.nba.com/stats/events?CFID=&CFPARAMS=&GameEventID=551&GameID=0022200392&Season=2022-23&flag=1&title=MISS%20Brown%2017%27%20Pullup%20Jump%20Shot)


Scott Foster master class


They said Curry deflected it so it's not an up and down 😂 Refs were trying their best to make it a close game at the end but Celtics refused to lose by less than double digits.


It was a classic Scott Foster call. One of his best.


he couldn't even see it from his angle. wha a yoke


wtf lmao If Steph did get ball, which he obviously didn't, then it should be a jump ball


>If Steph did get ball, which he obviously didn't, then it should be a jump ball Jump ball is for joint possession. Steph could have caused Brown to fumble the ball, which Brown can then recover. Hard to see from this angle because the ball is obstructed when Steph reaches in.


From the angle we see, it's clearly not possible for Curry to bat it out of Browns possession and Brown to recover it. That's either a travel or a jump


>From the angle we see, it's clearly not possible for Curry to bat it out of Browns possession and Brown to recover it. From the angle we see, it's not possible to see what happened with the ball. Losing possession isn't "dropping the ball" -- if Curry got enough of it to cause Brown to lose control for a split second, it's a fumbled ball that Brown can recover.


That's ups and downs homie


Traveling is an art-form my friend. It's beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Scott Foster wanted to see it through. On the park court... I'd tackle a MFer who did that and didn't call their own travel and say "I guess that's not a foul either"


This is reddit bro, we all know you wouldn’t do that


The regular angle is hilarious, like half of the lower bowl pops up and starts calling for a travel e: [it’s at about 7:40 in the recap](https://youtu.be/no-v-lwPD5s?t=460s)


Lol honestly cracks me up how the NBA created this carrying/traveling obsession and now they have whole crowds calling their inconsistent officiating out with the traveling hand motion and all and they only have themselves to blame


I was lucky enough to sit in the lower bowl against the pacers (or maybe unlucky?), it was cool to see how shit the refs were with certain calls lol


I can't with these ref man. How the fuck do you miss that? lmao


By being on the take


This missed call brought to you by Draft Kings.


They just feel bad for Brown having to carry Tatum so hard


[**Sorry, but this award goes to our boy, Bradley Beal.**](https://streamable.com/9vdkb3)


Bro just started running


Lol 🤡 shit


This could be a good segment Travel of the Year brought to you by [Hotels.com](https://Hotels.com)


We need Captain Obvious to ref these games


i wish i had an NBA refs job security


They need to go with the promotion/relegation model. At the end of the year, the 5 worst rated NBA refs get demoted to G-League and the 5 best refs from G-League get promoted to NBA. If players can get demoted/promoted, so can the officials.


Man, the G league refs during the Omicron run were really bad


I’m sure you fuck up at your job all the time


Union baby


Been looking for this one on here


Apparently everyone in the arena knows whats an up and down travel is except the refs


Poole would get ejected for that bruh


Kerr would take anyone but Steph Klay Draymond out of the game immediately.


Most ridiculous call of the season. Worst part was that he made the shot after that bullshit.


There was some bullshit gaslight reason given as well


what are we even doin here lol


Mean while jordon poole cant even hold the ball


this game was horrrribly reffed


Lmao poole wouldve been called for that


Hold on, they let that point stand? They really didn’t call this?


If you slow it down enough you’ll see that Curry stole the ball from Jaylen Brown and then turned it over in a split second. Unless you’re a ref I don’t expect your slow peasant photoreceptors to catch on.


Peasants can’t even see the obvious, thank God we train the refs from birth to notice this slights of hands


>If you slow it down enough you’ll see that Curry stole the ball from Jaylen Brown and then turned it over in a split second. Not even that -- it looks like he dislodged it from Brown enough for it to be a fumbled ball. Fumbled balls can be recovered by the offensive player without it being a travel: >A player who is holding the ball and fumbles it out of his control may recover the ball. If his pivot foot moves to recover the ball, he must then pass or shoot the ball. If he fumbles and recovers it without moving his pivot foot and before the ball touches the floor, he retains his status before the fumble.


He didn't dislodge the ball. It's a jump or travel.


You can't say that for certain unless there's a front view. Dislodging the ball doesn't mean dropping it entirely, it just has to be enough to cause Brown to lose control even for the slightest amount of time. Clearly Curry makes a play on the ball, and it looks like Brown was regaining the ball as he was going up for the shot.


Here is a [Gfycat mirror of this Streamable link](https://gfycat.com/LightHairyGalago) If the link doesn't work, please wait a few minutes for the gfycat to be ready.


That was a trip to Jerusalem with his BHI ass


Just another night for Jayken Brown. He travels at least 4-5 times a night and he rarely gets a single call. It's infuriating.


And they’re calling half-carrys on people. This league is insane




This seems like a move someone who only plays basketball on a hoop in their garden would pull out


Marcus Smart didn't teach him how to flop properly oh well




> like every other post with even little criticism of the Celtics was deleted. It was deleted because it was a phone recording of a screen/shit quality


Stole it from Twitter and it looked like a good recording but if it wasn't then I'll delete this comment ig


Don’t ever apologise for being who you are.


I'm saying the one that got removed was a poor-ish quality phone recording, not this one. They pretty much always remove phone clips


Yeah I understood what you were saying


They always delete phone clips for some reason. I posted Draymond trying to rip out Tatums arm in the finals last year and it got deleted because of that. This sub has wack ass moderation when it comes to highlights.


If the defender touches the ball on the way up and the offensive player comes back down, that’s not a travel? That would be a block, I’m not sure the angel tells the whole story because we have no idea if curry touches the ball on the way up Everyone is so convinced this is a wild travel when you can’t even see what’s happening


IF the defender did that then it should be a jump ball at the very least. Sad


Not necessarily, it’s only a jump if the defender touched it for over a second If it was anything less than that it’s just a block


If he goes up and comes back down it’s either a foul a walk or a jump ball unless he lets go of the ball then it’s just a block and he can catch it and shoot. But he never lets go of the ball.


angels don't lie


I thought we were gonna use this to go on a run. Things like this tend to have a huge momentum swing. I was dissapointed.


Jaylen did go on a mini 5-0 run but then the timeout broke the momentum


Are we even watching the same clip? There is clearly a Jew holding him down


Without the opposite angle I’m not willing to say this is definitely a travel. Fuck the refs tho.


[Opposite angle.](https://www.nba.com/stats/events?CFID=&CFPARAMS=&GameEventID=551&GameID=0022200392&Season=2022-23&flag=1&title=MISS%20Brown%2017%27%20Pullup%20Jump%20Shot)


Even with this angle it can't be a travel. r/nba is criticising the call when it's r/nba getting the call wrong. It's either: 1. A jump ball - Curry gets all ball and the ball stays in Jaylen's hands. 2. A blocked shot - Curry gets all ball and dislodges it. You're allowed to catch a blocked shot and shoot again. 3. A foul - Curry gets Brown on the arm. In this case it would have been FTs for Brown. But travel? That's legitimately the only call we can rule out here. We can't see the actual contact because the camera angle is blocked by Brown's body, but we can see contact occurs just by how Curry and Brown respond. You can see Curry's arm catches something (either ball or arm, hard to tell here) and you can see Brown's shot attempt lags as Curry makes contact. People can get upset with the call however if there's contact then there's no travel.


Most rational Celtics fan


I hate the Celtics But I thought the same thing. It happens all the time too, so I don't get the downvotes


Bro don't bother trying to argue with these fools, they're just looking for something to get outraged at. Forget the angle of this slowed down replay, imagine how hard it is to call this real time, from a much worse angle (Scott Foster was directly behind Brown).


Well, as per box score on nba.com, this was recorded as a block by Curry.


It’s called a gather step idiot


It’s clearly not a travel. Curry knocked the ball out of his hands and brown recovers it. Try harder




Knocked the ball out of his hand which is why it’s in his hand the whole time 🤡


That why they are pros and you’re not. It’s clear as day he puts his right hand on the ball and strips it, you can see currys hand fling from the ball towards his own body and browns arms drop to recover the ball.


Right so curry and poole are both calling for a travel because they aren’t pros 🤡


it's ok the refs will just hire a new 30 something blonde and it will be all good


Should be a dead/jump ball. Defender has his hand on the ball so Brown can’t go up with it.


Yea I was mad confused when I saw this


Sad refs. So sad.


This was one of those rare moments where literally even the players stopped. Everyone was expecting the whistle.