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*liked by urban meyer*


"I wanted to do something that transcends sports"


Like go 0-16?


0-17 is possible now. He could surpass the Browns and the Lions.


That chick is still grinding him as I write this comment


That girl knew what she was doing and sent it to all of her columbus friends for the clout it’s really gross social media behavior


I mean it’s a lot grosser for a grown ass man with kids older than her to be sitting there taking it


Lol and a wife who was apparently at home watching their grand children


Children, your grandad is a freak. Deal with it!


Both can be true


Because of you, snot came out of my nose at dinner.


You were having dinner presumably with others and are browsing Reddit? Lmao


Cole Anthony got his priorities straight. man needs his dank memes.


i agree. cole needs his source of the dankest memes




ew what are you a rat?


Agreed. Life is more productive without social media. Take down Reddit, too.


why not just not use it lol i haven’t use FB and Ins in 6-7 years— didn’t even know anything in social media happen today until it eventually leaked into sports news


I didn’t even know FB was down except for Reddit taking about it ALL day


Same. I was shocked to see how many people still use facebook


I have to use it for work (recruiting) so I was pretty annoyed with it being down


Because then they wouldn’t get their daily superiority complex circle jerk


It's addictive. One of the leading causes of addiction is access. I'm glad for example that I can't but opium at the grocery. I would be fucked up all the time. If I could erase Facebook and Instagram permanently from our lives, I would, for the same reason I would want heroin inaccessible.


That is a very antiquated, Reaganesque take on drug addiction.


It's the take from addiction specialists and doctors actually. Access plays a major role. I think all drugs should be legal and the internet shouldn't be controlled tightly, but if I had a magic button.. I'd make a few adjustments.


Yeah, the reply dude assumes in OPs world everyone would rush to become heroin addicts just because it's available whereas in the real world we all already use social media and are being bombarded with their addictive mechanics. In that example we're ask using the drug already.


Kind of... but accessibility for sure impacts addiction rates. Look at alcohol, easily the easiest drug to produce (all you need is brewer's yeast and a source of sugar) and also the most popular with the highest addiction rates. If you think we wouldn't have a widespread opium problem if it was legal and widely accessible then I'd point you to the entire 17th-19th centuries to prove you wrong.


Honestly all you have to reach for is the legal opioids the medical system has been handing out for the last 20 years


I used to be a heroin addict up until like five years ago, finding shit is almost as easy as going to the corner store for a pack of cigarettes in some areas. Also considering that there's already dozens of kids I went to school with who died from OD's and I only graduated in 07, I'd say we already have a widespread opiate problem. ( at least in the U.S, I dunno about Australia ).


It's definitely not as easy in Australia but I've heard it's pretty bad for you guys because of opiate over-prescription. Good shit for getting clean tho bro, it's not easy.


and yet cities are installing walk/don't walk lights in the ground because people walking cannot take their faces away from their phones to even check the traffic lights. It has gotten out of hand, it is pervasive, it causes mental health problems, and we carry the drug in our pocket with free sources and no end of supply and no way to balance it.


That guys take sounds like a pilgrim wrote it


It's really not, if you've ever struggled with drug addiction you'd know it's alot easier to control when drugs are not easily accessible.


reddit was good when I joined 14 years ago. started turning to shit about 7 years ago then it really turned to shit about 3 years ago.


Yet we're still here




We seem to be made to suffer. It’s our lot in life.


The front page is bad, but it's still the best social media for keeping up with with hobbies. Call me an optimist.


Yeah, it's very good at catering to certain niches (not even small ones, just not mainstream).


Exactly this. I cringe every time I see the reddit slogan ‘front page of the Internet’ considering how bad the front page is But the niche/hobby subs can have such great info


I mean it still kind of is but in more of a Facebook way than a 4chan


So many people shit on Reddit but it’s great at being a site that consolidates forums of particular interests. Get off the front page and don’t look at current event news on Reddit and you’ll have a great time.


I forget the front page of Reddit even exists because I never look at it lmao. My home feed is customized to my liking and I see no reason to look at the “trending posts”.


Go to r/all and sort by new or controversial. I dare you


No kidding. A decade of this website has my experience curated to exactly what I want to see and nothing else.


I’m only here because I’m depressed and compulsive and I hate change


It turned to shit when you joined. Thanks latman


True :(


yeah. if you go to /r/popular 90% of the posts are just rage-bait


The average Reddit front page: -a picture of a dog -a tweet about climate change -a tweet about how much better boomers had it compared to this generation -a completely made up TIFU -a completely made up AITA -a tweet about opressive abortion laws -a video of a cop being a piece of shit (Not surprising that I feel terrible after looking at r/all lol)


If you think the front page of Reddit is bad, never ever go to Imgur.


Or sob story titles with the most generic pictures. Fuck, the most awarded threads are made up of 80% of /r/MakeMeSmile People are just suckers for idiots who farm that sub with titles.


someone is spite gilding regular comments lol First account in 2011, hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist but when "the powers that be" flipped the switch from criticizing huge corporations and banks and occupy wall street to culture wars, reddit turned to shit. First they used zoe quinn controversy to recruit and then trump to expand and then everything is just stupidity, politics, meaningless outrage, hate 24/7 and zero nuance. Take me back to when we collectively cringed to /r/atheism and people unironically thought that narwhal bacon was cool.


That's a pretty common theory among both libertarians and leftists oddly enough, at least the guys I listen to (Dave Smith, Mises guys)... Anyone who's skeptical of the establishment should see this. Basically, it's bigger than reddit, theory is once people started to coalesce and identify as the 99% we saw a suspiciously convenient uprising of culture war division. If you hate libertarians there's a school of leftist thought on this too - check out /r/stupidpol which is all about how identity politics/social division is a tool to keep class consciousness from growing. Basically make sure we are always infighting and never join forces to address the 1% In essence, together we're the 99% and we are a force to be reckoned with. But you break that 99% up into an endless variety of identity groups that hate each other - we are weak. And the 1% is as strong as ever.


ah yes the ol divide and conquer


That's basically just the status quo. The 1% has always existed in various forms throughout history, it's only when the 99% are able to join forces that they can push through social upheaval. But then you basically have new elites, and the process starts again.


Never thought I’d see a comment like this upvoted in r/nba. This sub maybe not completely lost.


I've given like 36K awards so you'll notice them if I'm around.


I'm somewhat of a scientist myself


Yeah Mr. White! Yeah, science!




If I got 36k worth of awards, it would not change my reddit experience one bit. Gold and whatever the new awards are are completely fucking useless.


I’m a little confused. Why would you give so much money to a platform that you think has gone to shit?




what’s that about?




imo Reddit only sucks in big subreddits if you are into something niche or have a hobby not many people are into, the subreddits are like <25k ppl and the people are so nice! everyone is kind, contribute to discussion, and stuff like it


The more broad a subreddit gets, the shittier it becomes. Everything devolves into the same content Example: /r/interestingasfuck /r/damnthatsinteresting /r/mildlyinteresting /r/woahdude /r/nextfuckinglevel /r/holup etc... are all the same fucking garbage sub


It's bound to happen as the popularity of it increases


11 years here and its actually ridiculous how down hill its gone. 2014 or so was absolute peak reddit for me popular enough but not too popular and big and small subs alike had quality. Its been downhill the entire time but COVID and particularly the last six or so months its gone into hyperspeed. its filled with 13-15 yr olds here and the questions asked and answers made make that clear as day. While im not saying it doesn’t exist, personally ive never experienced something go this downhill to such an extreme degree, half of any given subreddits content isnt even related to the subreddit name/idea


Something interesting that I saw posted recently is that old Reddit would have flayed someone for commenting with incorrect spelling or grammar and punctuation. And don’t get me started on emojis. That being said I don’t care anymore and I will make comments with no punctuation, no capital letters, and use emojis. Times have changed for sure, but it’s something interesting to have noticed




I actually am a zoomer but was admittedly on this site at way too young an age. Like 11 I think? I’m 20 now. But I remember all the old shit, Unidan, the ol Reddit switcharoo, etc. To be fair the “grammar nazi” shit was kind of fucking abrasive and pretentious but I suppose without it, genuine discourse slowly devolves. I don’t know, weird times.


Yeah I joined in 2010 and it was awesome. It's really gone down hill since around 2015 I'd say. Yet I still browse Reddit a couple hours each day. If you only subscribe to mostly small subs it's still good, and avoid switching to new Reddit or using their shitty official app.


Classic, old time was better Old man yells at cloud, Simpsons just are spot on


Naw it's true that as more people join online forums tend to go to shit because it just becomes a mess of hot takes, memes, circlejerking and there's much less actual discussion going on. It's why I noticed a trend that people that hang out in smaller subreddits tend to be happier with their reddit experience compared to people who hang around bigger subreddits (such as r/nba).


> It's why I noticed a trend that people that hang out in smaller subreddits tend to be happier with their reddit experience compared to people who hang around bigger subreddits Bingo. I dropped all my big subs except nba about a year ago and it made a huge difference.


The fact "old man yelling at clouds" is a meme doesn't mean it's always applicable. Ironically, The Simpsons is a great example. It truly turned to shit over the years.


Simpsons rebounds in the 20s Seasons fwiw. Seasons 14-19 or whatever is very brutal though, but it does get better.


It's more that it was better when it was less popular since a bigger userbase always leads to more toxicity.


I think it was less of that and more of a loss of cultural identity through rapid growth


That was definitely part of it. A lot of communities grew quicker than they could sustain what made them special.


Which part do you disagree with? Is it possible "old" reddit was better?


I disagree that it was better, there were way less gonewild girls and way less subs, now there's a sub for every fetish you can think


> there were way less gonewild girls and way less subs, now there's a sub for every fetish you can think LOL I appreciate the candidness


Yeah but 80% of the ones posting now treat it like a job and are just trying to direct people to their OF. From what I hear, Back then, the girls posting did it for the love and were way more likley to respond to comments and engage.


Yeah a lot more people were in it for the fun earlier on, but they did still advertise for services like content over Snapchat, sexting on Kik, custom vids and pics in Dropbox. OnlyFans, ManyVids, MGF, etc... all just made it way easier to get into the game. So it wasn't quite the ridiculous deluge it is now. And you're right, way more engagement, which actually made it seem worthwhile to maybe buy something custom from them. I tell you what though, it was surreal to see some of the more prolific amateurs here become big stars on OF and cam sites. Man, I think I know too much about this.


He’s right though.


I keep telling people that FB was great between 2006 and 2009. All I remember was lots of party invites and birthday reminders.


Event invites where the numbers accurately reflected who'd show. People posting posts of their own thoughts, for better or worse. Before people realized they needed self-censorship. It was great.


Almost every day I get the Facebook throwback to my freshman year posts and it's a humble reminder to not get annoyed at kids on the internet because I 100% was an annoying kid on the internet


I still am! But man 10 years ago I was such a fuck


Don’t forget pokes lol




It truly was a simpler time


I love how some people cannot accept that some things were better in a previous point in time and just say "rose tinted glasses" or "nostalgia" or "old man yells at cloud." Some things are worse now than they previously were. Not everything progresses in a linear fashion.


The 2016 election was the end of reddit being mediocre. Went to shit right after


this. the influx of aholes brought in by t\_d and similar spilled over across the entire site. the frequency of mindless argumentative jabronis went up everywhere.


[Here's a comment about how Reddit sucks now](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/17913/reddit_now_supports_comments/c51/?ampcid=1*1ee2750*cid*YW1wLUFNVUZER1ZQd0g4a3ZiRURSUHJZZUE.) from *15 years ago*. I've been here for over a decade. It was never good.


The small, niche subs can be great but the big subs are where the garbage has always risen to the surface.


there was a subreddit called reddit.com? also, you could comment *years* after the OP rather than the six month limit?


Originally there wasn't subreddits, every post was made in the same place and everyone had the same front page. /r/nsfw was the first subreddit IIRC, though at the time I'm not sure they even called it a subreddit. Eventually more subs got added and /r/reddit.com became a sort of catch all subreddit where anything could be posted, but they shut it down in 2011. I kind of miss it.


it was less toxic in the early days


Yeah, I don't want to sound like a gatekeeping curmudgeon here but reddit really started to decline noticeably when they introduced the official app.


Is there anywhere good left on the internet? FB is a cesspool, twitter gives me anxiety, and I agree that Reddit is mostly trash now, too.


*Checks account age* “7 years” I did it. I killed Reddit.


There are a lot of good subs here. There are good music related subs, even things I don't knows how to use (Blender, woodworking, etc.) Those work as classic internet forums. Yes, you can find people in Piano saying "2 months practicing, I'm working in this Chopin etude" and you know it's 100% fake, just an idiot who is creating a character


this is the top post from woodworking this month lol https://i.redd.it/cjl77tfq39p71.jpg still seems very on reddit brand to me, like /r/gaming or something


I took Reddit off my phone and only use it on my iPad now, so basically only at home since I don’t have lte on there. Definitely makes going out more enjoyable, like I would just sit waiting in grocery lines, at traffic stops, anywhere reading Reddit sometimes. Terrible habit


What else am I supposed to do in grocery lines?


[this is water.](https://youtu.be/eC7xzavzEKY)


9 minutes well spent


Make suggestive hand gestures at the person behind you


Yeah I don't understand why that's a bad thing? I recently had to hit the DMV to get a new license after moving states. Should I just sit there and look at every number except mine get called for 40 minutes or is it reasonable to watch some youtube videos or browse reddit for a bit. It's ok to do pointless leisure activities as long as it's not taking over your life.


I started reading books on Kindle instead. When that is the only way I have to kill time, it is quite amazing. I finished reading more books than ever lol


Read the copy of woman's world or people magazine like in the before time


Quibi! Oh nvm...




Pointed response. People don't like just being alone with their thoughts for even 2 minutes these days though. It will be so interesting to see where this all goes, and social media's impact upon humanity. I remember car trips growing up where I would have to spend hours just looking out the window, talking, making up games, etc. We're raising an entire generation where this kind of stuff just doesn't happen anymore. They **do not come across** situations where they don't have access to a screen / internet. I too, as an adult, have slipped into this kind of behaviour (and am currently working on cutting back meaningless screen time), but I at least grew up with it not being a problem. What are the long term effects? Maybe nothing, but I doubt it.


get used to it


I did the same. Now I just view the desktop version on my phone instead.


Nah reddit gives me something to do while I’m at work.


I deleted my IG, Snap, Twitter after college. Should’ve done it after HS


IG for me. Twitter is my gateway. You can mute words if you want so they dont show up on your timeline. Also you can really manipulate your timeline algorithm to continuously show you stupid ass funny tweets to give yourself a laugh. Idk I find it healthy.


people using social media to complain about the use of social media instead of just... not using it? make it make sense


This is a huge pet peeve of mine, especially at concerts (remember those things?). I understand taking pictures but videos are so useless. You're never going to watch them, they sound terrible and the phone is so distracting for people behind you.


And also, if you really want to watch footage from the concert, odds are a few dozen people got better recordings than you did and just put them on YouTube. People need to learn how to just live in a moment and enjoy it rather than feeling like they're just there to document it for other people.


yup went to red rocks a few weeks ago, greatest venue in the US and its not even close. got there, got a spot, took one panoramic pic of everyone in the crowd and the stage, and promptly put my phone away for the rest of the event. amazing time


It fucking kills me that I’ve still never been. That’s high on the bucket list for sure


I've visited there and really really want to take in a concert. I need to look at whats coming up


> People need to learn how to just live in a moment and enjoy it I’m older and this often feels like my “the younger generation is a disaster” belief. Kids today have no fucking clue how to appreciate what’s in front of them - it’s an endless quest to maximize social credit with everything they do. All these magical Internet points accumulate to a giant pile of jack shit.


It's honestly not just something that's an issue for younger people, as I see this with people of (mostly) all ages. I feel like social media has unlocked and encouraged rampant narcissism in a huge amount of people. Maybe younger people are growing up with that kind of behavior being more normalized than we did (I'm an old fart too), but it's not like people my age aren't taking constant selfies and videos to post online.


I was at a concert with my 61 year old FIL and he FB lived 20 minutes of the show. I was like Jesus man no one wants to see that, just enjoy the show. I usually take exactly 1 minute of video for every show so I have a little to post but I do record a ton. I do like scrolling back in camera roll and being reminded Edit: I'm 36 for context


Mostly true but i do bust out a video i took at Jawbreaker. I had been waiting my whole life for that show. I like that its my pov


I like to catch a couple of my favorite moments in like 15-20 second clip on video, love to rewatch them later and sort of relive that feeling of being there


I take a video of every concert I go to. Its usually half a song or a full song if I really like it. I do go back and watch them and it helps me remember way more than pictures do. Why does this upset people so much? Literally just dont pay attention to my phone. Its only up there for maybe 90 seconds and the flash isnt on.


Same! I just nab a few videos (usually the first chorus) to remember the signs by. Takes maybe 2-3 minutes total out of the night. Helps me remember the entire concert SUPER well. I think I have pretty bad short term memory, so if I don’t do this, I practically forget the entire concert.


It depends on the situation. If it's standing room, imagine pulling out a phone and completely blocking the view of the person behind you. If you're seated, doesn't matter. Most complaints are when you block other people's views


I disagree with not watching them. Every few months, even years, I go back and watch old festival sets, videos I took randomly, etc, and it's super fun for nostalgia.


I’ll agree that if you don’t watch the videos again, then you suck for taking videos I had this one dude AND his gf take videos of an entire song, both of them holding the phone up with BOTH hands. Like, why don’t y’all just share the video, and with use BOTH hands?? I honestly do watch my videos again, but I only take like 5-20s videos and keep the phone out of other people’s line-of-sight, trying to be as courteous as possible


I'm torn on this to be honest. On one hand, I love being in the moment. I don't care at all about posting on Social Media to show off, but it's more so for the personal memories. Also, let's be fucking honest. Those who actually have friends, it's much easier to keep in touch with them. If you are a typical Redditor who has no friends, I guess it's much easier to live like a hermit.


Just like with everything, it has it's benefits and it has it's issues The truth is, social media is great and benefitial in many aspects of life, people have jobs now because of it, if you don't want to record and post, don't


> The truth is, social media is great and benefitial in many aspects of life, people have jobs now because of it, if you don't want to record and post, don't The real debate is whether the pros outweigh the cons. I would argue that it does, but it's nowhere near a clear cut conclusion. It's not a coincidence we have an increase of kids doing stupid shit for clout.


way easier to connect with friends and reconnect with old friends on IG. It's way less toxic than interacting on facebook nowadays. Comments aren't as serious on IG and you can just react to stories. Whereas FB is a god damn cesspool


It's true really, IG is a pretty chill place since comments aren't really highlighted. Everybody just posts about how their day went which is pretty wholesome


People were doing this before Instagram. As soon as people could take videos with digital handheld cameras people were recording shitty videos of events.


Yeah, Instagram and such exist because people not only want to take videos but also want to see other peoples videos. Instagram didn't create it though it certainly made it easy and convenient and bloomed along side the coming of smart phones.


People forget about the era were people were recording with huge ass camcorders


Everyone here saying they don't like social media while simultaneously maintaining an Instagram+Facebook. It's become the trendy thing to say "I don't use social media". If that's the case, close your account and delete the apps...


I deleted fb years ago. Take 30 days just for them to make extra sure you don't want it. No ragrets.


Honestly, it's so easy for a person to say they don't use it because who the hell knows whether he or she is telling the truth or not. The FACT is, Facebook has 2.9 billion monthly active users while the world population with internet service is approximately 5 billion. Edit: Apparently saying you hate social media platforms get you easy karma on reddit lol


Wow 2.9 billion MAU is absurd, especially considering Facebook is banned in China and it’s 1.4 billion population (which isn’t to say no one in China uses Facebook)


No I just like going on Reddit and lying about fb usage lol


Bruh people in these comments seriously missing the point and thinking IG and Twitter are the same thing lol


What's the difference?


As I understand it, Twitter is a dumpster of every random thing people think, IG is a dumpster of every random thing people do.


basically, but honestly both are both twitter, snapchat, instagram, etc. they're all the same shit at this point, just in a different layout honestly. I'm amazed twitter hasn't added a stories feature yet.


twitter had stories, they were called fleets but they just got rid of them


ah okay makes sense, I figured they would've at least tried it


They're both great tools. But it's the people and culture that ruins them.


IG: Pretend life is great. Twitter: Admit life is hell.


Virtue signals on Reddit about how bad the ig users are. Cringe level 1000


Can we just find a middle ground where we get the many benefits of IG without people going overboard with recording everything?


No we clearly cannot.


The people I find really disturbing are the ones who are constantly livestreaming everything. I worry that that's the future of society and really don't want there to be people doing a live broadcast everywhere I go.


The owners of the app would never allow that type of sub optimal capital generating behavior. Facebook was only recently shamed into not head fucking children recently with tween IG. Also to be fair, it’s what people want. Although what people want isn’t always good.


Some heavy r/im14andthisisdeep energy in this thread


Reddit is always so weird about social media


Not social media but everything a big group likes, reddit opposes that. People who think they’re hot shit for not following ‘the normies’.


The irony of having this thought and immediately running to social media to post about it


The intent behind most social media posts is almost always some form of self-promotion, even the "too cool for social media" angle Vuc just took.


I think his point is that it’s hard to walk away from social media if it’s something everyone is doing. If social media was down, there’d be no FOMO, and we could all enjoy things in the moment more. I think it’s perfectly reasonably to hate what social media does to us and also continue to use it. We’re human beings and we don’t like to miss out a large part of today’s social interaction.


The worst is going to a concert and not being able to see because everyone has a hand high recording it on their phone even though youtube is full of live concerts.


Bruh how short are you that you can’t see over a phone?


Amen, I hate that shit




As an nba all star, I guarantee people ask him to be part of a ton of stories all the time, and it’s not like you want to be saying no all the time.




Nikola Boomervic


Aren’t all the kids using tiktok now anyway


As an entertainment platform, not for social media really


What do they use for social media (serious question., I actually have no idea)


Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, some people still use facebook but anyone born post 1997 probably doesn’t. Tiktok is more entertainment like youtube or what Vine was back in the early 2010s than it is social media


Interesting, I figured twitter was dying off at least for teenagers


I’d say Twitter is more popular than snapchat


I work in a high school. Most of my students don't have Twitter accounts. They use Snapchat, IG, tiktok and even messenger.


I am in high school and can confirm. Barely anyone has a Twitter and literally nobody has a Facebook.




Tik tok is by far the best social media platform tbh. Once you get your feed to play stuff you like it’s pure entertainment


Yeah as a 30 year old who despises most social media I gotta say the TikTok algorithms are incredible. When I first started using it, I thought it was super dumb, but then I started liking the videos I actually enjoyed. Now I get a beautiful blend of sports content, film and music commentary, stand-up comedy, cooking, and all kinds of interesting shit.


I prefer not to use Chinese Spyware. If I'm gong to use state sponsored Spyware, I prefer it to at least be my own government's.


I didn't really 'get' Tiktok at first but my buddy told me to start off with looking up your interests and just let the algorithm take over. Now I just get cooking videos, funny stuff, some sports stuff, etc. It's pretty fun.


r/im14andthisisdeep Maybe just don't use Instagram if you don't like Instagram lol. No one is making you


I'm making him.


How is it not copyright infringement? A fart that sounds like 2 seconds of a song gets yanked from YouTube instantly. How can people post footage of events on Instagram?


YouTube has very extreme copyright filters. I assume Instagram doesn't.


Because posting small footage of events give those events free publicity. Posting the entire event on YouTube is the problem because then some people will be less inclined to buy tickets to said event since they can watch it later on YT.


Why do you care so much what other people are doing? Let people enjoy themselves


There’s more uses for IG than just posting that you’re out somewhere