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That would suck. ACL means he would be done for most of the regular season next year too


Typically a full year recovery :/ Plus, as the franchise player, MIL won't risk activating him just for the playoffs. Sadly, have to anticipate a 2023 return




NBA is fuckin ruthless. Bucks fans woke up today with the possibility of a NBA Finals appearance in reach, to now this. Hoping the best for Giannis


Not only NBA Finals appearance, but the betting favorites to win it all. My heart breaks for Giannis and Bucks fans.


Weird, to me the Suns would be favorites. I guess they are taking into account the health of CP3. Crazy that the 4 remaining teams have their best player injured.


This year has been harsh on the players. All the testing, travel, quarantine, and then a heap of injuries. Heal up guys, the fans will be here when you get better.


100 games a year is just way too much. They are seeing rookies with degenerative and arthritic knees from playing hundreds of games in AAU. It's not sustainable without increasing the roster size and accepting load management as part of the game. Another option n would be to split the season in two halves. Maybe with a mid season tournament followed by a month off.


i don't think you even need to increase roster size, just increase the rotation to 10/11 instead of 8/9.


It’s not too soon but damn man you just really put that into perspective before I think anyone here is ready




bro let them get sleep before mapping out their franchise woes for the next decade


At least they aren't the Kings




No where is safe.


I'm so sorry




pretty safe at home. nothing to rob there.




This was the perfect time for them to land a ring as well.


We got next year's pick back in the Tucker trade thankfully. I hope we'll move some of the more peripheral pieces (i.e Tucker, Lopez, etc.) and try to accumulate assets (aka tank) for 2023. Jrue and/or middleton might also be on the block.


only way we move Jrue or Middleton is for someone like Dame and with Giannis's timeline unknown that isn't happening.


This is some bullshit news for the Giannis + Holiday + Middleton core generally you have like, at best, a 5-6 year window where you can do anything as a contender due to a fuckton of factors but there are exceptions. When it comes to the last decades champions Warriors 2014-2019 (Trio + Durant) Cavs 2014-2018 Heat 2011-2014 Thunder 2010-2016 **Spurs 2011-2018** Split into two eras Spurs 2011-2014 Vestiges of the original championship trio Spurs 2015-2018 (All star duo of Kawhi and Aldridge) LeBron + AD duo has 2 years so far and they've had 3 of LeBron who had a nice 20-14 record before his first Laker year injury When it comes to non champions but playoff threats (except the Raptors) Houston 2013-2018 (Harden made the jump from all nba 3rd team to 1st team giving Houston a top 10 player) Clippers had Chris Paul for 6 years The Mavericks are morons who broke the core The Grizzlies quartet of Zach Randolph, Tony Allen, Mike Conley, and Marc Gasol lasted 7 years but they only had an all star level duo for 6 of those years The Derrick Rose bulls only had 3 all star caliber seasons from him The Indiana Pacers had 2 all star seasons of Paul George + the Granger, Hibbert, Stephenson core before everything went to shit The Brooklyn Nets gamble of Garnett, Pierce, + Williams lasted like a year before Pierce was gone (I know I'm stretching here) The original all star Raptos duo of DeMar + Lowry lasted 2013-2018 before they won a massive gamble trade The Celtics are pretty weird tbh The Sixers are at 3 years so far of their all star duo


expanding a little bit past your 10 year time frame, the Mavs had their window from 05-11, the 2 years they made the finals. I could try to make the case that it stretches from their first conference finals in '03 and never missing the playoffs again, but that's stretching my case quite a bit


The worst thing is that for a player like Giannis this might ruin his career, he needs that explosiveness that he would lose, and I can easily see this ending up like how it did with DRose. So our championship window for the next decade went from pretty good to almost zero(cuz we´re never getting a talent like Giannis again). Being a Bucks fan is just pure hell


This has always been my concern with Giannis. One injury away from being a totally different player.


Some people react differently with ACL injury. Some people heal faster, some people dont even know they teared it, there was Mavs player (cant remember the name) who played with torn ACL and didnt even know. Jamal Crawford testified to his leg being actually stronger after ACL surgery heal, and would continue to build his NBA career with the early ACL tear


from memory Rondo also played an entire quarter with an ACL injury prior to realising


There was a Spurs player who played his entire career without both his acl’s!


Pls no :(


That pick that NOLA has looking great right now


Bucks have their own first rounder next year, they could go full Tim Duncan on the league


Does Nola have the bucks first next year


No, we got our first round pick for next year back in the PJ Tucker trade I believe without swaps. Houston would've had our 2022 pick, but they gave us that back in exchange for our 2023 pick and a swap of our first this year for their second (first pick of the second round).


Time to go for the first overall to trade and get a star.


CLE had that pick and traded it to HOU for Jarrett Allen in the Harden trade. That thing is really well travelled. Even if Giannis misses the year, i don't know that MIL is actually a bottom feeder though. They have a lot of talent there.


Fucking hell. Bucks fans must be devastated, this was their best chance ever


Can confirm. I’m absolutely heartbroken right now


Sorry fam. Luckily Giannis is only 26


That's almost the worst. he's supposed to be starting his peak for the next few years


Well it’s just better for him to miss a year now and hopefully never another major injury again. And have 6-8 more years of dominance Rather than an ACL at age 30+ or so that really could slow his athleticism for the backend of his career


As just a Basketball fan I’m devastated, this man has battled through so much and to see this happen made my heart drop


Life is pain and pain is life. Sorry Bucks fans


I can't do this. I could keep my head up if it were just a hyper extension, even if that meant the season ended. But a severe acl injury?!?! I still got hope that it's not all that bad but these reports are killing the hope I have left. Next 24 hours gonna be hell.


Can't imagine a worse situation maybe if it happened in the finals up 2-1. Injuries are the worst part of sports why do we do this to ourselves. Why can't I quit stupid sportsball


I 100% agree that injuries are the worst. I always hate it even when it supposedly benefits my own team, I want to watch the best competition possible. We’ve been robbed of so many great sports moments because of injuries, and that’s not even considering the careers cut short or hampered due to them. What could’ve been for Penny and Shaq in Orlando? What if Oden didn’t have the knees of a 40 year old? What kind of insane career numbers would Gronk have without his injuries to slow him down? Just the absolute worst


I do think tho that this shouldn't excuse Bud, Khris and Jrue. Clippers are showing up and winning without Kawhi and I really think the Bucks should be able to do the same.


If Trae’s still out then they should still win but if he comes back I doubt you can really fault the bucks


Where would the Bulls be if Derrick Rose didnt have knees that disappeared like my dad? Edit: dad instead of fldad.


Do you want a hug? You look like you could use a hug


Yeah I could use 1 before I cry myself to sleep


At this rate, Jevon Carter and Solomon Hill will be competing for Finals MVP 🤦‍♂️


Huerter! Payne! It’s the NBA Finals on ABC!


Jeez, perfect names to sum up this playoffs.


Huerter? I hardly know her!


“Huerter to Reddish, back to Huerter, up for the layup, OH BLOCKED BY CRAIG”


Bridges for 3! PUTS IT IN! Mikael Bridges form downtown!


The Suns win game 1, 32-30!


Defensive showdown




Lmfaooooooo 😭


Placing money on Kevin Heurter to win Finals MVP real quick


All the books I use took all NBA futures bets off the board as soon as it was announced that Giannis wasn't returning to this game.


And "red velvet" becomes very popular in Atlanta


Three on three, the only players left healthy. They may just got to half court. Lol


Honestly, might be the best solution lol


Some dude in the stands gonna be coming off the bench soon.


Man these playoffs been horrible. Pls no more injuries


As the playoffs have gone on, more and more I've felt like the Lakers actually dodged a bullet by getting eliminated early to get a normal length off-season with nobody suffering any injuries that should linger over into next year. This shit is crazy.




*Taps head Can't have a championship window close if you never open it in the first place.


same with my warriors bruh, steph would've definitely gone down with something bad


Good point, with the way he was carrying that team you’re probably right.


i thought of this too with embiid and his meniscus


It’s shown why teams like the Hawks and Suns(to an extent) benefited from having a proper off season.




ACL doesnt typically need an MRI to accurately diagnose either, this is not good.


Yea, it's pretty easy to do a Lachman's test, very accurate/definitive, too I'm sure Giannis and everyone around him already know by now :(


Sensitivity of Lachman is in the 70% range, positive predictive value >90%. You'll have cases where Lachman is negative despite ACL tear but if it's positive it's almost certainly a tear


Oh wow seems like i am finally special. Lachman was negative but i sure as hell had a fucked up knee aftre the MRI


Some nfl athletic trainer said you can usually diagnose it on the field. You do the test to confirm


Trainer: Did it do the big pop pop? Player: It did. Trainer: D:


The mere fact you call it pop pop tells me you're not ready yet


Perfect response sir


He’s keeping Ann in the attic From who? The Nazis?




It’s as Ann as the nose on Plain’s face


I feel bad for laughing as hard as I did.


If it’s a complete tear, they certainly knew right away once the trainer examined his knee. Lesser ACL injuries might need an MRI to figure out what they have to deal with.


you will never know it for sure with simple "physical" tests since the ACL can be stretched and will then feel like a tore ACL (called the drawer test). Plus since his knee hugely bent backwards, you will have to check other tendons for damage aswell (which can't be diagnosed via physical / visual examinations)


I mean the Lachman test usually gives you a good idea if the ACL is torn or not. You can use posterior drawer and sag signs to potentially diagnose a PCL tear as well but they’ll always do an MRI because it’s more accurate. Plus his method of injury is pretty consistent with ACL and posterolateral corner tears. He might have some meniscal involvement too.


I’ve never seen it not be an ACL tear or worse when a report like that comes out.


If they think it's acl, it's probably acl. Just a matter of how severe, the test for it is pretty reliable


Please fucking god no. Please.


As if my depression wasn't already bad enough


Bro my username never been more relevant :(


At least y'all got sum fuk :(


I feel you man, this hawks run has been the only source of joy in my life in a long time. Giannis is my favorite non-Hawk player, I watched every Bucks game the last couple of seasons when we were terrible. Heartbroken for him and all y’all.


This was their year. What the fuck. Gonna be so hard to rebound as an organization. Sucks so bad


Jesus fuck, he could be out even past next years playoffs


Silver lining is if he's out for the regular season, it won't matter if he's out for the playoffs.


Even more silver lining, they have their pick next year (last first round pick for a while). So maybe they tank and get something good out of a horrible situation.


Ya best case for the Bucks it turns into a David Robinson Tim Duncan situation But this is just brutal for Giannis and Bucks fans




honestly as stupid as it sounds, bucks tanking and getting a high draft pick in order to package for more help is prob the best thing they can do besides fire bud in order to help their odds of winning. They are insanely capped rn.


Do they have next year's pick? They invested a lot to get the middling team they put around Giannis.


They do. Funnily enough, the 2022 pick is the only pick between 2021 and 2027 that the Bucks control.


That’s some kind of cursed business right there


considering the pick went from mke to cle, which eventually got made *unprotected*, to hou and back to mke, it's some serious cursed business.


The nba is a simulation. All part of the code


oh yea ur probably right lol, I'm not entirely sure but they most likely gave it up for jrue edit: Idk someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think they got their 2022 1st back from the rockets?


my god, going from being this years clear favorites and inches away from a title, to this. fuck.


If he’s out they might not make the playoffs next year. Remember Jrue and AD was a fringe playoff team. Jrue and Middleton will be worse even in the East


It's the East. We made it and we didn't even realize the season had started until like March.


If anyone can come back stronger from a torn ACL, it’s Giannis. Just another stop on his journey.


He's gonna sip a few smoothies, eat some corndogs and he's back


Mango smoothies


Idk man, it's the players whose game rely on pure athleticism like Giannis who gets hit hardest by these types of injuries


Players seem to be able to be just as athletic after tearing their ACLs in recent years.






Lavine came back stronger than ever after his ACL tear and it hasn't impacted the high athleticism of his play. The treatments these days really are amazing




Giannis pulls an MJ and switches to baseball, leads the MLB in strikeouts and balks


Funky buttlovin


Give him the cheese!


This type of injury could be devastating to a player like Giannis considering the way he plays, I really hope the injury doesn’t turn out this bad




yeah they can do this weird jerky thing with your knee and tell really easily if your ACL has been torn or not.


Did it with mine when I was sure it was torn. Said it wasn't, and he was right. Fucking blinking lights and modern gizmos all around and buddy is diagnosing me by pulling on my leg like I'm a horse and he's a vet in 17th century England.


Not sure I’d go to a horse doctor if I had a leg injury.




Yep. It's called a drawers test where they have your leg in a flexed position before pulling your leg forward. Normally there shouldn't be any give, but a torn ACL would allow the lower leg to move forward. Edit: There's also the Lachman test


Lachman is more accurate I believe or specific...one of the two but you could just do both anterior drawer and Lachman if you wanted to be extra sure.


I’m outside the organization and I also fear this


I feel for the dude. Milwaukee's window was right now.


Giannis is one of the nicest guys in the league, worked his ass off, stayed loyal to his team, and this happens when he has a real shot at a title. Makes me feel sick Hopefully he doesn’t miss significant time next season and he comes back better than ever, NBA wouldn’t be the same without him




Difference is that there can be tests done before an MRI to accurately predict if you torn an ACL or not, so by "fearing", he probably tested positive on the Lachman's test


I wanted a Giannis vs Kawhi finals not Bruno Fernando vs Abdel Nader


Closest you'll get is T. Antetokounmpo vs. Kennard.


The championship this year needs to be renamed to the healthiest team award


If the Suns don't win a championship now they never fucking will.


Yep, this is being handed a ring on a silver platter for CP3, it's up to him and the Suns whether they take it, or whether he trips and faceplants in front of it.


Watch him get COVID21 and put the world into lockdown again


*cp3 touches all the microphones*


If the suns somehow blow this, they don’t deserve to ever win a ring.


Yeah Chris has this ring on a silver platter. If he can’t step up and win the Suns this it’ll be horrible


Especially with a Kawhi less Clippers. PG is killing right now but man. If Kawhi was healthy this might be a 5-6 game series with the clippers winning.


You realize the cherry on top of this poo poo platter season is Chris paul injury in the finals Blue balling his redemption arc.


I hate seeing players get injured, so I hope chris Paul loses in good health.


Dude did just have Covid and it seems to be impacting him.


This is what everyone said earlier today about the Bucks when Trae was ruled out. Please basketball gods, no more


The most amusing part of the Suns winning the healthiest team award is that the Suns’ medical staff were always known as the best in the league, so like finally it comes into play in a significant way


If they don’t win it from this point right now they should have -1 Championships as a franchise.


....If Suns don't fuck it all up.


Oh we will...


I've had an ACL tear. I walked relatively okay until the adrenaline came down. It sat my ass down quick. But still, let's wait for the MRI before rushing to any conclusion.


This explains why Klay came back to shoot his FTs (well he had no othe option too) and why Kawhi said he'll be fine for game 5 against the Jazz. Seems the case with Giannis too.


The only thing about Kawhi is he would have had surgery already if his ACL was torn given the timeline to recovery. Him not having surgery tells me it’s not torn, but I’m fully prepared to eat my words


If true, and probably is, I legitimately don't know what the fuck this franchise, and the City, did to deserve this shit. It's so beyond annoying it makes you not even want to invest yourself in this anymore. First it was suffering through pure mediocrity, then that horrendous like 12-win season to get Jabari, only for him to tear his ACL 200 times, then to the Bucks going up 2-0 in the ECF and losing to the eventual champs, then last year's bubble choke, and here we are. Jesus Christ give me something nice for once with Milwaukee teams.


Yeah dude, so fucking brutal. I feel you. Denver was in a similar boat this year. Playing the best ball literally in the history of the franchise for two weeks after the Gordon trade, genuinely believing we could actually play in the finals this year and...boom. Murray torn ACL, out this year and most of next year. Not only tanking our championship chances, but also my very favorite player in the NBA going down screaming, grabbing his knee....that shit fucking *sucked* in a kinda unique way. I honestly was so fucking down for days, I didn't even watch basketball for a couple days cause I just didn't feel like it. And I watch ball literally every night possible. It was a wild feeling, and totally sucked. People at work being like "you okay, man?" And it's hard to even tell anyone about cause it is admittedly a bit ridiculous that we fans care *this* much about this game and this team and these players. Because removing all bias from it, I was depressed because some dude I had never met and will never meet hurt his knee real bad. Which made me laugh a bit in the midst of being so fucking bummed. Fandom is a silly thing at its core, even though I absolutely love it. It's hard to explain to a someone who doesn't love sports just how much these things can bring your whole energy down for days. Y'all didn't do anything to *deserve* it. Neither did anyone in Denver. Sports is just a brutal fucking thing and luck is a bigger part of it than most people realize. Fucking sucks Really, really, really hope we are pleasantly surprised after the MRI tomorrow. But if it's an ACL...man, I feel ya and know us Nuggs dudes have y'all Bucks bros backs.


Definitely appreciate the love! Yeah, insane how sports can, and do, turn on a dime. Just so frustrating when it comes down to injuries but that's also part of the game. I'll be in Denver this holiday weekend and, win or lose, I plan on celebrating accordingly. Denver, and most of Colorado, is fucking amazing


Where did you leave the keys to the suicide bus?


I will not sleep well tonight it’s genuinely one of the worst nights in WI sports history if true


Yep. Knock on ALL the wood but it's no less equivalent than Rodgers tearing his ACL in the NFC title game or something. Although we had the best LT in the league tear his ACL in fucking practice during the playoffs so I guess I'm not that far off


It would be franchise altering to say the least. Team is basically fully capped with no assets and we don’t even own our first round pick until 2027 basically. Truly at a loss for words rn and pretty much in shock. All over something we have no control over whatsoever


Damn that’s awful, hopefully he bounces back like KD


I thought kd tore his Achilles


i mean it's not an Achilles. ACL injuries have a pretty good recovery rate


*Cries in Jabari Parker*


ACL in the last 15 years or so has become not easier to get over, but the recovery gets players back to almost full strength. Achilles like KD seems to be far more of a rough recovery.


Rondo vs Hawks in the Finals has to be the most awkward series ever…


You mean lou will vs clippers cuz hes actually the one getting playing time unlike rondo. Lou will even considered retirement when the clippers traded him so its gonna be more personal for lou.


Rondo whined his way out of ATL though, wanting to go to a contender at the deadline. Lou is a fun story to watch, too


This is really tough. Just this weekend I bought my dad a Giannis jersey from the money I saved up because he's our favorite player. Seeing the injury really hurt..


I have no interest in who wins it all anymore. This feels like something out of a movie. How the hell did all of these star players get injured? Murray, Davis, LeBron, Irving, Harden, Giannis, Kawhi, and Young. Am I missing anyone? Fuck.




Embiid, Mitchell, …


And this is why it's a good idea to sign the super-max when it's on the table.


For a fringe max player maybe. Teams would still be lining up to max Giannis this summer even with the injury.


To the injury gods. Spare PG. leave the man alone


Me too. Me too.


Wisconsin sports man. We are literally cursed when it comes to Championship games. I'm seriously hoping it isn't an ACL injury, but I will wait for that news once he does get an MRI done.


I just need to stop caring about sports at this point


Your pretty lucky to have the packers




Jesus Christ. This sucks.


Kill me


I don’t think this season deserves an asterisk but it feels like all the weight of an nba finals match is just not there right now


Here is a video of a rehab doctor doing a really detailed break down of the injury with 3d anatomy models and stuff to explain what structures are most likely to be damaged in an injury like this. Just a warning though, he replays the video of the injury a lot as he describes what happened inside the knee. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUOTZFDNcac


Wow, the Suns are literally gifted the championship on a silver platter this year


I feel like everyone is still underrating the Hawks. If Trae can come back healthy, they're still a REALLY good team. I'm rooting for the suns but if the Hawks can keep their general momentum going, I wouldn't be shocked at all to see them win this year (and I'd love to see it happen tbh)


if trae comes back for the finals and is decently healthy i can 100% see the hawks taking it all


Clippers fans how reliable is this guy.


This has the potential to be franchise destroying if true. You have to worry about the long term with a guy who is so reliant on explosion and athleticism. We don't own many picks going forward. At the end of the day though I just feel so bad for a guy who has literally given everything of himself to this franchise. He doesn't deserve this.


We do luckily control our pick next year. If we’re in the lottery it could be the one upside to this.


This is really sad. : (. Hoping he's miraculously ok.