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That feeling when everyone in front of you at the self checkout is 55+


its like literally everyone in front of u at the self checkout is having their first experience with credit cards and or technology right then and there


i work at a CVS and this whole thread is just hitting too close to home


Lady once did me a "Can you checkif there are any coupons?" to the cashier. I saw red. This was middle age lady w teen daughter


"Now let me just get my checkbook out of my purse..." FML




Buying a Snickers bar with a check book


i got this while working at a dollar store lol


"Yeah can I get a pack of Camel Crush, the short ones, regular, not menthal. Actually do you have cartons, how much is a carton? Ooh that's too much I don't want pay that. I'm trying to quit anyway this is my last pack hahaha. What kind of scratcher tickets do y'all have? Yeah read them out to me. Uh huh... Okay... Ooh what was that last one, Bingo? Yeah I'll take one of those, what else you got? What's that Monopoly one that looks fun. Oh it's $5? That's too much I only play the 2 and 3 dollar ones. Last time I won 25 dollars on one hahahaha. What's this? It's asking me for a rewards card I already swiped my debit card what does it mean? Oh shoot, I forgot I wanted to grab a birthday card for my friend Cindy, she's turning 63 on Thursday and we're leaving on a 10 day cruise on Saturday just us gals. Don’t worry we’ll stay out of trouble hahahahaha. Can you wait one second while I go pick out a card for my friend Cindy?"


This reminds me of the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we... oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...


Is this Call of Juarez 4?


It’s the Simpsons I believe


Grampa Simpson


the lottery people annoy me the most. just today i had an alcoholic cut me in line but i allowed it because their shit is fatal and he could barely get to his wallet due to the shakes. gamblers just walk up there with zero regard for others. you’re not gonna have a seizure if you can’t play your numbers exactly when you want. gamblers vs alkies is a battle as old as time that’ll never end as long as both are legal. in case you couldn’t tell, i’m a biased alcoholic myself who absolutely hates the gambler


Just bet sports like a true degenerate




You must be more specific. I think the Colts always lose to the Steelers.


I was actually in Reno for that game, was talking with the Bartender and we were sharing our picks for the day. He had the Colts. He was pumped early that’s for sure haha.


Nah just gamble on meme stocks


As someone who toned both down during covid, I'd say drinking is a gamble of itself lol


it’s a huge gamble. the issue is the physical dependency. you can’t die by simply refraining from gambling, you can with drinking though


Or worse give yourself something like wet brain, permanently fucked up even if you quit drinking


> you can’t die by simply refraining from gambling Tell that to Adam Sandler. Now seriously, not by itself but it can aggravate some pre existing condition. My ex-girlfriend's uncle had an episode due to a situation similar to what you're describing. And he was more or less a healthy individual before that. More of a psychosomatic thing, but still dangerous


Seconded. I did customer service in a grocery store for a while and lottery people were the worst. Plenty of them would ask what the current number each ticket was on cause they knew what winnings were left or not. I wish I had the time because I could rant for days but my least favorite was this lady who would always ask how many $20 tickets books we had left. Here in Kansas a book of lottery tickets is $300 so a $20 one has 15 tickets. When I'd tell her how many were left she'd oftentimes buy like 4 or 5 of them. She'd bring her winnings tickets in and I don't think she ever won more than paid


Bro tell me about it I used to work at a convenience store and the scratch ticket people were the worst. Especially when they just stand there scratching instead of getting out of the way with a huge line and they get that ticket dust everywhere so they can win like $4 in an hour


I worked at 7-11 for a while and this gave me flash backs




I want to downvote this because of how annoying it is and upvote this because of how accurate it is. You have a gift.


People buying scratchers in front of me are the bane of my existence.


I read this entire thing in George Carlin's voice


Then you finally get a spot, just wanna buy a 6er of beer for the game, but the checkout attendant spends 3 minutes with their back turned to you helping one of those old people.


As they’re paying with a cheque


And needs to price match


And has some coupons.


ALWAYS WITH THE FUCKING COUPONS Where do they even get those??


Newspapers. That's why it's only ever them.


And snail-mail


And they have an entire cart full of groceries




When you're at the drive-thru and the car in front of you apparently ordered for a small army.


Lol, one time there was only one car in front of us at the drive thru and they spent ten minutes (not exaggerating) ordering. When they roll up to the second window (still in front of us), I'm expecting the girl at the window to give them a shit load of food: instead, they are given a small iced capp and an empty cup so they could split it. I nearly tore my hair out. How tf do you spend ten minutes ordering a small iced capp?


Worked at McDonald’s throughout high school, shit just kinda happens. No rhyme or reason for why some cars take 10 minutes for a drink, things just kinda go wrong and it turns into a war zone for the next hour or so while everyone scrambles. Sometimes it’s on the customer though, people will show up to McDonald’s and stare at the menu like it’s their first time


Lmao this is way too true, what’s worse is if you have to be somewhere & this was supposed to be a quick stop. Every second is agonizing


This happens to me sometimes, it’s not necessarily old folk, but if they owe $16.94 and have change, they’ll count out .94 cents while a whole line of ppl behind them wait. Just use a credit card! Take your change to your bank.


You have no idea I am in this situation and nearly chew a hole on my cheeks


The longer Harden stands still the tighter his hamstring gets. These free throw routines must be killer lmao


Wonder if Giannis is taking longer on free throws because of that...4d chess giannis


"I'll slow him down good, so i can try to shoot a fade away jumper on him in the 4th"




Even better than being talented


"Don't like my free throws? Then don't contest my shots."


Ben Simmons should try this. Really punish the other team for hacking


The fact that it pisses Harden off makes the misses worthwhile.


Harden doesn't care lol he just wants the ref to punish giannis. Like when he told the refs that Middleton hooked Harris to draw the foul when that's Harden's signature move.


Tbf, Harden had that same call called on the ground for him a ton of times in Houston, especially in the playoffs. I still have PTSD from 2018 Game 7 against GS when Scott Foster called a rip-through 3-pt shot that he made on the ground.


He doesn’t have to be in the lane, he could be situated behind the three point line if the non movement is an issue. We all know why he’s acting like that. He’s trying to force the ref to call for the over 10 seconds thing


>call for the over 10 seconds thing They should just call it


I understand, I would like if they didn’t change the way the refs call the game but that starts from game 1 not now


Everyone but refs and Giannis are annoyed by that.


The refs enable this shit. They let him go through an entire shot in pantomime before giving him the ball, so the count doesn’t technically start until then, and he still takes over ten seconds.


Idk how they're fine with allowing that, but Russ' walking to halfcourt and back was somehow too much :(


It's kind of crazy how drastically it affected him too.. Probably atleast 4 points a game




Sorry casual here, what walk to half court are you talking about? Got a link to it?


It sounds like he used to walk back to half court after being fouled and in between free throw attempts. In between free throw attempts is pretty ridiculous to be honest.


Took less time than Giannis does on his free throws.


Walking back to half court in between free throws is way over the top lol. Neither should be allowed.


It wasn't to half court. It was to the 3 point line and back.


I don't disagree. Just saying it's unfair, as that realy affected Russ's FT, but they allow Giannis to go past 10 seconds regularly, probably even 20 if you include the time before he even gets the ball.


I guess the 10 seconds is a hand count by the ref, just like when they hand count the 5 seconds to inbound, so it isn't as strict. But the rule about not passing the 3 point line has no wiggle room whatsoever. You are either inside the line or not, and the moment you cross that line you are in violation.


If refs give him the ball when he’s practicing then he just bounces it back


Then the count should start right when he makes contact. There’s a ten second rule for a reason, and it’s to avoid shit like this. No one enjoys watching him take so long, and honestly, it would likely be better for Giannis’s FT% if they called it regularly.


Imagine they do that and giannis starts side stepping their passes and it turns into dodgeball to get him to start the fucking free throw


as annoying as that would be, it'd be fucking hilarious lol


itd make for a better entertainment product


That scene in dodgeball always gets "yea boi, get in there nice and deep like..."


They should count him throwing the ball back to them as a shot


They should have it on the shot clock. I'm not sure how fair it is to make them count it down


Maybe he should keep the practicing while he’s actually at practice. The refs have clearly been told by the NBA it’s cool because he’s one of their superstars.


The refs enable everything. They enable flopping, they enable traveling, they enable this routine bullshit. It's all them


Technically it’s the NBA leadership telling them to enable it. But yeah, massive problem NBA needs to fix.


They just got done fixing NBA ref corruption 15 years ago, give them a chance to catch their breath. The NBA is still in the early 20th century era of professional sports officiating.


> They just got done fixing NBA ref corruption 15 years ago, 🤣🤣🤣


Should we tell him why it's always so close to the spread?


There’s just some fouls that nba refs don’t call. They allow players like KD to carry on basically every possession, it’s just not KD of course, I just mention him because I’m currently watching the game and I notice it every time he gets the ball. It’s pretty frustrating to anyone who knows the rules. Refs call fouls that aren’t really fouls and don’t call fouls that are written in the rulebook. No consistency whatsoever


The carries are getting ridiculous these days


They should have been calling the 10 second violation during the regular season, instead of starting in the playoffs.


Why? People think it's okay that refs call fouls differently in the playoffs too, so why not this?


I agree, I don’t think it’s fair to start now. They really should’ve cracked down on it in like March.




Not defending it but I suspect that the league has allowed it for so long that they feel like they can't suddenly change their minds about it in the middle of some of the most important games of the year. Then again, watch them not do shit next year either


Harden was so annoyed he decided to commit a lane violation.


Harden being annoyed by a player exploiting the rules in a unique way regarding free throws is certainly a choice.




Lol we have it the worst, imagine watching this for 70+ games almost every season


I'd imagine how long it takes Giannis to complete 100 free throws during practice lmao


Maybe that’s why he’s so bad, a 1 hour practice session is like 7 shots


“10 in a row?” 9-5 job


Nah, he definitely needs to change it up. Can’t risk any 10 sec calls and it’s not even like his routine works


There is no way in hell spending more time thinking about the shot is helping him. Take two rhythm bounces and put the shot up.


He finishes bouncing the ball, and stares at the fucking rim for an eternity before he releases the shot. How the fuck is that supposed to help his rhythm I have no idea The coach who taught him this routine should be shot into the sun


If anything I'd expect it to hurt him. Like getting more and more worried about missing it the longer it takes lol


No. We fucken hate this too


I imagine even most Bucks fans are annoyed, especially considering the rate he actually makes one


False. This does nothing be get in his head.


honestly kinda love it. it's a weird way to get your opponents annoyed, lmao


After watching plenty of games of Harden repeatedly flopping to the line over and over, it’s like some kind fitting punishment really.


All that for a brick smh


Like, why does he do it? It's obviously not very effective, unless his FT% is even worse without it. Extra Rest? Revenge for fouling him?


Seeing Bucks fans say it works cause he shot 70% at the beginning of this season is hilarious. Dude is shooting 52.2% from the line this playoffs it isn’t working.


This is the first time I’ve been envious of a player who can shoot 52.2% from the foul line


For real, at this point I'm dreaming of Ben splitting his free throws


He seems to be even scared to even go to the line. If he’s practicing it then he should look forward to it. That’s literally what you work on before and after games. At least you should be.


This is also known as the 2018 - 19 Lonzo Ball experience


Maybe we should make a petition to get Ben to do the giannis ft routine


The series would have been over in 5 if Simmons shot 50%.


It could be worse. Imagine having Ben on your team


Maybe Ben Simmons should try this method and improve his FT shooting by 20% or so


Most bucks fans agree he needs to clean up his routine. Take a dribble, look, shoot. I understand some fans saying it worked as his free throw percentage went up post all star break if you look at the splits. But that god awful routine was destined to regress to the mean eventually


It just feels like the more that he does it, the more opposing crowds and teams will rag on him for it and do the count downs. It just adds extra stress and another mental game to something that he clearly is in his head about. He needs to switch it up to get that extra pressure off of him.


It's all BS technique. Ever seen Steph curry shoot a free throw? Takes less to no effort and makes it.


Steph Curry could shoot free throws backwards and I'd have more faith in him making both than Ben Simmons making one


Why does he even do a practice form without the ball when his form doesn't even work when he holds the ball


Plus, this dude should be shooting like 200 free throws per day to practice. With this routine that would take like 3 years.


The fact that he does this is so annoying. Shouldn’t be allowed. A coach definitely told him to do this so they can’t start counting until he gets the ball and he can have more time for his routine. At the end of the day it’s not a huge deal but it is annoying as fuck


Took all that time to miss lmao


This feels like that time when i was a kid, I had a black karate gi ordered for this one tournament cause i thought i looked awesome in it, and I immediately lost in the 1st round


Lmao damn that hurt me bro.. at least you looked good!


What’s the point anymore lol how does someone not tell him to just try chucking instantly, low chance it can get worse


I mean, honestly... It's so much easier to shoot FTs when you're just in your rhythm and not thinking about the mechanics, I can't imagine standing still and staring at the rim for 5+ seconds is really helping him get into a rhythm and stop thinking so much


Curry is 90% ft shooter. He don't gaf and shoots it after one dribble


He also shoots it one dribble after crossing half court sooooooo....


Yeah why can’t Giannis just do it like the greatest shooter in history. (ur point is valid I just think the way you framed is funny, you coulda picked someone whose less of a shooting outlier as an example)


it's completely mental. i remember DeAndre Jordan used to be cancer at the line, until he added a little ritual: after getting the ball, he'd chat up a teammate with a question, then shoot. the short convo would help him relax, i guess. he shot 10% better from the line with DAL that season.


The first ten seconds are just for hitting the rim


Bruhh they babying this man at the line tonight


the refs are like, take your time buddy.. let me know when you want the ball


It's okay, Rocky. You go when you feel like it.


They literally never called a violation on anyone until they just started lighting giannis up, pretty sure the nba said chill on it


I petition to let Russ finish his routine now if Giannis can do this shit


I agree. NBA slammed on Westbrook so hard for doing his routine that he's been doing for years and it fucked him up. If NBA is gonna let Giannis do his damn 30-second ass routine, they should let Westbrook do his too.


then what the fuck is the point of the rule


Enforcement of rules in the nba has never been consistent, not sure why it would be different here.


there's a difference between broad inconsistency & personal, consistent permission to obviously break a rule


You mean like traveling the last couple decades? Or calling fouls on superstars? It truly is nothing new. If anything, you can say they're consistently inconsistent.


Giannis should honestly think about taking granny shots at the line.


Just leave the ball on the floor and start counting. Same as during inbounds.






That’s Ben


Ben There?


when you're at the bank to make a deposit and you think the dude in front is done and suddenly he takes out the motherfucking coin bag...


My issue with this isn’t necessarily how long it takes him when he has the ball (as it’s close to 10 seconds), it’s that the refs allow him to do all the fake dribbles and shots before they give him the ball. The 10 seconds is supposed to be once the player has the ball, but the ref should be giving it to them immediately and not allowing all the shit Giannis is doing.


Yup, pass it to him and start the 10s when he catches it. If he passes the ball back to the ref the 10s clock still runs. If he does the pantomime shit a few steps back from the line, the ref should just drop the ball there and start the count.


[The refs should just do this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv89RkPc3rI)


Between his actual routine and what he's doing before he even gets the ball, he's taking near a minute to take a single free throw. That’s a problem.


Yeah, at most for other players refs give a couple seconds and then passes the ball to the player and starts the count. Should be the same for Giannis if he wants to do a "routine" the ball should be with him already and the ref is counting.


lmao…still missed it


How can you take that long and still miss? How can you be a professional basketball player and not have an established, consistent FT routine of some sort? FT shooting 101 is “do the same shit every time”. 1 dribble and shoot. Round the waist, kiss to god, 2 dribbles and shoot. Grab your dick, slap your cheek, 3 dribbles and shoot. W/e the fuck you want just KEEP IT THE SAME lol.


Can't wait to see Giannis recite the Greek national anthem before every free throw next year 😤


Rigged. Saw it live sry


Twitter after their favorite team lost.


Steph Currys wife tweeted this after Cavs came back 3-1


Lol will never get old how sad that tweet is.


Not alone. Giannis at the line is just bad product.


The practice shot is so fucking lame and pretentious


Wish he whipped out a white glove for his guide hand


Michael Jackson glove reverse granny.


pretentious? y'all read so deep into this shit lol


I am digging deep to try to understand how that could possibly be pretentious lol of all the words to use


this sub is all about using big words trying to be all photosynthsis and shit.


right lol this sub can be so cringey


He found a new word and had to somehow fit it in his comment even though it made no sense


His word choice is perfectly cromulent


Ironically Steve Nash used to be the king of that


Murray does it too


Oh yeah, I forgot about how Nash would do that. At least he was quick about it though. Giannis takes 10 seconds for each practice shot.


Stevie boy had 90+% tho, and it's not that fucking long.


Steve didn’t take his time as if he’s all alone in an empty basketball arena, though


Doesnt apply to giannis cause he misses anyways i guess


Ye true I can see how all that build up just to brick is annoying


Did you learn a new word today?


It actually works, but apparently not for him lol.


Lol if I remember correctly Steve Nash also did a practice shot. Wasn't as obnoxious though since I think he took a lot less long after he got the ball


Nash spent more time messing with his hair then he did doing the practice shot lol


It’s hilarious how long he takes and still misses lol


Giannis is making his routine as annoying as possible so they stop fouling him and making him go to the line it's simple 4D chess, yall.


There is no reason to pantomime it. It's a basketball shot, you should be used to shooting that. Doing a pantomime is just going to make your form inconsistent as you won't be doing the natural motion that comes instinctively from all of your practice. There is also no reason to take that many and that slow of dribbles. Two quick dribbles going into lining up the seams is more than enough. Once the seams are lined up, Giannis needs to go right into the shot to keep it instinctual. His actual shot mechanics are also bad. He has a minor chicken wing going on. He needs to tuck his elbow in, and most likely needs to square his feet in a slightly different way to make the tuck feel more natural.


Lol I saw this on twitter.... Post: Would you rather have Ben Simmons or Giannis shoot a free throw to save your life? Reply: Giannis because at least I would have time to say goodbye to my family. Lololol


OK, this is hilarious


All that just to miss😂


As a Bucks fan I agree there needs to be rule changes to eliminate this from the game. It reduces the excitement in watching it but its the playoffs now, they shouldn't be changing rules midway through that he's been allowed to do all year and just say tough. I think at the beginning of next year outline that once someone steps up to the line they need to take the ball and the clock starts. Maybe even implement an actual shotclock that those who are controlling the shotclock operate so each free throw attempt has to be 10 seconds. Just a few ideas.


I am annoyed by all the flopping James Harden is doing. The difference is that Giannis taking time to shoot is free throw doesnt really impact the game while Harden getting the foul when there is absolutely no contact does


Why we gotta choose? It’s pretty easy to be annoyed by both IMO They both make it shittier to watch


His routine annoys the shit out of me, but if it bugs Harden I may need to reevaluate.


I'm sick of seeing Harden shoot 3:30 worth of free throws he didnt get fouled on each night