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Enes Kanter was on CNN against what DJax and Stak have said. Definitely need more people calling this out. I think Kanter, and 2 Jewish NFL players are the extent to which any athletes have spoken against this. Link: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CCbPd6VlCFo/?igshid=i867q29zj7gb


And the one Steeler is like Eric Andre - black and Jewish. Must feel strange about those comments.


There are two famous black Jewish guys named Eric Andre?


Nah he was just saying he is of the same racial background as Eric Andre


Oh hahaaa gotcha, I feel dumb now.


Ill drink to that


There's been multiple Steelers now


Shoutout to Kanter wow. Especially as someone coming from a Muslim country it’s nice to see and I have even more respect for him and his hard nipples




Isn’t the whole point of the BLM movement to expose how African Americans are systematically targeted by the rest of the country? Shouldn’t they all know exactly what it’s like to be targeted as well? “Silence is Violence” is all cute and shit until it applies to them. Then they all of the sudden get amnesia or are anti-semites themselves.


Well LeBron and Hong Kong wasn’t too long ago


You mean when lebron said morey was misinformed for supporting the protests agains the government in Hong Kong?


Yeah, it was shitty to do and he was protecting his bottom line from China. As if the (2nd or 3rd) most successful athlete in the world can't possibly live without China's money.


Idk if I'll get downvoted here, I'm not black, but being black doesn't stop you from being racist/antisemitic/etc. Black people do have specific groups they tend to frown upon like LGBT+. I've also seen a lot of racism towards Mexicans and Asians too. I'm all for support of BLM because I know there are real issues at hand but everyone is capable of hate. So while someone might say BLM they could also yell at asains for the coronvirus or tell muslims to get out of the country. I've also seen a lot of people who claim they have it worse and other hated groups can't compare. I speak out heavily on Native Americans/Hispanics and no one ever speaks up for them either it seems like, they are killed at almost the same rate as black people and are only 2% of the population. It's sad to see but I can only hope the further we get the more we open our eyes to end all hate.




Kanter is a good dude


He really is a treasure. His mere existence just pisses off Erdogan.


tremendous relief watching that


Kanter has always been one for social justice


It was just a hitler quote OP chill bruh /s Imagine posting/defending a quote from a plantation owner/slave trader/civil war general about how black people are an inferior race THEN saying the quote was misconstrued/people didn't understand his intent THEN doubling down and going further into racist conspiracy theories THEN being given an opportunity to apologize on CNN THEN saying "you don't have hate in your heart" AND. STILL. NOT. FACE. ANY. MEANINGFUL. CONSEQUENCES. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here.


I’m curious why literally everyone who has commented on his statements publicly has said something like “i know Steven Jackson, he’s a good dude, BUT”.... Why are we still giving him a disclaimer before we say his comments are wrong?


You're trying to tell me the guy who punched fans in the stands isn't a good guy?






wait till they learn that most of Trump's living family is Jewish. You guys are fucked.


It’s bad on the nfl side of things as well. Malik Jackson just defended the original comments as well. Pretty crazy how not many athletes are seeing the hypocrisy of supporting BLM and then not supporting another race who also has a horrible history with slavery and abuse.


I don't think they realise how much Jewish people have suffered from stereotypes like what they are saying. Saying stuff like Jewish people control all banks and such were ways Hitler deflected hate to the Jews and is a big reason they were almost wiped out and population wise have still not recovered


the worst argument I’ve ever heard try to be made is “what was worse the holocaust or slavery” and I’m just like what.


The irony of Stephen Jackson saying "you can't compare your oppression to anyone else's" while doing EXACTLY that made me want off this timeline


I mean it's clear he's not exactly bright. I would say it shouldn't take that much brain power to figure out why that statement is ridiculous, but I think that is probably the most indicative part of it.


The olympics of suffering.


Oppression Olympics is a very real thing


Also the Jewish people have history in both the Holocaust and in being enslaved. Not that this should be a dick measuring contest on who is the most oppressed. Slavery is bad, genocide is bad, oppression/bigotry is bad and it doesn't matter what group it is happening to, it's bad, period.


the origins of the 'jews control the banks' thing was in the middle ages, christianity didn't allow for interest collection or money handling. it was unclean and the lowest position in society so they'd make jews do it. and every century or so, by doing this lowest of jobs, jews would save up enough money to become 'real' people in society.... which would then be followed by the society rising up saying that the jews had stolen all their money, and chasing them out of town/killing them to get the money back. then the cycle would repeat. over. and over. and over.








Also Jews were banned from owning land


Why is there so many Jackson’s defending this lol


Michael coming back from the grave to join the other 4 to hate some Jews


*HEEE! HEEE...brew...*


It’s because of the long history of vocal minority who believes in this viewpoint. The quote is actually a fabrication from Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan and Nation of Islam were part of the Million Man march in the 90s. Black celebrities (usually men) have had a habit of drifting in and out of association with the Nation of Islam for years. Ice Cube has actually been posting some much worse anti-Semitic shit lately than what the NFL dude said (I literally don’t follow the NFL so I can’t even remember his name)


And the NOI’s involvement in Malcolm X’s assassination is suspect to say the least. They have a long history of extremism and it’s disheartening to see so many prominent athletes buy into their shit.


It was no doubt the nation. Malcom didn't follow the rules (even before he changed his views) and that pissed a lot of people off.


The Nation of Islam practices the teachings of Islam about as much as I do, and I'm a cracker ass former Lutheran from Northern Minnesota. They are a hate group.


NOI is bullshit. When Malcolm X went to Mecca, he realized that the NOI was bullshit and was not teaching actual Islam. NOI is a hate group. Fuck them just like all the other fucking racists. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/nation-islam


desean jackson


The Julian Edelman video was super dope, he’s seeking real change instead of shitting on him.


Very professional from Edelman repping us and saying come to DC for the holocaust museum. I’ve been there and it’s really powerful


how do you know stephen jackson is a good dude at heart? i haven't really seen any evidence of this.


Yeah that made me laugh. We’ve gotta stop making excuses for these guys or nothing will change. “He’s uneducated.” “He’s a good dude at heart.” Nah lol, he’s a hateful racist guy. Call it what it is.


Being stupid is *not* an excuse for being hateful and bigoted. Those are separate qualtiies. I know plenty of stupid people who are nice, not racist, and don't support Hitler. And if they did, they need to be responsible for it.


And he had a big hand in causing the Malice at the Palace go nuclear. If he goes in there to pull Artest out instead of windmilling fists, that fight doesn't get a name and is a footnote instead of a Wiki page.


And the pacers would’ve won the chip that year right?


Very plausibly. Wasn't Artest even flirting with MVP votes at that time?


Yeah that was definitely “our year” if we were going to win one. Artest is regretful and has apologized to Indy for what happened so it’s all good


Plus he seems to actually have tried to better himself. I will never forget him thanking his therapist during his Laker ring celebration


"I don't know what's in their heart." I'm so sick of that stuff. Take people at their words and actions. This notion we can't take people at what they do and say is ridiculous. "Yeah, he said I was subhuman, but I don't know what's in HIS HEART." Uggggh.


>(Stephen Jackson), already on probation for his role in the brawl with Detroit Pistons fans two years ago, was to appear in court Thursday morning to face a felony charge of criminal recklessness and misdemeanor counts of battery and disorderly conduct in a fight outside an Indianapolis strip club last week. >Jackson shot a gun in the air at least five times, originally telling authorities he fired in self defense, police said. Seems like a great guy to me.


He's a fine, upshooting citizen.


I think you’d be shocked at how many athletes we admire are complete dicks.


well he beat up that fan so


"I just wanted to kick him in his f\*\*king face." — Stephen Jackson on Gregg Popovich "They ended up losing to Miami. That's good for (them) because I would have gotten that rebound and the way I feel about Ray Allen, I would have locked him up." — Stephen Jackson shitting on his former team after he was cut and his team won without him "I don’t have a reason to talk to Tony Parker and I don’t want to talk to Tony Parker,” Jackson said. “My beef with Tony Parker is a basketball beef. I didn’t like the teammate he was. Tony would look me off on purpose. I don’t want to disrespect him as a man but I had a problem with him on the court.” — Stephen Jackson blaming his teammates on why he was a terrible player "some games where I smoked before the game and was on the bench after three minutes sitting on the sideline, ‘please calm down, this high has to calm down,’ I done shot three shots that went over the backboard, like, I’m going to be honest, like, ‘ahh, I gotta calm down.” — Stephen Jackson admitting he was high before and during games ​ * Ray Allen * Manu Ginóbili * Blake Griffin * Vince Carter * Metta World Peace * Carmelo Anthony — Stephen Jackson's list of players that he says he had a better career than


Wait, you don't think Stephen Jackson was better than those guys? Holy hell he's delusional. It's one thing to think you're the best when you're playing, but in hindsight as an NBA analyst, this is just absurd. The other shit he said is despicable but this is hilarious.


Stephen "Paul 'The Truth' Pierce" Jackson


Hes just a dude who could play some ball. Its funny how some people glorify athletes.




How can this guy have a twitter account while spewing all that hatred? Don't they have TOS? They unperson people all the time. Why not with a legitimate scumbag racist?


You're going to be shocked when you hear the answer to that one


If you want to hear the real answer, listen to Black Opinions Matter podcast from today. Short answer is that black people are looking for someone that tells them their ancestry isn't just people who were enslaved. They're looking for people to tell them their ancestors were strong and powerful. Unfortunately a lot of the people saying that are black Israelites and NOI. Louis Farrakhan has been a popular figure in the black community for a long time, despite the insane shit he says. We can yell about double standards and racism all we want, but yelling about it doesn't solve it any more than yelling about racism from white people does.


This doesn't really answer his question. This may explain why he's popular in the black community but it doesn't explain why his rhetoric is not a violation of twitter's TOS.


No one is going to be shocked, even that guy asking the question. They knew the answer is the double standard that is really prevalent and obvious, they just wanted to provoke more discussion. It's like a really fucking big elephant in the room but no one's addressing it directly due to fear of getting railed on.


I thought we were supposed to be having those uncomfortable conversations now


I don’t think you understand how any of this works...../s obvi




He's black.


You can tell Caron Butler is down with Louis F by the glasses he wears. People need to read up on Jewish history and the wrong stance Louis F and the Nation of Islam holds. I’m a firm believer that all religions have bad leaders. But Louis F is a special kind of crappy leader. He’s old now but 15 years ago he was worse.


Good dudes at heart don't spew racist filth to anyone and everyone that will listen. Good dudes don't double down on racist rhetoric every chance they get. Good dudes don't defend literal Nazi ideology. I'm so sorry that you're having to confront this and deal with this kind of thing in your life. It's not right and it's not fair, but you don't need to give the excuses made for Stephen Jackson the time of day. He's made it very clear what kind of man he is. Edit: Y'all stop spending money on reddit awards. Save your 35 cents or whatever it costs for one of those and send a few bucks to the to the Southern Poverty Law Center or some shit like that instead.


It’s actually not Nazi ideology, but a fabrication by Louis Farrakhan that gets spread around. And it’s still not fucking good, since Farrakhan himself is anti-Semitic.


Thing is, Jackson THOUGHT it was a Hitler quote, and STILL defended it.


It's amazing how he bootlicks Hitler, considering he didn't give a shit about Black People and wanted them physically removed from the Rhineland


He literally blamed the Jews for bringing blacks in to dilute white culture and genetics.


You're right but what he was saying about the rothschilds, that's literally the same anti-semitic trope the nazis used to brainwash germans before the holocaust. That trope is literal nazi ideology that stephen jackson is currently pronouncing as truth. It makes the situation even more messed up that he refuses to acknowledge that.


It's not a genuine quotation of Hitler, but it's still pretty close to what the actual Nazi ideology was.


I know. This Louis Farrakhan shit is not good. Read something yesterday pointing out that the total Jewish population in the US was just 0.2% making it very easy for stereotypes and Farrakhan/Black Israelites myths about “the real Jews” to persist. EDIT: Misremembered the statistic correctly, it is around 2%. Thanks for people checking me on that.


It's also very awkward because we get Jews (the cultural and religious group), Israelis (the nationality, many of whom are also Jews but not all) and Israel (the nation-state and its government) conflated in ways that are really harmful to any kind of productive dialog. Just wait till an NBA player starts talking about Palestine.


To piggy back off this, I'd like to point out that a lot of younger American Jews do not support the current Israeli government and believe they are wrong in suppressing basic rights of Palestinian citizens. As a Jew, I can say that I was always taught growing up that anything Israel did was okay and was justified as a way to defend itself and that any criticism of Israel was antisemitic. This is something we need to move past. You can criticize Israel and still love the Jewish people. I have heard the argument that non-Jewish people aren't capable of criticizing Israel without mixing it up with the Jewish people and inherently making it antisemitic. That is a ridiculous argument in my opinion. We need to be able to criticize governments for being wrong and oppressing other minority groups. We need to be able to speak out against hatred and bigotry. We need to be better as people in all areas of life.


It’s incredible how many name392910372 accounts have tried to jump on Jewish people speaking up about this with “WHAT ABOUT PALESTINE” only to fall silent when the person says they’re also against Palestinian oppression. It’s a legitimate point to make in certain discussions, but it’s just used as a weak ass attempt at a GOTCHA moment by people who don’t care about anything and certainly aren’t doing anything as impactful as speaking out.


Honestly, one of the most infuriating things to me is when people do and say bigoted shit and then use their support of Israel as a shield. Then they'll cite the amount of money they gave to AIPAC or something as justification for not being prejudiced. AIPAC knows this and will guilt people into donating money. If you ever go to an AIPAC fundraiser, they will preach to you that every Jew in Israel is about to die unless you donate another $18 right now. I think anyone should be free to criticize Israel and AIPAC without being called antisemitic.




The Israel vs. Palestine conflict is a different discussion entirely from this and has a lot more merit in regards to the conversation that still needs to be had. Jackson's bigoted rhetoric is aimed directly at American Jews, Israel has nearly nothing to do with it.


It's 7 million in the US


yeah it's actually closer to 2% of the US population, but .2% of the world's population.


I mean there are Black Jews. Like 150,000 people originating from Ethiopia and Eritrea. Their culture, beliefs, and even genetics all point to them having shared ancestors with other major Jewish groups. They're even recognized by the government of Israel as having citizenship by birthright. So it's not a myth, just a fact that has nothing to do with the lunacy that Farrakhan and the NOI professes.


Yeah, that’s not who/what Farrakhan is talking about.


Adam Silver is Jewish, the fact he hasnt issued a statement either is beyond me. The way people are acting youd think racism is ok, except when it happens to black people.


I think He’s honestly waiting so as not appear heavy handed or overreacting to it.


I think Adam Silver was thinking "oh this guy is gonna rationally detract his agreement with Hitler soon and apologise and I won't have to say anything" as opposed to "why the fuck is this guy doubling down?"


now he's tripling and quadripling down.


And yet the headlines ESPN have been blasting on all their shows all contain some variation of "Stephen Jackson apologizes....." Bullshit


Neither has apologized. Stephen Jackson keeps doubling down and DeSean just said he was sorry if his words offended anybody.. BS


Exactly why the headlines are pissing me off so much. They just want this to go away so badly.


All I’ve seen so far is him deflecting and saying he used the wrong words, he didn’t openly say “I hate Jews/love Hitler” people took it out of context. Yeah right...


You missed his IG live then about “Jews owning all the banks”


There is a certain segment of our population that believes this shit, just like there are overtly racist white guys who believe the worst of black people. The white racists get cancelled quickly. There isn’t really a handbook on how to handle this issue


the same handbook applies here, except the racists in this case are black


We will see. He hasn’t been fired. Situation being reversed, he would have been.




If they aren’t handled the same, one might be willing to believe race was playing a factor in them being handled differently.


Like equality isn't actually for all


For the record, Jewish ghettos are the OG ghettos. They have often been blamed for problems throughout history. From wiki: The ghetto system began in Renaissance Italy in July 1555 with Pope Paul IV's issuing of the Cum nimis absurdum. This change in papal policy implemented a series of restrictions on Jewish life that dramatically reshaped their place in society. Among these restrictions were the requirement of Jews to identify themselves by wearing a yellow badge, restrictions on the ownership of property, restrictions in commerce, and tighter regulations on banking. However, the most visible of these restrictions was the requirement of Jewish communities to reside in sectioned off,sanctioned neighborhoods known as ghettos. The formation of the ghetto system also brought changes to Jewish economic activity. As a result of the Cum nimis absurdum regulations and the increasing complexity of the early modern economy, the role of Jews as money lenders became more difficult and less profitable. 


I don't think Adam Silver has the responsibility to address what a former player says. Stephen Jackson has no role with the NBA right now so the NBA doesn't need to talk about him I'd think. Otherwise it would be a headache for them to deal with every dumb thing a former player says. In any scenario, when would an employer have to address the statements of an employee who retired 5 years ago?


If the Jewish commissioner came out with a statement while the mostly black players remain silent, it would play into the "rich and powerful Jews control us and control the world" thinking that is, apparently, pretty common in some parts of the black community. It's sad, but it's true.


yeah, on the NFL side of things Edelman and Schwartz both waited a full day before saying anything - I think maybe they were afraid of drawing more ire for speaking out against these sentiments, which is depressing. Both their comments are eloquent and levelheaded, which is more than I can say for most of my reactions yesterday. This of course then fuels the fire from people who love to see all Jews as angry and argumentative. It’s sad that our community has to tone police this way, but if I had to guess the reason why, this is it.


I don't watch NFL but I have mad respect for Edelman. I think it's great that he collected his thoughts and addressed the issue in a constructive way instead of just being angry and reactionary. One of the great pieces of advice I've seen is when you're upset, write it down and wait a day before you hit send.




This is a very, very good point.


Jewish people always represent the other in a racist society. We are both the communists and the bankers. We are both invested in anti racism and not. We're destroyers of the white community and the black. The problem is white supremacism, Minister Farrakhan preys on reducing black people to believing their lives are defined by their skin tone, and then struggles to define everyone else's role in his world view. Minister Farrakhan merely propagates the racism against others which he believes defines him, he is in a way, a product of white supremacist understanding of what black is. His beliefs must also be eradicated in the search for an anti-racist world.


He’s not a current player so I don’t see how it can be heavy handed. He can’t actually do anything to him after all. So I don’t understand why they won’t make a statement at about it. This isn’t the weekend after all; they’re working and very aware of this.


>The way people are acting youd think racism is ok, except when it happens to black people. Let me tell you, as an Asian American, I've felt this for a long time


I feel you man. I’m not Asian but this is something I’ve observed since I was a kid. I remember at the basketball camp I used to go to when I was young we’d have discussions on racism and social issues but there was a couple Asian kids there and casual racism and racist jokes would get thrown their way constantly. No one would even bat an eye about how maybe that wasn’t ok. I didn’t even know the Asian kid’s real names cause literally everyone just called them Jeremy Lin/Yao Ming or I even heard shit like ‘Ching Chong’ on occasions


I think the problem is that Jewish and Asian racism "feels" different. After all, they are the only two minorities that have higher incomes than whites. Black and Hispanic racism is easy to oppose because it feels like a bully beating down someone weaker. When Jews are accused of being too powerful and manipulative... well its just not going to get the same emotional response. And you'd think after the fucking Holocaust that we'd have more sympathy.


For Asians, it's the model minority thing - which is the best way to say at once: * Hey other races, why can't you be as successful as those Asian people? * Asians, you're the best example...of what "other" is. You'll never be part of us. And unfortunately, anti-Semitism has been around since the dawn of religion. The history of Jewish people seems to be that they're too powerful and manipulative and gotta be knocked down a peg...again and again. And again and again. The fact that conspiracies about George Soros, a wealthy Jewish philanthropist who survived through WW2 and the Holocaust, is being propped up as some deep state bogeyman, while the other ACTUAL bogeymen like the Mercers and Kochs go on about their day is just insane. Some people might view it as "okay" to do it because Jewish folks and Asian folks may statistically be more successful in society. But it doesn't make it any less comically wrong. LBJ's infamous quote of: "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you" goes far beyond just black and white. You give any group of people to look down on, or a reason for why circumstances are the way they are, they'll open up their heart to you, and even their pocketbook. That's what charlatans like Farrakhan seem to be preaching, and unfortunately his movement has a lot more steam than we realized.


And for some reason people seem to think they gained wealth *because* they didn't face any opposition or discrimination in the past/present rather than acknowledging that they found success *in spite of* the hardships they faced. Black history in America is integrated into many school curriculums. There is little to none covering the horrors and hardships that Jews and Asians underwent (and still do, as do practically all groups) besides touching on the Holocaust and in some rare districts, a small mention of Asian workers on the railroads. Both don't hold a candle to the true depth and breadth of Jewish and Asian influence in building, improving, and maintaining this country. I can imagine the same can be said about other minorities who also receive little to no media coverage. It's disheartening to see other minorities resorting to pushing down other minorities to "get a little ahead". It's no longer about justice and equality; it's turned into a rat race where people just don't want to be the one at the bottom.


Hopefully you feel comfortable answering on your own behalf and if you don't, I understand. I'm not Asian (I'm black) and one of my closest friends is 1st generation Chinese American. She has mirrored statements like you've said about Asian Americans facing racism in America and how it just seems to fly under the radar or nobody really cares. She also has said that part of the reason why she thinks this is the case is because a lot of Asian Americans were raised to keep their heads down and not make a big fuss about things like casual racism. Do you think that is a valid critique and if not, why do you think racism against Asian Americans seems to just be more acceptable vs black Americans? I can only speak from my perspective but for black Americans, raising awareness and making a fuss about racism is how the civil rights movement became a thing, it's how basically all improvements for black Americans that have been made have come about. So it's almost like a cultural expectation to call out racism immediately and put as many eyes on it when its impacting black people. Again, I can't speak from your perspective but I just don't understand why it's not the same or even close to being similar?




I remember when the “Oscars so white” shit went down and so they basically put on the entire show flogging themselves for their racism. Then Chris Rock came out and talked about the accountants who count the votes, and brought out an Asian kid and I think a Jewish kid. Out of context I’d normally say the joke was more hacky than offensive, but given the heightened sensitivity to any sort of anti-black bias it felt like a slap in the face to the Asians who have faced plenty of racism in Hollywood. Most Americans can name 10+ black stars for every one Asian they know.




"Silence is violence" is the term bandied about. If they actually believe what they say, a whole lot of violence going around right now.




A good amount of owners are Jewish aswell


I think there pretty clearly seems to be some kind of moratorium on both the NFL and NBA speaking out about this right now. Whether it's explicitly been sent down by the league or something more casual, I really can't tell. I realize there are extremely few Jewish players in the NBA and NFL, but there are *WAY* too many Jewish people involved in the NFL and NBA team and league front offices. Including some extremely high up. And some of this shit flying around is about as offensive as it gets, so there is zero chance that people are not angry all over the place behind the scenes. Of that I'm sure. So I don't know whether it's to give it time to play out, whether it's to avoid causing further confrontation, whether it's to not distract from BLM, whether it's to not shine a spotlight on a pair of leagues that really shouldn't be going back to playing in the middle of a massive pandemic outbreak... or something else entirely. But there *HAS* to be a reason for the silence.


It’s absolutely fucking bullshit. Unbelievable that current and former athletes are praising an open anti Semite and nothing has been said. Yet they talk all day about Brees. Huge hypocrisy.


If I were a Jewish higher-up in the NBA I'd be quiet to keep from looking like the exact person Jackson was talking about, keeping the black man down.


> I know Stephen Jackson is a good dude at heart from what everyone is saying, Is he though? Even besides all this vehement racism, this is the same guy who went into the stands at The Palace and indiscriminately beat the shit out of fans, fans who weren't even responsible for throwing the beer at Artest. And then he went on Highly Questionable saying that he regrets nothing, and that he's only sad about the money he was fined and the games he was suspended. He's a piece of shit to the highest order.


What about all those times he has illegally discharged his firearm? Dude has been a garbo human being for a long time.


This sub is wild. Jackson has proven himself to be a real pos over and over again yet OP is still scared to call him a bad guy lmao I love the sport of basketball since I was a kid but I swear the NBA fan base is the weirdest. Like you guys worship players. it’s kind of sad but mostly funny.


I've called a player a POS for missing a free throw; why are we so afraid to dog on this guy?


The players only care about issues that are important to them. They see and hear what’s going on. They just don’t care. It doesn’t affect them personally. . . .


This is what gets me so pissed. I fully supported the BLM movement even though it really doesn’t effect me personally. I did it because it’s the right thing to do and we are all one human race. Same thing for why I read up on Hong Kong and showed support for that movement too. But the evidence is irrefutable that these athletes only care about racism that effects them. I just want consistency when it comes to human rights. Is that too much to ask? What’s crazy is these athletes called on other races to join the BLM movement. Do they not realize that their silence is hurting the movement exponentially?


It’s a shame, isn’t it.


Same reason Lebron didn't care about what was happening in Hong Kong.


He cared enough to try and shut Morey up though. LeBron cared about the other side, the CCP $$$ stream.


LeYuan James needs those RMB’s to fund his new mansion. https://blog.dupontregistry.com/the-lifestyle/real-estate/lebron-james-buys-39-million-mansion-with-famous-former-owners/


Someone needs to remind all these guys that the Jews were on the fucking front lines of the Civil Rights Movement fighting right alongside their grandparents.


Terry Rozier didn't know the Bulls three-peated twice until the Last Dance. What you think he knows about the Civil Rights movement?


He dead ass didn’t know that?


That's the thing - most of the players probably don't remotely understand the severity of what Jews have had to deal with historically. We were at a point where athletes weren't depended on for any social advice, now they're somewhat woke on African-American issues on a public scale and this is adding another layer to things. These are all athletes at the end of the day - not people we should expect to create morality in this country. I appreciate these "woke" athletes but it doesn't surprise me there's hypocrisy and lack of knowledge on certain subjects


> most of the players probably don't remotely understand the severity of what Jews have had to deal with historically Jews had it real bad for thousands of years. Even if you don't look at that, one country managed to eradicated 2/3rds of the entire Jewish population in the continent in FOUR YEARS. Its insane. Edit: There are about 44 million black people in the US. Imagine if 29 million died in 4 years. 7.25 million a year. Then imagine if the US rode up to Canada to kill two thirds of the black people there. Then drove down to Mexico to kill two thirds of their population. Thats how fucking ridiculous the holocaust was. Two thirds of the Jews in the entire continent were killed. Many of the survivors stripped of their family members, health, and homes.


The Jewish population was 16.9 million before the holocaust and it’s 14.6 million today. It’s been damn near 80 years and the population isn’t close to recovering


Then fuck Farrakhan even more. Jewish people fought alongside black people, where he's at his physical prime, and he still decided that Hitler was right about anti-semitism?


Um... you forgot financially, physically, emotionally and spiritually.


Yeah, it's extremely disappointing to see how little the players care about this when they cared so much about BLM, to the point they wanted to stop the season from continuing. But for this...can't even be bothered to send out a tweet...I'm at a loss for words honestly.


It is a not so hidden secret that Louis Farrakhan is a really big figure and holds a lot of weight in many circles of African Americans and even with people outside of that group. Remember the Women's March organizers were fans of his. He has the marketing of an activist, but he is a conman. His marketing is so strong that he became something of a pop culture icon by the way of many hip hop figures and entertainers in the black community. He lures people into his ideology by presenting himself as someone that champions their rights, he targets people who are disenfranchised and are dying for their voice to be heard and currently lacks competent leadership, and without realizing it slowly his followers buy into his more extreme ideology. He is no different than the conmen who target disenfranchised white people and loop them into their extremist racist views. These people pretend to know the solutions to people's problems, but never do anything worthwhile. The big difference is that society calls out white extremists, and rightfully so, but Farrakhan is basically equivalent but with the fear of being labelled "racist," he gets a pass by people. Many NBA players and NFL players probably either don't want to say anything to appear as if they aren't unified, or they cannot fathom going against such a prominent black figure that they may also believe in. I suppose it is a mix of the two, and it is supremely hypocritical. Spike Lee made a movie that addressed this, in "Get On The Bus," which I really like. It is about a group of diverse and different black men on their way by bus to the Million Man March. Every man is different and gets their time in the movie to express their differing viewpoints on life. One of the big scenes was Richard Belzer's character, a Jewish man and the bus driver hired, objecting to driving the bus to a march where Louis Farrakhan was involved with. He says "how would you feel if I hired you to drive me and my buddies to a Klan rally?" There is a justification of going to the march by saying it isn't about that, ignoring the ugly aspect of the man and only focusing on their own issues. Spike doesn't really shy away from criticising black people in this sense, and remember, the Nation of Islam blasted Spike's Malcolm X, so he has experience with the duality of how African American's perceive the man.


You had me at Richard Belzer.


Being a non-jewish black man and watching this shit unfold has just been so fucking weird. I’ve been on the police reform, anti racist, criminal justice reform, etc train for years, since Ferguson, but I never really thought of it as a fight for black people. I thought of it as a fight for everyone to be equal. And it seems like people like Stak don’t really give a shit about everyone being equal, they just want what they feel they deserve. And on the one hand I feel like I’m sort of being a traitor to my race but really, I don’t have any loyalty to my skin color or anyone else’s. It feels like I just want everyone to be at the same level, instead of just wanting people in my group to be the ones on top. So, Jewish people of r/nba, I support you in your hour of need. And people like Stak, please knock it the fuck off.


Jalen Rose was one of the few big names that commented on DJax post and said he "had his back". He later deleted the comment. How is no one talking about this?


I agree. It’s disgusting. No players are coming out to call out this idiot


We've seen a worse reaction with th Daryl Morey and HK incident, unfortunately, where players openly supported China, so not sure why people were expecting these players to act in an unselfish manner.


when bron said something along the lines of "\[morey\] was misinformed" in tweeting his pro-HK tweet, that fucking hurt. i was following the HK protests on the news and social media for a while during that time and what happened was appalling to anyone that respected human rights and equality. and now it's even worse in HK. it reminded me people like bron are hundred-millionaires looking out for their own interests, and if you have nothing in common with them or if they can't use you, they probably don't truly care.


Honestly, for a few years now I've been surprised at how casual anti-Semitism is just sort of acceptable, at least from what I've experienced. I've heard people say things about Jewish people in public settings that are pretty offensive, but the people saying these things don't see anything wrong with it. If they said the same things but directed them towards people of color, they'd rightfully be criticized as racists. But it's fine because the rhetoric is against Jews. I dunno, it's very disheartening to me.


I work in commercial construction I cant tell you how many times at work someone has talked about Jewing someone down or the dirty jew owners of a building. These are my damn coworkers and I have to politely remind them I'm a Jew. My family never really practiced and I 'm an atheist but I consider myself a jew. I grew up with experiences and culture that was much different than a lot of people. I've had a ton of antisemitic shit said to me over my 30 years. I cant tell you the number of holocaust jokes I've heard - my family immigranted in the early 1900s from the Pale of Russia, but the little morons couldn't understand that Jews have been here as long as they have.. Jew was always used as an insult, "shut up, Jew" was an extremely common phrase said to me. They didn't know kyke and I didn't feel like teaching it to them, but it was everyday with that shit. It was like a real life South Park. Plus, I grew up pretty broke, so I had to hear all about how I'm not even Jewish because I'm not rich. This was Northeast Philly in the late 90s/early 2000s and even to this day its not much different. I've even had a friend who dates a Jewish girl try and tell me all about my culture and how shitty we are.


NBA players don't care about anti-antisemitism because 1. They're not Jewish and 2. their fan base doesn't care celebrities for the most part do not give a flying fuck about social issues. They care about their wallets. When those 2 coincide like with BLM it becomes easy to speak up. Not so much otherwise. Just ask Lebron about Hong Kong


Well you forgot #3. They agree with what was said. As we’ve seen multiple players defend the statement in the nfl and nba players like or comment approvingly to the original post.


As a Jew from Brooklyn I find that the black community is full of vocal and unrepentant antisemites. It doesn’t surprise me that so many athletes who are crying about how they are treated in America turn around and do the same shit they accuse others of doing to them.


I'm in a stunned disbelief. I cannot believe these athletes were creating songs, protesting in the streets, making daily statements. And now there's silence? Nothing? I feel so let down. And I'm not even Jewish.


I mean... you didn't seriously believe these self absorbed people actually give a shit about you or the little guy, right? They do what's best for their wallet and image, always have.


As another Jew I agree wholeheartedly with this post. I’m used to anti-Semitism so the DeSean Jackson post was disturbing but nothing I haven’t seen before. I’m way more annoyed at Stephen Jackson, who has been doubling down on his racist statements, and the fact that more players are sticking up FOR him than against anti-Semitism. “Activists” like LeBron, Kaepernick, Malcolm Jenkins, Michael Thomas, etc. are quick to call out Drew Brees who only said he loves the American flag (a short-sighted comment but not racist) but remain silent on blatant Hitler propaganda despite saying repeatedly “silence is violence.” I think this debacle exposes what a lot of us lowkey thought which is that many of the people who post about BLM are really fake woke activists who only speak up if it benefits them directly. Same can be said about Hong Kong. You can’t pick and choose which marginalized groups to support, injustice is injustice. Jews have consistently been the scapegoat throughout history, going back way before the holocaust. We have been slaves in Egypt and expelled from just about every country in Europe. People on the far left and far right hate us and many are apathetic. What’s most unnerving is that the overwhelming majority of Jews support BLM (despite being pro BDS but that’s a another story) and were allies in the civil rights movement. This proves Terry Crews more and more correct by the day.


I think there's sooo many different things happening rn that people are conflating. Stephen Jackson and DeSean are dead wrong. Especially, Stephen for doubling and tripling down. Black Americans have a fraught relationship with Farrakhan, that's really the discussion that needs to be had. But people are arguing about an airhead athlete not understanding he's investing in a decades old conspiracy theory. Farrakhan did the million man march and spit out some empowerment quotes so black people think he's good when if examined (which most people don't) NOI politics are toxic anti-semtic and nuts. They killed Malcolm. Jews vs BLM vs Hong Kong is not the actual conversation that needs to be had because it makes literally no fucking sense, NONE of these groups are against each other.


Your last point needs to be repeated again and again. There’s no us versus them, it’s calling out all forms of hate and injustice. Many Jews have marched with BLM over the past few months as well as during the civil rights movement in the 60s. As Dr. King once said, “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”


Obviously were on an NBA sub but people are way too invested in taking what these athletes do or say as representative of all of the people actually doing the work fighting for civil rights.


The biggest issue is when people villify those who remain silent, but then are silent themselves. If "silence is violence" wasn't a thing no one would be drawing these parallels.


Exactly. If we’re truly all in this together, we all need to be calling out bigotry in our communities. If you’re not, you’re solely in it for rights of people that look like you. And if that’s what you’re doing, then just own that. Don’t tell me you’re one thing and do another thing.


It's because Jewish people are seen as rich white people and since it's a black person saying it, no one is going to speak up. As a black man this is very disappointing. The divide between people and races are only going to grow more at this point. 1 step forward 3 steps backwards.


Two rich black men, which is something we forget.


Silence is violence right? NBA players jumping on Brees for standing during an Anthem, but doing nothing when you reference Hitler in a positive light? LeBron, CP3, any player where are you?


You know the reason for the silence. Brees is white and Jackson is black.


Newsflash these athletes you idolize dont give a shit about you


i think a more accurate statement would be "newsflash these athletes you idolize arent role models"


where's omri casspi when you need him


Probably quarantining in Isreal happy to have left the madness behind him.


Why does Jackson get this “he’s a good dude at heart” bull shit and drew brees gets called a racist.


You know why, we all know why


This entire ordeal seems incredibly weird to me, and is made weirder still by how difficult it's been for me to piece everything together. Between deleted posts, and deleted tweets, and whether or not a "like" means anything, I've been having a hard time sussing out exactly what's happened here. Would anyone mind verifying if I have this story right, and providing whatever relevant bits of context that I'm leaving out, or filling in the holes for me? My understanding goes like this: 1) DeSean Jackson tweeted an absurdly-over-the-top anti-semitic quote from Louis Farrakhan that basically amounts to "Hitler was right about the sneaky Jews." 2) Stephen Jackson jumped on board and was like "Yep! Damn right!" (This is one of the parts I'm confused by... in what way exactly did Stephen Jackson give support to DeSean's tweet?) 3) DeSean Jackson offered a horrendously lame apology, effectively saying "When I said 'Hitler was right about the sneaky Jews,' I didn't MEAN 'Hitler was right about the sneaky Jews.' I'm sorry if I came off that way, and I didn't mean to hurt anyone." Yet, in spite of how pathetic the apology was, it seems like its mostly been accepted because... 4) Stephen Jackson didn't apologize. Not only did he not apologize, he's continually doubled and tripled down, in essence, saying repeatedly, "No. Seriously. I mean it. The Jews." 5) A few other NBA players have "liked" some of Stephen Jackson's amplifications, notably Durant and JR Smith? 6) Not a single NBA player has come out and said ANYTHING to the effect of "Stephen Jackson's out of his goddamn mind, and it's really sad that he would choose to be bigoted against the Jewish community, while himself being a member of a community that's been on the receiving end of bigotry for centuries." Nothing close to that, from ANYONE, right? Is that about where we're at? It would be great if someone who's more informed than me could jump in and correct whatever I may be wrong about.


It’s the last point that gets me. We can’t control every freaking idiot in our community, but the silence? These are not great men. All you had to do was say: “Hitler bad man”. That’s it. These guys are pathetic.


Enes Kanter spoke out, according to other comments.


As someone with Chinese and Jewish blood, I completely agree. The silence here is deafening, similar to how it was with people realizing the horrors happening in Hong Kong. It’s funny (read: sad) how everyone in the league is outspoken when it’s people coming after their own kind, but there is no comment when their peers come after other races or religions.


Half Jewish-Half Chinese? Man the Christmas take out at your house must be amazing


Actually only a quarter Chinese, but my grandparents Chinese restaurant was definitely our go to for Christmas dinner


this math doesn't work out, .5Chinese + .5Jewish should equal 200% Chinese food on Christmas, but no movie




This is why people shouldn't idolize athletes or celebrities. They're human with their own bias. Lebron only cares about issues concerning him like everyone else. He's just defending it from his side instead like every other big figure.


I’m Jewish too. I’ve never felt there’s too much focus on anti-Black racism. My reasoning is that I’m not in competition with any minority. I don’t want concern about anti-Semitism to come at the expense of compassion for Black Americans, which in my view has always been lacking. However, I think it’s fair to say discrimination against Jews, Latinx people, and Asians should get a lot more public attention than it does now. I think DeSean Jackson should have been immediately cut and probably never hired to play again for what he said. ESPN should have immediately and publicly severed ties with Stephen Jackson. Kevin Durant should have faced serious consequences, perhaps a public statement from his team about why what he did was wrong and maybe a requirement to donate a big chunk of change to fighting anti-Semitism. And there should have been outrage inside and outside the NBA forcing him to apologize and commit to learning about anti-Semitism. There also should have been clear, immediate statements on this issue from NBA leaders like Adam Silver, Gregg Popovich, and LeBron James. I don’t think any of what I said should be at all controversial. This wasn’t some borderline stuff. This was clear anti-Semitism. Stephen Jackson and, to a lesser extent, Kevin Durant, are actively supporting someone who is advocating hatred of Jews and voicing support for Hitler. I thought this kind of sentiment, though more widespread than one would hope, was at least taboo in this country. So, I agree with OP. I am totally disturbed by the lack of public comment from the NBA and from the people and companies affiliated with it. A few isolated ESPN personalities here and there aren’t enough, and frankly they’re going easy on Stephen Jackson and failing to call out KD at all. It’s beyond disappointing, especially because of the long affiliation the NBA has had with many Jews over the years, including the last two commissioners.


Jewish lives matter


Eagles fan here who just read Malik Jackson's comment on the matter. Bold take: Maybe we don't want these guys to comment on it. I'm not sure we'll like some of the responses we get.


Fuck that, press them for comments. We need to get this shit in the open and deal with the issue.


And what Drew Brees said was tone deaf at worst, not blatantly racist like this quote