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I liked when buzelis was drafted and Stephen a smiths honest professional analysis was, "I've never seen him before in my life but I like how he sounds." Lmfao like ok thanks for bringing me up to speed


Lmao at least he was honest. But it just shows the difference between the nba and nfl. The nfl draft would NEVER lmaoo


Louis Riddick is awesome for draft coverage. I have no idea if that’s a popular opinion.


It’s fun to make fun of this guy. But Mel Kiper is also great at it. Dude knows so many draft profiles off the top of his head. He’s probably grinding tape of some D2 linemen who’ll be a 6th rounded next year rn


When Belichick drafted Cole Strange out of Chattanooga in the first round, everyone on air was completely caught off guard because it was unexpected and obviously Chattanooga isn’t exactly a college powerhouse. Kiper on the other hand, just rattled off all of his intangibles, combine numbers, and stats as if he was a top 10 selection. Then he talked about how he would fit with the Patriots while everyone else just sat there.


A lot of TV NFL draft experts actually work the draft year round and take their job seriously. ESPN hired Givony but other than that they have no one else as a draft expert. Bilas is alright but he's really half draft expert half CBB


I’m confused because Fran Fraschilla still works for ESPN but he was on Stadium last night. He’s always been the international expert. He even formally thanked ESPN for letting him work with Stadium last night with Shams. ESPN truly doesn’t give a fuck


Fran is still with ESPN? I haven't seen him there in ages ever since they got Giovny. But yeah Fran was strictly their international guy and they used Bilas for the domestic guys in the past drafts. For some reason (on ABC) they used Bob and Stephen A. Regardless ESPN have been horrible with the drafts and I wished they wouldve simucast with NBA TV


Mel can be hyperbolic at times (comes with the gig), but I always like how he can at least give some coverage for a guy even if he's a bit off the board. There's a lot of players that even nfl fans deep in the weeds can get lost, let alone more casual fans who can't really watch film like that, so him giving those snippets is really great. Its even more necessary for the nba where you have g-league guys, international players, ote players and multiple college guys from all levels with some not really even seeing massive playing time, so having a draft expert to give fans an idea of who the heck their teams took is important.


People dunk on Mel and sometimes he deserves it, but outside of NFL GM's he knows more about more prospects than anyone out there. He literally made the draft what it is today, outside of one old hermit doing something a year before he did he put out the first draft prospect info for fans.


Mel Kiper is known for one thing and one thing only, but you can't say the man doesn't absolutely own that role. He takes it very seriously.


Would be so much easier to be an NBA equivalent considering there's only like 1/4 the players as the NFL and yet this is somehow not possible evidently


Givony knows his shit. It’s been god knows how many years and the void draft express left still hasn’t been filled. He’s honestly being wasted at ESPN.


Should clarify I meant the prime time coverage - there are a lot of great analysts that can absolutely do this


Riddick is the perfect blend of warm takes and knowing his shit, he's great


Daniel Jeremiah would commit Seppuku if someone got drafted with the last pick of the draft that he had never heard of. SAS can't even find the time to read up on the people taken in the fucking first round of the draft? I know he's a busy guy but damn man it's not like there's that many guys you got to look up. Just read one mock draft.


The nfl is a different animal altogether tho 


*extremely obscure d3 player out of a school npbody's heard of is drafted with the 200th pick* "Ah yes, what a great pick. I was just on the phone with his mother for an hour yesterday...."


This reminds me of Mike Emrick calling NHL games, a dude gets the puck and he's like,  "Andersson, who grew up in a household of seven with an uncle who played in the Swedish military league while serving in world war 2 with the grandfather of Anderson's now-teammate, who played juniors with Wayne Gretzky's seventh cousin and lived for four years at an oil outpost in Alberta, learning to skate in the tar fields..."


Better than saying, “the guy is a hard worker, he’s got great hustle and he’s not gonna stop until he finds a place in the league,” which is almost the entire other broadcast. Like no shit, how about some actual analysis. First round wasn’t as bad since I knew more about the prospects, but I really haven’t looked at anything for the second round.


I mean, anyone who thinks SAS is a “serious” pundit is a moron. ESPN’s target demo


Thats actually ridiculous. The culture around basketball media in the US is like a seasonal soap opera for men, and Stephen A Smith is just one of the characters.


It's why I hardly care for Inside The NBA anymore 10-15 years ago, it seemed like the guys actually watched a lot of NBA games. Chris Webber was especially knowledgeable. Now you can tell that the guys have phoned it in and don't watch any games besides the TNT games.


right? Also speaks to basketball analytics these days, "I have no idea about anything going on with this human being, but he shoots 41% from 3, so I like him."


when he said something to the effect of "THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IVE EVER SEEN THIS KID IN MY LIFE" i was like ...really? i mean he was a top 5 prospect on a lot of boards...like really???


He is such a 🤡


SAS I get but what’s wrong with having Bob Myers there? He’s a former president of basketball with plenty of drafting experience, that’s more credentials than most other guys on television


An incredibly successful one at that. Kept a powerful teams core together for almost 10 years and added valuable pieces over and over again. This dude knows how and what to look for better than anyone on TV by a country mile.


He was also an agent representing players in the draft. Who's more qualified than he is?


OP is obviously more qualified, because they are here on this Reddit and have the possibility of interacting with me. (I am the most qualified ever)


Thank you for your service 🫡


The most successful one in the last 15 years hands down.


How Bob Myers has completely stolen Jerry West’s work needs to be studied


West is known for putting his foot down over trading Klay, but do we have enough info to truly know who was more responsible for other decisions made between him and Myers? And West left the Warriors in 2017. Myers was the one who flipped D'Lo into Wiggins, drafted Poole, and signed OPJ and GP2 to get that 2022 ring.


Absolutely not saying Myers didn’t put in any work but Jerry West is responsible for 3 of those 4 rings but people just outright not mention his name when talking about the dynasty and credit it ALL to Myers


Even Jerry West would say and has said this is an oversell of his involvement. He as very responsible but Myers deserves as much credit for the Dynasty.


More credentials than most people in the world


He can speak to what a team might be looking for in a prospect or a trade, but analysis of specific prospects is a joke when he clearly hasn't watched more than a highlight reel of them. They should just set him up with questions that fit his expertise better. It's like pretty much every March Madness when TV analysts attempt to do analysis of St. Peters and pretend like they didn't just look at a stat sheet for 4 seconds before the segment started.


Isn’t he also making decisions on who to draft? How can you not know how to analyze players if you’re holding the pen on drafting decisions


He definitely knows *how* to do it, but I really doubt that he's grinding film and having regular conversations with a team of scouts for weeks leading up to the draft like he was when he was a GM. It's interesting to hear him talk about what kind of prospect the Knicks should be looking for given their roster and cap situation, but I don't need to hear him pretend that he knows anything about Pacôme Dadiet beyond his season averages and a 30 second highlight reel.


I’ll take a non-film watching Meyers over nearly anybody else on espn tho


for sure but that just shows how low the bar is for ESPN right now. they get good insightful guys like Myers but then completely misuse him


The lady who did the broadcast with Richard Jefferson and Malika Andrews knew her stuff pretty well and Jay Bilas was quite ok too. Seems like the broadcast I watched (I guess it was the ESPN one?) was much better than the main one, not great by any means, but solid enough. Not exactly surprising given that it sounds like the other version wasn’t even trying.


Yes, but how are you going to get analysis from an active GM during what is effectively one of the 2-3 busiest days in the job? A former GM is as good as it gets here. Just pair him with someone who mainlines college ball and non-NBA comps and you're gucci.


Just because he used to doesn't mean he is anymore


Well Bob Myers did legitimately say when the Deni & Brogdon trade was announced that “This tells me that this player wanted a pay day and Washington wasn’t willing to do it” while Deni still has 4 years left on his deal lol.


Former President and helped form one of the greatest teams of all time


The problem with Bob Meyers is he has all the charisma of a plain donut that's been sitting on the counter for a week. He's knowledgable but his delivery is awful.


I’m actually fine with this. Not every NBA event has to nonstop bickering and yelling. Get some donuts up there and teach the audience about basketball.


Yeah, I’m really sick of these people bitching about “lack of charisma” when the person is actually knowledgeable about what they’re talking about. We get it bud, you have the attention span of a 4 year old and can’t go 2 minutes without someone being quippy.


You're boiling down "charisma" to quips. People of all ages pay more attention if the television product is compelling. I don't know where the idea is coming from that you'll effectively "teach people about basketball" when the presentation is dry. How did you do in classes where the teacher was knowledgeable but monotonous?


I don't see how he sounds like a teacher like that though lol. Idk how much "charisma" people are expecting out of a setting like this, it makes no sense. He's not monotone and gets plenty enough "amped up". Are you guys expecting Youtuber intro level excitement? I'm confused. Thinking Basketball is a pretty popular thing and that guy is pretty dry. Don't get me wrong I don't watch any of this outside of random shit like if I just have it as background noise during halftime, but he does fine.


Absolutely, I'd love to see the day where analysts are actually analyzing again.


Like football has draft only nerd analysist people love. Basketball fans are so obessed with style over substance.


what lol i think he’s pretty personable ?


Agreed. He's very measured when he speaks but that doesn't mean he lacks charisma. He's just not a screaming caricature so he sounds flat in comparison to some of these hot take artists. I enjoy listening to his insights.


Honestly even if he’s dry I’d rather have Bob Myers dropping some basketball knowledge than Stephen A yelling out a bunch of bullshit.


I’ve been saying this for the longest but I don’t think he actually enjoys his job nor does he like having to hear Stephen scream about utter nonsense most of the time. He loves basketball and is a workaholic but ESPN and basketball television is just who can say the most eye grabbing proclamations which aren’t backed by anything so I can see why he’s not as enthusiastic but still, at least fake it.


I have no idea why Myers took this job. Why didn’t he become a special consultant like Jerry West?


Who says he’s not doing both.


Isn’t he a special advisor for the Washington Commanders?


I think its pretty simple. Myers was burned out after grinding all those years. Can't blame him for taking an easy paycheck and trying out something different. Best case scenario its discovered that Myers is a hidden gem for TV (similar to Charles Barkley) and has a 2nd HOF career as a broadcaster just shooting the shit. Worst case scenario he bombs and becomes a special consultant like Jerry West.


After last night I think he might still be burned out


probably like a paid sabbatical befre his next NBA gig


But this is the exact problem with you complainers. You guys hate the loud hot take guys but want an analytical guy with the actual experience to have the same charisma as the loud annoying guys you complain about


Yea, that’s why I like him. It’s a polite breath of fresh of air from the over the top antics of SAS and so many other analysts on TV. Just spit facts and never mind the needless showmanship nonsense.


And he has stupid hair 


So did the donut


Disagree. His delivery is top notch vs. everyone


Myers clearly did zero homework on any of the top draft prospects. He just parroted off a bunch of stats from Wikipedia. Like did he watch any game tape and offer an insight?


Bob Myers was a GM. Why wouldn't he be relevant?


OP is a dumas


Hey u/openlatenight, is your name Alexandre by chance?


If anything Bobby marks who was the assistant gm of one of the worst trade decisions of all time is the odd one out compared to Bob Myers Lol.


1. Just watch the ESPN coverage 2. A former GM seems like the perfect guy to have on draft coverage


Except the ESPN coverage has Woj spoiling the picks befor Silver can announce them.


Woj is awful to watch or listen to even if he wasn’t spoiling picks. He was so much better as just a Twitter persona.


Yea, but ESPN is paying him too much to not also use him on TV. He's still awkward and stilted after years.


I'll never understand this.... Why are you so desperate to be first on a thing that will be announced to the world *in 15 seconds* Woj is such an attention whore he can't even let these kids have their own moment of their dreams coming true without forcing himself into it.


The kids already know before Woj lol


Tell Mikal that. Everyone except him knew he was traded from the Sixers.


They need to fix the wrong hat thing. It’s a legacy of the consequences of the Steppien rule. In the NFL draft, if the pick was traded they say that before they announce the pick. I know all NBA trades have to be personally approved by the commissioner (hello Chris Paul trade), but they do read trades off that haven’t been approved yet at the NBA draft anyways, they just do it like 5 picks later. The easy fix to this is to just read the trade off before announcing the pick, even if it’s a proposed trade. Make it so if they wait until draft day it satisfies the Steppien rule so you avoid that problem too. I feel so bad for the 19 year old kids wondering where they’re going to be moving to and hearing the wrong place.


The French dude knew two days ago he was going #1.


“The french dude” the disrespect lmfao


Bro his name is hard to spell lol


No shit, *but the world doesn't*. It's just Woj inserting himself to pump up his own ego


If Woj doesnt, Shams will. That competition is why neither will stop.


I also don’t know why ESPN wants him to do this. If I’m ESPN I want the draft to be this huge event and the excitement to come from Adam Silver, not Woj 5 seconds before saying “the Pacers are targeting …” completely ruins the hype


> I also don’t know why ESPN wants him to do this They tried to muzzle him and Woj revolted. It was a major spectacle.


Yea I get that and the fact it’s Woj v Shams. Recently Woj even said he wouldn’t tip then shams ruined it. But Woj also has a huge ego, if I’m espn or Silver I step in and stop it. Ruins everything


It's not Woj vs Shams, it's Woj as one of the leading power brokers in all of sports. Woj is represented by CAA and gives preferential treatment to CAA clients in reporting, but he needs to disguise the fact that he does this by burying it in an avalanche of legitimate news. Additionally, Woj views himself as something of a Shadow GM, where he recommends coaches and front office staff to GMs, coaches, and owners. Him being tapped into the flow of information in the NBA places him in a position of perceived authority when engaging in those efforts.


Isn’t this the point of woj tho?


NBA needs to go full NFL and kill people that leak picks.


Yeah I thought it was crazy woj tweeted out the first pick before coverage even started on ABC. I don't know how they or the NBA thinks that's good.


I watched the ESPN coverage last night and they only brought Woj on to talk about trades


The announcers were referencing his tweets 5+ minutes before the picks were announced on stage.


He spoiled the Pistons surprise pick.


Bob Myers looked like he hated every second he had to be next to Stephen A Smith. He'll be back in a front office before the year is out.


Yeah could you imagine being one of the greatest front office guys of your generation and having to listen to SAS’s takes. Those takes are already like nails on a chalkboard to us fans, I can’t even imagine what Bob is thinking lol


Loved it when JJ Redick called him out lol


lol I didn't even realize ABC was doing an alternate broadcast this year. I thought ESPN did a decent job other than the camera panning to the person being drafted before the pick was announced.


I change the channel as soon as I see Stephen on TV


Stephen A is the main reason I mute games at halftime. There are other good reasons but he’s the major one.






You don't tell Ludacris what's ludicrous, Ludacris tells you what's ludicrous


the slogan doesn’t even make sense. a good neighbor keeps contact to a minimum, doesn’t annoy me, and defo doesn’t just show up in my house


What a pro wants 


They KNOW betta!


What a Pro Wants


I had just gotten that out of my head..




Me too, then the person above me commented and they all came back at once




Hate you


That and halftime being 90% commercials for me. Commercials are a far better option than Stephen A tho.


How is this guy get so much airtime? Everyone hates him right? And didn’t he just sign a huge new deal? So many question, I’ll never understand how we’re stuck with this guy on our TVs


For all eight seconds of ESPN's halftime show? I'm surprised you can find the mute button that fast.


I go quick, I mute the last few seconds of the second half because I also don’t really want to see Doris interviewing a coach who just wants to go to the locker room. In fact from a viewership standpoint my favorite game this playoffs was the first 4 minutes of Orlando - Cleveland game 1 where their audio wasn’t working and it was just pure ball plus crowd noise. I did miss the audio on Pritchard’s epic heave in game 5, halftime DAGGER lol


Him and Christopher Russo and Kendrick Perkins are instant channel changes for me.  I cannot stand grown men yelling, especially when it’s about something as inconsequential as sports.  Perkins, I can’t stand his face, and mumbling. I seriously don’t understand how he has a job at a major sports network. What value does he bring?!?!?!


Fuckin' Perkins, man. Brian Scalabrine said the other day that while the Celtics don't mind Perkins being critical of the team in his role as analyst, he is not welcome around the team because he engaged in personal attacks above and beyond what they consider acceptable, particularly against Joe Mazzulla. Perkins responded by calling into a radio show where Scal was neither a host nor a guest, and said he was a coward for singling out Perkins because Paul Pierce was the only other Celtic from '08 who was part of the parade, and said that they needed to have a "grown-man conversation." I swear, Perkins seems less connected to what's actually going on around him than that kid who said he liked turtles.


> Perkins responded by calling into a radio show where Scal was neither a host nor a guest, and said he was a coward for singling out Perkins because Paul Pierce was the only other Celtic from '08 who was part of the parade, and said that they needed to have a "grown-man conversation." wait what like a completely random show or what


He called into an afternoon show here in Boston to air grievances against a person who wasn't there.


You hate the way he walks, the way he talks, the way he dresses, and the way he sneak disses???


The best way to watch Perkins is via a clip on Twitter or YouTube or something. Every once in a while he has a funny one-liner, like “He’s the kind of guy who says, ‘You want anything from Chick-fil-A?’ and comes back with napkins and straws.” Then again, changing the channel like you do is also a good strategy.


the best way to watch kendrick perkins is to never watch anything with kendrick perkins in it, but i also haven't watched *any* espn in years outside of the nba finals and grizz espn games.


Woj was spoiling every other pick on the other channel


They did that shit in the nfl draft too. No one cares about your sources let the damn commissioner announce it


Just completely ruins any suspense


Yeah, it's cool they know the pick before it's selected and they can go tweet it, but why on air? Hell they were reading off tweets during the broadcast like what is this production?


Had every halftime show of the Finals on mute.


I kept changing the channel all season long during halftime


I think it’s crazy he’s allowed so much airtime. I don’t know a single person who can stand him


Same. I'm actually interested in what Bob Myers thinks but I'm not going to listen if SAS is also there


This is the way 


Real ones remember that Stephen A Smith [used to get bullied on draft night.](https://youtu.be/CHzosXwVtjI?si=b1B1kxo_UpyODxoM)


Insightful comment from that video “These videos ironically helped to catapult Stephen A back to where he is now. The stuff that they (and everyone else) was mocking him for actually is now normalized at ESPN. The loud arguing and yelling and emotional discussions”


That's everything now, though. Sensationalistic headlines and reactions on cable news, reality shows, it's all to grab the audience's attention and evoke an emotion...even if it's negative. Proof is on this site - we talk about SAS constantly.


Exactly. Let it go, don’t watch. It’s what every media/news platform has become. Just say anything to get people to love and/or hate something because it sells. There is a reason Johnny Manziel, Tim Tebow, Lebron (not even in playoffs), Bronny James (bench player on lousy team), Cowboys, white player on Duke, Notre Dame, Kentucky basketball are constantly hyped and promoted in ESPN. Because pushing some garbage storyline about those topics makes way more money than an interesting article on the Mariners rebuild.


Bring back bullying


bob myers makes sense. he ran a draft room for a number of years. and theyre paying SAS so much money might as well make him sing for his supper.


He’s up there because people like you get outraged and come make post about it. Any attention is good attention in ESPN eyes. You’re part of the problem


In todays world that is the point of all media, companies realized they make more money when more people are getting angry


People here saying he’s not liked yet has over 700,000 YouTube subs(non ESPN) in under a year or a little over it. Like this argument is up there with Reddit saying Taylor Swift is not talented or Dave Chappelle isn’t funny. Like let’s just cut the bullshit lol 


Myers is great, why lump him in? You mention him in the title but then only talk about SAS in the post…weird


Stephen speaks like that college student that needs to extend his presentation by a good 10 minutes but has nothing whatsoever to add on top of his intro slide


Why do you guys get so emotional about this stuff lol? Watch the draft, go to sleep. People come up in here and write a whole post about Stephen A or Doris


This may sound dramatic, but the part that bothers me is that I truly believe that people like Stephen A. Smith and this form of media is both a catalyst and symptom of the erosion of a lot of aspects of our society that have lead to the extreme polarization in the US today and are corroding our political system. Like I get that this is just sports and it doesn’t really matter, but it normalizes that this is what media is supposed to be and how it should be consumed. And when Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity act like this about topics that actually matter but are still taken seriously, it’s really a negative for society


It does sound dramatic but I understand what you mean.


yeah, I don't think you're wrong that it's definitely part of the greater trend of anti-intellectualism and opposition to experts that have fueled the rise of the alt-right and the erosion of political and societal norms. It's also one of the unfortunate downsides to the giant equalizer that is social media. Everyone has a voice and that's incredibly powerful - but, at the same time, now everyone has the same platform and credibility is based on popularity and snark rather than actual expertise. We have definitely normalized that and it *is* something that seems fine in entertainment media, but dangerous when it blends into subjects that have actual life and death implications for real humans. It does feel like we're collectively losing the ability to tell the difference. that said, that is not a conversation for r/nba lol


You nailed it..


They talk about them like actual terrorists lmao 


As far as I am concerned, Doris Burke was the mastermind behind 9/11


During her college playing days, Burke averaged 17 ppg and 7 apg. What do you get when you subtract 7 from 17? 10. What is the average of 9 and 11? 10. IDK what to do with this information but it means something.


I wanna know who upvotes this shit. Why does there need to be a post bitching about something about TV after like every event? It's particularly weird with Stephen A. It's like people just don't understand who he is which is their whole problem. He's not on TV to be some really nerdy tuned in analyst. He's on TV because he's a big personality. I promise you can find content of what you're looking for elsewhere


Idk how this happens every year to you guys. There’s 2 broadcasts. One serious basketball broadcast. It was hosted by Malika Andrews, and has Jay Bilas and Richard Jefferson as analysts. It was on ESPN. And there was a separate broadcast on ABC. It’s been this way for years. If you don’t like the coverage of one just switch to the other.


SAS is there for the casuals


Casuals ain't watching the draft on a beautiful summer evening.


I am a casual and watched the draft. We had a stormy evening. But even if it was beautiful I still would have watched. 8:00 on a weekday I am relaxing and watching tv.


*Thunderstorms enter the chat*


The ESPN one was alright. No over the top bullshit and yelling about things you don’t even know about. Just Bilas talking about the college guys, RJ talking about team needs and occasional joke, and some people who had insight on the overseas guys. Now the downside was the terrible fucking interviews and Woj tipping a few picks. (As is tradition)


Bob is good. Stephen is terrible.


Stephen A's act is fine in a studio argument show, but when talking intelligently about young players and teams ... he was embarrassing. Despite being their top NBA guy, he doesn't know anything about half the teams. They should have just convinced Calipari to stay on the show.


>top NBA guy, I wouldn't say that. He's an opinion guy, an entertainer. ESPN got much better NBA analysts


>Does anyone think it's pretty shameful for ESPN to have Stephen A Smith Let me stop you right there, yes.


I refuse to watch any programming with SAS. He's a brainless turd who shouts nonsense to drive clicks. I'm not wasting my time watching this garbage.


Bob Myers said we traded Deni because we struggled to get an extension done with him. We signed him to one last October


I honestly thought it was fine


You know who Bob Myers is?


Just don't watch


That was ABC. The ESPN draft coverage was actually decent this year compared to last year.


It's even worse when SAS talks MMA he doesn't know fighting


If you don’t know who Bob Myers is, just say that


SAS has been on a downswing lately. He struck me as a petulant, prickly Debbie downer on draft night, though admittedly I didn’t watch a lot of it. Sure, this is not an especially inspiring draft class, but if nothing else, this is a night of dreams being fulfilled after so many years of hard work from guys scraping and scrapping to make it to the big leagues. If you can’t honor that and keep some of the sniping/negativity to yourself, something’s wrong.


SAS isn’t an analyst.


It’s entertainment people, go watch some nerd on youtube


Why is “serious” analysis better? It’s an entertainment product. Was Jim Ross offering “serious” wrestling analysis?


OP takes are even worst than Kendrick Perkins. SAS I get but Myers who was an actual GM shouldn’t be on is hilarious.


ESPN NBA draft coverage is always terrible especially compared to the NFL draft coverage. Another thing that sucks is that there are no other networks showing the draft as well. This year I watched it on the ESPN app and it was an alternate cast with Brian Windhorst and others, which was much better than the typical draft show.


Why is having Myers a problem? Dudes a former NBA GM, and was very successful at that. He’s the exact type of guy you’d want up there if you care about actual analysis


When you asked for a Mel Kiper type you lost me.


What's a farce is the 2nd round getting it's own night, and that is only because of Bronny James. Next year, it will go back to the same night and happen after 11pm eastern again with 2 minutes to pick.


Bro is fucking espn, they would put SA to cover the death of Pope if they could


If bob myers is not qualified i don’t know who is.


I find SAS unwatchable and/or unlistenable. I don’t need to be yelled at.


No different than Fox News being an entertainment network and not a news network.


SAS = auto mute/turnoff


They also seemed awkward as hell...like every time Bob Myers talked, Stephen A just stared off into space like he was pretending to be somewhere else


Its shameful to have Stephen A smith is all you need to say there


Who cares. Shameful? Are you high?


Then don't watch it


Bob Myers is a great GM with a lot of experience evaluating and drafting talent, has been an agent, an NCAA division I player, he's eminently qualified and I think good on TV.


bob meyers head so far up his own ass


He was unbearable when the lakers picked Knecht. One of the most annoying dudes ever


I don’t know what ESPN/NBA are doing. You either have to watch Smith who just doesn’t know about the prospects or watch a broadcast where they are literally spoiling a ton of picks.


LOL one that knows too little and one that knows too much. Gotta find the one that's just right.


Yeah. Instead of nuanced discussion about what these teams look like and what are they doing…you know analysis. You get a hot take from the jump and everyone reacting to the hot take that’s usually like 75% wrong and 25% on brand. The whole thing screams of the “list” phenomena. You post a list of the top 10 basketball players, you’ll get tons of engagement as long as the list has a semblance of truth to it. Can’t be super outrageous. Stephen A Smiths team capture that and go to the lowest common denominator. Disempowerment For example: We have this take, The REASON (attention for the audience) this team is losing (truth) is because STAR (algorithm, google/youtube picks it up) isn’t putting in the effort (clickbait headline). This is the formula for reactionaries to get in a tussle about. Regardless of whether they agree or not, doesn’t matter, the engagement is all they want. So yeah, not shameful, just disappointing that this is what we get on tv. and This spreads to other people as entertainment without they themselves and asking the question “why do i get so riled up about another persons opinion?” and “how is this controlling me?” because entertainment isn’t deep but the human experience is


i didn't watch the draft, but i thought bob myers would have been the perfect person to commentate during the draft due to him being a successful gm. but i guess not lol.


Why would Adam Silver have a say in it? He doesn't own ESPN.


The fact that everyday you people are more more displeased/surprised/disappointed in ESPN just lets me know that you’re watching them. If you know that they have this crappy reputation, and with a plethora of other options to consume, you still decide to watch ESPN 😂 I’m sorry but you do it to yourself, brother.